0001 August 10, 1933, THE WEST VAN NEWS f ~ ~ WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL BAND Excursion and Picnic To Keat's Island WEDNESDAY, Aug. 16tll from Amb)aside pier sf 9.so sxm Tickets- --Adults 50c Children 25c.--BRING YOUR LUNCH, TEA PROVIDED FREE-- l'k 1, T. 'k I ~ tb be be lr, I le- is Buddy: "Is that a lion or a lioness, papa?" Father: "Which one, Buddyr'uddy:"The one with its face scratched, snd the hair off its head." Father (with a sigh): "That' the lion." SWIM Ml NG Coaching Schedule W.V.A. S.C. Classes for Beginners Only 2.30 p,m. Hollybufn Beach 4.00 p.m., West Bsy Advanced Swimmers 5.00 p.m., Dundsfave All chudren fxusf send ls names to MRS G. VANCk West 2'19L ssd uafa which beach fhey want fc use. iLW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance ~ WOMEN I 5 ff foc hare Chu ~trlhlac use scs ful«f to obtafc xsll f. ~ h ro c dchfchs for DR cicscoco dcee. «cfhc oc xw»na ot sdfo.~xm~ asffxnv co.~SS Vfeffcfc Sf. Vhcchh Offcfc ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Beginning with the Fall Term St. Patricia School for Girls will include High School work. Pupils will be prepared for all govern- ment examinations leading to Junior Matriculation. In order to enable her to maintain the high standard of efficiency of the past Miss Durbin has pro- cured the services of assistant teachers who have specialized in certain subjects and Kindergar- ten work. DEATH OF hlRS. M. A. WAIJCER Mrs. Mary Ann Walker of North Vancouver, died last Fri- day At her summer home at Sandy Cove. She was in her 67th year, and had been a resident on the North Shore for nineteen years. Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Elizabeth and Nore, and two sons, Archibald and James. Fu- neral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. H. P. Barrett of- ffciating, and interment was made in Capilano View Cemetery Harron Bros. & Williamson, fu- neral directors were in charge of arrangements. Among the visitors to Kew Beach Sunday were Miss Gwen Dick, Miss Betty Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Klrkby, Miss Eva Kirkby, A. E. Griifin, H. A. Michel, all of North Vancouver; A. R. Mulholland, John Duncan, Mrs. Walter hI. Gow, Mrs. Geo. Weatherby, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Trotter, all of Vancouver; Miss Margaret McIntyre and Mrs. A. McIntyre of West Vancouver. An eye-wllnass tc s crime, testi- fying at the trial, on being asked how far hc stood from where the deed wss done, answered promptly: "Sixty-three feet, seven inches." "But how," gaspwl the astonished attorney, "how can you pretend to any such accuracy 1" "Why," replied the unperturbed witness, "I thought some darn fool would ssk me that question, sc I measured it," Improve your complexion by having A FREE DRINK AT KEWS BEACII MINERAL SPRING 3 Ambleside SheetMetalWorks CAURIE SPECK, Pfcpflclcf 1446 Marine Drive I'hone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck Work "If it's Clark's It's Pure" Psffcwizfxi Jersey PreFerred P sw Mdk Mdk snd Cream P Bonled on fhc FarmBoner Fresh Churned Wh lef ff CCC Sefall Buncfmilk thtliverf Dallt lcwwf vacaollrer CLARK'S HYGIENIC DAIRY LTD. Phone F. Rivers, Salesman, West 4IOL s WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. "To be Forewarned is to be Forearmed" WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSOCIATION ls prcPsrlsg fof tbc coming winter. Regular monthly donations, however smsB, wgl help lo keep someone dfy shad, bcucf nourished snd suitably dothcd. Budget ncw lo include comfort fcf the other fellow. Miss Dell Raine, Ailsa Lodge, Vancouver who has had many years'xperience in designing, hss recently taken over the Luc- ille Millinery, 718 Robson St. Miss Raine's parents sre pioneers of West Vancouvver. ~ ~ ~ Among the guests staying at Mrs, C. Read's cottages, "The Blue Bird," Horseshoe Bay, are: Alderman and Mrs. W. Deptford and son, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. R. Howard snd family, Mr. and Mrs. Setlee snd family, Mrs. W. J. Critchley, Mrs. George Critchley, Mrs. E. Robinson, Mr. snd Mrs. Ronald Critchley and son, Miss I.illisn Radclilf of Vancouver. ~ ~ The salmon have arrived in Horseshoe Bay, and some ang- lers have had luck in the waters there. So far none have made their appearance in English Bay, the runs being late this year owing to the backward summer. ~ ~ A. H. Ivard, 1012 20th Street, left on Saturday for Powell River, where he expects to re- main for some weeks. Miss Barbara Reid, 25th and Waterfront, left here on Mon- day for a two weeks'isit in Seattle. ~ h C L.O.L. No. 2990, wiB hold their regular meeting st 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the Orange Hall. I Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Morrison, who have been spending a holi- day in West Vancouver, have left here to return to their home in Penticton, B.C. 5 Tom Grieve, 2337 Lawson Avenue, is spending a month's holiday in California. c Mr. and Mrs. John A Grant of Salt Lake City, were the guests last week of Mr. Grant' mother, Mrs. E. A. Grant, and of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Blair, 1127 Gonlon Avenue. Tom Tanner, 18th and Duchess Avenue, is very seriously ill at his home. c Miss Dora Taylor of the B.C. Telephone Co.'9 staff here is spending a vacation at Crescent Beach. c The Misses Jane and Lois Merriman of Portland are the guests of Mr, snd Mrs. W. R. Beatty, 2818 Bellevue Avenue. c Dr. Pierce Selwood, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Selwood, 23rd and Nelson Ave., who is on the staff'f Princeton University, has a lengthy article in this month's Journal of the American Chem- ical Society. He has had lately quite s number of articles pub- lished in the English and Ameri- can scientific journals. ~ ~ It is interesting to note that the ferries carried $40 more pas- sengers last month than in July, 1932. The little son of Percy Nor- man, W.V.A.S.C. coach, is very seriously ill. The club extend their sympathy snd trust he will soon be well on the way to re- covery. ~ c c Councillor and Mrs. Lance Garthorne, 2208 Marine Drive, returned last I'riday from a motor trip up the Cariboo. hfr. Garthorne reports having had some flne rainbow trout fishing while away. ~ ~ ~ Mr. R. IVright, C.N.R. train despatcher at Saskatoon, and Mrs. IVright with their son Robert, were the guests this week of Mrs. Wright's cousin, Mrs. R. R. Cripps, 2316 Marino Drive. ~ ~ J. Charters hss moved from Vancouver into a house ai. 2890 Bellevue Avenue. hire. C. Griffith, 27th and Ot- tawa Avenue, left here last weel'or the Interior, where she ex- pects to reside Iff the future. ~ 4 ~ J. I . Percival has moved from Vancouver into a suite at "The Gsbles," West Bay. ~ ~ Mrs. Wikox of Fruitvale, B.C., was visiting in West Van- couver last Friday. ~ c ~ H. Pelman of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 2411 Hhy- wood Avenue. ~ \ hire. J. C. Young, who has been staying on Gabriola Island, has returned to her home at 21st and Marine Drive. Chas. Thompson hss moved from Vancouver into a house at 2282 Haywood Avenue. c c ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Greenwood snd family, 14th snd Marine Drive, are spending s holiday st Shoreacres. ~ ~ c J. Cornish of the Royal Bank staff here is on his annual va- cation. The members of L.O.L. No. 2990 will attend divine service next Sunday morning at the Presbyterian Church, 22nd and Marine Drive.\ c ~ Mrs. George Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Mar- ine Drive, and her daughter, Miss Doris Bulkley of Honolulu, returned on Tuesday from a visit to Portland. ~ \ c A raffle of a 12-lb. fruit cake in aid of the Children's Summer Camp snd Workers'chool was held at 887 22nd Street, Tues- day, August 8th, the winner be- ing J. Loclfhead, 2537 hiarine Drive. Miss Barbara McIntyre last Saturday landed s Sf/ lb. cohoe oif Kew Beach Point. The trout are taking No. 2 Diamond with worm. The canoe in which two young Vancouver boys Ralph Smith and John Storey were paddling upset about 10 p.m. last hIonday in the First Narrows opposite Prospect Point. Luckily the Sonrisa in charge of Captain IVatson was passing st the time and took them and their canoe on board. They were taken down to the engine room, where they were dried out by the time the ferry reached her dock in Van- couver. The boys were none the worse for their accident, al- though most of their clothing and equipment were lost. AIrs. E. T. Murray and family of Vancouver, who have been spending a vacation at IVest Bsy have returned to their home in the city. The mofl*gcious kc Cream on fhis msfkcf. Cemmill'I Drug Store The Sfcfc of Service, 14fr! Mcrlcc Dfifc West Sr Ewcfgcsfy Phoae Wecf Szl (After 9 p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE k RIDAY cnd SATURDAY August 11th scd 12th "KING KONG" Vsy lh'fsy, Rcbf. Afwsffccg ~ Ild Bflice Ccbsh Also Symphony ls Color, Short Comedy, clc. MON. -- TOES. -- WED. Acgusl 14 15 csd le 55The Blu Danube" with Alfred ffcdc csd bls Tflgccc Caftaofh Cofsfxly, scd Other Novelties. AUCTION NIGHT every Wed- nesday. NOTICE A copy of this sd scd gsc will admit two lc the HcAybefa nwcffc on ldondsy, Tscffuy. Wednesday, Asg 14, 15, cnd 15. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 STRATTON'S BAKERY Breads, Cakes, Pastries, Varieties ALL FRESH DAILY Made at 1468 Manna Dnve Phone West 27 St. Pat Inn Sfhool Effabbfhcd 1926 Af'ffffrrgurfcff fs Mufricfffufisn Music - Flscgfion - Arf Gymnufiuuf - Dusrisg FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. Ifh Tfsnfponation for small Children PRLVClPAL - f'lflSS J. DURBffV, CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for drivevfays and garden paths. Phone: North 1363; Night Phone, Alf. FJlis, IVest 160Y, Local and Personal Cherry Custard ICE CREAM