0001 1'ol -" - A Weekly Newspaper Cf'rculati yfgiyf the District of West Vayycf)JJYJcr-Amblcsidc, Hollyburyy, Wgstoyf, Duyydaragfg Cypress Park, Cafdlfcild, WhyJcgliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstand V I I I HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 15th, 1933 No. 5 Pay Your Taxes and Help Your Municipality )IL d Ia). )fe) mboh w vill i goz ( sear fwt, IM)AA (o ool z)k f ISA I'limo ISL d)o n w, Bo I'UPIIH OF MISS MARGARET McINTYRE IN RECITAL The pupils of Miss Margaret Mclntyre will be heard in recital tomorrow (Friday) st 8:15 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Tickets are 25 cents each. Proceeds in aid of the West Van- couver Welfare Assoc)ation. The following is the program: V1OL)N EN~Vs)oo Poouqoo ......................Wooobovoogh 1st V)orms--Chemo MBoo - Mary Murray John Thygoooa - Kenneth Bruce Zod V)o))no--Jooo)o Dov)oo - Patty Wookos Jack Howd)o - )do))y G)oo PIANO--The SWOBOW .................................................Burgmunor Valse )o A Minor ..................................Schumooo JEAN VERNON P)ANO--Conoon 1ootno .............,„................„„.,„.„.......Rob)kog Mooorko ..........................................................Horlotozo RUTH WILLIAMS PIANO SOLO--"Song of tbo Avmouror" ..........................,.....Goyoor GEORGE WILLOUGHBY (Bog)oooro'lass, Mvo. T. E. Sno)gvovo) VIOLIN--Liootte...................................,....„„,.................. Pepin) MARY MURRAY PIANO--Lullaby E)so Dance ..........................................--.. Goyeov DALE ERICKSEN P)ANO--Wedding Doy at Too)dhougon.........................-...Gro)g BRENDA WICK)NG SONGS-- (o) Barley Break ..................................................... Brewer (b) Lullaby .........................................................Roger Quilter (c) Good Moro)og, Brother Sunshine....................Lohmooo DOROTHY GREENWOOD (Popn of Mro. Colin MooLooo) PIANO--Boovvoo ......................................................... Boch MARGARET HARRISON VIOLIN--Berceuse ................................................................... Cui . Root)o Doooo ..--......................... Muoo JESS)E DAVIES PIANO--On the )eo .....................................................-- ..... Crawford GORDON VINCE PIANO--Impromptu in A F)ot ......................... Schubert PEGGY GLEN VIOLIN--Evening Rover)o .............................................s --. Covoo Tempo di Mioootto ......................................... Tours GEORGE BREALEY PIANO--Sleepless Nights (ivo. z) ........................., .....Honor Arabesque in C PATTY WEEDEN VIOLIN--Torontono ..................... -- .- .........„... Drd)o CHARLIE MILES PIANO--h(oo)co) Boz .............................. Po)d)ni Alla Toronto))o ................................................ 1dcDowon DOREEN ADDY PIANO--Harvest Homo ......................--.„...............„......... Longe DELWYN BEATY VIOLIN ENSEMBLE--Potno March ............................ Oogood YOUR OPPORTUNITY ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Take advantage of it. It may The closing exercises given by be s long time before something the pupils snd statf of St, Pst- like this opens to you again. ricia School on Friday evening, For three months only Miss 2nd instant, in the United Norah Hsrrsdine of the Harra- Church Hall were most interest- dine Commercial College, hss ing to the many parents and opened an open-air summer friends who attended. The pro- school, two blocks north of gram consisted of songs snd rec- Mathers Avenue, top of 24th itations together with a play Street. Save your travelling ex- and gymnastic display. The hall pensee snd learn in your own and stage had been most artis- neighborhood. tically decorated by Mr. and Mrs. Hours from 9 to 12. Prepare J. E. Durbin s'nd by the school yourself with a practical busi- principal, Miss Joan Durbin, and ness course and the world wbq the excellent exhibit of pupils'ecognize you. paintings snd drawings did The Harradine Commercial great credit to their teacher, College has always been noted Miss Farmer. The clever gym- for the brightness of the stud- nastic display was given under nts who have been most fortun- the direction of Miss Molly Ed- te in securing good positions wards, while Mise Durbin super- because of their thorough intended the play. Principal G. grounding and egiciency. Brealey of Pauline Johnson School made a brief address of On Sunday, June 18th, Dr. appreciation, klrs. J. B. Leylsnd Jack Wright of the Davis Cup presenting the prizes ss follows: team and Mr. O. Ryall, Vancou- Prot)ciency, Judy Good; Deport- ver City champion, are staging ment, Freds Rush; General Im. some exhibition games on the provement, Peggy Marshall; courts of the West Vancouver Order snd Neatness, Judy Good, Tennis Club. They will also play Freda Rush; Adherence to Rules s doubles match against two of Uniform, Sylvia hlorris. prominent Vancouver players. Dainty refreshments were then This will alTord tennis enthusi- served by the pupils, tes being asts a wonderful opportunity to poured by Mesdames W. B. witness some i)rat class tennis. Small, H. A. Eager, snd M, Play will commence at 2:30. Pyne. Miss Durbin hss recently added a kindergarten c)ass, hav- I'ay your taxes and help your ing studied this while In Eng- Municlpallty. land. A. E. MUNN TO SPEAK SCHOOL BOARD NOTES / WELFARE NOTES HERE TONIGHT Letter dated May 16th fr'om The 12th of July is the date The West Vancouver Liberal the Municipal Council, laid over set for the second annual dance Association is holdings its an- from the last meeting, was taken to be held in the Hollyburn pav- nusl general meeting and elec- up, and report was submitted by ilion and sponsored by the Wel- tion of officers at 8:15 p.m. to- the Finance Committee recom- fare Association. Those wbo at night in Dundarsve Hall. A. Fi. mending fvoorganlzatlon of the tended last year will certainly Munn, M.P., and Herbert S. entire school system along the be there again if posslbk. More Wood, K.C., of Caulfeild, will following linea: details will be forUxxnnfg also give addresses. 1. Adoption of the Junior shortB, but in addition to the High School program and plsc- dance this year there will be HOLLYBURN HALL ing of all classes, from Grade I side shows and other features, to Grade 12, under the direction giving nofbdancers an opportun- Mr. James Gibson is continu- of one principal, who would be ity to enter into the evening' inghisseriesofsddressesatHol- responsible for the conduct and funalso. lyburn Ball. At tbe 7:30 p.m. operation of the school system Two of the pupils'ecitals service next Sunday he will take as a uni5ml whole; have been given and a third is as his subject "Msn's Universal 2. Closing of D u n d s r s v e on the tapis for Friday evening. Sickness." He will also hold a School, the annexes st Holly- The Welfare Association bene- service at 3 p.m. next Sunday burnand Pauline Johnson School fftted to the extent of 314 by on the beach st the foot of 17th snd the Manual Training Annex, Mrs. F. R. Hodgson's fvmitai, Street. Everyone is welcome to pupils at present accommodated which was held in town. The these services. in these buildings to be provided junior pupils of Mrs. Knight- for in main school buildings; Hodge were able to hand in 55. BASEBAI.L 3. Hollyburn and Pauline after all expenses hsd been paid Johnson Schools tobecarried on ss s result of their delightful On Thursday the West Van. as elementary schools only, cov- effort in the Legion Hali on Sat- ball team improved its standing ering'rades I to 6, these two urdsy. The little people took a at the head of the North Shore schook to be in charge of teach- great ddight in rendering this League when they defeated ers ranking as vice-principals; community service and the As- Lynn Valley 12 to 6 at Lynn 4. Grades 7 to 12 and manual sodation is very grateful to Valley park. Bill Atwood again arts centre to be accommodated them. hsd the jinx on the Valleyites. in the Inglewood School. Unfortunately the Cabbage Tonight the same teams meet In submitting this report, the plants were delayed last week at Ambleside Park st 6180. Finance Comm)ttee stated it was owing to the late season but are estimated s very substsni:zl - now ready. snd wSI be in the SOFTBALL STANDING monetary saving would be eifect- Garage at the rear of the Muni- ed, snd that a marked improve- cipal Hall on Sunday afternoon Seniors ment in eificiency would result at 4 o'lock for distribution to pct from the welding of elementary those requiring same.snd secondary educational sys- The Association fs grateful West Vsn. I umber 6 2 .714 s into one. for the meat and groceries re- 4 2 '665 Moved and seconded that the ceived last week end but againscheme submitted by the Fin- there wss not enough to go ance Committee, with amend- round. This week end distribu- ments made at this meeting, be tion is an important part of the June 1 2 1933 ' adopted; carried, Trustee Mr. work and there is s good deal Russell not voting. of disappointment when thuno yw L pct. It was moved and ~nded suPPlyismort W.t Van M t'" 4 1 800 that JJ.MI~ell.~ appo)nti .The co~it~ acknow)supervising prindpal under the with thanks the receipt of two-----.--I---- 2 2 600 rovfsions of the scheme submit- monthly donations of 35. St St phon'sep en s .----- his recommendations as to per- ROSE SHOW AND t J 12 1933 'onnel to comp ..the t~Mng FLORAL fESTIVAL staff, snd disposition of classes W. L. Pct. Gh'ls under the new system, for sub- The West Vancouver Horti- mission to the Board st s special cultural Society are holding Grangerettes .......... 4 0 1000 meeting to be held on Thursday, their annual Rose Show snd Ambleside T. Rooms 2 1 .666 June 15th. -- Carried. Trustee Floral Festival from 2130 pm. Hollyburn Theatre 0 4 000 Mr. Russell not voting. St. Ste hen's .......... 0 1 .000St. phen's .......... fn Dundarsve Hall. Admission ss at June 12, 1933. HOLLYBURiV ACADEMY OF 25 cents, chBdfwn 10 cents, BEAUTY CULTURE TO members free. Full details of OPEN IN )VEST VAN. the show will be given in our Seniors next issue June 7th--West Van. Lumber Ladies, who have been forced 16, Murch 4. to economize in their beauty ASSOCIATED BOARDS'une 8th -- Red A White 27, work, will be pleased to hear EXAliINATIONS Greenwoods 7. that hiiss Clay has opened a new The Examination of the As- June 9th -- Freeman's Flashes department for their conveni- socisted Board of the Royal 44, Greenwoods 2. ence. In the new shop she is Academy and the Ro&al College June 12th--Murch 13, Green- featuring permanent waves for of Music, London, England, will woods 3. 52.00. hiarcels by expert opera- be held in West Vancouver on West Van. Lumber 15, Red tore will be 25 cents. This de- Saturday, June 24th, at 9:30 a. & White 7. partment has a separate ent- m., at the studio of Mrs. F. Junior Boys rance to her now exclusive Knight - Hodge, 1332 Duchess June 6th--Ridge Imperials 26, beauty salon,which has reowntly Avenue. Band 22. been enlarged to six booths ow- The examiner wlB be E. Nark- June 7th--United 27, Ridge Im ing to the increase in her busi- ham Lee, M.A.. Mus. Doc., F.R. perials 24. ness. C.O. June 9th -- )Vest Van. Motors 14, St. Stephen's 7. L O. L. PUPILS OF MILS. AND MISS June 12th -- United 12, )Vest The above lodge will hold )VILSON LV RECITAL Van hiotors 5. their regular meeting st 7 p,m. The piano pupils of Mrs. C)ara 6 irk next Tuesday in the Orange and )diss Hilda lVilson will give June 8th--Ambleside Tea Rooms Hall, to be followed at 8:30 by a a fwcits) 'at the Studioi 2367 17, Hollyburn Theatre 12. social evening for members and Marine Drive, on Saturday aft- Grangeretteswonbydefault their friends. On Sunday, June ernoon, June 24th at 3:30 p.m. from Hollyburn Theatre. 25th, a visit will be paid to the Those taking part will be Exhibition Games children st the Loyal Protestant Billy and Clifford Hill, Joan and June 10th--Girls -- St. Philips Home in New Westminster. The Dorothy Sherman. Margaret (Van. City) 7, )Vest Van. dance on Friday, 30th Instant, is White. Argent and Maisie Ray, All Stars 25. in aid of this home, when the Catherine Hirst, Olive and Elsie Boys--)Vest Van All Stars 29, B. C. Rangers'rchestra will Robbins, Ruth Downing, Betty St. Philips (Vsn. City) SO. supply the music. This arches- Blair, Ian Rush, Doreen Elgar, Up to and including games tra can be heard over CJOR hfargaret Dickinson, Erane Pat- played on June 12th. every Tuesday from 8 to 9 p.m. terson, Jean and Marjorie HilL . Te e Ivs 4 - ~ 'w Ieo I 'e-