West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Aug 1933, p. 1

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0001 F ~ ~ ~ A Weekly Newspaper Circular pfgin Jhc D)'Jtricf of West Vancouver-- Anyblcsidc, Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundaravc $ 1.00 per year. CyPress Park, Caulfeild, Why/co/off, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstsnvh. 'HJ ! A / Vol. VIII ~ HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th. I933 No. 15 lew PEP rih ~WE, Ri, E 4 Rw. iVE t -"16'i AMBLESIDE BEACH p ~ In the eight years and over during which this publica- tion has been West Vancouver's own home newspaper we have repeatedly written editorials advocating the clearing of our beaches. We pointed out that such clearing would in- evitably result in largely increased traffie for our ferries st just those times when they were comparatively empty; that city pleasure seekers would travel in the boats coming back from Vancouver in the morning snd would return in I the boats going over in the late afternoon and evening to bring our residents home from their day's work. The clear- ing of Ambleside Beach was started by last year's reeve and council, who are in office this year, and further work was done in the last few months. The present hot spell has been our first touch of real summer weather, and already our prophecy is coming true. s The ferry records are now showing a perceptible increase in traffic at the periods of the day we mentioned due to city folk coming over to Ambleside Beach. And natursfly as the rip ( b ach becomes better known their numbers will largely in-eac E2 crease. kEE 4 The reeve and council are to be congratulated on theirinitiative in this matter. It is to be hoped that eventually the whole of Ambleside Beach will be cleared, and also that Alt. the work will be extended to include sections of beach in C(El. other parts of the municipality. Not only is the actual outlay small, but there is now tangible proof that therein lies a solu- tion of eventually making our ferries pay not only operating but capital and depreciation charges. ~m + ANNOIINCEMENT WEI.FARE NOTES Ei GVE. The first Annual Dance of the The Executive of the Associ- W.V.A.A.A. will be held on Sep ation meets tonight in the Or- tember 1st, 1933, in the Orang ange Hafl basement. Hafl, st rting at 9 pm h A donation of five dollars is Entertainmen o ~ ratefufiy acknowledged. to notify afl their old friends 8 who so loyally supported them The distributors request more last season to rally round on this food for the Saturday distribu- mcasian snd give the seasan's (iona. There ls very litOe else iirst dance a real send off. but oatmeal in the stores just EIIE The price of admission is well d f 25c th ommit- now, and the boxes in the stores worth it and for 2 e commi- tee guarantee ypu a real even- remain woefully empty. Just a ing's enjoymen .oyment. small package of something use- A notice relative to this will ful dropped inta the neighbor- be inserted later in the sdvertis- hood store Welfare Box would ingcolumn of this paper. Watch help so much or a few coppers dropped into the milk bottles might help to get a pair of sllaes »VEEN VANCOUVER repaired. Certainly if the money BOARD OF HFALTH and food is not sent in it cannot be distributed. The public is re- minded that not one cent is paid In connection mth the rePort t for service at the hall. AU of the watershed Pstrofler's let- do tions go straight to the de- li- ter it was decided that: partment for which they are Ritz 1. The clerk be directed to forward a letter of appreciation o the writer and state that the There are still the faithful few commissioners will give him who support the work to the every support in keeping the best of their ability, and un- wstersheds free from contamin- fortunately there are those who ation, and also, that it is their think the depression is lasting desire that the greatest care be taa Iong. These latter are re- taken to prevent afl those who minded that it is also lasting too have not the necessary quali- long for the depressed, fications and who do not conform to the regulations being kept TENNIS TOURNARIENT away from the Eagle Lake ares. OPEN TO NORTH SHORE 'They would also request that during the week ends of the Attention of afl North Shore present month he would remain tennis players is drawn to the in the vicinity of Eagle Lake announcement by the West Van- with a view to insure the regu- couver Tennis Club of its First lations being adhered to. Annual Tournament open to RU 2. Dr. Nash to be requested to residents of the North Shore, to furnish the secretary of the be played at the Club's courts commission with a record of the st 21st Street and Fulton Ave-permits he may give to persons nue, West Vancouver, commenc- desiring to enter the wstersheil ing Monday, August 21st. AU areas. entries must be in by Saturday, 8. The suggesiion that a "No August 19th. For further par- Swimming" notice be set up is ticularspleasecommunicatewith hereby approved. Mr. Jerry Grisedale, West 434, or Ifliss D. Giflhsm, West 326L, SOFTBALI. or North Vancouver residents r msy telephone Mr. George The following girls are asked Henderson st North 103GL. ta turn out on Saturday evening All first round matches must)»', 'ugust 19th, at 6 p.m. for an be played by not later than exhibition game with the I.X.L. hionday, August 28th. Laundry team from Vancouver. Game starts at 6:15 p.m. sharp: HOI.LYBURN 'HAI.I. Margaret Currie, Edith White, Grace Russell, Kay Simpson, Mr. James Gibson will give s May Cripps, I'lorence Grscey, gospel address at the 7i.80 p.m. ~ . ~ Mililred Lettner, Aflson Beatty, ~ervice next Sunday evening in . Virginia Gsmage, Ixnns Simp- Hoflyburn Hall, taking as his san. Joey Thomson, Janet Thorn- subject, "Eternal Riches." ' son. Madeline Cross, June cordial welcome to afl snd hearty Wright snd May Armstrong. singing. No Collection taken. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. The West Vancouver Horti- cultural Association will hold the 4th of a series of parlor shows in the Dundsrave Hall, Thursday, August 17th, at 8 p.m. The feature of this show will be an exhibit of dshlias, gladiolas, annuals, and border flowers, Mr. McTaggart Cowsn will judge the flowers, giving reasons for the awards, and will make s special address on the culture of dahlias and gladiolas. West Vancouver, under the auspices of the Horticultural Society, have decided to make a floral entry in the Canadian Pacific Exhibition, representa- tive of a variety of flowers for which West Vancouver is well- known. A special appeal is made to afl those who may be interest- ed in contributing to this entry, to attend the parlor show, when committees will be struck for completing arrangements for ob- taining contributions to the Ex- hibit. Reeve Leyland has been re- quested to speak on this behalf at the meeting. H. S. 1YOOD, ES(L, K.C., I.IBERAL CANDIDATE It will be recalled that at the Liberal Convention held in the K.P. Hall, North Vancouver, B.C., on July 26th, last, Mr. H. S. Wood, K.C., of West Vancou- ver, was nominated ss the Lib- eral Candidate. At the same time another meeting was held under the Chairmanship of My. Thomas Mills, which endorsed Mr. J. hL Bryan, who hsd already an- nounced that he would contest the seat as sn Independent can- didate. Efforts made by Mr. Bryan to obtain recognition from The Hon. T. D. Pattuflo, the Liberaj Leader, have not been successful as would appear from Mr, Pat- tuflo's reply to Mr. Mills, which is as follows: August 16th, 1933. iMr Thomas Mills North Vancouver, B.C. Dear Sir:-- I am in receipt of your letter of July 81st, in which you set out your objections to the pro- ceedings of the Liberal Nomin- ating Convention held in North Vancouver on July 26th last. I note that you maintain that the Convention purporting to have been held by you was the only properly constituted con- vention. I am afraid that I am unable to see wherein you have established the constitutionality of your meeting. It is very difficult for one not on the ground to grasp fully the many matters of local consider- ation, but it does seem to me the duty of the members of the party to adjust their differences prior to the holding of a convention, and further, it is the duty of all Liberals in North Vancouver to see to it that the seat is not lost to the Liberal cause. I am sending a copy of this letter to the Secretary af the North Vancouver District Liber- al Association. Yours faithfufly, "T. D. PATTULLO" There will be a Girls'xhibi- tion Softball game on Saturday evening, August 19th, 1983, st G:15 p.m. between a )Vest Van- couver AU Star team and the I.X.L. Laundry team from Van- couver. This will be a game worth watching, so everybody turn aut. CAVADA PACIFIC EX HIBITIOAN Everything is ready for the mammoth Canada Pscific Exhi- bition which will be held st the Exhibition Grounds. Vancouver, from August 80 to September 6. Every building will be fifled with magaificent exhibits and both in the competitive and nonwom- petitive sections there sre hun- dreds of entirely new exhibits which wifl be found most attrac- tive during the Exhibition. There will be seven days of horse racing snd in the evening many free functions will be held. The midway is a new one, with wonderful games for splendid prizes. The advance sale of tic- kets is now on, s combination ticket for grounds and grand stand being available for less than the ordinary price, with the added incentive of participation in the award of handsome prizes. These consist of a trip to Europe worth $1500 cash; a new ckxied automobile worth $1200: and a trip to the world's fair at Chicago worth $500. Tickets are being sold ever)mhere in the province or csn be obtained from the ticket sales office, 545 Georgia Street West Vancouver Rail and steamship fares have been specially reduc»RL WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB TOURNA31ENT The semi-finals of the West Vancouver Tennis Club Annual Tournament will be played at the Club Courts, 21st snd Ful- ton Avenue, West Vancouver, as follows. Mixed Doubles, semi-finsls- Miss D. Giflham and Ken. Stauf- fer vs. Miss P. Leckie and Geof. Cornish, Wednesday at 5 p.m. Ladies Singles, semi-finals-- Miss D. Giflham vs. Miss E. Brine; Friday at 6 p.m.. Mrs. MacNeil vs. Miss G. Woolgar or hfrs. Bainbridge; Thursday at 6 p.m. Mixed Doubles, Semi-finals-- hfiss G. Woolgar and Jerry Grisedsle vs. hfrs. MacNeil and Jim Cornish. Men's Doubles, Semi-finals-- L. Brofiks and Jerry Grisedale vs. CoL Tristram snd Terry Crickmay; Saturday at 1330. Men's Singles, Finals -- Ken. Stsuffer vs. Geof. Corqish; Sat- urday at 4:00. Ladies Singles -- Saturday at 2:30. Ladies'oubles -- hiiss Elea- nor Brine and hfiss P. Leckie vs. hfiss P. Clifford and Mrs. Mac- Neil; Saturday at 6300. Men's Doubles -- iMr. IYm. Durrand snd Ken. Stauffer vs. Brooks and Grisedsle or Tris- tram and Crickmay; Sunday at 8:30. Mixed Doubles, Finals will be played either Sunday afternoon or Saturday afternoon. An invitation is extended to the public to watch these match- es. SWlhlhILVG CLUB NEWS The W.V.A.S.C. has received invitations to participate in twa galas over the next week-end. AU members are invited to Bowen Island on Saturday, Aug. 19th, for the open gala there. A special invitation has been re- ceived from Bremerton. Wash- ington, ta send a team down there on Sunday, August 20th. A team for the Bremerton gala wifl be picked from the names appearing here. AU members wishing to make either trip please attend a meeting at Dun- darave Pier on Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. Transportation for both events is being arranged. Invitation Swimming Gala aL Kitsup Lake, Bremerton, 3Yash. 3 Bremerton program Junior Boys under 1Gi 50 yds. freestyle, 100 yds. freestyle, 220 yards freestyle. 50 yards back- stroke, 60 yds. Bmaststroke, 200 yards, relay (4), Diving 10 ft. board--Jim Brown, Don Sher- man, Tom Robson, Ken Douet. Harry Turney, Jim Love. Juniar Girls under 163 50 yds. freestyle, 100 yards freestyle. 220 yards freestyle, 60 yards backnroke, 50 verde breast- stroke. 220 yards te)ay (4), div- ing 10 foot board--hiary Frank- lin, Peg. Anderson, hlary Rivers, Lucille Currie his) Armstrong Senior Boys and Girls: 50 yards freestvle 100 yards free- style, 200 yards relay (4). 600 ards open--Senior ('iris, Edith Y hite. NE1V MACHINE FOR FIR STUhll'ING A new machine has rwU~II) been made available for burning out fir stumps by air pressure. It has many advantages. AU danger of fire, premature ex- plosion. and of injury or damage from flying pieces of wood or rock is entirely eliniinated, and in addition it is less expensive. A number of stumps are now be- ing burnt out by the u»e af this machine at 20th and Jefferson Avenue. Full particulars and prices of work can be obtained by phoning West J1 or in the evemngs W est 204k. W EST VANCOL VER'S FLORAl. EXHIBIT As mentioned in our last issue West Vancouver will make s floral entry in the Canadian Pacific Exhibition, which is be- ing heid at Hastings Park from August 30th to September 6th. The judging wlfl take pace at 11 o'lock on the morning of Wednesday, August 80th. The Exhibit will have s space of 125 square feet, and in order that it may be a credit to the Municipality, every citizen who is proud of his flower garden, is asked to make a contribution. The four prizes amount to $100 $60, $30, and $20. Gold, silver, and bronze medals accompany the first three respectively. The total points will be 200--100 for quality, 40 for variety, and 60 for arrangement. The local Association has list- ed the following flowers, whish the citizens sre asked to contrib- ute: Stocks of afl colors, Penstem- ens, Zinnias, Marigolds (French or African), Phlox, Godetia, Liliums (sfl varieties), Clarkia, Carnstions, Phlox (perennial), Delphiniums, Fancy Pansies, Violas, Hydrangeas, Hoflyhocks, Asters (aU colors), Dahlias (all colors and varieties), Gladiolas (all colors and varieties), Roses, Sv.eet Peas (afl colors), Antir- hinums, Chrysanthemums, Sal- piglosos, Garde'n Flowers '(an- 'uals),Biennials and cut border flowers, Nasturtium, Salvia, Water Liflies. More particulars will be given in the next issue as to the build- ing in West Vancouver where the ilowers should be sent on Tuesday, August 29th,and as this is a matter af civic pride snd comes at a time when West Vancouver is celebrating its 21st Anniversary, a special request is made that afl flower lovers will do their share by contributing. * E A ' E 'N V N