0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 20, 1933. .v 0~Mr 0rrrvrr0.~ V~ 0V 040 v v v I Jv m v r ~ frov ieo ' 0 0 ro 0 0 ov 0!0 I0' 0 0 ' ~ r 0!0 ~ 0 0 .0 J.rr orr 0 og r ~ rr rrrr * ~ ~ rrr v 0 0r v'Prrr Vrrr«rr 0 0 rr rrv rrov0'r r rrrrrrrrvv rr 0'r0-rrr '~'rp r- gbf rv'rrr vr rrrrr rrrrrr THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar. The editor informs me that he has had a number of requests, one of them being written, for the continuance of this column, for which I thank the authors. To those who like me, my pro- found salaams. To those who dislike me--and there are some who by their letters apparently would like to fry me in boiung oil--stlu doeper and more pro- found sabuuns. One can but write the truth, ugly or other- wise, as one sees it, the only trouble being, of course, that what appears to be the truth to one is to another 0 moat out- rageous falsehood. So, here we are again. ladies and gentlemen, for another spasm. ~ ~ ~ The published accounts of the Pacilic Scientific Congress here in our midst have enabled the people of Vancouver to get a close-up of the vagaries oi'he scientific mind. One scientist, for instance stated that theor- eticafiy man should live 187 years. It's a blessing, in view of the unemployment and the cost of old-age pensions, that we don't conform to this dictum in practice. Another stated that, if one kept tame catfish, one would know just when an earth- quake was due to shake up the old bones. That is fine, but the most important thing is obvi- ously to know one's next move, which the gentleman failed to indicate. As the old farmer said of his balky horse, "He' alright as far as he goes, bui the trouble is he doesn't go very far." The worst, however, was he who said that'adversity is a wonderful aid to long life. That'6 a new one, for it means booms and the death rate are in inverse ratio to one another. Personal- ly, brother, "It afi sounds like moonshine to me.o AU of us will heartily endorse the suggestion that the mucil- age on postage stamps be nicely flavored, as put forward at a convention of postmasters just held in London, Ontario. The account of the general discussion there would indicate that all present had licked so many stamps as to be able to detect difFerences in the taste thereof, the 1 cent variety being pre- sumably the worst. My eperl- ence has so far only enabled me to detect one, which I don't like at all. The president of the con- vention stated he had once got 0 mouthful, and it was terrible. One naturally asks what on earth was he doing with the stamps? ~ ~ We pride ourselves nowadays on our wonderful cleverness as shown in scientific achievement and its practical application to life. Yet knowledge does not bring happiness, and science, whik making life safer and more comfortable, has largely wrecked our religious beliefs without producing sny substi- tute. Hence a civilizat)on given to doubting everything and rev- erencing nothing. After aa man must worship a god or gods. It is the main diiference between him and the brute creation. A belief in religion, even if bolster- ed up with a little mediaevsl superstition, would be infinitely better than a slavish pride in science, which for the most part refuses to acknowledge the spir- itual side of human nature. The oriental sages think, while the majority of our scientists only experiment. Phone West 459 Phone West 46 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATSSmith 's Grocery Government Inspected Only 1 Store ut Hollyburity next TheatreSuggestions for Friday & Sat. July 21 & 22 coRN FI.AKEs, Konogg'0 i c)IKFBE--Tiny cheddar . each $00 2 pkgo. 170; CAKE Rod R )vhuo SpecialMt;FFErs--Dokghtfoi 'Whale Whoo) i Almond square ........ $00 Biocon .... Pov Pookogo I BCKKNS HFALTH 6! I.IVER SALTS Large olxo bol)io ..................... 490 MARMAtADE--Croooo lk Blaokook'o kid lk Whne I'EAS. oi)o 4 8 oiclook .......... Sse I Fancy quality, 2 Gxo 250 kod R Vfhko BAKLNG I'OWDFJI SARDINES--Foxoy quality 12 ox. Ho ........ 190 «ogioa, Nabab...... per Bs 100 CORN STARCH, 1 IL carton sc CORNED BEEF--Bovrk SHELLED WALNUTS Noxo better ........... Iorge Bs )40 Cioxo while moo! H Ib 150 LOBSTEk I'ASTE, ..... r tls 100CATSUI', C- lk lb.. pox bo)Oo 170 ports WITCH HAZEL TOILhw SOAP I EANUT BUTrER--Sqoimol BmxdFancy Dooorotod Tumbler, each 190 CERTO -- Mokoo Jom qolokor BISCUITS--F)00 Sio)oro ~od better........... bottle 29c Assorted Soodvioh . pox nx 2$0 I'EARL )VHITK SOAP. 12 bars Szo COOKED HAN--1)eucioos Virgin!~ gave the )Vioppo)o for Premiums. Hom with Droooisg ... V) kx 190 REGAL sALT 2 ib shaker cor)oo 8nio BLIUKD BAcok, s)0lf)'0 Premium SALklON--Northova IL C. ! ')i Ib................ 150 Rod SPring ........ Sot tins 100 LARD--So!f1'0 Suvorloof, Per lb. 110 ROOT BKEk--mokoo $0 pint bo)Ooo Royoi Crown AM)IONIA POWDFR por bottle ........................ $00 Packet THE BANDAGE OF A HUNDRED USES. Something 44 @6 I ')) The boodogo of o hood)od uses, so pinning quno so Sterlaid) iy'. Rok zx24 200. 2 60, 60;. PHONE WEST 3 LU BEE ~ . Il and sfi Building Material of Best (juality ai I.ow I'riess. BUILD NOW I gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 3631. 15th and hiarine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS vance sale of tickets for the Canada Pacific Exhibition from August 30th to September 6th. The advance sale is now in its tenth year. Instead of offering special inducements for gates alone this year there will be no advance sale on that but the gate charges have been reduced to 25 cents per head so that every member of the British Columbia public can attend the big Exhibition. The advance sale has to do with a combination ticket for the grounds and grand stand. The afternoon attraction at the grand stand this year is horse racing, and hundreds of fine thoroughbreds have been secur- ed for the event. The combined charge for the grounds and grandstand is much less than the indivdvdual charges for these attractions. The prizes include a fine closed automobile worth 81200 cash; a trip to Europe worth 81000 cash; and round trip to the World Fair at Chicago worth 8500. Tickets sre now on sale in every district of British Columbia or can be obtained on application to the Exhibition Offices at Vancouver. UNEbIPLOYED ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of the Unemployed Association of West Vancouver was held on Friady at 8 p.m. in the Socialist Hall, bfark Phillips presiding. The chief discussion of the evening arose out of a report given by bfr. Phillips on 0 case where relief had been refused and then ultimately granted. This is one of many instances where the organization has been instrumental in seeing that the tenne of the relief act are cor- rectly interpreted. The question of increased prices was also taken up by the meeting; the rise in sugar, fiour, meat etc., being a serious mat- ter to people in receipt of relief allowance. The matter will come up more fully at the next meeting which will be held on Friday, July 28th, at 8 p.m. in the Socialist Hall. bfembers and aa interested are urged to at- tend. WATKkFRONT BUNGALOW, Pomly furnished, Por Sale or Rent from Sept. Phone West 22)X. I'RINTING -- I'or aU kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. WANTED--Too Girls )o learn bo))- )VE WILL REI'AIR ymw Watch fm d„oooiog $25 down Appiy Bony old gold. Woo) Voo. Jowonon 1622 bors Academy, 1548 biorioe Drive. Marine. NARCK10 FINGER WAVE Ok SHAblPOO, 260. Permanent Waves $2.00. Hokyburo Academy of Beauty Culture, 1548 Marino Drive. No oppoiotmooto socoooory. FOk SAI.E -- Cot)ogo Tent, Z)psor door, rouopoibio poles, used 2 months, $26.00. Phone West 196Y. )VANTKD--Lot right on Waterfront for cash. No agents. Box 8, West Vos Now0. FOR kENT--5 rooms modors, partly furnished Including rooi range; wired for electric range, Aro ploce, nice loooflos near ferry, 516.00. Phone West 265X. WANTED -- Comfortable room, por- t!xi board, solos cooking conveni- ences, Hoiiybors preferred. Terms moderate. Box 5, West Vos News. GET M Y FREE EST151 ATES os Point!os; Poporisg ond Koioomis- iog. C. L Eon!ego, Roo. Phone West 894R. SWIMSIING 41 DIVING TAUGHT- Dundorovo Pier, Wednesday ood Friday mornings Ambiooido Beach Tuesday mornings ond Saturday afternoons. Phone Molly Fdwords, )Voot 4$6R1. WEBB'S SHOR REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dusdorovo. COI.IN TURNER, Corpos)or ood Builder. Akorofloas osd ropslra Phone West 679R. FOR SALE -- Piano-pioyor, bench ood 70 rolls, like new, cost $700. Phone West 169X1. BEADGUARTKRS for Ak )bo Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, osd Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters. Ambiooido Too Rooms. WANTED--Cook Stoves oxd Ranges for cash. Phone North 4S1.CANADA - PACIFIC EXHIBI- TION Handsome prizes are being ar- ranged for the impressive ad- MARCELLB SHOP -- Morooko, 50 cents; reset, 854; Anger wove, 50c. Phono Ifrx. King, West $04. FOR RENT -- House os Woiorfrost, yearly ieaeo. Phone West 6$R1. FikST-CLASS SHOE kEPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best motor!xi osd workmanship. BKGINNEks'WHHSIING CLASSES --Hokyburn ood Ambiosido Beaches dony during high tide weeks. In- formation J. Low)os'0 ok!co or Mro. Nary Cox, Crystal Swimming Club, Seymour 8268. PURNISBKD AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, osd acreage for sale. John Low)on, 17th osd Marine, Phono West 56. Fok I'LUMBING REPAIRS -- Roo idoooe Pbooo Woo) 2411L LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Exporioneod with ok mokoa "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Sforlso.lgyOWsso»a NfyrICE OF API'LICATION for VETERANS'LUB LICENSE NOTICE is hereby given ihot aftorO this advertisement hoo appeared is Cour ouccoooivo weekly ioouoo an op- pneotion oui be mode to tbo Liquor Control Board for o Veterans'lub Licosoo to operate o Votorooo'lub on the prom!zoo now occupied by oo on Lot One II) In Block K of Distr!xi Lot 775, Plan 4140, is tho Monioipokty of West Vancouver. This odvortioo- ment Aro) pubkobod 29th Juso0 1984. Dated this 29th June, 1088. Post 80 Cosodios Legion of Brnloh Empire Service League. By BUELL LAWRANCE R CO., Sokckoro for the Appikonto. A duck belonging to Mrs. S. Laidlaw, 18th and Inglewood Avenue, has just hatched out a duckling having three legs and four feet. The little one Is per- fectly well, and uses the extra leg, which has two feet and sticks out from the back of its body as a kind of tripod on which to rest when it gets tired of running round. This seems almost too good to be true, but we are informed that, neverthe- less, it is 0 fact. 0 ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Baldwin, 1413 22nd Street, have returned from Gibson'0 Landing, where Mr. Baldwin has been employed for the psst three weeks. GORDON HOBSON Bowl~1st Souci)or WEST VANIX)OVER Ogloo No. 1447, hioriso Drive Phone West 40S. 10 to 1$. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suko 601: 610 Hastings SL W. Phono, Seymour 4199. 2 to L Thousands of patron9 are on the downtown streets every night, looking at the store windows. Are yours C. J. Overington PIONFER BARBERMr. and Mrs. W. J. Pitman snd family motored down from Prince George last week and are the guests of Mrs. Pitman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Law- sou, 22nd and Bellevue. brilliantly lighted? Will people stop at them? Don't overlooj) your most 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 136 GEO. HAY valuable advertising medium; keep them well-lighted 0$ long as people Notary Pobkc kooi Fr)olo 4) Isoxrooco CASCADE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Listings %Vansed Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for driveways and garden paths. Phone: North 1363; Night I'hone, Alf. Ellis, West 160Y, are in the streets. 140S Mo)iso Drl)o I'hooo Woo) $ 1 or So)moor 1260 E)ooiogo Woot 204X~ 0 0 .00 BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Tho rois fo) Ciooo18od AdvovHoomooto lo 2 coxio por ward, m)olmom 2S cos)a Fmeopt Io the casa of those boriog )ogu)or oocoox)s, ou eloool- ~Sodo oro payable strictly Is odvosco. Romombo) Ciooo18odo ia the Woot Vos News got immodlo)o roooko.