0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 6, 193'i. t r «V R r«' «R I Rrw 'R~p'« R»rv» I R«R» r«« « ~ R II « ' r I * «. RI«R» « ~ C I «r'I «' z Irr «rr "«2 ~ 'r ',r«'rr«w. RW « «Rhrr r 7~ ' rrx" .rR ~ bvz ~ ~"rrrr«rr R vvrv I rr rrv w rr«vrrr wry « ~r«TR«rr«Rrrrvvv«r«R rr%r R»'r rrrr» r«r r I rrr -rvrrI rrrr r Phone West 469 Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery FRIDAY and SATURDA I'EARL WHITE SOAI'. 8 bars Szz Save the Wrappers for Premiums. BACK BA('ON, Swil(', pev Ib (6E SAUSAGE, Buzux'vvolmkizv I lb. Evka wrap ...................... Idz LEMON CHEESE. cups Idc: Jara Sdc %ITCH HAXEL TOILEP SOAI' exkvx SSC k«4 ik ivbiic FLOOR WAX, I ib. (is ............... Ssz BISCUITS, HEEU«y 4( PE)mezz Famous Eugiix(L A real (zvx(. Rvg K Wbi(e CAKE, Feather Csk« eaCh .......... Sdz kul'AI Ck0%N LYE (Fixk«4) pcz (&u I ez SODA BISCUITS, Rxg Arrow Family xixc pkg.. Idc SHREDDED '(VHEAT ur MUFYETS........................,.. Isz PEAS, Standard quality. No. 2 Eixv iiu ................................ 9E RE4 e White TO)IATOES, xo(id bxxd pxckwL No. 2 (is.........z tins 25c KRAUT. 2)1 xixe (iu ......... Ec RE4 e Wki(E TO)IATO JCIC)k ~ real Pkk-mc-EP, No. I (iu....,. 3 tins 25c Y - July 7th Rnd 8th i kvg 4( Wbkv %HITE CORN, Finest quality .... pvr Us )44 GREEN BEANS, Tender, x(zingiexx (.'Ei Beans .............2 tins 25E DILL PICK(.hS. Sh xixe (iu, 2SE Rxd e whiiv sp(NAck, No, SV) (ix ............................................. 2 I« PEARS, Fine On(xrio FEE i(, 2 UEE zdc Ai'RICOTS, Delicious ILC FTER pcr UE ................................ 14E HERRING in Toms(o SEEEE, Pcr UE .... ..... . . ........'...... IS 't'NCH TONGUE, large xke (ix 2(E I'EACI IES Evaporated. Choice quality, pvz Ib ........,.............. Idc h(ACKEREL. Nxbob, Small Baby hlxekerei ix Tomato Sauce. Vezy tasty,............. (ix 20( Ai'RICOT JAM, Nabob. Ixzgv $2 ox. j xr .. . .... . .......... ... „ ......... Sdc APRICOTS, Evxporx(zd ... 2 Ibx, 25E PINEAPPLE, Bizk'E--10 zizb, sweet, &ioidvs xkzxw........ Pzz UE )4E LARD, Siiveziexl, Swili'x I Ih Exr(EE .......... Iic WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL June 1933 PROMOTION LIST Promoted to Grade XII Honor Promotion -- Dennis Coleman, Richard Laster, Doug- las MCIVair, Marjorie Paton, !LIargaret Wrisberg, Tom Grieve. Promoted -- Ida Allun, Eileen Body, Virginia Gamage, Frank Hodgson, Eugene Lopatecki, Lenna Simpson, Betty Vickery, Frank Downey, Effie Vickery. Passed with Supplemental-- Dorothy Bosbier, hfary Brad- shaw, Irene Shirlaw. Granted Credits in certain subjects -- I, Alison Beaty; 2, Dorothy Dickinson; 3, Thelma Griffiths; 4, Ronald Irish; 5, Frances Johncox; 6, Mildred Lettner; 7, Charles Miles; 8, Katbleen Hodgson; 9, Elmore Humphreys. Promotion to Grade XI. Pass Promotion -- Barr, Gor- don; Beaty, John; Broderick, Donald; Brown, David; Cle- ments, Enid; Cross, Madeleine; Elliott, Betty; Fiddes, John; Furukawa, Suea; Grafton, Al- ton; Johnson, Geraldine; Phil- lips, Harry; Powell, Sheila; Smith, Frank Thomson, Wilfrid; )Yard, Robert; Weedon, Ernest- ine; tvhite, Edith. Passed with Supplementals- Mastennan, Fred. (Vitb Aegrotat Standing-- Duncan, Jean. Credits in certain subjects- Hawkes, )Viijiam; Matbeson, William; MECulloch, Kent; Mc- Intosh, Fred; Young, Evtelyn; IA)ng, William. Pn)motion to Grade XI on pro- bation -- Wendell Hayes, Eunice Turvey. Honor Promotion to Grade X --1, Anne Clegg; 2, Velo Elder; 3, Betty Moulton; 4, Alex Mac- Rae; 5, Dorothy Patience; 6, Patricia Wallace; 7, Ruth Wil- liams. Promoted to Grade X -- 1, Doreen Bernard; 2, Ivan Brown; 3, Kenneth Bruce; 4, Jack Dor- chester; 5, Betty Gourlay; 6; Betty Hodgson; 7, Phyllys How- ard; 8, hfary Murray; 9, Irene Patterson; 10, Grace Russell; 11, Joan Sheffield; 12, Maureen Sherriff; 13, Audrey Todd; 14, Peggy Wbipple; 15, Jack Ed- wards; 16, Florence Gracey; 17, Jim Watson; 18, Joyce Woods (lacking credits in Home Eco- nomics); 19, Frank Prebble (lacking credits in Art); 20, THE Be Ce EI,ECtIIIC MERCHANDISINCi POI.ICY . C. ELEcTRlc Appx)Ex&ex STOEEE xzc opzzx(zd on theS pdncipic of «Live xud LE( Live." While we actively pro- mote the Em of labor-saving &kviccs for (bz beuzd( of the bouxekmpczx of tadxy, wc do business oa x basis (bx( is fxiz xnd Equi(xbiz m EU o(bzr dm!xzx 0 In our elxc&zic xnd gxx range xxd free water bex(ez czm- pxign (cxdixg July I I) we mxdc it possible for xii dxziezx (o sell xxd install mngcx xud wzmz bex(zzx on exactly (bc mmx bmix xxd gave dxxizzx Extcmive frcc xdvcz(ising. 0 We bxvc coux(xndy acted xx x stabilizing iESEEEEE upon ze&zii busixmI becxum ouz policy ix (o mxin(xin estxbli&bcd lixz pdcex 0 Ouz advertising is Eot czn(zzcd around oxr own mezcbxn- dixiug xctivi(ixs but pmmo(zs the thought, "Your local dexkr cxn supply ymL" 0 W«xwix( the dcxicz wbo is selling quality mzzchzndim, zxgxzdkm of wbztber it bx dry 8&x)ds, sruczrim, mxx(x, e(c., bzczum wx sell only quxii(y xppiixncxx with x Ez&ionzl rxpv(z& ion. 0 Our pwcbxwx of (bcxx xpplixxcxx xre coxdxzd xlmm( Exduxivciy (0 British Columbia distributors, wbo mxin(xin Izzgx x&x&fx of Employcex whose purchasing power b very vxiuxbk &o (bx mzrcbxu(~ of this province. w Our promo(iox of domcx&ic Electric xppiizxccx bxx (rex(xd (Em of thousands of doll&Ex wmxb of ckc(zic wiring work (bx( prIzvkkx Empioymxw fw x xmxll xzmy uf British Columba dec(zicixux. This promo&ICE work on ouz part bm xko produced x krgc volume of buliww fur rztzil dczlxcx 0 The wzilxzv of &bx rc(xil mxzcbxn( bxs ouz Smx(ext ix(czxx( xml for du( rex&En x e xm always willing zmj anxious (o xxx'u( him by EIIEduc&ing our owx bmixem )iona high E&bicxl s&xmlxzdL British Columbia Electric Railway Company Limited GOOD FOOD AT ECONOMICAL PRICES Patricia McKenxie (conditional promotion) . Passed with Supplementsls)-- 1, Nore Dent (Science). Granted Credits in certain subjects--1, Douglas Archlbald; 2. Diana Reid; 3, Marjorie Riv- ers. Pronioted Io Grade X Honor Promotion -- I, Peggy Barker; 2, Geoifery Bradley: 3, John Bradley; 4, Oliver Bur- bridge; 5, John Eager; 6, John Harper; 7, Barbara McIntyre; 8, Jack McLeod; 9, FRijeen Small- wood. Pass Promotion -- I, Joseph- ine Allan; 2, James Bloxham; 3, Ralph Burbrldge; 4, Madeleine Eccleston; 6, Doreen Elgar; 6, Robert Gleed; 7, John Kerr; 8, Douglas Shellard; 9, Gerald Howard; 10, Edith Sheppard. Granted Aegrotat Standing --1, Robert Robson; 2, Donald Sharman. Passed with Supplemental-- 1, Fred Fennings. Granted Credits in certain subjects -- 1, James Mason; 2, Robert Morris; 3, Angus Mac- Tavish; 4, Frank Rustad; 6, Jack Harrison. Grade Xll, Commerdal Passed Grade XII Commercial in order of merit, and to be a- warded Senior Business Diploma by the Department of Education, Victoria. 1. Ray, Lulu; 2, Howdle, hfuriel Grude XI, Commercial Promoted to Grade XII Com- mercial In order of merit. 1, Ritz, Helen; 2, Grant, Fran- ces; 3, Smith, Lucy; 4, Ander- son, Maurice. Promoted to Grade XII with Supplementals -- 1, Vernon, hfarjorle; 2, Currie, Jean. Grade X Commercial Promoted to Grade XI Com- mercial in order of merit -- 1, Gourlay, Joan 2, Gibson, Mary; 3, Bentley, Margaret. Special Commercjal Passed in all subjects -- 1, Blair, Marion. Grade IX Commercial Honor Promotion to Grade X Commercial -- 1, Love, Kath- leen; 2, O'rady, Wilhelmina. Promoted to Grade X Com- mercial in order of merit -- 1, McCartney, Robert; 2, Sparrowe Anne; 3, Burns, Mary; 4, Leth- Paulsen, Hertha; 6, Todd, Dor- een; 6, Cun ie, Mary; 7, Thomp- son, Gertrude; 8, Aldred, Harry; 9, Armstrong, May. Promoted to Grade X Com- mercial, conditionally (subject indicated) --1, Babcock, Bernice (typewriting) . JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only I Store at Hollybur)ty next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER and sll Building hlaterial of Best (Iuality at I.ow I'rlccm BUILD NOW! +EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone Wesi 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" S%(HEING (k DIVING -- Cammexz- ing July 2nd, Beginners - Advanced Classes, Duxdxzxvx - Huiiyburn. Moiiy Edwards, pbous West 438RI MARCELLE SHOP -- Mxrceiie, ds zen(x; reset, $6c; auger wxvx, 60c. Phase Mzx. King, West $04. YOR kENT -- House EE Wxiszfzos(, yearly lease. Pbonx West 8$RI. YOR SALE -- Two Burner Eiez(ric Plate, sickie iixixb. Phone West 238 IL YOR RENT--6'iva rvomx, modvzs, partly furs(shed, good iocxuox, gxz. Ege; near ferry. Phone West zd6X. 6 (VEST VANCOUVER PRO('ERTIES Yoz Sale End Wanted. C. J. Archer, ) ~470( Dunxmuir S(. Seymour 59S4, Rxxidexee West 225 I Ggf MY FREE ESTIMATES os Pxixuxg, Papering Eud Kxixomiu- / Ing. C.' Koniugx, REE. Phone (A(ives( $94R. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR JBEST -- Duudxzxve. COI.IN TUkNER, Carpenter xxd Builder. Alterations aud repairs. Phone West 879R. HEADQUARTERS for Ak (bx Pop. uixz Cigarettes, Tobaccos, xxd Pish- ixg Cadge(x for Iocxi waters. Amblex(de Tex Roams. WILI. STORE I'IANO for Exc of xxme. Will pay cartage. Phone West 4(IR. IA)ST--Young Dag, cross bv(wvxx Collie xm( Huxkie, ixn colored, green eoilxz, answers (o name "Buster." Owner, 1886 Bellevue. Reward. LOST--Small black purse Euu(xixiug bi(is End silver on Argyle. Phone West 87R. I'IANO TUNING -- Exgiixb Expe(L repairs, cleaning, adjustments. Maurice Bruce, 2695 Bellevue Ave. FOR SALE--Five-piece WE(Ex( Bed- room suite. fumed Exk dining table xnd xix chairs, bargain. Phone West 26(X. FURNISHED AND UNYUILi(SHED Houses (o Rent. Houses, IE(x, Exd EETI xgx lor sale. John Lxwxos, (7(b xnd ikxrixe, Phone Wsx( 66. I'OR I'LUh(BING kEPAIRS -- kxx- / &deuce Pboxe West 24(R. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with ER makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vxucou- «A vxz Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. V'(ARCHIEYINGEk WAVE AND Shampoo, 25(. Permanent Wxvsx $2.00. Iioiiybuzu Academy ol Beauty Culture, (548 hixrine Drive. +No appointmentx Exeexxazy. LOST FROM CAR -- Eiderdown EE Sunday, between Horseshoe Bxy End Ambiexide. Reward. Phone West 838L PERFECT ATTENDANCE FOR SCHOOL YEAR (Sept. 1932, to June 1933) WANTED -- Mother's help. Phoae West fioo. Fikgr-CLASS SHOE REPAIRIN(i-- (4(b at Ferry. Best mx(ezixi xxd workmanship.Division 1--1, David Gray; 2,Marjorie Hill. Division II. -- I, Dennis Cole- man; 2, Frank Hodgson; 3, Douglas McNair; 4, Tom Grieve; 5, Elmore Humpbreys. Division III. -- I, Harry Phil- lipps; 2, David Brown; 3, Suea Furukawa. Division IV. -- I, Marjorie Vernon; 2, Mary Gibson. Division V. -- I, Ivan Brown; 2, Nora Dent; 3, Joan Sheifield. Division VI. -- 1, Geoffrey Bradley; 2, John Bradley; 3, Donald Sherman. IA)ST -- Boy's Oxford Shoe. Phone West (03L Reward. NOTICE OF API I ICATION Ior VEI'EkANS'LUB LICENSE NOTICE ix hereby given that El(ex this Edverummex( bsx appeared IE four successive weekly ixxuex an ap- plication wiii be made (o (bx Liquor Control Board for 0 Ve(EEEEEI Club License io operate ~ Veterans'lub on the prem(sex m)w occupied by Ex on Lot One ii) iu Block K ol Dixizk( Lo( 775, Plxu 4(40, in (bx bionic(ps(i(y of West Vxxcouvar. Tbix xdvuzuxv- ment Szx( pubkxbed 29(b June, 19$S. Dated this 29(b June, )938. Post 80 Canadian Legion of Bzkixb Empire Svrvicx Lxxgue. By BUELL LAWRANCR 4 COR Soiiekozx for the Appikxx(a BEGINNERS'WIM)IING CLASSES --Hoiiyburu xxd Amblex(de Bcxebex daily during high tide weeks. In- fwmx(iou J. Lxwxon'x oiliev or hfzx. Mary Cox, Crystal Swimming Club, Seymour 826S. 0 .) ~ After 0 Iay-off for two weeks during examination time, base- ball will get under way again tonight when the West Vancou- ver ball tossers will meet Lynn Valley at Ambleside Park at 6:30.Miss Betty Sutton of the public School staff at Anyox, B.C., has arrived here and will spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. A. C. Sutton, 2408 Bellevue Ave. ~ ~ J. Duckworth is having a new house built at 24th and Ottawa Avenue. UNE!IIPLOYMENT ASSN. As there is no change for the better in the Unemployment sit uation in West Vancouver the Association will continue to meet during the summer months the days being changed to the second and fourth Fridays of each month. The next meeting will be held in the Socialist Hall, Marine Drive, on Friday, July 14, at 8 p m. New members are joining the organhatlon each w&wk, while all interested are urged to at- tend the meetings, either as members or sympathizers. GORI)ON HOBSON Bxzl'ix(cz Sokcksz WEST VANCOUVER O(lies Nm 1447, MEEIEE Dr(vs Phone West 40$. (0 io 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suke 501: 5(0 Hxxusgx Si. W. Phone, Seymow 4(90. 2 (0 6. I00 C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBI,IC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I (05 sizz(us Drive Phxsv West Si or Seymour 12ds Evcuiagx WEE( 204X CASCADE SAND 8t GRAVEL CO. Second Narrows Bridge, North Vancouver Special dressing for &Irivewsys and garden puths. Phone; North 1363; Night Phone, Alf. Ellis, West 160Y. CLASSIFIED ADS Tbx rx(E for C(xm(844 Advxzax«meu(E I ~ 2 cents per word, mix)mum 25 cents. Exzep( is (ke EEEE ol Umxe kxrtsg zvguixz xxcoxs(x, Ek Eixxxi. ~ ~sxsx xze payable x(zizuy is Esvxszs. Remember Cixxxidedx iu (be Wex( VEE News gv( immmkx(E zv&ERE YOI( RENT--Four roxm lxzxixhvu cottage, Eicv IEEE(ios, xxmi-wx(ez- front; garden, gxzxgx. Phone West 266X.