0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 22, ISSS. rcr Wwrrrrrrr4~««re~ 'wr x rv C eu 'arri r~a * rrr ~ r rrr*ir wrr W r re+ I~~ qw !w i' pwr ee e re eeem e ~ sea&* e ~ i 'IV. e re"arear crew rem Iw~r~'P4jwrwx ~a rx-5m.-.".s ~ e e r exrre art i r e 'i err e I r rrrr~ ' 'rrrri or ~ errlewwreirre m r ~ rrr i. sewrrrrevr- 'rerrrr5rri rllt rrrrrr rrr V w'r Phone West 469 Phono IVeut 46 LUMBER Alee) SERVICE FOR QUALITY AND REASONABLB PRICBS seal «kh The Lergul Exelaelve kelak Lumber Orgaaiaakea Ia E C. Sakefeenea Guaraaleed PHONE OR WRITE FOR PRICES Vaaeearer Prices ~ ~ ~ Ererylhlag la Balldlag Malaria)a AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th ead Marina Drive West Vancouver Phone West ISS A Branch of Excelsior Lumber aad Shingle Co. Lid. S.P.C. NOTES The rugulsr meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Socialist Party of Canada was held at the Socialist Hall, 1453 Siarine Drive on IVedncsday, June 14. A resolution wss unani- mously adopted that unemploy- ed men or women be admitted to membership of the party with- out payment of fees. Upon the suggestion of the North Van- couver branch s committee wss appointed to arrange a joint pic- nic of the North Shore branches at s suitable spot in West Vsn., dsto and place to be announced later. Harry Giecd being unable to accept the office of election agent for the party csndidste, M. Phillips wns recommended to the campaign committee as an able substitute. Three successful campaign meetings have been recently held in West Van.: Hoiiyburn on Mny 25, West Buy on June 12, Horseshoe Bsy on June 16, at sli of which Hariey Anderson, tbc Party candidate, wss the speaker. On Thursday, June 22nd, Dr. Lyio Toiford will be the speaker at s public meeting at the Le- gion Hall at 8 p.m., when ho will take as his subject: 'The Cost of Education." This hss noth- ing to do with the question of education in West Vancouver. The rumor that the C.C.F. hss split up nnd that J. Woodsworth has left the party is entirely without foundation. Charles Lauder, 25th und Haywood, is making good pro- gress after undergoing an oper- ation last week at St. Psui's Hospital. ~ ~ J. Y. Griffin of Vancouver has moved into a house at S063 Marine Drive for the summer. ~ e ~ Mr. J. T. Pollock, inspector of schools, spent Mesday after- noon at St. Patricia School ex- amining those pupils who are to write their entrance examina- tions next week. ~ ~ A. Mortimer has moved from Vancouver into 8 house at 2243 Bellevue Avenue. CORRESPONDENCE Bisck Ants Editor West Van News. We have had our annual 3-day invasion of black ants, snd have now put away the Izol tins till next summer. I should like to know, however, what becomes of them after they have ceased to enter our kitchens as the cold of nights comes on? Are they up to any mischief in our woodwork'r do they go away from houses 'ltogetherafter their three-dsy excursion trip? Yours truly, INQUIRER. Psy your taxes nnd help your ai A U Pny your taxes and help your 51 unicipniity. LIOHT vku wnv I GOOD LISHTINC) is a positive selling force as important as salespeople. It is the least expensive salesman you can employ. Good lighting of a store space 2O by 6O feet for Six hours a day costs less thon the wages of an errand boy. BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY &0. Smith s Grocery Sultgestions for Fri. & Sat., June 23 & 24th HEDLUND'S MEAT BALLB LISIB JUICE (X)RDIAL--Graa- Large Ua .......--..., ...--... 2$e )ham'e ................ large bottle 224 MEDI.UND'8 kOAST BEEF PEAS--Standard qaakiy.Large iia ....................... 29e Na I eixe Ua .......... Se GRAI'E-NUTS FLAhES--Plig. Isc STRAWBERRY JA!u--Nibeb ('USHED PINEAPPI.E--Ua- quality ... ~ -Ih Ua 49e eweeieaed ...... IW) else Ua 184 keg 8 Whke FLOUR--Flaeel PEACHES--Lfax Valley, Delieleae Femny iuemk 49-Ih seek .. 81.85 Ontario Frail ........ per Ua 16e 24-lb. uck ............, 7lc RED PLUluS--Nabab ... per iia Se 7-Ih sack ...., ......,. Iec )IELON 8 LEMON JAM--Nabob ked )k Wbke RUBBER RINGS Iyox. jar................ Isc Wide riage,. I au. id« LIME LIL)ION, or ORANGE CERTX)--Makes bailer jam .. beL Isc Nabab--A delicious, ceekag, ik)I.GONA~elf)'e ........ per Ih ldc refreshing drisk. One holds SHORTENING--Crescent, Swift' makes IO glauu.........,. Isc I'er lb ................... Se Red 8 Whke LOBSTER Jdee Ifie ked 8 )Vhke FEATHER CAKE-- V) e zdc SPeeial ............... each Ide CRAB 51EAT--Friar, chelae qaalitv ........... W else Ua 25e FOR THB GARDENSBRldll'8--Nabob, wet er dry. Shovele ................................. 75c Na. I eixe iia ...........,.. Isc Sick)ex (Graxe Hooks) ................. Ide ked 8 While SALMON--Seckeye. Sheers ................................... 794 Fiscal qaalily........... flat Ua lsc Graxe Caiehere (fer mower) .... 96c Queens Health an4i Liver Salts A sparkling, invigorating Health Drink fer Iadigeetiea, Headaches, aad Stomach Troubles--Imported from England LARGB SIZE BOTTLE ..................-............................................ 49c Save Wrappers For Set ef Six Apeeke Silver Tea Spoons in Case JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only l Store at Hollyburny next Theatre WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD Phone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368L 15th and Ilisnne "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The reie fer ClaeeiSes AdvaUeeaeaie le 2 cuie per weed. alalaaaxm 25 eeaia Exeepl la Ua cave ef these bevlag rassler aeeeeaie. ak clue).6P sese ere payable elrieay la advaace. Reaember Clue)dade ia lhe Weel Vaa News gel imamkele reeeke. MARCEI., FINGER WAVE AND Shampoo 26e. Permanent Waves $2.00. Ilekybara Academy ef Beauty Cakure, 1646 Mar)ac Drive. Ne appelalmeale necessary. FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th al Ferry. The bast for less. I'IANO TUNING-- Fmxkeh experh repairs, cleaning, adjuelmeala Maurice Brace, 2696 Bellevue Ave. WANTED--Tutor for Sih Grade papk few hours each week. Fagkeb ead Arilhmenc. Bex 28 West Vae. News. LOST~ Jeae leih, el pleygfelllld, Mkh Street, ladies'hite-gold Cyme wrist watch, initials hL H. J. Reward. Phone West 8, FOR SALE OR TIIAD~Ix foot kitchen eabiael, ending glass doors. Good ceadkiea. 2296 Fakes. TO kEN1' Collage for eeeeea at Selme Park Phone Wast 88. I"Ok RENT -- House ea Weierfreal, yearly lease. Phone West 08RI. BOT POINT ELECTRIC RANGE with oven control, only $80. North Shore Radio Electric, 1489 diarine Drive; West Sl. PAINTING, Paper-hanging aad Kel- eomlaiag. Lew Charges Work gaaraaleed. Hellyburn Deceretere, Weel 220LFOR SALE--Twe lele on Malhere Ave., between 14th aad 16lh, $ 100 each or reasonable offer. Apply by letter, Bex 15 West Vaa News. fOR BALE -- Walerfreai Lel near 22nd, cheap, 12,000 square feet; good view. Phone West 128L GHf MY FREE ESTIMATBS ea Paiakag, Papering aad Kaleemia- lag. C. L Keniage, Ree. Phoae West 894R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duadarave. COLIN TURNER, Carpealer aadP.raer. Akerakeae ead repairs. Phoae West 879IL W A N T E D -- bledera unfurnished house, three or four bed rooms, ulcc grounds, walking distance le ferry. Careful tenants. State rent, loca- tion, elc. Apply, Box 18 West Vaa. News. I'Ok SALE--Weetiagheeee Electric Range, 4 burners, quick heating, electric water heater. $46. Phone West 61X. SNAP -- Buick Master 6 Vieierla Coupe, good condition. 2607 Law- eoa. Phone West 189L. iFOR SALE -- Chelae hardy reekery &Id planta. C. Barrow, corner 24th aud.P Nelson.WANTED--Good home for pre)ifgrey male half Persian kitlea. West 122Y. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. )' HEADQUARTERS for Ak lhe Pap- ular Cigarellee, Tobaccos, aad Pish- iag Gadgets for local wale)a. Ambleelde Tea Reeam FOR 8ALE--Bet Point electric range, good ceadikea. Cheap. Also 7-feet pram-bowed dinghy, well bulk, cop- per faeieaed, just right for trolling. Safe for children, $ 16 cash. West 122Y. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Heueee te Real. Houses, lots, aam acreage for sale. John Lanais 17th ead blarlae, Phone Weel d6. I'Ok HIRE--5 Tables. Will seat 100. Phone West 110. FOk kENT--Five rooms, modern, partly furnished, good lace\ion, gar. age near ferry. Phone West 266X. FOk RENT--Four room faraiehed cottage, alee lecakea, eeml-water- front; garden, garage. Phase Weel 266X. WANTED--Girl le leara hairdreee. iag. $26 down. Apply Hellyburn Academy of Beauty Culture. 'fO RENT--2 or I bedreeae, com- fortably feral)bed, wkh uee of sil- ting room; home privileges; rea- sonable. Adults. Phoae Wast S84R. LOST--Chela with keys attached each ead. Reward. Phone Weel 469. UNEIlIPI,DYED ASSOCIATION The regular meeting night of the Unemployed Associstion hss been changed from Thursday, June 22, (tonight) to Friday, June 23, (tomorrow), when it will be held in the Socisiist Hall, Marine Drive, st 8 p.m. This change hss been made to enable members who so desire, to hear Dr. Teiford, who wiii be speak- ing on the aims snd objects of the C,C.F. in the Legion Hall on Thursday evening. It is hoped that the change of date will not affect the number of those present st the unem- pioyed meeting ss matters of importance will come up for dis- cussion. FOR PLUSIBING REPAIRS -- Beery ideace Phone West 241R. «gt'.h'AWN iuOWER8 SHARPENED -- ', ' Experienced with ak makes. "WILL:. CUT LIKE NEW." Weel Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. SIARCELLE SHOP dlarceke, 60 cents; reset, sdc; Sager wave, doc..'... Phoae hire. Klag, Weel 204. GORDON HOBSON Barrleier Sekcker WEST VANCOUVFR Ogke Ne. 1447, blerhie Drive Phone Weel 40$. 10 le IE VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Sake 501: dio HaeUage Sl. W. Phone, Seymear 4199. I le 8, GEO. HAY NOTARY I'UBLIC REAI, ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Merlae D)lve I'heae Weel 21 er Seyaear 1240 Evealage Weel 2042 Psy your taxes snd help your Manic!pslity. PHONE WEST 3 LU BER' and sii Building diaterial of Best Quality st Imw Prices B VI I.D NOW!