0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS August S, 1988 r rr j Vl V 4rrw vr 4 4 rc rjr*r 44& ~i~ lcu- '4W 4CPI r4'1 r 4 f4'r & ~'4 r 4 4'4 0r-rr rj.,-'rr rved 4 4'rr v ~!F r'lrjrjw !rrrrrrr rrrwrr 'rcw4 'rrrr'«rrrrr veer vrV 4'FF rrF~rrrj rr r~ HAIR CUTS frOm n&c CHICAGO WORLD'5 FAIR NOW ON ivhcu bcciug u Pctmuucut Wave, be sure uud bute your huit cut uud tapered iu tc an ctticiic bcb, or YOURS will be )UST ANOTHER PERMAN- ENT. Wu strive tu muliu every Permanent ~ contour bub. DIF- FERENT aud ARTISTIC whcihct ycu like duster curls or u shadow permanent. GffoenJolyn Beauty Shoppe 1540 bictiuu Drirc Phoae Wcct 111 Arctic ICE CREAM in BRICKS or BULK Vanilla, Neapolitan or Strawberry Flavor AMBLESIDE PHARMACY W. L KER, Prop 1401 !Hcrisc Drive Phone West 823 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae West 0 FERTII.IZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, Buiklers'upplies Philip C. Chapman'eneral Insurance Agent Fire. Auiomcbiic, Burglary, Accidcut uud Sick&&ccs. ctc. I55) King's Acc. Phoae W. 43YD Ectcbiixbwi uu North Shore 30 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON guIIEIIllIIIEItiIIB North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th di Mxtiuc EXPBRT sERY)cE K hiARSH, Ptcptictut. hfrs. Eifie Blakely of Winni- peg with her two sons, Wilfred and Nelson, is the guest of her sister-in-lsw, Mrs. J. W. Pender- leith of Caulfeild. THE West Van 1Vems Pubiichcd Every Tbutcdcy PubUchct F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buciuccc cud FCUfutfcf Oificer Iyib cud Met!su Dtlrc (Next tc Hcilybuts P.O.) Phone West 363 5(sii Addrcccf P.O. Bwx 51, HcUrhuru, RC. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdsle Ave. 51,00 c year hy cstricti 53.00 ~ rect by scsS. HOLLYBURN HALLWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE Dsih cud Bceuimcii, Huuyburu This Scciety ic u Btuuch cf The Mcthct Church Tbc First Church of Christ, ScicutlcL In Boston Mccxccbucctis Sunday Service: 11&30 am. Sunday, August 6, 1933, Subject: " S I' It I T " Sunday Schcci at 10:00 ~.m. Testimony hicciiug lvcduccduy ~t 0&16 p.m. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. Jas. F. Cuddeford 11116 a.m.--Morning worship. Preacher: Mr. Reynolds Esler, Sermon subject: "The Healing of the Leper." Visitors welcome to our ser- vice. 14th cud Duchccc SUNDAY, AUGUST 6th 'i&30 p.m. Guspel Address Spcukct f h)R. I,. HIBBERD A cordial wc)come; Hcctiy Singing; I Nc ccficciiuu taken. CLOVEII--SENTANCE &v' lovely wedding, performed at St. Stephen's Church, on July 24, united in marriage Miss Mons Sentence, only daughter of hire. E. G. Sentnnce of West Vancouver, snd Mr. Owen Clover, son of hir. snd Mrs. Rob- ert Clover of Vancouver. Per- formed at 8 o'lock by Rev. J. P. Dingle, the ceremony took place amid a beautiful setting of pastel shaded summer blos- soms of many varieties, snd the bride, escorted to the altar by Mr. R. G. Cook, wss given in marriage by her mother. Dur- ing the signing of the register, Mrs. Frederick Barbour sang "Because." Miss Connie Edwards, Miss lone McDonald snd Miss Jean McLsren attended as brides- maids, snd little hIiss Geraldine Robertson wss flower girl, while Mr. Gordon Jamieson wss best msn snd Mr. Ross Forrester snd Mr. Albert Mssterman acted as ushers. The bride wore s very grace- ful floor-length gown of white tsifets combined with rich isim snd worn with 0 long veil form- ing s train secured at the head by orange blossoms. She car- ried 0 bouquet of rosebuds and white heather. The three attendants, dressed in gowns of similar design, formed s charming contrast to the bride. hIiss Edwards was gowned in pale green sik net, while Miss McDonsld chose pas- tel rose sik net snd Miss Mc- Lsren light blue point d'sprit. Their dresses were tight iitting at the bodice snd flared widely snd long to the floor, just show- ing their self-toned slippers. Their hats of close-fitting mo- hair were en suite and their srm bouquets were of variegated sweet peas. The attendants each wore s silver slave bracelet, presents from the groom. The dainty flower girl wss dressed in an ankle length yel- low silk frock with s buttercup bonnet to match. She carried 0 quaint Colonial bouquet. A reception followed the cere- mony at Elks'odge room, North Vancouver, where the bride snd groom were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Sentence, wearing 0 smart ensemble of Trine colored crepe snd chiffon velvet snd biege hst snd gloves, snd Mrs. Clover, attractive in black snd rose chiffon. The room wss beautiful in its pro- fusion of roses and sweet peas. The table wss centered with n three-tier cake flanke on either side by tall tapers in silver sconces. Mrs. J. Koch, sister of the groom, who arrived from Ed- monton for the wedding, served the wedding cake after the bride hsd made the first cut. Mrs. Koch wss smartly attired in s cream'&erge swagger suit snfl hst, accessories to match. Serv- iteurs were Miss Ruth Hill, Miss Alice Swenson, Miss Jule Whylie Miss Thelms Witton snd Mrs. Archie Stew'srt. The groom responded to s toast proposed by the Rev. J. P. Dingle, in 0 few well chosen words. Mr. snd Mrs. Clover left later by lx&at for Vancouver lslsnrl, where they will reside. For go- ing Away the bride ci&use 0 suit of green, rough crepe, biege coat, silver fox fur, and white hst, shoes snd gloves. Tl'e groom's gii't to the bride wss s fitted travelling csee. BAPTIST CHURCH Services: 10:00 s.m.--Sunday School sud Adult Bible Class. ) I:00 a.m.--Rev. F. J. Stude, 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- reys. Mrs. Adair Dewar will sing. The ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed at the close of Sunday morning ser- vice. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: The Clachsn, Sunday 8:30 s.m.--Holy &Mass -- Ser- mon. 9:30 s.m.--Sunday School. 10:15 a.m.--Holy Maes -- Ser- mon, 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. 1Veek Days 7:30 s.m.--Holy Mass. Confessions before Mass. 7:46 p.m., Friday--Devotions, Confessions of Children. 7:80 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions. UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11!15 a.m.--Public Worship. 7:15 p.m.--Public Worship, ST. STEPHEiV'S CHURCH 8:00 s.m.--Holy Communion. 10 ik 11:16 s.m.--Sunday School 11!15 s.m.--Matins snd Sermon 7:15 pan.--Evensong df Sermon During the absence of the Rector, the Rev. Canon D'Easum is in charge of the parish. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "Spirit" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read in sll Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 6. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." (I Cor. 2: 12). The L'esson-Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Sdence snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The great I A&4I made sll 'that was made.'ence man and the spiritual universe coexist with God." (p. 267). The matter of Ambleside Beach snd Park patrol on Sun- days and holidays wss referred by the council to the reeve to take up with the chiei of police, also restriction of burning per- mits for day burning. J. Finlsyson of Dundarsve, hss returned from a ten days'ulidsywhich he spent in Vic- toria. The Misses A. snd S. Mills spent the week end at the Clac- han. THOh)AS J. BROWN PASSES. Thomas Jackson Brown, civil engineer, of 1460 Inglewood Avenue passed sway peacefully at his home last Saturday morn- ing. Born ln Ireland the fourth son of the late Thompson Brown, J.P.. of K)flymore House, Ar- magh. Ireland, he came to this province twentyufix years ago, and had been s resident here for two ears. The deceased, who was in his 66th year, kaves to mourn his loss his wife, two sons, Thomas J. and David H. P. at home, snd one daughter, Dorothy, at Powell River. Fun- eral services were held at 8 p.m. Tuesday from Harron Bros dt Williamson's funeral parlors, 66 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver, Rev. Hillis Wright and Mr. Percy King officiating, snd in- terment wss made in Ocean View Burial Park. G. hi. Finlayson, Ridge inspec- tor, wrote the council re Lucas, Fearn and Nanson lease, The council advised him that they were willing to refund the 0- mount paid less the lease ex- penses of $4.40 snd enckmed cheque for the balance, ~ 4 ~ C. Stsmstis wrote the coun- cil re repairs to lane 1977 Belle- vue Avenue. Referred to the chairman of the board of works snd engineer for report at the next meeting. 4 ~ ~ Among those registering at Kew Beach Sunday were Mr. snd Mrs. Clarke Boldrick, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leggatt, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnston, Mr. snd Mrs. MCArthur, Mr. snd Mrs. Gerrsrd, Mr. snd Mrs. George Hsdwin, Mr. snd Mrs. hIeglsugh- lin, Mr. snd Mrs. K. B. Forster, F. T. Hayward, J. H. Wright, Miss W. E. Southsm, Miss E. M. Southern, R. A, Harrison, Mr. snd hire. James McIntyre, Bar- bers McIntyre, Mrs. A. Edgley, sll of West Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Evans, Miss Enid Clarke, Mr. snd Mrs. J. R. Nic- holson, Dr. Lscey H. Evans, Dr. K. Burwell, Mr. snd Mrs. F. Carr, sll of Vancouver; Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Cates, Lloyd Tremain, Mr. snd Mrs. Lawrence snd fam- ily, Mrs. Kennedy snd family, Mr. snd Mrs. G. Buckeridge, Jack Buckeridge, Sydney Buck- eridge, sll of North Vancouver; hir. snd Mrs. W. G. Hsssell and family, Dr. snd Mrs. R. C. Wel- don snd family, Mr. snd Mrs. G. Miller snd family, Capt. and Mrs. Elmer Strong snd family, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Desbrossy snd Vslerie, Mrs. J. U. Buchanan snd son, Norman Savage snd A. Moorhouse, sll of Vancouver. Dr.hiarjory hjcCubhln DENTIST Hcutc& 0 ~. m. Iu 5 p. m. Sstllrdcyc 10 ~ u& ic I p ej Evenings cud Sciutdcy After uccux by cppoinimcut only Rcyul Sank Bundiug I'hcuc Wcci 440 Rcchicucc I hcub West 303. OR. G. IJ. il. SFr4 I L DENTIST Iicy Sicck 14th csd 14 ctiuc Dr Ofscc Hours 0 iu 0 p.m. Evcuiugc by sppciuimcut. Phono Wcci '13 Burrard LAVNDRY fct Lsuudty Orders Pbcuc F. RIVERS, West 410L Deify Scrricc GIVEN AWAY FREE 8-Cyl. Pontiac Coach Value $ 1200 Trip to Europe Value $ 1000 Cash Trip to Chicago'8 World Fair Value $500 Cash Duu'4 mice ibc 1033 Ccucdx Pscisc gxbii&!lion-- the "show wiuduw of Utiujb Columbic." Grcxtct-rhcu- aver cducciiuuci csd cuictisiumcut features! Butte Rcciug crcty dcy, Gcr, your iickcic early, SPECIAL PRIVILEGE COMBINATION TICKET (cuiiiicc hciuct ic pctucipcrc iu chute awards) Good for one cdm&cciou tu gtuuudj cud grand ctcud, any dcy. $1.00 Vancouver, B.C. Aug.30- Sept.6 CANADA PACIF IC EXHIBITION Mrs. C. Poisson, 2994 Park Lane, left on Sunday to visit in Victoria. 'Is& I I i (B)LL GROUT) 1451 Marine we sp dcuxc I Picc iug ihc cuci mct West 268 ,";,":„" Towing and Road Service Reps&rc io sfl makes ot Aufomobdcx WIIIard Batteries - Rnybestos Brake Lining Yuu kuuw your labor charges iwfotc we ctati thc jub. 0 ~ ~E EXTRA CORD Pll KS UNDER 2'tteTREAD Llt nommcNg] EST QjkN MOTORS