0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Julv 20, 1933 js)f I « r«s e «tA t ~ srr tw et/ t'H w- t' .' ew! ,'~-'~ '. wttt «%! ««t~t «'t nr t-tt' «pst« 't. t!r- ~ t 't ~ 'e'e'«re t 't! '« 't"e ,t «t'« t . e't'~ twit ~ ~ t«« ~xc««4 'rgrr w««v w «M««et~« ««« '-«'r V Ctwqxixeie 50&n&ot Cembintnoe pxtmmwxts with tht New If rou bxvtx'4 hxd tuttxxx wish your Permanent Waves call xad xte bliss Clay who hxs hxd over eleven years'xpetieats. Sbe wiU give yoo x fttt consult- ation wish test curls snd deter- mine whr rou are having ttoebie snd gire you het new method of Rtviixiixixg Pertwsx- tni. Gffjendolyn Beuuty Shoppe )54$ hixtint Drive Phoae West 1&7 FILMS- KODAK AND ACFA CRYSTAL FINISH SERVICE DEVELOPING xxd PRINTING Ai)iBLESIDE PHARi)iACY W. I EER, Prop )40) Mxtiae Drive Phone West 828 FREE DELIVERY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae West 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman'EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 80th xwd Exec&ma&i, HoUrbetx This Society ix x Btxxth of The 5(tibet Cbuteb The First Church of Christ Sciesiix&. in Has&ox, Massachusetts Sunder Service& ii;80 ~.m. Sunday, July 23, 1933 Subject: " T It U T H " Sunday School at io:00 ~.m. Testimony Meeting Wedntxdxr xt 8:)5 p.m. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister: Rev. Jas. F. Cuddeford 11:15 a.m.--Morning worship. Mr. Esler will exchange pul- pits with Rev. Jam F. Cuddeford who will preach on "Is Jesus god Iw Presbyterian visitors heartily svekomed to this service. ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: The Clachan, FORTY HOURS ADORATION Friday--July 21st 7:45 p.m.--Sermon by Father Plunkett. Saturday--July 22nd 7:45 p.m.--Sermon by Father Sharkey. Sunday--July 23rd 8:30 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:16 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 7:45 p.m.--Sermon by Father Miles, Week Days 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--Public Worship.':15 p.m.--Pub)ic Worship. General Insurance Agent Fire. Axiomobiit, Burglary, Accident xxd Sitkxtxx, tie. 5557 Eixg'4 Ave. Phone W. 4ZY8 ST. STEI'HEN'S CHURCH July 23rd--6th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 & 11&16 a.m.--Sunday School 11&15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m.--Evensong & Sermon During the absence of the Rector, the Rev. Canon D'Easum is in charge of the parish. Exixbiixhtd on North Shore 20 Ytxtx. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. 8& WILLIAMSON funeral Birertars CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "Truth" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. July 23. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson xiermon is the following from the Bible: "These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every msn the truth to his neighbour; ex- ecute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:" (Zechariah 8: 16). The Lesson - Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science snd Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The way to ex- tract error from mortal mind is to pour in truth through flood- tides of Love. Christian perfec- tion is won on no other basis." (p. 201). North Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Suificient Evidence The club bore had been at it for hours. "Picture the jungle by night," he said dramaticafly, "the prowling lion in search of his prey, and me lying only a few feet away." Brown stood up. "Quite! But there's no need to picture the last part," he said, as he walked away. "I can hear you!" THE West Vari 1Vems Pxbiithtd Et«sr Thxtsdxr Pebiixbt t F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Uex&oste xx4 Editorial OS&re& )7&h xmi Mxtiee Drttt (Next te Hoiirbets P.O.) Phoae West 363 Hall Addtttx& P.O. Box Si, HoUfbate, )LC. North Vancouver 08'ice i 123 Lonsdale Ave. slee x year br txttitt& 88.00 ~ ytxt br mall CAI&D OP THANKS Mw xnd )itx. J. Johnson wish iw extend &brit htxtifdi thanks xnd spptttixiits tt their massy ftirndt wbe xo eaxeiaxhiy oget- td their assis§ sod exitxdtd iht hxxd tf sympathy io them In the itxt of their beloved dxughitt. They would xixt like io exp&est &brit xpptttixiioe ftt the many beautiful iittai itib- ss&tx ttsl by individual~ axd groups. Miss Ruth Blair of the B. C. Electric Co.'s office here, has re- turned from her annual vacation which she spent at Calgary, Batdf, and Lake Lousie. &4th and Duchess SUNI)AY, JULY 23rd 7:80 p.m. Addttxx by NR. T. Ncl.ARFN tf Vancouver SUBJECT: "THE CROSS" A i)ratty We&tome. Hearty S&ssgixg. No collection taken. xi 7:80 p.m. Rtv. William B. Mxcgtrgot wiii sneak on "SIGNS OF THE LORD'8 NEAR APPEARING," more of what I xxw in Pxittiixe, xixt «Coming Evtnix ix the History of the World'akingpiste between years )088 xxd )040. The Mtttxge tf the houri. The public xte cordially ixtiitd. Grade 2 -- Term A -- Ray- mond Burton - Forster, David IVllson, Rosemary Forrest. Term B -- Jean Fiddes, James Mc- Donsld, Gordon Shellard, Grade 3 -- Term A -- Ruth Parnum, Carry Miller, Valerie Smith. Term B,--Richie Moore, HPLLYBURN HALL The Pauline Johnson School closed its doors for the 1933 Summer vacation with the usual closing exercises, and the dis- tribution of awards and Rolls of Honor. A number of parents, including the Rev. F. A. Ram- sey, assembled to witness the proceedings. Mr. Russell repre- sented the Board of Trustees snd addressed the assembled school. and Nrs. MacDonald, wife of Trustee MacDonald, gave out the Honor Rolls. A very BAPTIST CHURCH pleasing inci&lent wss the pres- Servlcee: entation of a book to the Princl- 10:00 a.m.Sunday School and pal by Bernice Sanders on behalf Adult Bible Class. of the Entrance pupils. A hear- 11:00 a.m.--Rev. A. A. Boutel, ty cheer was accorded Nr. Rus- (Emanuel Church, City) sell snd the pupils dispersed to 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H, P. Hum. enjoyed their well-earned vaca- phries. tion. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday -- Mr. J. The following students recelv- B. Holdcroft. ed Rolls of Honor for the year ending June 30th, 1933: THOSII'SON--JACKSON Division I. V Proficienc--Verschoyle Mar- Pale pink roses, marking guest ws, banks of spirea and state. Deportment--Marylin Purse. y delphinium lent their solemn Regularity and Punctuality-- dignity to St. Stephen'0 Church Kenneth Dsvison, Hugh Farm- at 3 o'lock on Saturday, July er. Yoshi Homme, Jack Howdlc, 15th, when Rev. F. A. Ramsey Verschoyle Martin, Norman Pat- united in marriage Ruth Helen, terson, Thor Rafner. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Division 2. J. F. Jackson, 20th Street, and Proficiency -- Brenda Wick- Robert Alexander, son of Mr. IU. ing. C. Thompson, 2058 Argyle Ave. Deportment Shir)ey Parnum Miss Betty MacKenzie attended Regularity and Punctuality- the bride and the groom was Patricia Albin, John Allan, Dor- supported by Mr. James Jackson othy Chappell. Sheila Edwards, while the petite flower girls were Betty Gray, Sylvia Harris, Mur- Dorothy Jackson sister, of the jorie O'Donnell, Brenda Wicking bride, and Phyllis Trussel and John Wright. Peggy Thompson, nieces of the Division 3. groom. Given in marriage by Proficiency -- Paul Jagger. her father, the bride looked Deportment -- Mitsuko Okada charming in a white net gown, Regularity and Punctuality-- princess line featuring ankle Tom Loucks, John Davey, Ron- length flare skirt with a three- aid Hawkes, Betty Hobden. row ruifled hem-line. At the Division 4. high waist line were hand-rolled Proficiency -- Allan Forster, white organza flowers and the Deportment -- Elsie Robbins. sleeves of the close fitting bodice Regularity and Punctuality-- followed the complement of the Jean Vernon, Cynthia Haslam, skirt hem with inch ruff)es Robins Cuthbertson, Helen Wris- from the shoulder to the elbow. bery, Robert Climie, John Cole- The Juliet cap of the three- man, Robert Timbrell, Robert quarter length veil was held In Kendrick. place by orange blossoms and Division 5. featured a smart little nose veil Proflciency~ack MscDonald. The bouquet was Colonial style Deportment--Maisie Grieve. and was of blush pink Sweet- Regularity and Punctuality-- heart roses and )I)yef-the-val- Marion MacNeil, Pearl McLen- ley. Miss McKenzie chose as her nan, Isabel Hodgson, Hilda dress buttercup yellow net on Markle, Robert Shell'ield. silkouette lines, ankle length, Division 6. also with ruffled hemline reveal- Proficiency--Joan I uke. ing yellow moire slipp rs in a D portment --,Raymorid Ly- deeper shade. White Milan pat- ceiltern- straw was chosen for her Regularity and Punctuality-- wide picture hat, and her Coloni- pauline greer, Laureen Jones, al bouquet was of yellow snap- glona Stamatis, Olive Robbins, dragon and pastel sweet peas Jean Allan, Courtenay Gra), The three little flower girls -- gordon Bradley, Norma Fellows, Dorothy, Phyllis and Peggy- Divislon 7. made a charming trio in their Proflciency -- Margaret Hil- quaint Pastel shaded shePherdess born frocks of mauve, pink and blue Deportment--Billy Reid. net, with long full skirts and Regularitv and Punctuality--short moulded bodices. Their Barbara Edwards, Doreen bonnets were of the same mat- Thompson, Gloria Murphy, Pat- erial ss their frocks and were ricia Stsinsby. held in place by tiny silk French Division 8 (lower bandeaux. Each carried proflciency--Ruth Parnum. a bouquet of sweet peas snd pink Deportment--Nancy Grieve. tea roses. During the signing Regularity and Punctuality- of the register Mrs. F. Stainsby Marion parker, David McLelland sang beautifully, "0 Promise Division 9. Me," accompanied on the organ Proflciency~ean Fiddes. by Mr. Albert Kendrick. Follow- Deportment -- Dorothy Jack- ing the ceremony the bnde and son g oom received in the garden of Regularity and pun&tuahty the bride's parents. Mrs. W. C. Gordon Harris, Lorene Lauder. Thompson and Mrs. Jackson also Division 10 assisted in receiving.. Proficiency--Daphne Little. For the wedding trip the bride Deportment--Douglas Moore. wore a smart suit of white Regularity and Punctuallty- French serge, swagger style, Flizabeth Hunt, philip Skeet, with bsg, turban and accessorle Cordon F)etcher, Clifford Taylor to match, and on their return Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will re- The thr e leading pupils in side in West Vancouver. Pauline Johnson School for the School year ending June 30th W. Sanders, letter carrier in according to their grades snd charge at Hoflyburn Post Oifice, Terms are as foflows's on his annual vacation. gage" I T„rm A'hitehead, Gordon Fletcher, yyPRLP PREACHER David Morton. Term B --Daphne Little, Barbara Smallwood, Mar- Ai Otxxgt Hxii, Sunday, July Zstd, guerite POWell. Df.MBrjory jkjcCubbjn DENTIST i(outs: 0 x. m. &o 0 p. m. Sxiutdxyt& ie ~ . m. ie I p.st. Ettningx xnd Saturday A(its. stoat br xppoiaimtsi only. Styx) Bxxk Building Phoae Wtei 440 Rttidtxtt I'htxt West 508. ) w ! J DR. G. IJ. IX. SEALS, 'ENTIST i(ay Birth, 1&ih xxd bitt&pe Dt. Oliitt Htutx 0 m 8 p.m. Ettnixgx br spptiniestwi. Phone Wsti 78 !e! Norman Willington last week made 8 plucky rescue on Amble- side Beach, when in response to a cry for help he plunged in and rescued 0 girl who had gone down for the third time. He carried her to Csrley'0 Boat House, where she wss attended to by Mr. and Mrs. W. Carley. Jackie Watson last Thursday also jumped in in his clothes and pulled out a litt)e 4-year old boy who had fallen oif Ambleside Dock into the deep water. The child remarked he was glad he had his bathing suit on instead of his ordinary clothes. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Nrs. Charles liudson of Calgary, who were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cripps, 2361 Marine Drive, left on Monday to continue their holiday trip to Whitehorse, Y.T. Nrs. Hudson is s niece of Nrs. Cripps. Burrard LAUNDRY fut Imexdtr Orders Phoae F. R)VERS, Weal 4&el Daily Set«it« Hugh Addison, Nancy Grieve. Ctnule 4 -- Tenn A--Margaret Hilborn, Barbara Edwards, Dor- een Thompson. Term B--David How&len, Billy Reid, Doris Cle- ment. Grade 6 -- Term A -- Isobel Banks, Olive Robbins, Dorothy Purse. Term B -- Joan Luke, Paulene Greer, Maureen MartIn. Grade 5 -- Term A -- Jim Anderson, Charles Forxter, Jes- sie Wrisberg. Grade 6 -- Term B -- Jack biacDonald, Marion NscNeil, ~ Toshiko Okada. Grade 6 -- Term A -- Allan Forster, Robert Kendrick, Pam- ela Little. Grade 7 -- Term A -- Paul Jagger, Doris Bernard, Betty Hobden. Tenn B -- bisrgaret McMillan, Dorothy Eriksen, Lor- raine Holden. Grade 8--Term A--Verschoy)e Martin, Kathieen Jagger, Stan- ley Patterson. Term B--Brenda Wicking, Sheila Edwards, Wil- liam Barker. CLASS LEADERS AT DUNDARA VE SCHOOI, Grade I--1st Term--1, Mary Beattie; 2, John Barbour; 2nd Term --I, Shirley Gilbert; '2, Isolsel Russell. Grade 2 -- 1st Term -- I, Daynard IVelsh; 2, Doreen Gar- rard: 2nd Term -- I, Patsy Tay- lor; 2, Clare Beaty. Grade 3 -- 1st Term -- I, Marion Dundas: 2, Stanley Davey: 2nd Term -- I, Joyce Coney; 2, Ruth Franklin. Grade 4 -- 1st Term -- 1, Di- ana Chapman; 2, Teddy Climie: 2nd Term-- I, Yoshiko Hoshino; 2, John Coney. Rolls of Honor Division I-- Proficiency -- Marion Dundas, Grade 3; Yoshiko Hoshino, Grade 4. Deportment -- Stanley Davey Punctuality and Regularity-- Teddy Allen. Division 2-- Proiiciency--Daynard IVelsh. Deportment -- Douglas Mason Punctuality and Regularity-- Patsy Taylor, Shirley Gilbert. I'I.UCKY RESCUES