0001 r~: I 4V44 r. vl r 4 rr 4'4 4 II).444 4 4 4I*' I444 ge 4 I I 4221M4'4~44 4'44 ~,: 4M, rr 4 r4 4 I I' '4 ~ r44 ' ' r~ ', 've rpr 4tr V Vrrr ~ rrr,~ ~ 'rVrv r' rr44'r-r vrI 'r re rrr vrrrrvw ~ 'rrww r v rr HAIR CUTS nom Iko CHICAGO WORLD'6 FAIR NOW ON DISPLAY TVtos having o Permanent tvove, be Coro ooi have pour hair cot osd tapered in to an artistic tot. or POURS will be I UST ANOTHER PRES(AN- ENT. Wo strive to mate every Permanent ~ contour hob DIF- FERENT ood ARTISTIC wtethor Too like cluster «orro Or 4 shadow pormooonL ( IDefya'ofyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Slorioo Drive Phoae )Toot 111 Telephone 32 3West por on DRUG STORE REQUIREMENTS AMBLESIDK PiiARMACY W. L KER, Prop 1401 Morlsc Drive Phone West 823 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. G SEARLE Phoae West 9 FERTILIZERS of aII kinds Wood, Coal, Bul)dern'upplies Philip C. Chapman] General Insurance Agent Fire, horomobae, Borg)Cry, Accidost osd Sickness, Oic. 2661 King's Ava Phone W. 42YS Exrobnxbed on Nortt Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & VVILLIA14ISON funeral 9irerinrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLI.YBURN Barber Shop 16th a Marina I ExPEIIT BERvlcE F MARSH, Proprietor. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20it ood Roeormorr, Hourtmro This Society Io 4 Bronct of The trotter Church The First Church 4( Christ, Sclosuol, Io Bootes, SIOOOOCtuxxttx Sesdoy Scrvicoi 11:20 am. Sunday, August 13, 1933, Subjec(: "SOUL" Sunday School at I 0 iso ~ .m. Testimony Meeting Wodaooior ~1 SI16 pm. PRESBYTERIAN l)IISSION Orange Hall Minister: Rev. Jas. F. Cuddeford 11:15 a.m.--ldorning Worship. Preacher: Rev. David H. Reid of Seattle. Visitors heartily welcome to this service. BAI'TIST CHURCH Services: 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Mr. V. C. Harry, (Vancouver Bible School) 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday -- Mr. J. B. Holdcroft, ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: The Clachan, Sunday 8:30 s.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 9:80 a.m.--Sunday School. 10:15 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mesa Confessions before Mass. 7145 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7130 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--Public Worship. 7:15 p.m.--Public Worship. The regular meeting of the Women'0 Missionary Society will be held on Wednesday afternoon August 16th, st the home of Mrs. George Hay. This will be an outdoor meeting, weather permitting, and all ladies of the congregation are cordially invit- ed to attend. An interesting program is being prepared and tea will be served. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 8100 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 & 11115 a.m.--Sunday School 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m.--Evensong & Sermon During the absence of the Itector, the Rev. Canon D'Easum is in charge of the parish. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "Soul" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 13. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: OMy soul shall make her boagt in the Lord; the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad."-- (Psalms 341 2). The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "As used in Christian Science, Soul is prop- erly the synonym of Spirit, or God; but out of Science, soul is identical with sense, with mat- erial sensation." (p. 482). Mrs. Eifie Blakely of Winni- peg with her two sons, Wilfred snd Nelson, is the guest of her sister-in-lsw, Mrs. J. W. Pender- leith of Caulfeild. THB West Van NeEIJs PCUUokod Every Ttorxior Pokriotor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 368 BOOIOOCO LDll Eiiretixl OSICOI Irrk ood Noriso Dtrvo (Next to Hogrkors P. O.) Phone West 363 Nail Address: P.O. Box 01, HCBTboro, ILC. North Vancouver Ogice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. SIAO 4 year by corriori 522m 4 year bp wail. D. D. Sharp, 16th snd Marine Drive, left last Monday for s fishing trip at Seymour Nar- rows. THE WEST VAN NEWS August 10, 1933. HOLLYBURN HALL Burrard Laundry Ltd. FOR Dd.PENDABLE Laundry Service 14th CINI Duchess SUNDAY. AUGUST 13th, Tiso p.m. Gospel Addrmm Spooter: MIL FRANK (IOFF h ccnUCI welcome; Hoorry ~Iogiog; No ccuoctios taken. BAND NOTES On Wednesday, the 9th )n- atant, the West Vancouver band played at Killarney for a garden party given in aid of the Orph- anage in New Westminster and on Saturday play at the same place again for St. Mark'0 Church. On the following IVed- nesday all will leave for ten days'amp at Keat's Island. Tickets are selling well for the excursion and it is expected the No. 6 Ferry will have its full quota of passengers when she leaves Ambleside pier at 9:30 a.m. I.O.D.E. Recently the members of the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D. E., entertained the disabled men of the Shaughnessy Military Hospital on a cruise up the North Arm of Burrsrd Inlet ss far as Wigwam Inn. The matron, Miss iilsthic.mn, nurses and orderlies accoinpim.- rd the patients who wein con- Ieyed to snd from the nospital in motor cars and ambulxnces placed at their dispo al by frvcnds of the membera The Council granted the use of Ferry boat No. 6. Light re- freshments and smokes were served on board and musie was provided by the West Vancouver Schools Band under the leader- ship of Mr. J. E. Condon. The committee in charge of arrangements was Mrs. Donald McTavish, convener, Mrs. B. Hayes and Mrs. R. Fiddes. Miss A. B. Cooke, Educational Secretary of the Provincial Chapter, will be the guest of the Chapter on Tuesday, 29th Aug- ust, and members are asked to keep that date open. The Book Exchange will again be operated this year, particulars of which will be announced later. DI.Marjory McCubbio D ENTI ST Hours: 9 o. Is. Io 0 p. m. Sorordoyo: 10 4 m ko I p.m. Evosiogx ood Soicrior After- nooso kp oppoiotmoot only. Royal Bock Building I'tooo West 440 Rooideoco I'kook Weor ssa DR. G D. IL SHALE DENTIST Hop Block, 14th ood Morioo In. Ofiico Houri 9 Io 0 p m Evenings by oppointmoot. Phone W«ot Ti WEST VAN. A. A. A. TRACK TRAINING Training nights after Satur- day, 12th instant, will be Mon- day at Ambleside Park; and Wednesday at Confederation Park, North Vancouver, at 7 p.m. There are lots of other girls in West Vancouver who can take up track and Seld events and they are asked to come along, as.everyone is wel- come. Training for boys will commence on Tuesday at Am- bleside Park at 7 p.m. Anyone with a car and interested enough to assist Sid Jamieson and Tom Smith to bring the girls to North Vancouver on Wednesday evening is asked to kindly get in touch with any of the above gentlemen, as these girls and others from West Vancouver are putting West Vancouver on the front page of the sporting world. ('Onltlysl'OVDFN('F North Vancouver. Editor West Vsn News Dear Sir: On behalf of the girls who represented West Vancouver at the Canadian Women's Championship Track and Field at New Westminster, I take this opportunity to voice my appreciation to Mrs. T. Smith who chaperoned the girls at the meet, T. Stewart, North Vancouver, for use of car to take girls out, Norman Dillsbough, Vancouver, who brought the girls in from the banquet to the ferry, also to Tom Smith, treas- urer W.V.A.A.A., for his csr, and Sid Jamieson, the associa- tion's hard working secretary, for driving the girls out. Yours for clean sport CHARLES M. STEWART, Coach. UNITED FOOTBALL SPORT NEWS A meeting of the West Van- couver United will be held at the Ferry Rooms on Friday night at 8:15 p.m. All players and prospective members are in- vited to attend as the season will get away to an early start this year. Mrs. Ed Black and famdy, 25th and Marine Drive, are spending a holiday at Harrison Hot Springs. W. R. Munnis of Vancouver, has moved into 0 house st 2246 Bellevue Avenue. Miss Ola MacLean, 2120 Belle- vue Avenue, has left to spend s holiday at Banif. "HUMDRUM".... III O.oo 0PEN UP rkc road mxp. Pick our Come (44-cinxriog spot. Then poler rbc COCO o( your Cbcvlokr rowxf*it Clod r424 OJJ! Whxi does ir marker if you mum bodgcr on rripst Half the thrill of owning 4 Chcvmlci II Ihc wxy you cxc pass by Ihc g44 pumpr--rbc Oil Crxrioor--cod the gorxgcx Wcxihcr bort Tbxr demo'r morrcr citbcr--for Ckcvmlcr box PIIbcr No-Drxfr Vcoigxdoo. Just turn on rhc brccxc, wkcocvcr yoo like, xsd kccp dkligbiiuUy cool McMillan-Hartness'„'Motors.Ltd. [NORTH VANGOIJVER.,~~ ood rc(rcrhkd. I(mdI bxdt Who cxfcI wkco yoo'Ic ICIIlcd back in Iki~ long. Iull-wcighr, Noootbwogincd Six. h lang wxy Io got Chcv- rolci givcx Too power gxlo~ict-up oplcoiy -- CCJ the Iccurc feeling rhxr Cbcvrolcr *pcodxbiliry rider with Too as yoo go. Most o( Ihix yexr'4 cor buycrx ore lkxdiog Ibo lives of Ckrvrolci owIMII--mororing IMCVI(y Cod rroom»irelly in Cxoxdo'4 Grxxr Solck Lcodcrl Los Prlrer 44J voiy GM AC rremr. WHAT 20,000 MOTO215TS TOLD U5 YOI "4444444 Oxrr'4 INNV I sl OI44I 44 «IIOI 4444 444M C4%4944 IMI IOO 4OI 444kke I44I44lk4 llldl ew III MC IOOOOI4 IO II44OM 444 444 I. I wl O» O Imr'444 MW S44444h I4 0 «rOI M lw4 O ~IOIIIO Ol Cm444, Lm. oelw.~ oele,4~a™M ~ f .cc1 0 DAVE ANDERSONI West Vancouver Representative Phone~--West 691L or North 1210 ) hdfr I I e ~ g ir~- UC is it ~ ' II I ~ I ~ I . ~