0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 10, 1938. s,v c r vvr P~ ) '~ sWI s'ss ~9 c%rI /wurstt wcrr r mr re( ~rt Fr rtrrrrr ' 'm r «rrrrrr~v 'rrrvr r' rr r rrcvr -' vrc«vrrrrrrrrrrr rrv ~ rrrrrr. "vrr vr ~V vr. rrr Phone West 469 Phone YVest 46 Smith 's Grocery Special 19C Sale AUC. lith snd 12th MAV()NNAISE, 14s( Fssds, 8 ss. 19c kcd 4) )Vhnc VRGIVVARI,E SOUP 2 Uns 19c SHORTENING, Swifi's Cresses( .. 2 lbs. 19c I'UFFED \VBEAT with bucker h(uusc Mssk....z pkia U)c RICE KRIS('IBS wkh Chndtcs's Rhyme a Csisc Bssk...z pk(a 19c SALT, Shaker, (edited ....2 1st 19c kcd a White MATCHES, 400s .........2 pk(a ) 9c Rcd a Vihi(c TOIL(,V PAPFR Large rolls......,. 2 tsks 19c Red a (Vhut Si'AGHSTTI with cheese ssd Tomato Sauce, 2 tins Isc SLICED PIN EAPPLB Ns. 2 Us ............. 2 tins 1$c CiiCSBED I I)ikAPPILE" Ns. 2 Us... 2 tins uk CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, Unsweet- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RELISH Si'READ nc I Feeds . S m. 1st i Rcd a While BAKING I'OWDER )'I ss. Un......... 19c PASTRY FLOUR..........5 kx sack 1st qUBEN OLIVES. Lstgc 20 sx 1st ..... 194 PILANL"f BU1TEk Uscfs) glass 1st........... 19c %RISKS, cess)st 26c siss........ 19c GRABA)1 %AFERS, Chtisus's I ns ssckci .......„..... 19c SHELLED %ALNUTS. %hue Meat......H) lb. 1st Sl'Rt'P, ksgcts'olden .2 ks Us Isc BAKED HA!u, wiib dtwmisg, ks ................... 19c WHITE BEANS ..... 4 ibs. 19c BABY MACKEREL, Dckcisss Sst Us ............... „.............. Isc SAI.MON, B. C. Pink, tall. 7. Uss isc estd. large 2)'t sist Us ......... 18c kcd a )Vhiic WHITE Cl)RN I'sckcd in ILC.. 2 tins 19c GINGKk SNA('S Rcd Arrow ........,. 8 dos. Ihc FRUIT LOAF. Issi like cake, ecch 19c SARDINES, Nabob Fines( Nstscgiss .... 2 tins 1st Rcd a \Vhnc PILCHARDS tall ............... 2 tins 19c POTTED MEATS, Hcdiusd's Assoc(cd .................. 2 tins Isc WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYED ASSN. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Unemployed Association will be held on Fri- day, August 11th, at 8 p.m. in the Socialist Hall, Marine Drive, and the President requests a full turn out of members snd others inteiested. Rastus) "Boss, will yo'lease pray fer my floating kidney?" Minister: "What makes you think I can help your kidneysv" Rastus: "Well, Boss, las'eek yo'as praying fer loose livers." Cocoa Syrup 2 cups water 2 cups sugar 1 cup cocoa I)b teaspoon salt. Stir water snd sugar in sauce- pan until dissolved; boil 6 min- utes; mix cocoa with cold water to make a paste snd add to boil- ing syrup; boil slowly for 10 minutes; add salt. When cold put into bottle or glass jar in re- frigerator. Take 2 tablespoons of syrup for each glass or cup of milk. Serve with )chipped cream. LUMBER puT 'Lit.ttv I oNlN'-I')ood lighting and good zalesmanship are the two most important features of (narchandising. The efficiency of sales- people is noticeably increased with better lighting. Progressive merchants do not complain about their lighting cost; they increase the intensity of illumination. ~ t c FRAtfl'Kefej RS IA'I:I y& H I 'isd 2 N i((gl:13 I R) t/ i~Ct ~ SERVICE snd QUALITY Vancouver Prices wnv 199 Ambleside Lumber CO., Ltd. '„","„„;"'HE BURNING BUSH By Subsdar Several nudists last week were fine 65 a head for playing at Doukabors in Stanley Park. tyhy people should be so con- ceited as to do this kind of thing is beyond one's compre- hension. One visit to English Bay ought to be sufficient to bring home to the most addled intelligence that the less seen of us the better. Think of the human whales there, persons of heavy displacement who for some unholy reason or other always wear the most brilliantly colored bathing suits. Then there are the knobby-kneed, the scrawny wisps, the tubby, the chubby, the scrubby, the skinny and their more advanced type, the boney. And all of them ap- pear to have big feet. I would not fine a man for going nude. I'd make him walk up and down our Vancouver beaches in charge of 8 policeman for a week, and then he'd go crazy or never take oif his clothes again, even to go to bed. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburll, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 Phone West 115 Res. I'hone Wesi 368L 15th and Marine !"Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The New York Stock Ex- change hss been undergoing quite a spring cleaning lately, what with gas bombs and the new rules relating to margin trading. The Exchange knows all about hot air, but gas was one too many, so the bears snd the bulls and the wolves all took to the tall timbers pronto. There wss never such a slaughter of the Amslekites. The new mar- gin rules are tough on the wolves, for the shearing of lambs from now on will perforce be reduced (o sn unprofitable mini- mum. These latter can now spend their money on reputable'weepstakes, where they have at least as good a chance as any- body else for their money and where they can go in with their eyes open and knowing the ex- act odds against them, which wss more than they could do in the stock market. If Solomon had been alive today, he would have added to the three things he did not understand the furore against sweepstakes. And yet there is no law against tsk)ng out a life insurance policy, wherein a man takes 8 chance on the biggest gamble of all, his own life. Ths rats for ('isssissd Adtmsscmcs(s is 2 cssis pct word, misimsm 25 cssis. Excspi is ihs cess sf ihsss bating regular sccsss)s, sn cimwi- ~8sds are payable strictly is sdvsscs. Rsmsmbst Cisssiswis is ibs Wssi Vss News gci immcdisis tsssns. WEST BAY LinkARY -- Ssbsctis- Usn soc month; visnsts 25c for 2 weeks -- New books, good class Ficusn. FIRST CI.ASS DkESSMAKING. Ak- ctsusss, cic. Buy's ssis s spscisi- iy. Phone West '14 i. ('ORSEI')ERE -- Chsti fussdsuss gsnscsis. Phone Wcs 74RI. PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. OLD GOLD -- Best Price I'sid. Wcsi Vsn Jswsist 1522 Matins Drive h(ARCELLB SHOP -- Mstccks, 50 cents; reset, 85c; 5ugst wave, 50c. Phone Mts King West 804 FOR RENT -- Bouse on Wsistftssi. yearly lease. Phone West 08RI. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRINCr 14(h at Ferry. Best msistisi sod wstlusssship. SALB OF NEW ssd USED kADIOS Repairs is sk makes. Call 1489 histms Dnvc. West 81. LOST -- (.'htyssphtssc cst ting (gtsss), between 21st snd 14th ss Fuksm Please phone West 146L. Reward. WEST VANCOUVER PROPERTIES For Sale sad Wanted. C.J. Arche(, 791 Dussmuit Si. Seymour 6954, Rcs)dsscc West 226. FOR SALE -- Baby's Smsp Crib, also large sii-ms(s) refrigerator. Phone West 1561 WEST BAY LIBRARY--August 12(h is 19(h, Ssis of Beach Bsks, Bath- mg Caps, Nsvciucs; Eisscs ssd Purple Heather Wssi, Iic. os. FOR RENT--Bsks, Bsi Waist Heat- ed, also modern house on Water- front electric stove. Apply Holly- burn Block, 16(h ssd Marine. Wssi 0661k An old gcnucmsn hoarded the tram cst, ssd luckily Snding s seat ssi down nsxi ia s fnsnd. Hc nodded pleasantly, paid his fare snd then said gcsisiiy: "Well, what ds ysu think of the weather I" "Oh, hot()bier said his friend. "And how' your wife isds»7" said the old gentleman. "Oh, about the ssms!" wss the reply. things repeatedly and so have 8 few English statesmen, only to be accused of sabre rattliug, And the soldier will have to pa the price as usual, also, as usual, the casus belli will be the neces. sity for racial expansion and not the wiles of the armament f)rk)8, with which we shall m- dubitably try to excuse ourselves to ourselves. MARCEL, FINGER WAVB OR SHAbiPOO, 26c. Permanent Waves 82 00 Ho(i»buts Acsdcm sf Beauty Culture, 1648 Matins tive, Ns appointments scccssstr. GBr MY FRBB BSTIM ATES ss Painting, Papering ssd Ksissmis- ing. C. L Kssisgs, Rss. Phunc West 894R. WEBB'8 SHOE REI'AIRS WEAk BEST -- Dundstsvc. COLIN TURNER, Cstpcsict ssd Buiidct. Alterations snd repairs. Phone West 879R. BEADGUARTEkn for Ak the PsS- sist Cigstci(cs, Tobaccos, sad F)sh- Ing Gadgets fst local waters. Ambicsidc Tcs Rooms. FURNISHED AND UNFUkN18HED Houses is Rent. Houses, isis, sod sctcsgs 1st ssic. John Lswsos, 17(h ssd Msrisc, Phoae West 65. ~ s ~ "Fundamentally," said the London Times a few days sgo, "Germany seems ho have the same disregard of treaties, the same contempt of the rights of smaller nations ss twenty years ago. Hitler's avowed determin- st)on to unite to Germany by force those of her nationale now subjects of adjoining states w)hether in Austria, Czecho- Slovakia or Italy, hss brought Europe to a position almost as precarious as in 1914." In other words the Germans of today are exactly the same as the Ger- mans of 1914 and their ancestors in the early ages, that is, a people brutal in disposition and utterly lacking in ordinary decency or honor. Only a little over a year and a half ago I was, so far ss words would go, hanged, drawn and quartered for stating pre- cisely the same thing. The most cursory study of races will re- veal this at least, that racial characteristics ren)ain tho same throughout ihe centu| ieb, if not the ages. But thon it is not 8 popular 'udy. lnsiesu it hss been the fad the iasi fe)v years :o take ihe Germatrv to our bos- oms as un ill-use '. vastly mis- undersioou race sunk in struggle snd pove) iy by thc i)srsh terms of the Versailles treaty. And now, if se find theta stocked up )vith gol', if their arruies num- b«r milliul 8, if thc) have all the v.ar msh.) ial (mai.uisctured in I'ussiai necessary I) place these n)iltions in the iield fully equip- ped for 8 campaign -- snd we shall discover in the case of 8 showdown that all these are facts--we can only blame our own altruistic folly and not German cleverness for the mess we shall find ourselves in. I"rance hss told us sll these I Ok PLUhI BIN( REPAIRS kss idcscs Pbsss Wssi 241k. I.AWN bIOWRRS SBARPENED- Expcticucsd wiib sii makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver hfschins Shop, 1449 Matins. GORDON ROBSON Bett(sist -- Sskckst WEST VANCOUVER- Oifics Ns. 1447, Msties Drive Phone Wssi 40L 10 is IR VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suks 601) 610 Hastings Si. W. Pboss, Seymour 4190. 2 io 5. GEO. HAY Nsistr Psbkc kcsi Rs(s(s a Issstsscc Listings Wanted 1406 Mstiss Dtits Phsss West 21 st Sctmsst 1240 Etceisgs Wssi 204X %Villiamson's Dairy,',„",",„",»„ -- ~ JERSEY MILK - CREAMS Buttermilk - Butter, Etc. Whsisss)s smi Rsisii Daily Delivery m West Vancouver 541 Lonsdsic Ave Nonh Vsn Nonh 2? I1033 24)h 6(. Wc)i Vsn. Phone Wcs( 80 LU BER' „ and all Building i)lsterial of Besi Quality at I.ow I'riess. p ~BUILD NOW i I WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD.