0001 w 3 $ re Ci rculafi ng in 61.00 per year. A Weekly Newspaper fl&c District of West Vancouver-- Amblcsidc, HollybfJrn, Wcslon, Dundaravc CyPress Park, CafJlfeiln', Whytccltff, Ffc. 6c per copy at newsstands. Vol. VI I I HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., I HURSDAY, JULY 5th. 1933 No.9 @ ll. 'i: '&pi&i, ass& i aw, & pspU 6 ssp Vii. I& &p&s Uoan, iu isl UUUVD l -Un r ~ &UD-- Vsson &U&s ~Us Sl ~i, plk. I i UDW g) „ j D PUI'fl S )VLV SIICCESSFS IN ASSOCiATED BOARD EXADIS The following West Vancou- ver pupils were successful at the examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, England, which were held here last month: Grade Vl (Intermediate) --Pass Payne, Julia, pupil of hire. F. Knight lodge; Shaw, Esther Lifiian (singing), pupil of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, L.A.B. G rede V ( Higher)-- Hnnorable hiention Ware, Eileen, pupil of Mrs. F. Knight Ilodge. Grade V (Higher)--I'ass ('randi, George (violin), pupil of Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Grade HI (Transitional) Honorable Mention Gemmifl, Nadine, pupil of hire. F. Knight Hodge. Grade fl (Elementary) Honorable hiention Nash, Gertrude M. (violin), Mrs. F. Knight lodge. Grade H (Flementary)--Puss Colpitts, Ella; Herring, Blos- som; O'rady, Ronnie, (violin) pupils of Mrs. F. Knight Hodge. Grade I (Primary)--Pass Grieve, Maisie; Howieson, Donald, pupils of Mrs. F. Knight Hodge; Wfison, Jocelyn Na&T, pupil of hire. J. E. Durbin. Hoflyburn Schnol Names of pupils recommended for admission to High School: Allen, Edith Alice; Aldred, Rite Doreen; Boshier, William Ellis, Colpitts, Agnes Emily; Davies, hiarguerite Constance; Fraser, Alan; Gibson, Alee Gordon; Gray, Agnes Cameron; Hadwin, Elizabeth Lamont; Hill, Jean McCufioch; Irwin, Averil Ruth; Johnson, Harold Albert; King, Harry George; Kissick, Elaine; Lashbrook, Doris; McLeod, John Robert; hieglaughlin, Maurice Edward; Meuse, Aileen Ethel; Rush, Ian Cameron McDonald; Tearoe, William Edward; Thom- son, Joey Margaret; Warner, Jean Marion; Watt, Douglas Cameron; Wemyss, Ian; Yates, Beryl Maxine; Yates, Franklin Stuart. I'auline Johnson School The following scholars were recommended for admission to the high school, the names being given alphabetically: Elaine Stewart Brown, Margaret Jessie Currie, William Claude Dansey, Ronald Kenneth Davison, Ken- neth Paterson Douet, Irene Ed- mondson, Helen Emma Edwards, Edward Elfstrom, Hugh Maurice Farmer, James Ernest Griffiii Harrison, Helen Margaret Har- rison, Eileen Elizabeth Hodgson, Yoshl Homme, Kathleen Jagger, Brummel Sterling Verschoyle Martin, Joan Dorothea Mathews, William Hugh 51ontgomery, Evelyn Edith McGowan, Hector Roy MacRae, Gertrude Mary Nash, Walter Ernest Parker, Norman John Patterson, Stan- ley George Patterson, Albert Richard Poweff, Marylin Flem- ing Purse, Thor Rafner, Efiias Ilerbert Ray, Isn Thorborn Rich- ards, Faukner Jack Ritz, Jessie E&lna Ritz, Thomas (Baude Rob- son, Florence Bernice Sanders, Nora Kathleen Simpsoh, Bar- bara Audrey Wyatt. BAND NOTES The West Vancouver School Band will carry on during the holidays. Instead of class re- hearsals, teachers have been en- gaged to give private Instruc- tion to all members during the holidays. HOSPITAI. BRIDGE A very delightful bridge and tea was that given for the Crip- pled Children's Hospital last week in the Legion Hall. Six- teen tables listened to Miss Fleming, the Vancouver teacher of Contract Bridge who explain- ed the new Culbertson rules and gavve a twenty-minute talk on Bridge. The hall was gay with summer (lowers. A group of small girls wandered in and out of the tables selling candy in dainty baskets, At the tea hour Mrs. Leyland and Mrs. Du Ver- net, president of the Hospital Board, poured. Mrs. Sheasgreen convened the committee which consisted of Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Col(n MacLean, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Pyne, Mrs. Louis Ajefio and Mrs. Johnson. About 530.00 will be turn- ed over to the committee for the furnishings for the new hos- pital building. THE I Ul.l, GOSI'EL'iISSION Sunday, July Dt h, Rev. William B. MacGregor is the preacher. 11:16 a.m.--"The Body of Christ The Church of God, The Bride, are they one?" 7:30 p.m.--"Our Heavenly Home by the Heavenly Aeroplane." Monday, July 10th at 8 p.m.-- "Why I (Vas Excommunicated from the Presbyterian minis- try?" Wednesday, July 12th, at 8 p.m.--"Why the North Vancou- &Per Baptist Church was not al- lowed to accept me as their min- ister after I was called to that Church in year 1916." Friday, July 14th, at 8 p.m.-- "A Twenty Months'ospel Tour Round the World. Leader: Miss A. B. McBride. SCHOOI. BOARD TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETING The West Vancouver Board of School Trustees will hold a pub- lic meeting tomorrow (Friday), at 8 p.m. in the Inglewood School Auditorium, when they will ex- plain the proposed changes in the schools. ALEXANDER hIACAULAY + PASSES AWAY Alexander MacAulay, 1618 Esquimalt Avenue, collapsed last Thursday at 4 p.m. on the dock at Pier C, expiring before the ambulance reached St. Paul's Hospital. The deceased, who was in his 52nd year, leaves to mourn bis passing his wife and three sons, Alexander, Ronald and Jack. Funeral services were held at 3 p.&t&. last Tuesday at Harron Bros. fi )Vifliamson's chapel in North Vancouver, Rev. Hillis Wright officiating, and in- terment was made in Capilano View Cemetery. SOFTBALL Final Standing--Girls W. L. Pct. Grangerettes ........... 7 I .875 Ambleslde T. R....... 7 I .876 St. Stephen's .... 2 6 .250 Hofiyburn Theatre . 0 8 .000 Result of Games I'layed in Second Half of Schedule Junu 28th- Freeman's Flashes 13; )Vest Van Lumber 6. June 29th- Greenwoad's 11; Rid 5 White 10. July 3rd- Murch'» 6; West Van Lumber 6. WELFARE NOTES In June the Welfare Associ- ation distributed 148 parcels of clothing, 32 pairs of boots and shoes, 111 parcels of groceries, and had 19 pairs of boots and shoes repaired at a cost of 320.65. The need for monthly cash donations will be easily seen from the above summer distri- butions and repairs. The oifice will be open only on Saturdays from 10 to I, during July and August. Any urgent messages may be left with any member of the executive, Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Mrs. W. B. Small, hire. Bernard Hayes, Nrs. J. C. Young, G. GemmiB, H. E. )Valk- er, Grant McNeifi, L. Wrisberg or hire. Cromar Bruce. The Garden Committee need voluntary labor. The unusual weather has made cultivation and care very diificult. Those able to may report at the High School any Wednesday, Thurs- day or Friday. THE DU&VCAN LAWSON CHAPTER GARDEN PARTY The Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. Garden Party which is to be held this Saturday, July 8th, at "Crimsworth Dene," the home of Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, from 3 in the after- noon until midnight, is to be opened by Mrs. J. Henshaw, who besides being a very noted auth- or and Alpinist, is also one of the tirst I.(&.&).E. members in B.C. and a valued and honored citizen of our municipality. The following ladies have consented to be patronessssi Miss Mathe- son, Mrs. A. U. de Pencier, Mrs. Frank Stead, Mrs. A. Chilton, Miss Chappell, Mrs. A. E. Munn, Mrs. J. A. Gilchrist, hIrs. Adair, Ml's. F. A. Ramsey, Mrs. Wick- ing, Mrs. Sheasgreen, Mrs. T. A. Spencer, Mrs. A. S. Smith, Mrs. Louis Ajefio, Mrs. Dodd Allan, Mrs. Gordon Robson. Nrs. Haydn Young, Mrs. R. J. Sprott, Mrs. J. D..A,. Tripp, Nrs. Alfred Moxon. The program for the afternoon is: 8 p.m., opening ceremot(v; selections by the Kitsilano Boys'and;vocal solos by Mrs. Doug- las Adair Dewar, accompanied by ihIrs. Durbin; Maypole and Folk dancing, under direction of hiiss Clara Wilson; Afternoon tea, convened by Mrs. Gourlay; Fortune telling, tea-cup, cards and palmistry; Candy booth in charge of hire. Blair; ice cream and soft drinks, Nrs. Hirst; home cooking, Mrs. 51asterman; amusements--housie housie, the silver mine, prosperity wheel, raffles, including an electric clock, an electric tie presser, and boudoir pillow, besides other sur- prises, balloons, pony rides, etc. The evening program will start at 8 p.m. and will feature the Firemen's Bund of Vancou- ver, the )Vest Vancouver Boys'and;the Police hfale Choir; fancy and aerobatic dancing by Miss Molly Edwards and associ- ates; dancing on the lawn; con- tinuation of the afternoon a- musements; fireworks; bon-fire, doughnuts and col?ee. A very capable committee with Nrs. W. B. Small as con- vener, has put forth every effort to make this a particularly de- lightful garden fete so everyone is asked to plan on coming and bringing their friends. In the event nf rain& the Indoor garden party an&I bridge will be held in the afternoon at the Clachan, and in the evening a carnival and dance in the same place. SECOND ANNUAL DANCE AND FROLIC The second annual dance and frolic of the West Vancouver Welfare Association is being held this year in the Hoflyburn Pavilion on July 12th, under the convenership of Mrs. W. H. Green and the ladies of the Legi- on W. A. These able conveners have an interesting progra mof novelties including fortune telling, housie housie, and other games for the fun and entertainment of those attending. Nick IVifiiamson and his boys have surely entered into the spirit of the occasion and have features for the pleasure of their guests which should not be missed. The chief feature however, is a display by the West Vancou- ver Girls Pyramid Club under the direction of hfiss hiofly Ed- wards. This is a bathing suit number by adult girls of )Vest Vancouver and is being sponsor- ed in several Vancouver Thea- tres as well as the Vancouver Exhibition. Those who have seen it pronounce it 100ta. Ad- mission is 60 cents; proceeds for general use of the Welfare As- sociation. AN Ol'PORTUNITY Don't miss the opportunity now presenting itself to take a course at the summjpr school at 24th anu Palmerstnh Avenue, now being conducted by Miss Harradine, principal of Harra- dine Commercial Cofiege in Van- couver. The hours are from 9 to 12 and students may enrol at any time. Terms reasonable. For particulars please phone West 172X8. Remember that graduates of this college have never had any diificulty in ob- taining a position. SUCCESSFUL DANCE RECITAL A most successful dance recit- al was given by the pupils of Miss Molly Edwards last hionday evening in the Clachan, which was filled by a crowd of parents and friends, who thoroughly en- joyed every item on the pro- gram. The intricate steps of the various dance numbers were well done. as were also the phys- ical training nuinbers, more par- ticularly when it is &remembered that these classes vrere only only started three months ago. Miss Edwards gave two numbers herself, the Oriental Dance be- ing particularly effective. hiiss Hat tie Young, assisting artist, gave a musical monologue and a reading in her usual accomp- lished manner, while Miss Cor- inne Davis. who also assisted, sang two charming vocal solow hire. Tom Turner an&I Mrs. F. Stainsby were the accompanists. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the program FRAhlAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL The Framer Montessorl School 2078 Gordon Avenue. will open for the fall term on 5th Septem- ber, the principals being 31iss M. Crickmay and hiiss K. Hanip- son. &51iss Crickmay was for 2 years with the late hire. )V. D. Fraser. Instruction is given a- mong nther subjects in kinder- garten, rhythm dancing and painting. An advertisement rel- ative to this appears In this is- su&. LO.L No. 299s The above lodge heM its regu- lar meeting last Tuesday with a goad attendance of members. The final arrangements were made for the annual 12th July celebration in which the kxige will take part. This year the parade will be formed up at the Orange Hall in Vancouver at 10 a.m. and proceed along Hastings Street to Hastings Park. and it is anticjpated the gathering wiqi be bigger than ever. A long program of sports has been ar- ranged, followed by a band com- petition. The Orange ball wiB be held in the Alexandra Bafi O Room. On Sunday. July 9th, the members will attend Christ Church Cathedral leaving the Orange Hafi at 2 p.m. The committee reported that the dance held on June 30th was a linancial success and that the Loyal Protestant Home for Children would benefit by their efforts. The dance was so weB enjoyed by aff and so many re- quests for another have been received, that the lodge has ar- ranged for the B. C. Rangers to return to West Vancouver on August 10th when everybody wiB agam be assured of a good and enjoyable time AB members are reminded that the lodge will open at 6 a.m. on the morning of the 243rd anniversary of the Glori- ous Twelfth, and parade will leave 22nd and Marine at 7&30 a.m. when a &sveath will be placed on the Cenotaph. LEGIOV NOTES The next general meeting of the local branch will be held at 8 p.m., Friday next at the Legion hIemorial Hall, when a good at- tendance of members m request- ed. hiembers are hereby noti= fied that in future aB meetings vriff be the first and third Fri- days in each month. Further information is ex- pected on the proposed Domin- ion Convention, and other im- portant items of business. con- cerning the general welfare of the branch. for the general dis- cu Dion. The wood cutting prn- grain under the charge of Com- rade H. W'alker is well under way and those members desirous of being included on same should lose no time in getting in touch with same. HOLLYBI'RN PUBLIC LI BILARY The Hofiyburn Public Library Board announce that the fee for the second half of this year, from 1st July to 1st January, will be 61.00. Over thirty new books edfi be purchased this week, and will be on the shelves ready for distribution at the be- ginning of next week. HOLLYBUILV HALL A gospel service will be held at Hofiyburn Hall at 7&30 pxu. next Sunday, when the speaker will be Mr, L A. Hunt. Sunday School st 10 a.m. Rright sing- ing and a hearty welcome. No Cnfiections taken. SWlhihlERS ATTENTION! Percy Norman, the celebrated coach and trainer, will start his swiiuming classes next Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at Ambleaids Beach and at 5 p,m. at Dundarave Pier where th» tloat will be installed iallloriaw, 4 wh & sw "VW, % VVVI W