0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 16, 1988. rb rw ~ r r i r ' w o ;iir ', ir'i; mv- tj 1 o'4-tq ioniri ' iic iix i l'r rrtr poex\ 'tr rr r ~ r"I "i' ~ . ~ ~ 'rrC ' t'w rar Crrr ~C 'rrr«ii rr'crr("terrrCitr rrVtr Crrrrrrrr.-crr trrvrt vrtrrrrrrt rrr~ rr CCc rrrrr C rrrrcrrrrrrrr ~«m rr Phone West 469 Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery LUMBER Afeo SER V ICE JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburu, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 Sat., June 16 86 17thSuggestions for Fri. & FOR QUALITY AND REASONABLB PRICBS deal with Tho Lorgooi Exeloolro Roioll Lembwt Orgoalxouoa ia ILG Souofoctkm Gqorooiood RICE KRISPIES, KoUogg'o ...................8 pkgo. 25o SANDWICH PASTE, Hodlood'o 4 rorlotioo .......... Pox iia leo UARDIN EB, Btoaowiok, 5 imx 14o Rod a Whko IJIBSTRR, Saooi qoonir Vio..... 16o; lbs........ Sso CILlB blEAT, Bool ohouw qeokir Ijo ........................... lia 25o PORK a BEANIL Arlmor qooliir Largo 18 ox. iiao ....... 2 for 15o BUICK DINNEk, Hodload'o Large iia ..................... Sic Red a White SPAGHEITI 2 iloo lpo BAliED HAMi n Ux .............. Ssc SAVSAGB. Swift'o Broohaold ib ik ...................... Ieo COOKIES, Dr. Jockxoa'o Roman slool Cookloo, ................ dox. 10c FIG BARS, pox lb ................„„19c HUNTLEY a PALMER'S Famous imported English BISCUITS- Shlpmoat jest roroivodl RAISIN PIE .................. oolr Ssic BREAD, Tho Servos loaf, Land- made. 24 oa........... 2 for l5c FRUIT a VEGETABLES Flaoot qxoliir fresh Stock I'orna iooo, Loitxmx Celery. Pooo, Now Spado, Oaioao. Rodiohoo, Oroagoo oad Lomoao Rod a White TEA, por lb...... Sxc ÃIFFEih Frock Grtma& por lb Sxc CORN, Oaiorio Sweet White Corn ......................... 8 tins 25o PEACHES, Oalorio Frail, dokcloeo savor ................ ila Isc PEARS. Dekoioqo Bartlett Pooro por ila „,„„..„,.„..... „16o iUELON e LEMON JASI 22 oa ior ........................ $24 ORANGE MARIUALADB, Nabob ..quality ...................$2 as .Ior 26o LU BER PHONE ORWRITE FOR PRICES and all Building hjsterlal of Best ()usllty at Ixiw Prices RUILD NOW I Voncouror Prlcoo ~ ~ Everything la Boildiog Moiorlolo WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 115 Rea. I'hone West 8681. AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" LEGION NOTES The first general meeting of the current month was held in the Legion Memorial Hall st 8 p.m. Wednesday, 7th instant, before a large attendance of members. Comrade H. Walker presided. A large and interest- ing correspondence was read hy the secretary. Much interest is heing shown on the expected coming of the Dominion Legion Convention to Vancouver this year. This branch is making progress to that end, in 0~ration with the other Legion Posts in the province, relative to this all im- portant Legion event. Canadian legionaires from south of the U.S. border recently sent their respective branch delegates to a meeting held in the city in con- nection with this matter. hfore information will he furnished at the next meeting. Next Sunday is Decoration Day. The Legion and the Legion WJL mll meet at 1i45 p.m at the Memorial Arch to place a wreath thereon. A special bus will leave 18th and hfarine Drive at 2 p.m. for the service to he held at 2:16 p.m. in Capilano View Cemetery, when Bev. F. A. Ramsey, chaplain, will he in charge. PUPILS OF MRS. F. X. HODGSON IN RECITAI. The vocal recital by Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and her pupils, as- sisted hy Mr. Van Sickle, violin- ist, in aid of the hvest Vancou- ver 1Uelfsre Association, which took place on Tuesday, 6th June, wss a great success. There were over two hundred in the audi- ence and all the pupils acquitted themselves in an artistic man- ner. Owing to the illness of Miss Nina Gray, the piano duet snd the vocal qusrtette had to he omitted, hut the rest of the program wss followed as print- ed. The stage wss very attrac- tive with baskets of flowers, stand lamps, etc. the setting he- ing arranged hy hirs. Csmeron, a former resident of bvest Van- COilVel'. Special comments have been heard on the singing of Norman Sewell, Eve Smeeton, Madge Farmer snd Eric Peske, all of whom have been winners or fi- nalist in the B. C. and Victoria Festivals. The duets by Mrs. Donshoe snd hIsdge Farmer were an outstanding number. Miss Joan Durbin contributed two pleasing elocution numbers. Mrs. Hodgson concluded the program with s group of Eng- lish, Italian and French songs and received a beautiful bouquet from the pupils. Mrs. J. E. Durbin wss the ac- compsniste for hir. Vsn Sickle and hIrs. Hodgson. The pupils were accompanied by Mrs. Hodg- son. The flowers given hy Mrs. Purchase, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Hampson, Mrs. Coleman snd Mrs. Geoffrey Hodgson were much appreciated. A collection amounting to 624.95 wss receiv- ed, of which 614.00 wss donated to the IVelfsre Association, after deducting payment for hall and progrunls. The Kent Piano o. kindly don- ated an sd. which helped to- wards the latter. The posters were drawn by Miss Madge Farmer. 16lh ood blotioo Drive 'iroot Vancouver Phone West 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber ond Shingle Co. Lid. CLASSIFIED ADS 1st W. V. (ST. STEPHEN'S) scoUT a cUB NoTEB On June Srd, fourteen of the Scouts went on sn overnight hike with the Scoutmaster up the Capilsno river. It was very succemdul and every one had an enjoyable time. D. Bloxham passed fire-lighting and signal- ling tests snd W. Lennox, Bob Timhrcll, and Bud Parker passed fire-lighting and cooking tests. The Scout hun feed will he held on Monday, June 26th, at 6:80 p.m. The two cuh packs met together foa the firs time on Tuesday snd will hold s joint bun feed next Tuesday at 6 p.m. Summer time is camp time snd it is hoped that many cuhs and scouts will avail themselves of the opportunity of attending a scout or cub camp this summer. YOR RENT -- Yorelohod 4-room Bungalow, close upper lovel boo, 525.00. Apply Box 12, Woot Vaa News. FOR Hlkk --. 6-potooo tables, will seat 100. Phone West 110. lVANTED -- Work at Kaiitlag of oll kinds, Sweaters, ankle socks, olo. Reasonable. Apply 1290 Heywood. WEBT VANCOUVER PROPERTIES For Sale ond Wooled. C. J. Archer, 791 Denxmuir St. Sormoer 5064, Rooldoaoo Woot 225. Pay your taxes and help your hiunicipality. WANTBD -- Two girls io Ioora hair- dressing. Box 14, Wast Von News. SPIRELLA CORSETIERE -- Phoae West 497L. 'iVANTED -- Awh-otovo, good ree- dition. Phone Wool 849IL HANDY ANN SHOPPE -- Doodorovo 2 days'ool Special -- June 18th oad 17th. I'IANO--Uoo of same ogerod for ooxi of moving. Phone West IAIXI. PAINTING, Paper-hooglag oad Kol- xominlng. Low Charges Work gooronlood. Hokybura Decorators, West 220L. WANTEI) -- Small Kitchen Stove, good condition. Phone West 849R. FOR SALE -- Wotorfroat Loi near 22nd, cheap, 12,000 oquoro Eeet; good view. Phone West 128L GEP MY FREE ESTIMATES oa Pointing, Poporlag eed Kolxomla- iog, C. Ir Koalngo, Roo. Phone West 894R. FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. The beet for less. TO RENT -- Coitogo for season ol Solmo Park. Phone West 88. FOR RENT -- House oa Wotorfrooh yearly lease. Phono West 8SRI.- Psy your taxes snd help your hiuniclpality. WEBB'S BHOE REPAIRS WEARBEST -- Dundomvo. COI.IN TURNER, Coipoator oad Builder. Akerotloax oad repairs Phone West 6791k HOT POINT ELECTRIC RANGE with oven control, only 880. North Shore Radio Electric, 1429 Marino Drive; West 81."What are diplomatic rela- tions, dad?o 'There are no such people, my hoy." Psy your taxes snd help your hIunicipality.STUDENTS OF MRS. F. KNIGHT-HODGE GIVE RECITAL A very enjoyable and enter- taining recital wss given at the Legion Hall on Saturday last by the Junior Students of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge to 8 large gather- ing of parents snd friends. Not- ably among the audience were the Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Ley- land. A varied and Interesting program was given, the students acquiting themselves with great credit, many showing outstand- ing ability in both violin snd piano playing. The guest artiste --Miss Mary Bradshaw, delight- ed the audience with two humor- ous and clever readings, and she was presented afterwards with 8 bouquet hy Miss Louise Mes- senger. The artistic floral dec- orations which were so greatly admired were arranged entirely by the High School Girls and the programs were typed and donated hy hfiss Julia Pyne. At the request of the students the proceeds of the recital were de- voted to local charities. FOR SALE -- Choice hardy rookery plants. C. Barrow, corner 84th oad Nelson. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. HEADQUARTEkn for AU the Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, oad Fish- ing Godgoio for local waters. Ambleoldo Too Rooms. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houxoo to Rent. Houses, lots, oad acreage for sale. John Lowxoo, Ql 17th ood Marino, Phono Wool 65. YOR PLUMBING REPAlkS -- Roo- idoooo Phono Wool 2411L LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Exporloocod with ak mokoo. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver hiachiae Shop, 1449 Merino. MARCELLE SHOP -- Morooko, 60 cents; rooot, 86o,'ager wove, 60c. Phone Mro. King, West 804.LEGION W. A. A large garden party is heing put on by the amalgamated 'une,July snd August groups at the home of Mr. snd Mrs. G. Hampson, 814 20th Street, on Wednesday afternoon, June 28. Please keep this date open. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion'shadminton season closed with a very enjoyable social evening held at the home of Mr. snd hire. D. Graham, 21st and Bellevue Avenue. The firs prizes for whist were won hy Mr. Rankin snd Mrs. Doherty, the consolation prizes going io hfr. Sherman and Mrs. Atwood. GORDON ROBSON Boivlolox -- Sokciior WEST VANCOUVER- Ogico No. 1447, Marino Iirivo Phone Wool 40$. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suiio 501: 510 Hootlego Sl, W. Phone, Seymour 4100. 2 io 6. '0 Burglars and prowlers shun the light. 4 Porch lights back and front, lights upstairs and down, are your cheapest Diguisod Old Lady (ollghtlr deaf) in Muoouml "What sort of foot ap- parel io lhot7 Attoadoali "A boot, mmbim." OM Lady: "Eh I I didn't hear yoq." Alieadaal: "Boot boot boot." Old Lady: "Soo here, young mmx doa I lrr yoiii'oxx xoilgx oa am GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1&06 Morlao Drive I h~ Wo,l 21 m 8 rwmr 1240 Evoxlogo Wool 2042 protection Leave them burning at all times the cost is trifling WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. CHANGE OF OFFICE IIOURS Wednesdays--10 Io 12 Saturdays---10 Io I A Fcw morc Monthly Donaiionx however small, would he appreciated Pay your taxes snd help I'0"r M un 1cipaliIy. x ~ ~ I oo 5:I:III"Ke(eilgfrt:irWSBKe46N(q4J Fllait/xi&a(eg 'fho rate for I:loooisod Advivtloomooio lo 2 croix pot word, mlaimem 25 cents. Except in the coro of those hovlog togolot occooota, on Hoooi. ~ beds are parable oirloilr le odroace. Romombox CloooiSodo lo lho West Voo Novo goi immediate rosalia