West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Aug 1933, p. 1

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0001 Circulatir/g iyf 81.00 per year. 'I'ol. VII j A Weekly Newspaper thk District of Wi'Jt Varfcoufrkr-AmbksiCh, Hollybfkrn, Wcskoyf, DIJndaraf/k CyPrkSS Park, Caulfeild, WhykkCliff, EtC. 5 per copy atnewssiands. HO(.LYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1933 No. 14 IR al l u. l AR ea &RS ii& wa k. R&a d 3he ,tc I Vas e GARDEN PARTY FOR SCHOOI S'AND The garden party held on )Vednes&lay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Condon for the benefit of the West Vancouver Schools Band attracted s large number of visitors including many from Vancouver. The sel- ections played by the band dur- ing the afternoon were much appreciated, as were also the piano-accordian numbers rend- ered by Adolph Bergklint. Refreshments were served during the afternoon with Nrs. J. B. Leyland and Mrs. W. B. Small pouring tea and ably as- sisted by several of the boys'othersand sisters. So many were anxious to have their cups read that sll could not be ac- commodated although Madam Dixon wss kept busy until after 6 o'lock. A beautiful pair of pillow cases worked and donated by Nrs. McCreery of Edmonton, wein won by Mrs. E. C. Robbins. The cake made and donated by Mrs. Kemp of Prince Rupert, was won by Pat Douet and the tea-cosy donated by Mrs. Eager won by Mrs. Chapman. Among those present were: air. and Mrs. Kemp, Prince Rup- ert; Mrs. NcCreery, Edmonton; Nrs. Kronkhite, Aldergrove; Mrs. A. Clarke, Mrs. H. L. Rob- inson, Nrs. H. Diekson, Nrs. R. IV. Sharps, Mrs. Dinsmore, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. H. Hughes, Mrs. Ed. Marshal, Mrs. J. Mann, Miss Isobel Porter of Vancouver; Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, Mrs. E. C. Robbins, Mrs. R. Bloxham, Mrs. Albin, Mrs/ J. L, Plstt, Mrs. H. A. Eager, Mrs. T. Turner, Mrs. F. Rivers, Mrs. Gordon Robson, Mrs. V. R. China, Miss Joan Durbin, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. H. Stephens, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. R. Bell, Mrs. J. R. Patterson, Mrs. T. G. Hamilton, Mrs. Percy Hopkins, Mrs. D. A. Gray, Mrs. T. Russell, Mrs. N. Moore, Mrs. J. Parker, Mrs. T. Bstchelor, Mrs. E. Howdle, Mrs. W. G. Barker, Mrs. C. Newman, Mrs. G. Jackson, Mrs. H. Jackson, Mrs. E. W. Jupp, Mrs. Ronald Jackson, Mrs. A. Bowes, Mrs. P. E. Bill, Mrs. D. McDonald, Mrs. E. Escott, Miss Escott, Mrs. Romans, Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. M. Cunningham, Mrs. W. T. Shel- lard, Mrs. McCartney, Mrs. J. Jeiferies, Mrs. E. W. Parker, Miss Helene Chapman, Miss H. B. MacKenzie, Mrs. M. R. Ritz, Mrs. J. Brooks, Mrs. J. Wilson, the Misses Hilda Wilson, Clara Wilson, Phyllis Bloxham, Peggy Barker, Doreen Elgsr, Fleanor Eager, Margaret Saunders, Ads Albin, Jean Warner, Joan Jef- feries, Joan Parker, Jean Mc- Tsvish, Margaret Bill, Flaine Kissick. ANNOUNCE51ENT To the residents of West Van- couver: MR. DAVE ANDERSON, 2271 Jefferson Avenue, is now the representative of the BURRARD LAUNDRY LTD. of North Van- couver, for West Vancouver, and the Capilsno District. Mr. And- erson will be pleased to call upon you snd take care of your laun- dry needs. Phone Nr. Andersou pt West 691L or North 1310. We also take this opportunity of conveying our appreciation to our patrons snd friends for the privilrge of serving them, also assuring them of our purpose to continue oil'ering s depend- able laundry service. WEST VAN. A.A.A. GIRI S MAKE SPLFNDID SHO1VING West Vancouver hss every reason to feel very proud of the nine girls of the West Van. A, A.A. who made such a fine show- ing last Saturday at the Canadi- an Women's Track and Field Sports in New Westminster. With only six weeks'raining they went out and won the 400 metres junior relay race against Canada's best, besides individu- ally securing places in s number of other events. Their names are, Marjorie Paton, Betty Vic- kery, Nsy Cripps, Joyce Web- ber, Jean Bullman, Janet Thomp- son, Edna Stewart, and Margar- et Stewart. Considerable credit is also due to the West Van. A. A.A. and the club oificials who trained them. Particulars of the results are as follows: M. Paton and May Cripps, Seniors, the former being moved from intermediate to senior ow- ing to being 8 days over the age limit for intermediate, ran 4th to such runners as K. Hyatt of Calgary and D. Brookshsw of Toronto Lakeside. M. Cripps ran 4th to such runners as Mary Frizzell, Vancouver, M. Frizzell of Toronto, and C. Dawes of Cal- gary. The experience gained will assist them in the future. 80 Metre Hurdles (Inter), 3rd place, Margaret Stewart, medaL 60 Metre Murdles (Junior) 2nd place, Betty Vickery, medal. High Jump (Junior), 4th place Betty Vickery, failed at 4 ft. 4s/4 inches. Glen Pherrill, Montreal, win- ning at 4 ft. 6&/a inches. 60 Metres (Inter), Jean Bull- man 1st in heat; time 8 3/10. Canadian record 7 3/5. Being beaten in the final, M, Dearnley, Hamilton, and J. Ford, Montreal. 60 Metres (Junior), 1st heat, Betty Vickery, 3rd place, time 8 I/10; 2nd heat, Joyce Webber, 2nd place, time 8 flat; 2nd heat, Elsie Partridge 3rd place, time 8 flat; 3rd heat, Edna Stewart, 2nd place, time 8 I/10. The first two in heat J. Web- ber snd E. Stewart rsn in final. J. Webber being disqualified for false start. Baseball Throw (Junior), 3rd place, Joyce Webber, 142 feet 8 inches. Broad Jump (Junior), 2nd place, Edna Stewart, 14 feet 11 inches, medal; beating G. Pher- rill, Montreal, by one inch. 100 Metres (Inter.), 3rd place in heat: Jean Bullmsn; being placed 4th in finsL Relay Race (Inter.), 400 metres: 3rd place J. Bullman, E. Stewart, M. Stewart, B. Vickery. This team was picked owing to M. Paton snd 51. Cripps being made senior. Relay Race (Juniors), 400 Metres, 1st, B. Vickery, J, Web- ber, J. Thompson, E. Stewart; 3 7,'10 seconds above Canadian Record; 7 1/10 seconds slower than world record. This is remarkable running when it is considered that E. Stewart came straight from the broad jump and ran in the inter- mediate relay race, as did B. Vickery, all in the space of 15 minutes. The above girls will represent W.V.A.A.A. at the Caledonian Games, on Saturday 12th, st llsstings Park. WELFARE NOTES ~ During July the Association distributed 187 parcels of cloth- ing; 87 parcels of groceries; 16 pots of lam and repaired 14 pairs of boots. These distribu- tions cannot be made unless the goods come in, nor can the hoots be repaired without cash. The association is very grateful to those citizens who have made these items possible, but it also feels that there are still many who in the comfort of a job have not quite realized that a very real need for help exists. Funds have become appallingly low snd it has been found necessary to curtail considerably the boot re- airing section of the work. uring the summer this is not quite so serious, but as soon as the rains come and the schools &n-open the need will be very great, the boot repairs costing the association last winter be- tween thirty and forty dollars s month. No amount is too small to send. The association acknowledges with thanks a large bag of dried peas, two parcels of meat, some raspberries, five pounds of sugar, two grocery orders, s $3 monthly grocery order, a cheque for 33 and a two-dollar bill. Fruit and sugar for jam st this season is much needed. HOI.I.YBURN HAI.I. The gospel address at the 7:80 .m. servke next Sunday at ollyburn Hall will be given by hir. I"rank GoiL There will be hearty singing and s cordial wel- come is extended to sll. No col- lection taken. Irate Mother (st dinner): "Johnny, I wish you'd stop reaching for things. Haven't you a tonguer" Johnny: "Sure, mom, but my arm's longer." SCHOOI.S BAND EXCURSION The West Vancouver Schools Band excursion and picnic will take place next Wednesday, 16th instant, when No. 6 Ferry, kind- ly loaned for the occasion by the council, will leave Ambleside dock at 9:30 a.m. for Kent's Island. The band will go into camp there for ten days, during which they will spend their time practising under Bandmas- ter Jordan for the contest at the Canada Pacifi Exhibition, which they won last year. A really good time is assured to all who attend, and it is hoped that many will take part in the excursion from which the band hopes to help defray the ex- penses of the camp. Tea will be provided free. Tickets, adults 50 cents, and children 25 cents. Come and enjoy a real excursion and picnic with the band. WEST VANCOUVER TO HAVE CIVIC EXHIBIT V'T EXHIBITION West Vancouver is to have a civic exhibit this year at the Canada I'acific Exhibition at Hastings Park. The West Van- couver Horticultural and Agri- cultural Society have undertak- en the work on behalf of the municipality, and are going for- ward with the necessary ar- rangements. A most artistic plan for the exhibit has been drawn up by an expert, and the result when comp!eted will b& worthy of our municipality snd should be a prize winner. Flow- ers, etc„will be required, and it is hoped that our residents will come forward with their best so that the thousands who come to the Exhibition may realize to the full that 1Vest Vancouver is a place of beautiful gardens. Full details will appear in our next issue. THF. CHAMPIONSHIP GALA rr is&dies--100 yards baclnitroke AT DUNDARAVE championship~ I, Noel Oxenbury, Crescent S. In spite of lowering clouds and C.; 2, Irene Bakke, Crystal S. C., s nasty south-easterly wind over Seattle; 3, Beverley Bsndimere, four hundred spectators, largely Crystal S. C., Seattle. Time I from Vancouver, were present min 20 4/5 sec. at Dundsrave Pier last Saturday hlen -- 500 yards freestyle afternoon to see the Interns- championshipr tionsl Championship Gala. The I, Jack Medics, Wash. A.C.; 2, outstanding performers were hiske Backman, Crystal S. C., Jack Medica of the Washington Seattle; 3, Stan Choyce, Wash. Athletic Club, who won the 100, A.C. Time 6 min..05 sec. 200, snd 500 yards free style Ladies -- 500yards, freestyk, championships, also coming championship:-- second in the 100 yards back- I, Olive 5IcKeen, Wash. A. C., stroke championship, and Olive Seattle; 2, Hazel Brooks, Wash. McKeen of the same club, A. C., Seattle; 3, Jean McGillv- who came first in the cor- ray, VM.S.C. Time 7 min 6 sec. responding races for women Men -- 100 yards, backstroke, besides cinching a victory for championship:-- her club in the women's relay. I, Paul Coons, Crystal S. C. There were plenty of thrills, Seattle; 2, Jack Medica, Wash. especially in the relays and the A. C., Seattle; 3, Fred Carlson, events closed to West Vancou- Crystal S. C., Seattle. Time I ver, and, while the Americans min, 11 sec. took away the lion's share of the Ladies -- 100 yards, breast- honors, the men's breast stroke stroke, championship&- and the women's backstroke 1, Dorothy Bigham, Crystal events went to the Canadians as S. C., Seattle; 2, Pauline Bsm- well as the ladies'iving cham- ford, Crescent S. C.; 3, Shirley pionship, which was an all Can- Bsndimere, Crystal S. C., Se- adian win. attic. Time I ndn. 26 4/5 sec. Reeve Leyland opened the Men -- 200 yards, freestyle, gala with a brief address of wel- championship:-- come, and Mrs. Leylsnd distrib- I, Jack Medica, Wash. A. C., uted the prizes at the conclusion Seattle; 2, Willard Hampton, of the meet. Crystal S. C., Seattle; 3, Stan The regatta dance which Choyce, Wash. A. C., Seattle. wound up the dsy was a very Time 2 min. 14 sec. popular event, the fioor of the Ladies -- 200 yards, freestyle, Hollyburn Pavilion being crowd- championship:-- ed with dancers throughout the 1, Olive hicKeen, Wash A. C„evening... Seattle; 2, Doris Bucldey, Wash. The gala winners were as iol- A, C., Seattle; 8, Nanon ate&fat, lows: VrR.S.C. Time 2 min. 33 sec. Men -- 100 yards freestyle Ladi~ Metre board, diving championship &- championship:-- Heat No. I--1, Jeff Osier, V.A. I, Marion Kennedy, V.A.S.C., S.C.; 2, Fred Rossiter, Portland 64.8 pts.; 2, Linda Adams, V.A. Natatorium; 3, Willard Hemp- S.C., 62.4 pts.; 3, Jessie McIn- ton, Crystal S. C., Seattle. Time tosh, V.A.S.C„54.5 pts. 58 4/6 sec. Ladies -- 50 yards W.V~.C. Heat No. 2 -- I, Stan Choyce, (David 51organ Trophy):-- Wash. A. C., Seattle; 2, Jack 1, Edith Wh(te; 2, N. Currie. Medics, Wash. A. C.; 3, Jack alen -- 100 yards, W.V.~.C. Jscquest, V.A.S.C. Time 62 3/5 I, Gerald Mason; 2, Mauric sec. Anderson. Finals--I, Jack Medica; 2, Fred Men of West Vancouver, 50 Rossiter; 3, Jeif Osier. Time 55 yards, freestyle:-- 1/6 sec. (I/5 sec. slower than I, Gerald Nason; 2, Rlaurice Pacific N. W. record). Anderson. Ladies -- 100 yards, freestyle, Ladies of West Vancouver, championship:-- 100 yar&La, freestyle:-- Heat iNo. I--I, Olive NcKeen,. 1, Edith White; 2, Nary Wash. A. C.; 2, Eleanor Sieman, Franklin. Crystal S. C., Seattle; 3, Agnes alen -- 3 Metre board. diving Martin, V.A.S.C. Time 69 1. 5 championship (B. C. Electric sec. Cup) &- Heat No. 2--I, Doris Buckley, 1, Chuck Dominy, Chystal S. Wash. A. C., Seattle; 2, Olive C., Seattle, 74 pts.; 2, E. Horns- Urlin, Crystal S. C,, Sestle: 3, by, W,V;.A.S.C., 70 pts.; 8, Jack Jean &llcGiflvray, V.A.S.C. Time Martin, V.A.S.C., 66.4 pts. 72 4 5 sec. Rien's Relay--400 yds„cham- Final--I, Olive McKeen; 2, Doris pionship (Dundarave Regatta Buckley; 3, Eleanor Silmsn. Trophy):-- Time 64 3/5 sec. I, Portland Natatorium; 2, Men--100 yards breaststroke Crystal S. C., Seattle; 3. VA.S. championship:-- C. Time 4 min. flat. I, James Wilson, Crystal S. C. Ladies'elay -- 400 yards, Vancouver; 2, Thos. Cox, Cry- championship:-- tal S. C., Vancouver; 3, Ken I,Wash A,C.;2,CrystalS.C. Lawrence, Portland iNatatorium. Seattle; 3, V.A.S.C. Time 4 ndn. Time I min. 15 sec. 43 3, 5 sec. Kew Seach. VVe«Vancouver