0001 '..'.xe 9f:S'..'Ã!&.& .&:I!I!!tS A Weekly Newspaper Circulati fain thg Diftricf of Wgsf VaffcoufJcr-Amblgsidc, Hollyburn, Wgstoyf, DIJndarafJR $1.00 per year. CyPrcss Park, Cafflftild, Whytecliff, I'tc. 6c per copy at newsstanda ,vll siIU IIK8 nba, Ittal Wet ~iia, IISRS I,Ial ives, Q,N. zis. No. 7 nieipality B. I. BIBLE CLASS A B.-I. Bible Ckss will be hekl every Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at the home of Mrs E J Crickmay, 21st and Gordon Avenue. The class will be con- ducted by Mrs. C. Cornish. nd Help Y SCHOOI. BOARD NOTES A. The West Vancouver School Board are making arrangements to hold an open meeting in the near future for parents and ti ratepayers, when they will out- V line particulars of the new t scheme for the re-organization in of the schools here. J. R. Mit- th cheB was in Victoria recently H discussing the re-organization with the Department of Educe- p tion, who received it very fav- an orebly. de F. J. Patterson, principal of Pr the high school since its estab- lishment, has resigned. E. MUNN, M.P„AD- DRESSES ANNUAL htEET- ING OF LOCAL LIBERALS The annual meeting and ekc- on of officers of the West ancouver Liberal Association ook place last Thursday even- g at 8 p.m. in Dundsrave Hall, e election resulting as follows: on. President, Rt. Hon. W. L. ackenzie King; Hon, Vice- residents, Hon. T. D. Patuflo d A. E. Munn, bLP.; Presi- nt, H. S. Woods, K.C.; Vice- esident, V. V. Vinson; Secre- ry, W. McQuaker; Assistant Secretary, A. Raid; Treasurer, Colin M. MscLean; Executive, Mackenzie Matheson, W. Dick- inson, J. Nyland, W. H. Clarke, hfrs. J. Lawson, E. S. Gamage, K. Ray, R. P. Blower, hfrs. Has- tings, Geo. Hsy, C. Garrett, hfrs. A. Reid, bfrs. J. Sheasgreen, Ly- man Jones; delegates to provin- cial executive; president, secre- tary and Mrs. J. Shessgreen. The selection of delegates for the nominating convention was left till a later date. A. E. Munn, hf.P., in his ad- dress stated that he and the Liberals in the House 'had op- posed the Economic Treaties and he was still opposed to the Duff report. The redistribution bill, so far ss this eonstitueney was concerned, had given them a good fighting ground. He had received many compliments for getting through his resolution regarding income tax being charged on the interest of bear- er bonds. There was not much to complain of in the sugar tax, but he objected to the alleged leak, gi v i n g speculators s chance. The P.G.E. should either be sold or finished by the gov- ernment. He did not think there would be a fall session or a Fed- eral election for two years. bir. Woods also made a brief speech, in which he reviewed the politi- cal situation in the province generally. A request hss gone out from the municipal hall, asking that the ratepayers of West Vancouver make a very special effort to psy their taxes before the regular date of expiry, which is the 30th instant. This request is, of course, directed to those who are in a position to pay. Some, we know, are through misfortune unabk to do so, and this naturaBy makes it aB the more necessary that those who can make a special point of meeting their tax bills before the end of this month. We are passing through the birth pangs of a new age snd everything is in a state of flux. Even nature itself seems to have been affected with the common malady.4 While a slight change has been recently noted for thebetter, international trade as a whole hss been for some time and is even st present almost at a standstiB, and there is not s place in the civilized world where business is not more or less in a dislocated condition. West Vancouver, owing to the wise policies pursued by the present council and its predecessors, is in much better shape than most municipalities in the province, but for aB that it has many and pressing problems. Due to the cutting of government grants received in former years and the plac- ing on its shoulders of the cost of social services formerly assumed by Victoria, not to mention the matter of relief, the municipality finds itself more than ever dependent on the prompt payment of the annual taxes to carry on. It is hardly necessary to say that taxes are the life blood of any municipality. Without them it is impossible to meet aB the charges for the maintenance of the regular services which go to keep a municipality in proper financial, physical, educational, snd sanitary condition. Incidentally, their prompt payment is the crucial test of good citizenship. West Vancouver has always been celebrated for its com- munity spirit. We ssk our citizens to once more show that spirit by paying their taxes before this month of June closes. WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. PARENT-TEACHER ASSOC. The monthly meeting of the To the Editor P.T.A. was held at the Pauline West Van. News, h Johnson School on TuesdayDear Sir: On b half 0 the J 13. Th m ineventofthe above Associat o aBo evening was an address by hiiss !n " q „E. EBiott, the school nurse, who ing resolution Pa se g spake on !'PuMic Health in "Resolved that the Softball School Work.'iss EBiott out-! gamespl yedst Amblesidepark lined the work done by the on Sunday, June 18th, were not Health Department, stressing arran d or authorized by this the fact that the aim of the Pub- msintensnce of health rather rather than the study of dis- ease. Reports were given on the Convention of the Parent-Teach- er Association by the delegates, T. E. Russell, N. Davison and Mrs. Selwood. L. Brooks gave a The regular monthly mee mg report of the May Day Commit- of the W.A. to the Canadian Le tee, snd Mrs. Selwaad a report Q J.-, ~ . Ron .gion will be held on Monday,June 26, in the Legion Memorial an the Program of the Unem- Hall at 2:15 o'lock, being the Poyment Committee. The musi- last meeting before the branch csi program consisted of a piano f th mmer Ever forte duet by Katherine Murat member should make a special nd Elsie Robbins, a pianoforte effort to attend. The garden eol by Ian Rush and s cornet y" ~y to be put on by the groups duet by Bob McCartney and has been postponed until the end John Wright. A social half hour f July, owing to so many func- in the tea-room concluded the o uy, owmg evenin .tions coming along in June. The vening. District Council are meeting on Friday, June 30th, in the Legion rooms, 39 Alexander Street, hiEETING New Westminster, at 2 o'clack. AB members are cordially in- An oPen air gospel meeting vited. will be held next Sunday after-noon at 3 p.m. on the beach at L.O.I.. NO. 2990 the foot of 17th Street. Mr. DANCE James Gibson will conduct the G meeting. There will be hearty The entertainment committee singing and plain gospel testi- of above lodge hss made final monies. A hearty invitation is arrangements for the monster extended to the Public to attend. dance to be held in the Orange Hall Friday, June 30th. The hall FERRY SURPLUS $3,151.61 will be gaily decorated snd those attending are assured of a real The ferries made an operat- good time, as the well-known ing surplus of $3,151.61 for the B.C. Rangers'adio Orchestra four months ending 30th April will supply the music, Tickets according to the auditors'e- are seBing fast and can be had P«t submitted to the councfl at from members of the Lodge at their last meeting, this compar- 35c, The proceeds are in aid of ing favorably with the corres- the Loyal protestant Home For ponding period last year, when Children, New Westminster. the surplus was only $ 134,02,Receipts from the boats totalled Pay your taxes and help your $2396785 snd from the buses hiuniclpality. $6,088.46. BENEFIT TEA AND BRIDGE A benefit tes and bridge in aid of Crippled Children's Hos- pital work wiB be given at 2:15 p.m. Wednesday, 28th instant, in the Legion Memorial HalL hire. Fleming, ccontract bridge expert will give s bridge taBI at 2:30 p.m. Admission, 50 cents. For reservations pkase phone West. 382R.IVELFARE NEEDS CASH TO CARRY ON WORK If West Vancouver residents who are embarrassed st the moment, and need the whole- hearted ca-operation of their fellow citizens to help them through these troublous times, are to keep dry-shod and to have fuel for next winter, to say nothing of food and clothing, donations of cash must come in faster. Whilst one hopes that the dawn of better times is at hand, there is still much to be done, and those who have must be willing to share for s little longer with those who have not. The chairman needs cash to carry on. An appeal has been made through this column for some weeks past for a man's suit, size 42. Every week that man calls, snd hss to go away disap- pointed. He is tall and broad, and needs it badly The result of hfisa McIntyre's Pupils'ecital last week was most gratifying from a Welfare point of view as well ss from the point of view of a delightfully balanced entertainment; $16.10 was the net result to the Wel- fare, and the committee ac- knowledges this amount with thanks. Softball Scores Seniors June 13th--Freeman's Flashes 13, West Van. Lumber 6. June 7th--Murch's 7, Firemen 3. June 19th--Firemen 12, Green- wood 9. June 20th--Red 4.. White 12, hfurch's 6. Juniors --Boys June 13th--St. Stephen's 16, Ridge Imperials 13. June 16th -- St. Stephen's 81, HoByburn Theatre 8. June 19th--West Van. Motors 26, Ridge Imperials 4.Junio~irk June 14th -- Ambleside Tea Rooms 14 St Stephen's 10 June 16th -- St. Stephen's 31 HoByburn Theatre 8. Including games played June 20th, 1933. SOFTBALL STANDING Seniors Up to and induding games played on June 20th, 1933. W. I Pct. Freeman's Flashes 8 1 .888 IVest Van. Lumber 5 8 .625 Firemen 5 3 625 Murch .............. 4 4 .500 Red JI White ..... 3 5 375 Greenwaods ........ 0 9 .000 Juniors W. L Pct. West Van Motors 5 I 833 United ................. 4 2 .666 Ridge Imperiak .... 3 3 .500 St. Stephen ............ 2 3 .400 Band .. ............ I 4 Girls W. L Pct Grangerettes ....... 4 0 1000 Ambkside Tea Rms. 8 I .750 St. Stephen's .... 1 2 .333 HoByburn Theatre 0 5 000 I. O. D. E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. are again planning their annual garden party, to be held this year on Saturday, July 8th, in the afternoon and eventng in the same delightful surround- ings, the beach garden of Reeve J. B. Leyland. Friends from Vancouver and aB over the North Shore have signified their intention of again attend- ing, thus attesting to the popu- larity of this annual summer fete. A strong committee are arranging aB details and assur- ing us that the pleasures of former years, the usual attrac- tive booths, housie-housie, for- tune telling, niusic, afternoon tea, dancing and the bon-fire will aB be retained and other at- tractions added. One of the de- lights in store is a display of fireworks in the evening. The opening ceremony will take place at 3 P.m. and from then until midnight every moment will be full of interest and pleasure, so plan to spend Sat- urday, July 8th st "Grimsdene" on the sea~hare with the Dun- can Lswson Chapter and their friends. WEST VAINCOUVER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Rose Show and Floral Festival postponed from the 17th inst., will be held Saturday the 24th in the Dundarave Hall. It was thought that by delaying the date for one week that the roses and other June flowers would be blooming, but it seems as though one week was hardly enough for it is discovered that flowers this year are fully three weeks later than in past years, and particularly does this apply to the roses. In spite of the backward season it is hoped that intending exhibitors will find sufficient to fill up their en- tries, and please try to have the entry form ready by Friday night and handed to the secre- tary. Judging will start at 11 a.m. on Saturday morning and entries must be ln their place by 10 a.m. Flower gardens, boule- vards and utility gardens will also be judged on Saturday, but new boulevards. which means those opened since September. 1932, will not be judged until September 9th. The best Wel- fare utility garden does not call for any entry fee. It will also be judged on Saturday next. hIANUAL TRAINING AND HOSIE ECONOSHCS DISPLAY The annual display of the Manual Training and Home Economies classes of the West Vancouver Schook will take place tomorrow (Friday) from 3 to 6 and from 7 to 9 in the In- glewood School Auditorium. There will also be a dress parade at 4 and again at 8 p.m. These displays have alwavs proved most mteresting, when an op- portunity is given the public ol seeing a huge variety of the articles made by the school chil- dren during the year. Tea will be served by the West Vancou- ver P.T.A., and a hearty invita- tion is extended to parents and aB others interested to attend. St. Stephen's Church wrote the council re diagonal parking on Fulton st 22nd Street. Re- ferred to the engineer for esti- mate. Mrs. J, A. Arehibald wrote the council re ditch in front of store 25th Street. Referred to the engineer. I'ay your taxes and hely your Municipality. Vol. VIII HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd, 19330- Pay Your Taxes a our Mu PAY YOUR TAXES V'