0001 F re ~ ~ ~ A Weekly Newspaper Circulatiegin the District of West Vancouver-Ansbieside, Hollyburn, Weston, DundarafJe 61.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecltff; Etc. 6c per copy st newsstands. Vol. Vill HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 13th. 1933 No. IO D, Sl, 'J 6 ;. '4 Isa',S tt'661, l Ilrlzs S66t, J)) 'S', J 6+R J " vI PIP .'~ V'SSS g ail6~g t SL - lhs IX S 0 piStr WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. The prizes won at the Rose Show were presented in Dundar- ave Hall on June 29th by Mrs. J. B. Leyland, who also present- ed Mrs. H. B. Garland with s bouquet of flowers, in appreci- ation of her kindness in enter- taining the judges and officers at luncheon the day of the show. A most enjoyable social evening was spent with the Boys'and supplying the music. Mrs. Ley- land was presented with a bou- quet of flowers by Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish on behalf of the Associa- tion and refreshments werc served. The third of the series of Par- lor Shows will be held in Dun- darave Hall on Thursday, July 20th, at 8 p.m. The schedule calls for: 12 stems in each vase of the following shades of Sweet Peas--pink, blue, red, white, lavender, purple, mixed; 3 vases annusls; I vase hardy border cut flow- ers; Ruses I vase climbers, 3 varieties; I vase red roses: I vase pink roses; I vase yellow or orange roses. A feature of this Parlor Show will be a competition in small fruits, when a prize will be a- warded in each of the following classes: Class 1--Cherries, 1 plate; Class 2--Currents, black, plate; Class 3--Currants, red, I plate shown on stems; Class 4--Currants, white, I plate, shown on stems; Class 5--Gooseberries, I plate Class 6--Loganberries, 1 plate Class 7--Raspberries, I plate Class 8--Strawberries, 1 plate Class 9--Collection of fruits, 6 varieties. Entry fee of 10 cents per entry or 3 entries for 25 cents in the small fruits competition. )Vm. Euiott, will judge and speak on exhibiting. George Nunn will also give an address on the merits of the Rose Show and will also give some useful hints on Rose Growing. COUNCIL NOTES The council referred to the police commission the municipal solicitor's recommendation re stop sign entrance of Chatham Street lo Nelson Street at Why tee I i(I. The department of marine wrote the council re lease of Lighthouse Park. Referred to the reeve. Jas. Hyslop wrote the coun- cil re trail at end of Wellington Avenue, Garrow Bay. Referred to the engineer for report. J. N. Mouat wrote the council re brushing of Chatham Street, east to Keith Road, Whytecliff. Referred to the engineer for at- tention. A. D. Chisholm wrote the council regarding subsidence of roadway over ditch, 1597 Ingle- waod Avenue, Referred to the engineer with power to act. R. L. Purdon wrote the coun- cil re steps to beach, Horseshoe Bay. Referred to the engineer for report. The recommendation of G. M. Flnlayson regarding charges for building permits was approved by the council. The matter of gravel un the north side of 22nd and Marine Drive was referred by the coun- cu to the engineer for attention. WELFARE NOTES The first intention of the Wel- fare Association was to organ- ize a central body, a sort of clearing house, where there would be co-operation between citizens going through a rough patch in life's journey, encour- aging a spirit of give-and-take, rather than a spirit of charit- able holdout, believing that the former would be more acceptable to West Vancouver residents. In the main this ides has been carried out. In the matter of the Welfare Gardens Scheme, how- ever, the results have been dis- appointing. The weeds have tak- en full advantage of their op- portunity, and volunteers for s few hours work are badly need- ed. Those who can spare an hour or two on either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday are asked to report at the High School grounds around 9 a.m., or phone Mr. G. Gemmill, West 37. The Association deeply ap- preciates the spirit which prompted some anonymous don- or to place 65 monthly in the local bank to the credit of the Welfare Association. The offer holds good for twelve months, the first. of which has already been received. I.O.D.E. GARDEN PARTY The delightful gardens of Reeve and Ms. J. B Ixylsnd, were thronged Saturday after- noon and evening by the many friends of the Duncan Lawson Chapter. Mrs. Julia W. Henshaw opened the party and she, with Mrs. Leyland and Mrs. Douglas Adair Dewar who delighted the guests with her group of lovely songs, were the recipients of colonial bouquets. The gaily decorated booths were very popular all afternoon as were also the Afternoon Tea tables and Fortune Telling. In the evening the grounds were brilliantly illuminated with vari- colored lights and hundreds of guests enjoyed the many attrac- tions. The committee much appreci- ate the work done by all those who in any way assisted, partic- uarly Mr. Frank Hirst, who ar- ranged the lighting effects; Mr. Coney for the effective posters; Reeve and Mrs. Leyland for the use of their beautiful gardens and the various artists for their. delightful entertainment, both both afternoon and evening. LEGION NOTES All membetz and friends please take notice that a Whist Drive and Dance will be held in the Legion Hall tomorrow, Fri- day), at 8:30 p.m. Put away the garden tools for one night and come along for a pleasant evening at cards. 1st )VEST VANCOUVER (ST. STEPHEN'g) SCOUT AND CUB NOTES Scout and Cub meetings sre over now for the summer, and the Scoutmaster wishes to take this opportunity of congratulat- ing the boys on their work dur- ing the past year. The closing bun feeds went off in great style snd were a fitting close to a year of progress in Scouting and Cubbing. Owing to a shorts(fe of circu- lars it will be impossible to send a camp prospectus to every cub. Those interested can get any in- formation required by phoning the cubmgster, West 229L 17TH ANNUAL SCHOOL TRUSTEES ' HOI.LYBURN HALL DUNDARAVE REGATTA EXPLAIN CHANGES hir. John Bray wiu give a 17th Annual Dundarave At a largely attended public gospel address at 7630 p.m. next Regatta wul be held at Dundar- meeting held last Friday even- Sunday in Houyburn Hsu, whue ave Pier on Saturday, July 22, ing in the Inglewood Auditorium on Tuesday, 18th instant, at 8 1933, st 2 p.rn. under the sus- the West Vancouver Board of p.m. hir. A. L. Hunt will be the pices of the West Vancouver School Trustees explained the speaker, taking as his subject, Amateur Swimming Club This changes to be made in the school fhe Great Gardener." Au are gala will take the form of a system here. Chairman Ken- heartily welcome to these ser- "junior" day, the sge limit for drick stated that as a result of vices. contestants being 16 years. The investigations extending back to senior events will be held at the the beginning of the year 1932 HORTICULTURAL NOTFg Pacific Coast International Out- and the councu's request for a door Championship Gala to be further reduction in school ex- In connection with the fall ex- held st Dundarave Pier on Aug- Penditures they had adopted a hibition of the West Vancouver ust 5, 1933. Au events at the plan brought in by the finance Agricultural and Horticultural gala on July 22 will be closed committee and since approved Association on Sept. 9th it is to West Vancouver Swimmers, by Victoria. This in its essenti- hoped that au who are interest- as will be the special events on als provided for: ed in the needlework department the International Gala program 1. The substitution of a sup- will co-operate with the Associ- on August 5th. Five comic ervising principal in place of ation by putting in ss many events are included in the list Princfpaisl J IU Mftcheu having entries as possible. Attractive for July 22, and the program is been choosen for thisposition. prizes have been auacated for as follows: 2. The closing of Dundarave competition in this department, pp yards, boys under 16 years School, 'the two annexes at Houy- and in addition to the indivkiual 5p yards, girls under 16 years burn and Pauline Johnson prizes a trophy has been donated fip yards, boys under 14 years Schools, and the Manual Train- by Mrs. Garland for the compet- 50 yards, girls under 14 years ing Building itor gaining the most points. 25 yards, boys under 12 years 3. Grades 7, 8 and 9, corn- For particulars phone hfrs. Gar- 25 yards, girls under 12 years mercial and applied arts'lasses land, West 255X. Boys'ne metre board diving --manual trainmg, draughting, Girls'ne metre board diving electricity, home economics, etc. PUPILS OF hIRS. COI.LN 100 yards, Public School relay --forming a )unior high, to be MACLEAN IN RECITAL Boys. housed in Inglewood School, 100 yards, Public School relay Partly in the basement. where The closing of Mrs. Colin hfsc- Girls. alterations would be made for Lean's studio for the summer, Greasy Pole (boys fft girls) was signalized by a very delight- Pillow Fight (boys 41 g rls) 4. Grades 10 snd 11 and p - ful recit I by her jumor.pnpu 7Ire Race (Open) sibly 12, if the latter could be ar- before a comPany of invited Royal Life Saving Society Ex- ranged, to be at Ingiew~ guests Those taking Par were hihit.ipn.: School. Dorothy Gteenwood. Betty Bhdr Baby Race (open) +bile regretting that it had Gertrude Thompson, Pearl Rob Four Special Prizes wiu be been necessary to 1st thme ertson. Stanley Green and Clif- giventothefouryoungestswim- teachers g, mlaries after the foe T'e~ with Do~ Addy mere to compete one f,ngth of cut making'uP 76% of school assitlng artist Mrs. L eg ve the tank, in an atided event on exPenditures, he and the bew was the caPable sccomPanist, the program. were confident that the new sys- and at the close of the recital Entrieg ghpuM be ln the hgndg tern, besides resulting in a con- was Presented with a bouquet of of Murray Watson, 1328Gordon side'mble saving of, money. roses snd orange blam~ by Avenue, West Vancouver, not would b nefit the children by'ore Robson on I h If of hfm. 'later than 12 noon July 22 1933 giving them s greater variety of MacLean and the PuPils. The Jul 22 gala is primarily subjects to choose from as well Tea was then served the com- for the children of West Van- as in other ways. psny, the young vocalists act- couver and everything is being T stees McDonald and Rm- ingm ~~teum. done to make it go over so get sell, also SuPervising PrinciPal behind your swimming club and Mitchell sPoke, and a number «DEATH OF make a "gaia" dsy for everyone. questions were asked, it being WALTER GRUNbY The Annual Regatta Dan~~ evident that there were two w'iu be held at Houyburn Pavil- schools of thought in the audi- Waiter grundy, 187 28th Av ion following the meet at 9 P.m ence. A letter from the West with plenty of novelties and a,ancouver Teachers'ssocis- the'prth Vgncpuver g ~rgI g od orchestra. '" tion to the B~ wasresd late, Hospit«after an fin~ of only The club ha'ng g d Percy asking whether it would not be a few d,ays. The d~ased who Norman as coach for the season Possible to absorb the teachers was in his 58th y~ and if you know anything about ". had been let out by those native of England, but swimming in B. C., you know still on the staff taking a salary sided here fpl tlventy twpy~ Perci"s reputation as a swim- cut to make up the additional He leaves to mourn h~ I ming and diving instn ctor. and cost. Chairman Kendrick ex- mfe. Funm I s~f~ wul be if you don't know anything a- plained that the Board had not held on F iday bout swimming then percy is yet had the time to consider this Nprth Vancouver, and fnt~ the one to see. He wiu be at ProPosal. will be made in Capilano View Dundarave Pier and beach every Cemetery. Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- dgy frpm 2 3P p m untu dark A very enjoyable card ~y ComPlimenting hfisa Ruth to give swimming fnstmctfo for was given last Satunlay evening Jackson. whose wedding takes b«h beginners and th~ th t at the home of Mm. C. E. Sh - Place Saturday. July 15th, ~ are out to improve their 'an, 967 20th Strmt. The fim bridgeshower was given by M'ets an ose a t ming styl,. So come on West prizes were won by him. Lan- Alleg Woolggrat th h eof Vancouver, get b hind o caster and W. T. Atwe, the Mrs, Wm. Tinncy, 177 20th St., Swimming Club. Become " consolation Prizes going to Mm. on hIonday, July 10th. Among f Williamson and W. Green. the invited guests were: hire. gMC g d f h f ~ The Legion W.A. entertained Jackson, hire. Trusseu . Mrs. ship includes cmching b pem the membe of the Lefnon to s Dudley R eitm, Mm. Wntfe acial evening on 29th June to man, the Misses Betty MCKen- celebrate the closing of their sie, Sybu Chapman, Wenonah at the Cfmhgn on the days a" season for the ummer. a very Young; Doris Cleatheroi Dorothy bove mention& o h n D enjoyable time being sPent by Gillham. Bat hara Reid, Josie Johnston, West'172R1 '"' au Le) land Audrey Laster Jean Itatson. Jean Norns, Jean hlc- DEATH OF hfgrtin --Wishart Lamn, Joan Dorchester, Phyllis hilgg K. JOHNSON The wedding took Place at Cffffaid and PhyuLV Leckie 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the First daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Kristine Sofia Johnson, U«ted Church of hIiss Mary O. A de of H uybu Sk'rson o rn ' r. and Mrs. J. Wishart, a former West Vancou- Camp, mate the council re worL aws suddenl hfo Johnson, 812 16th Street, passel ver resident, to Mr. Frank hier- t 'I. R f rred to th ha'- y . y onday at her tin. Miss Kathleen Wenmoth man of the parks and the eng- on rai. e e e c ir- home after a long illness. The wgg bridesmaid, while little ineer. deceased, who was in her 25th patsy Jamieson acted as flower year, leaves to mourn her fixes, girl. lheiwremonybeingperform- .The IVest Vancouver Amateurher parents and two brothers. ed by Rev, Andrew Rodden. The Swimming Club wrote th» coun- unergl took place in the happy couple are sItendfng their cil re repairs tb floats Dundaravecity this afternoon at 2 p,m., honeymoon in Bel ingham and wharf. Pni I f Pres'd t L. ght offfcfatfng, other southern points. and on C. Reid for repayment of 675.00 pass o i en ahild intermellt wss made fn their return wiu take up resi- ofthen~~n exp nditurewasfountain View Cemetery. dence in the city, approvel. l f)