0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS f August 8, 1988. rr\ c ia rr~ r. r. rrtr ~ i r*7 rrc lr 4'paw r w ~ 'A' cr ~'r' rrr-r ~ . ~ 'rr r ~.r ~;. 'Wv:,~rrrrrrr V w-rrr . r rr r r cv "vr rcr Vrw rrr rr Phone West 469 Phone West 46 Smith's Grocery UNESIPLOYED ASSN. OF WEST VANCOUVER The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Unemployed Association was held in the Soc- ialist Hall, Marine Drive, on Friday evening, Mark Phillips presiding. The question of single men in West Vancouver was again dealt with, and 8 strong letter of pro- test, followed by a delegation will go to the Reeve and Coundl to discuss this and other mat- ters A number of individual cases were also gone into at length. Several new members snd guests were present, among them Ex-Principal Patterson of the High School, who wss of great assistance in answering questions on the educational sys- tem here, the reduction of teach- ers, and the proposed accommo- dation for pupils after the holi- days. Following the discussion 8 delegation wss chosen to wait on the School Board in the near future. The next meeting of the org- anization will be held on Friday, August 11, at 8 p.m. The council accepted the oifer of Hall Holland A Co. of West Vancouver Bond 81,000 51+% due March 1st, 1951, at the price of 887.28 yield 6.75% for pur- chase for the sinking fund. Under the auspices of W. V. A. S. C. Pacific Coast International Outdoor Championship Swimming Gala Dundaravepier, SATURDAY, AUG. 5th, at 2 p.m. Admission 50c. atthe Hoflybuts Pavilion in the evening, 9 io12 Regatta Dance, ADMISSION 504. ADVI~vl%% Wl'%8 IIOH'T IT hff PROGRESSIVE IIAERCHANTS recognize the advertising value of a well-lighted store. In 0 certain store window the intensity of light wss increased from is foot-candles to IOO snd twice as many persons stopped to look at the window. r ~ sni:II 8l1'.KefeIRSIAI:IF WHBK08IN[ ~ '.Illa'!I'li'Kqtelt Dependable Goods, Fri. & Sat., Aug. 4 III 5 Ai'RICOT JAM, Nabob, krd A Whkr CHILI SAUCE ... BR Pere Ftck, ............ 4 Iix tis 4Sc SALAD DRESSINGCERTO..S oa briur 28t Btri Yrrdx. 0 ua jqt 174 PAROWAX I Ia taticq 144 51ACARONI or SI'AGHEITI Rrd a Whkc BAKING PO'IVDER 8 qx. packet 12 ox. iiq 19ci 21't Ia iis 594 5IEAT BAI.LS, Hrdiuqd'x CAKB FLOUR, Fqitrurhi Large Bs,.............,. XSt Lqtgr package ........ SSt BFRkiNGS in Tomato Sauce PASTRY FLOUR,. 5 Ia sack 1st I istgt iinx ........ 2 iisx 25t FLY TOX... 8 qa bqike Sst ~ SARDINES, Nabrb, Fisrct Nqtwtxiss kOOT BEER. Bites'arge iin I bct mates $2 piste ...... 28t, Rrd a White I'EAS Rtd a Irhim TOSIATO JUICE, Fancy quality .. 2 iicx 25c 8 tins 25c l ASPARAGUS, Trndet Gtrts Spratc Rrd R white CAKE, Syrtiai ixtxc us ................. 2Sc Almond Square Cake........ Sec GRAI'8 JI'ICR, Weixh'x, pisi bqt Sec PUFFED WHEhT, yccttt...... Iec CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES. Pactri 1st l Finest quxnir, ......... Pet lb. 25e WAX LUNCH ROLLS COOKED BAk Vitslnia rifle Rtsaixt ier tcBx ..... 2 for 15c wkh Dressing, Yt ux 20c ROYAL TABLE RELISH, Ctorxt R LARD, Swift'x Sntetirsf, Biactwrn'4 . 12 ox. bqtUt 2$c 1 ib. ratios ............... 124 Rtd R White FLOUR BACK BAIXIN, Swift'x Premium 24 ia sett 7941 7 nx sack... 27t ii Ia pkg................... 15c F One Nicely Decorated Cup and Sauceri'CC White Vacuum Packed Coffee, pet lb. 4x THE BLIRNLNG BUSH Iiy Subadar You csn't get away from the baronsl The old type Uved and died in steel shirts and their ideas of life were largely those of the Khyber tribesmen inlaid with 0 little chivalry. Before killing each other DF they ex- tracted the basic document of our ffwedom, or shall we say, slavery, out of King John. A few families survived to figh our wars, but, generally it wss the successful trader who took arm- orial bearings and the job of running us. They'e done it ever since and the last thirty years very much more so. The monied baron is fat and well liking and unlike his prototype, lives in s silk shirt. But he is just as predatory, as witness the case of Mr. Morgan. Every country has them, snd they mostly rise by ditching their conscience and everybody else who gets in their way. Itussia shed her old barons or arch- dukes snd now is ruled just as barbarously snd just ss auto- craticafly by a lot of Communis- tic Jews. In other words, the predatory, whether they'e feud- alists, capitalists, socialists, or Communists, whether they wear steel, silk, or cloth, will always rule. You can't get sway from the baronsl ~ ~ The most popular lady in the U.S. today is "Nirs." From au accounts the movie stars are not in it with her, not even Greta Garbo. Her manager at present is General Hugh S. Johnson, who says that any who don't bow down and worship will will get "0 sock right on the nose." He's evidently some boy, and should have no difficulty in obtaining 8 manager's job in Hollywood after Nira is through The point is, however, will there be anything kft when she is through? Remembering the famous women of history, such as Cleopatra, Boadices, Mrs. Psnkhurst,. or Carrie Nation, one certainly wonders. And then in the war days in England we had Dora, who, became, to quote a friend of mine, "a most ungodly nuisance." But just now Nira is "it." Children are being named after her, and doubtless th e soap and dentifrice manufacturers will soon be fol- lowing suit. By Christmas the morning greeting will likely be "Have you had your Nira?" And no gentleman would refuse to drink to a lady, So here's to her and "Msy the devil bite the toes off afl her foes, That we msy know them by their limping." A pamphlet recently came into my hands entitled "Air Travel Is Safe." It isn', nor is any form of travel, for that matter, including legging it. It's afl a question of degree. The pamphlet contained 8 pest of sta- tistics, one of the deductions-- quite true--being that people are deliberately forsaking the com- paratively safe railroad for auto travel, which is becoming deflin- itely more dangerous. It will become more so, until we use a little sense and put the speed limit at S5 miles an hour, which is ample. To further prove the contention that air travel is safe figures were given based on the fatalities per mileage covered, which is fin for the aeroplane carrying few passengers for long distances. Comparisons based on the number oi'assengers car- ried, the only fair way, would probably make air travel look like suicide compared with that by railway or auto One has s chance of coming through, if 8 major accident happens to the fabric of 0 train or auto. In the case of an aeroplane, one's feet and head ususfly change ends by 8 process of telescoping, very disturbing to the digestion, or one's wish bone gets where one' backbone ought to be, also the old carcass frequently finishe In the same condition as the Christ mas turkey. Personally, I object to that kind of thing. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Governinent Inspected Only l Store at Hollybura, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU SER and afl Building lilsterial of Best Iiuaflty st Low Prices BUILD NOW I EST VANCOUVER LUMBER (,"O. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. I'hone West 3681. 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" ED ADS ~xix ic 2 crxic prt word, misimsm ~rills ttssixt qtrossis, qR clcmi CLASSIFI The rale for Clumscd Adtcriixrm 25 testa Exccyi In the case of those h 5rdx are payable xiticur is qdtxstc. Remember Clqmiscdq is the Wqxi Vqs News srl immcdi~ic tcxxlta l MAN IVITH SY TON TRUCK Desi tired, \'i snit Work hcyiiqs Shingle Bolts is 8 Cord Loads. Phone North 681. PRINTING -- For aU kinds of printing phone West Van News, West S6S. 1VEST 84Y I.IBRARY -- Ssbxxtip. iiqs 60c mcqib; vixiiotx 254 for 2 weeks -- New books, goad tissx Ffcifon INSTRI'LTION in BISh Sthori scb- jccia. Coacbiqx for Junior xnd Senior Maititqiaiion. Fred J. Pai- ietxqn, M.A., 148'I Gordon Avenue, West 292L. IVEST BAY LIBRARY -- July 28th io 80th, Sale of Beech Balls, Bath- ing Caps, Novelties; Eisxco asd Purple Heather Wool, lit. cx. OLD GOLD -- Best I'tire Psi& Wrsl Van. Jeweler, 1522 Marine Drive. SIARCELLE SHOP -- Matceiic, 50 cents; terri, $64; Anger wave, 604. Phone bits. Kins, West $04. FOR RENT -- House on Wairtftcsi, yearly lease. Phone West 83RI. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th ai Ferry. Best msictisi ssd wotkmanxh&p BEGINNERS'WIMISING CLASSES --Hoiiybutn ssd Ambicxidc Beaches daily during high tide weeks. In- formation J. Lawsos'4 ctBcc or Mtx. Mary Cox, Crystal Swimming Club, Seymour 826$ . MARCEL. FINGER WAVE OR SHAMPOO, 26c. Permanent Waves 52.00. Hoiiybqtn Academy of Beauty Culture, 1648 Matins Drive. No appointment~ qcccxxsty. Ghr bIY PRES ESTIIIATES on Painting, Pspctisg ssd Ksicomis- ipx C I Kosiqsx Rec. Phone West 894k. WEBB'8 8HOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dusdstsvc. COLIN TURNEk, Cxtpcsict ssd Builder. Alterations asd repairs. Phone West 879R. HEADQUARTERS for AR the Poy- uiqt Cigarettes, Tobaccos, asd Pich- isg Gadgets for local waters Ambiexidc Tcs Rooms. YURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses ic Rent. Houses, ioiq, sqd acreage for sale. John Lswscs, 17th ssd Marine, Phone West 66. FOk PLUMBING RBPAIRS -- kcc- idcnce Phone Wcxi 241R. LAWN BOWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with ail mates. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." Wexi Vsscoq- vet Machine Shop, 1449 Mstisa SALE OF NEW ssd USED RADIOS Repaitp io qu makes Call 1439 Marine Drive, West 61. FIRST CLASS DRESSbIAKING, Ak- etxtionx, eic. Boy's pants a special- ty. Phone West 74RI. CORSEI'IERE -- Chstiq foundation garments. Phone West 74RI. FOR SALE--Two Toxiqqsr geese csd gander, year old, 56.00. Phone West 331 IL YOR SALE--Cement Wxxhicbx, per- fect condition, cheap. Phone West 60. LOST--White Gold Wmxi Wxith on 21st beach or street. Phone West 494X. WANTED TO RENT after October 1st, lour or Ave roomed modern huum for long term tenancy. Reply Box 6, West Vas News. FOR SAI.E--Itr Box, prt(tci tosdi- iioq, 82.50. 2184 Argyle Ave. CAST IRON CAbip STOVE, $4.00: Used iwo summers, cost 516. Phone 099LS. FOR SALE--12 fi. Asi hottum tow- boat, excellent cosdiiion, 810.00. 1437 Clyde Ave. 5'sit. rr419L SUITE FOR RENT--Hoi water beak- ed. Apply Houybuts Block, 10th asd bfxtisc. West 866R. GORDON HOBSON Bllttisirt SOSClict WEST VANCOUVER- Oificc Na 1447, bfarisc Drive Phone West 40a 10 io 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suiic 501. 510 Hastings Si. W Phoae, Seymour 4199. 8 ic 5. Listings 1Vag2ted Nqiqtp pcbkc kesi Ericic A Isxstxstc GEO. HAg 1405 Mxtisc Drive I'hose West 21 or Sermcst 1260 Etrsisss Weri 204X I passed Mrs Snob in the street today, but she didn't see me. I wonder if the slight wss intentional?" "Oh, I dont think so. She hasn't been rich long enough IQ . know how to be rude. %williamson's Dairy,'„",",'„'„'„ JERSEY MILK - CREAMS ~tdds Buttermilk - Butter, Etc. Whqitxqie qsd Bema Daily Delivery in Wcii Vancouver ifl)) 2eh Si. West Vsn. 541 Lonxdslc Ave., North Vsn. Phone Wexi 80 Nonh 2?I V& j 9 4 P 0