0001 ( July 20, 1983. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN "To be I'orewBrned Is to be ForeBrmed" )VEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSOCIATION ls prspsrisg Ipf the coming winter. Regular monthly dsnsllpep, however small, will help ls keep pompons dfy sbsd, better Esurisbsd snd suitably clothed. Budget How io Include comfort for the other (supe. LEARN TO SWIM From Percy Norman COACli AND TRAINER Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club and )Vest Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club~ ~ Phones: Douglas 2876; Fairmont 5329L or West 364R1 or apply to any member of executive West Vsn. A.S.C. First Classes Tuesday afternoon, 11th July, at Ambleside Beach 2:30 p.m.; Dundarave Pier, 6:00 p.m, IVirs. J. Sweeney, 650 11st Street, gave a farewell party last Thursday for Rev. Father Plunkctt, who has been in charge of St. Anthony's Church during the absence of Rev. Father Flanagan on holidays. ~ \ )V. J. Wenmoth, who has been living for the psst year or two in Anyox, B.C., is again occupy- ing his home at 14th and Ingle- wood Avenue. ~ c c Miss Winnie Bowman, 19th and Waterfront, is spending her vacation at Crescent Beach. s ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hsssell and family of Vancouver, are occupying a cottage st Kew Beach. s s ~ Eleven Guides under Joan Durbin, Commandant, spent from hlonday until Friday of last week in camp at Fisher- man's Cove. Wednesday was visitors'ay and the mothers End friends were delighted with the arrangements for the girls'utingand had a very enjoyable time. The Guides had bonfires, bun feeds and the usual fun every evening.s ~ Miss Lulu Ray entertained Monday evening in honor of the Misses Marie and Dee Mussallem of Prince Rupert. The invited guests were Marie and Dee Mus- sallem, pat Davidson, Jean Ray, Mildred and Jean Lettner, Lila Rahy, Nellie Dennis of Agassiz, and Geraldine Warner of Smith- ers. Jack Mussallem, Wallie Kel- lof, Bunny snd Herby Ray, Stan Lettner, Albert Brady, Victor and George Ray, Bobby Dennis of Agassiz, Jack Rahy, Walter Fayad, Ed. Hassey, and Richard Kellof. Mrs. Edward Jessop and Mrs. W. A. Robertson were joint host- esses Wednesday afternoon at the home of the former at a mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Mons Sentence who is to be marreid shortly to Mr. Owen Clover. The teatable was charmingly centred with Van Fleet roses and aspar- agus fern on a hand embroidered cloth. Mrs. E. G. Sentance pre- sided at the urns, and Mrs. W. A. Robertson and Mrs. Edward Jes- sop acted as serviteurs. Solos were given by Mrs. Nick Wil- liamson, who was accompanied by Mrs. Danvers on the piano, and Mrs. Eggett on the violin. Mrs, Jessop and Mr. Eggett played two selections on the guitar, and Miss Mavis Jessop ve two dance numbers. Miss erry Robertson and Miss Mavis Jessop presented the gifts in a beautifully decorated basket. Among those present were: Miss Mons Sentence, Mrs. Nick IVII- liamson, Mrs. Danvers, Mrs. H. MacDonald, Mrs. Bossenberry, Mrs. Sentence, hire. Grisedsle, Mrs. S. T. Richardson, Mrs. V. V. Vinson, Mrs. Edward Jessop, mrs. hiorgan, Mrs. Jones, Nrs. Corbett, Mrs. Percy Hawtin, Mrs. Littleford, Miss Owen Hodge. Impfove your complcmon by having a FREE DRINK aY KEW BEACH Ill lib(ERAL SPRING I ii, ~ ~ TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies leod)d, Coal Dump Truck Work ul E Hl Iy el K.W. Savory 1443 hiarine Drive Ambleside ld I, ( Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance 1, ey ee )i- 10; g WOMEN'f pcs hare Cclcd wrpudsrf circ ssd friiwl tc obtsis rss 1. ssb prsrr dpvslrc for DIL MAEIVLS FEMALE PILLS Septi cr, DIL old rcusbis rwssdI. EECOMMENDHb AND SOID toc wssp 'c. for balf ~ ccsbsp, «c dsssccsss dwsc. vspcd cs receipt reprice. ENICKEESOEE EEMEDV CO. ~ Ml Vicbsis St Eswsts. Csssds fey Iib. ~,, I eek Ne I He last del dzy Aed bey Hide Tbe { Ibe ~ 0 Mls .8 . lait bell Y,T. )IIA Ambleslde Sheet MetalVVorks LAURIE SPECK. Pfopfkfsf 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET META!. INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING HOLI.YBURN Barber Shop lblb A Marine BXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. G. C. BYRNELL REAL ESTATE ANO INSURANCE 1359 Marine Drive r AMBI.ESIDE MEA'I'ARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. NURCH. Proprietor Finest Gusll(y Fresh Meals, Smoked snd Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 I I ~ Local and I'ersonal Sal Evacuant the intestinal CleanerJohn Nylsnd, 29th and MarineDrive. has in his garden some foxgloves with three and five Stems, all of which sre flowering at once. He also has a number which have flowered from the top instead of from the bottom of the stem. i(e is wondering whether it is usual for these plants to grow in this manner. ~ \ F. T. Harrop, 24th and Otta- wa Avenue, and Magnus Ross, 24th and Heywood Avenue, have returned from an enjoyable fis- hin trip in the Interior. c James H. Kyle of Seattle, was the guest over the week end, of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blowey at their cottage at Batchelor's Bay, )Vhyteclilf. ~ s ~ W. T. Shellard, 21st and Belle- vue Ave., is on s business trip in the Peace River country. He reports that the wheat in that section of the country is begin- ning to head, there having been ample moisture, and, while the weather so far has been cool, the farmers are expecting a bumper crop, which with the advanced prices should result in a big fall business for the merchants. Rev. End hirs. F. A. Ramsey and family left on Wednesday for a holiday, which they will spend at Blind Bay, Shuswap Lake, B.C. ~ c ~ G. C. Byrnell has changed his office, which is now located at 1359 hiarine Drive in the of- fice formerly used by the West Van News. L.O.L. No. 2990 are holding a dance in the Orange Hall on August 10th, when the music will be supplied by the B. C. Rangers'rchestra. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. William Gentleman, 1317 Bellevue Ave., entertained at a delightful miscellaneous shower on Wednesday last, the 12th inst., to 'honor Miss Ruth Jack- son, bride of this month. The rooms were tastefully decorated in pink and white blossoms and the bride unpacked hey many lovely gifts from s gaily decor- ated pink and white wagon. Luncheon followed, hirs. F. G. Cochett and Mrs. R. W. Davies, assisting the hostess in serving. The invited guests included, the Misses Ruth Jackson, Betty hic- Kenzie, Frances Brydon-Jack, Gwen Clay, Ethel Roberts, Ruth Hill, Vivisn Armstrong, Allegra Woolgar, Irene Young, Florence Corbett, Mrs. J. F. Jackson, Mrs. F. )V. Harrington, Mrs. R. W. Device, Mrs. F. G. Corbett, hirIL Kenneth Robinson, hfrs. Alan Bean. Nr. End Mrs. W. Herrin, 1387 Haywood Avenue, left here last week to spend a holiday in Cal- gary, going by motor.s ~ Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Dr. End Mrs. Pearson, Mr, snd Mrs. Steels, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bar- ber, and Nr. Snd Mrs. Sidney Call, all of Vancouver, have taken suites at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ s ~ Colonel K. W. Savory and two of his sons, 27th and Ottawa Avenue, have returned from a motor trip up the Cariboo. ~ ~ Fr«d and Harry Jones, 1244 Esquimalt Ave., last Friday launched a fin cabin cruiser which they had built themselves but as a result of engine trouble drifted onto Capilano Spit, where the waves began to pound the launch against the beach. Fir- tunately Captain Vince noticed that they were in difFiculties, and with Percy Hawtin and Bert Gisby rowed down to the Spit, where they attached at rope and towed the launch back to Amble- side. c ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster of Vancouver, are occupying their house at 26th and Bellevue Avenue. As a result of the fine weather Ambleside Beach was crowded over the week end with picnic- kers and others who came to enjoy the bathing and boating. There was also' large crowd of swimmers and divers at Dun- darave Pier. Captain and Mrs. H. I. Vince and son, 1074 Esquimslt Ave,. are spending a holiday at Cultus Lake. s Miss Margaret E. Nyland, 29th and Marine Drive, has gone to Haney, B.C., for a few days'ohday ~ ~ Mrs. Norman Whittaker of Victoria, formerly Miss Gwen Gillis of West Vancouver High School staff, was the guest last week of ihir. and Mrs. John Lawson, 22nd snd Bellevue Ave. Her friends may be interested to know that Mr. Whittaker has accepted the Liberal nomination for Saanich, Priemier Tolmie's seat. ~ s s hire. Stewart Turkington and her young daughter will occupy a cottage in Caulfeild for the month of August. Miss Agnes Nyland (Sister Mary Rosalinda), while on her way from Kamloops to Victoria, paid a short visit last Friday to her father and sisters at Alta- mont, where she had the pleasure of meeting a number of her old friends and spent a very enjoy- able evening. She was much im- pressed with the progress the municipality has made during the last seven years. ~ ~ ~ On Sunday afternoon, July 9th, St. Stephen's Church was the scene of the christening of Gwendolyn Anne, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sewell, 1590 Gordon Avenue. Godpar- ents chosen were Miss Helen Sewell and Mr. George Sewell. After the service, which was conducted by Rev. F. A. Ramsey, tea was served at the home of Mr. End hirs. Sewell on Gordoii Avenue. Amongst those present were, Mr. and Nrs. W. E. Sewell, Mra hl. Parrolt, Mr and hire. J. F, Parrotl, Miss Helen Sewell, Miss Lois Bradley, Miss Marjory Crickmay, Miss Jessie Sewell, Miss Frances Powell, Miss Mar- jory Atwood, George snd Nor- man Sewell, Bill Couper, Master Hersey Seweli and hir. snd Mrs. Ted Sewell. c s ~ Rev. Father Flanagan of St. Anthony's Chur.h, has returned from a vacation which he spent in Boston, Mass. 35c, 75c, $ 1r20 Ceiuuiill's Drug Store Tbe Siefe sr Ssrpke Ides Msrlss Drips West 27 Esssfgcscy Passe Weal Szl (Acier 2 p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY Asd SATURDAY Jely glsl ssd 22EIL LEB TRACY sed CONSTANCE CL'MMINS "Washington Merry Go Round" also News, Comedy, EUcksy Moose. ALEXANDER GREY (Slsr SI Vissssss Nigbls) "PASSING THE BUCK" SION. -- TUBS. -- WED. July 2l, 2&, 2S "The Maid of the Mountains" from the very popular Epgikb Ispsicsl sfJlgs sbsw NOTICE A copy sf ibis sd. Ssd zbc vill Admit lws lo tbs HoBybeps Tbssefs on Msedsy Tessdsy ssd Wsdnssdsy, July gd, gb. SL STRAlTQN'S BAKERY Breads, Cakes, Fastries, Vanetles ALL FRESlI DAILY hfade at 1468 hfarine Drive Phone West 27 CLIFF HOUSE, 1Vhytecliff'ark ANGNG SATURDAY, July 22sdand every Saturday Night Starts 2 p.eb Romeo Perrie and Cliff House Six-piece Orchestra Hear ss over CKWX at Y.ib p.m Friday, July glsl. For isfpfmsucb ssd fsscfrslises; Telephone Long Dislsscs CliF House C 0 IVI E! Dundarave Seventeenth Annual REGATTA and AQUATIC SPORTS Saturday, July 2.2nd at 2 p.m. ADMISSION 25C. REGATTA DANCE 2 Io lg p.eb ADMISSION 5OC.