0001 Sb July 6, 1933, THE WEST VAN NEWS is e I I l of g) 6 I„ I.O. D.E. GARDEN PARTY SATURDAY, JUI.Y Nlh, 3-5 p.m. 8 p.m.on Garden of Reeve and Mrs. J. B. I,eylsnd Afternoon-- Evening-- Kitsilano Boys'and Vancouver Police Male Choir Booths -:- Attractions -:- Novelties -:- Dancing Bon - Fire -:- Fireworks Adults 26 cents Children 16 cents TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies lVood, Coal Dump Truck Work K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 venings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance ~ WOMEN s R u yov hgm W&vd vvv&y&h&gg Icv ggd fg'lvd &o ohmh& ndlvt. gch ycw d&vgglgt for PR ~vglgd TIN sog. Noc cmog&hing ovo hvi cg soLD fov mcgv a&g fov half ~ coo&cry, oo dmgwom dvggc, wolfed co vvcclyt otgyico. 5&on~a Rauznv co.~Iml Vtg&odg SL, To&voto, Cgogdo ~ Ambleside Sheet Metal%Forks LAURIE SPECK. P&oprlclor 1446 Marine Drive I'hone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING Mrs. R. P. Allan, 3092 Marine Drive, left here last Monday for Garrett, B.C., where she expects to spend the summer. O. S. Bent, 2161 Bellevue Ave- nue, recently secured some cran- berry bushes from Nova Scotia, which he has planted in his gar- den. So far they have done very well. The eastern Canadian cranberry, unlike the B. C. vari- ety, grows close to the ground. ~ \ Mr. and Mrs. I. Wells Craw- ford, 1456 Heywood Avenue, have left for their summer home at Selma Park. o v ~ The delightful grounds sur- rounding the home of Mr. Bnd Mrs. A. Chilton, 15th and Ingle- wood, formed the setting of a very successful garden party on Tuesday afternoon under the auspices of the Women's Asso- ciation of the United Church. Mrm A. M. O'Donnell, president of the Association, was the con- vener, and was assisted in re- ceiving the guests by Mrs. Hillis Wright. At the home-cooking table were Mrs. W. D. Rush snd Mrs. J. Davis. Serviteurs at the tea hour were Mrs. Harris, Mrs. L. Ajello, Mrs. R. Howieson, Mrs. F. J. Patterson, Mrs. J. Rimmer, Mrs. W. Blair, Mrs. G. Robson, Mrs. H. Garland, Miss Jean Hood, Miss Mary O'Donnell and Miss Marion Blair. Mrs. W. C. Thompson and Mrs. W. Mer- rick convened the tea arrange- ments. Another garden party is planned for August 9th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Har- rison. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16lh & SlgfInc XPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Propylvloy. y SUNDAY ISITC)RS'AY AT KEW BAI HING BOATING FISHING The West Vancouver Board of Scbool Trustees are holding g Public Meeting in the lnglewood School Auditorium On FRIDAY, JUI.Y 7th al 8 p.m. When the Proposed School Changes will be explained. AMBI.F.SIDI:. %RAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive '4/ J. MURCH. Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh hleats, Smoked and Cooked Meats. P HONE WEST 303 LEARN TO SWIM c p From Percy Norman COACH AND TkAINER Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club and IVest Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club Phones: Douglas 2376; Fairmont 6329L or West 364RI or apply to any member of executive IVest Van. A.S.C. First Classes Tuesday afternoon, 11th July, at Ambleside Beach 2:30 p.m.; Dundarave Pier, 5:00 p.m. Local and At the Junior Olympic Sports at Hastings Parks on Saturday afternoon, Alex. MacAulay came second in the I mik, while Jim Murray was second in both the 12 lb. shot put and the javelin. ~ ~ ~ Miss Lilloet Bent and Miss Thelma Elliott, who are both on the teaching staif of the schools at Modesto, Cal., are visiting the former'9 uncle, O. S. Bent, 2161 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Chapman, King's Avenue, left this week for Selma Park, where they will spend the sulnmer.\ \ A very pleasant social evening wss spent at the Clachsn on Thursday, June 22nd, by mem- bers and friends of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society. Quite s number of members from the Vancouver Branch at- tended. Refreshments were served during the evening, and the quadrilles, eightsome, lanc- ers, and several country dances were very much enjoyed by all. ~ ~ W. R. Dunlop of Vancouver, spent the week end at the Clac- han. ~ \ Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Buchanan and their son Jim, have a cot- tage at Kew Beach. v Mr. Rnd Mrs. Jas. L. Colburn of Carmel, California, are spend- ing a few days at the Clachsn. \ Mrs. Alan McIntyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue, was one of the committee in charge of the gar- den party given yesterday by the Greater Vancouver Compan- ies of Girl Guides at the home of Mrs. R. J. Cromie, Point Grey, in aid of the Girl Guide Camp at Roberts Creek. ~ v R W. W. Reid and Ted of Mesa, California, are occupying their old home at 13th and Gor- don Avenue. The marriage took place last Tuesday at St. Francis-in-the- Woods Church, Caulfeild, of Roscoe Adams Jackson of Lang- ley Prairie and Sybil Bolt of Vancouver. Mrs. C. Bulkley with her daughter, has returned to her home in Portland, Oregon, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bulkley, "Dreamy Nook," 2684 Bellevue Avenue. George Bulkley, "Dreamy Nook," 2584 Bellevue, recently dislocated his shoulder in a falj from a ladder. v Among those at Kew Beach on Sunday were: Sir, and Mrs. J. McIntyre, Miss Barbara Mc- Intyre, Mr. Knd Mrs. Burton Foster, Alex and Charles Burton Foster, Mrs. A. Edgley, iylrs. A. Taylor, all of West Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Bates, Port- land, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. P. lliurray, 5Ir, and Mrs. H. Ford, Miss Daisy Ford, R. Cosset, Mr. and Mrs. A. Etord, hfiss Jday Ford, Jack Ford, Dr. and Mrs. IV. I . C. Middleton, B. W. E. Smith, L. H. Ellis, hiiss A, Mc- Cullough, Mr. and Mrs. C. I . Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. snd Mrs. M. Broddy, hfr. and Mrs. B. M. Bremner, all of Vancouver; Miss B. Hartley, Miss M. Taylor, Miss D. McCay, all of North Vancouver. v I ~ Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Haaven and family, of Vancouver, have taken a cottage at Kew Beach. ~ ~ ~ A musical evening was enjo)- ed at the home of Mrs. IVm. Tinney, 177 20th Street, last Fri- day night. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrm Holdcroft, Mr. and Mrs. I aulkner, Mrs. Ritz, the ihiisses Holdcroft, Hel- en Ritz, Eileen Hibberd, Winnie Bvealey, Hazel Bresley, Alice Humphreys and Messrs. Hus- band and Humphreys. PersprIgII Summer is Here snd wkh k lhc need for 5&mbufn Pfgvefaglivgg snd Remedial. Bathing Supplies Films Ice Cream Hollyburn Theatre ls now open Wednesdays. ~ ~ ~ John Michie of Ladysmith, one of the old pioneers of the prov- ince, passed sway last week in his 73rd year. He was the father of Mrs. W. Bowes, 2163 Esqui- mslt Avenue, and of Mrs. Grif- Fiths, 27th and Ottawa Avenue. ~ ~ Mrs. Holdsworth and daugh- ters of Palo Alto, California, are taking a house at 22nd and Bellevue Avenue for the sum- mer. v \ Mr. and Mrs. P. Grady, 1896 Bellevue Avenue, spent the week end in Seattle. c ~ ~ Mr. Rnd Mrs. Burton Forster snd family, 2009 Fulton Ave., have taken a cottage at Kew Beach for the summer. Mrg. W. Sloan, 18th and Mar- ine Drive, left here for Bridge River on Tuesday, going by aero- plane. She expects to stay there for the remainder of the sum- mer. \ v c Joseph Tite and hiiss Grace Tits, 16th and Marine Drive, motored to Chilliwack and Cul- tus Lake over the week end. ~ o \ Miss Ruth Blair of the B.C. Electric oifice staif here, left on Sunday for Calgary and Banif, where she will spend a vacation. o ~ A son was born on Tuesday at the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. George C. Anderson, 1044 Esquimslt Avenue. o ~ ~ Mrs. Kate Pegram has moved from the city into a house at 2512 Heywood Avenue. ~ o o Mr. and RIrs. D. S. Jamieson, 1219 Duchess Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, 1174 Esquimalt Avenue, motored to Seattle for the holidays. Arnold Garthorne, 2203 Mar- ine Drive, who has been sick for some weeks, has returned to his duties on the ferries.\ The annual St. Stephen's Gar- den Party under the auspices of the IV. A. and the Girls'uxili- ary was held in the Rectory grounds on June 22. The attrac- tive stalls comprised home cook- ery, needlework, etc. The Junior Auxiliary, coached by Mrs. Wilt- shire, rendered a bright little playlet on the lawn. The sale was fairly successful but a larg- er turn-out would have been ap- preciated. Cemmill's Drug Store Tbo Sloyo of Scvvke. 1692 Ilgvlso Dflvo Wml 27 Emcfgcocy Pboso Weel FJI (sf&or 9 p.m.) HOLLYB URN THEATRE FRIDAY osd SATURDAY July 7&h sod Slh JOE E BROWN GINGER kOGERS in g very good comedy EEYOu Said a Mouthed ul" apcdgl)y interesting Io swim- wmyg. A)go ~ goad program of ghoyf gobicclg. MON. -- TUES. -- WED. Jolp 19, ll ood 12. EOIVAko S. kOBINSON BERE DANIEI q &s 'Silver Dollar' powerful Ffosuoy Romomo with an historical setting. Also g Magical in Color, o Coylooo, ood other sovgklgg. Please Note--This lbgolyo is oow open on Wednesdays also. STRATTON'S BAKERY Breads, Cakes, Pastries, Varieties ALL FRESII DAILY Made st 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Miss Gwen Clay of the Gwen- dolyn Beauty Shoppe, spent the holidays at Chilliwack and Cul- tus Lake. ~ v \ Sire. J. IV. Scares has left for her home in Saskstoon after spending a pleasant holiday with her daughter, Sirlh Chaa Odium. o Mrs. A. C. Sutton has moved from Vancouver into a house at 2408 Bellevue Avenue.\ ~ Mr. SlcBride of Vancouver. has moved into his new home at Sherman. ~ v ~ Miss May Trott, 24th and Marine Drive, is spending a va- cation at her home in Chilliwack ~ ~ ~ C. P. Flater has moved from Vancouver into a house at 2274 kiarine Drive. ~ ~ Rev. F. A. Ramsey, accomp. anied by about ten of his parish- ioners, will leave on sfonday to attend the annual Leader's week at Camp Artaban, Gambier Is- land. A party of over fourteen will also come over from Vic- toria. CLIFF HOUSE, WhytecliN Park Slofto 9 p.m, Romeo Perrie and Cliff House Six-piece Orchestrk Hoof og over CKWX at 7.16 p.m, Pfldgy. Joly 7lh. For Iofoyomtioo ood yogcyvgtloog: Toloplwoo Lone Dig&gogo CHS Hoggy HISS NORAH HARRAOINE hog oyened ~ hygoch (Soooool School) of HARRADINE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE at 24th and Palmergton Avenue STUDRNTH IHAV KNROI, AT ANY Tlhlk Terms voooosghlo Hoofg& 9 Io 12. loss)clog mor be made at Wcgl 172XB.