West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jun 1933, p. 4

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 8, 1933. rri iV~ hMMsr~ r 4 s r ~ a rrr4 ~ rr i rir i ai ~re rev- C"1+4;. '! it,'. s 3 srirXr ~r r 4 ' I- rr,'ti r:rri i' ~ i 1 r ri 'rrrp r r~'.rrra rhrrr rc r\ ~rrrr '; r rri rrrr2rrrrrvrriwrrr" e rrrr irrr 'rr ~ rrrir Phone bvest 469 Phone hvost 46 Smith 's Grocery Special-? for 25c Sale two of the following T 25C. KADANA TEA, Vi ttx package COCOA, Revatree'a Vis OXO CUBES. 4 cake slee I ToblATO JUICR else 2 tla CORN, Golden Bantam BEANS, Whale Green -- Nabob PEAS, Ne. 4 sieve KltAUT, Nabob, sixe 2vi tla'ed Jt White PliMPKlN, SVis ked Si White Tobl.4TOES, SVis PITTED Dates, 1 lb. package PRUNES, lmrge, 1 lb. Red B White CATSUP SAUCE, 'iveicesteishire. 5 sx. biUSTARD, C. Jt R Prepared 9 es. blALT VlNE(;AR, Fsiglish, 12 es. BRASSO, Ne. 3 tia 'ILVO. Na 3 tia I CLOTHES PLNS. 2 dos. te carton ~ STARCH. Silver Glass I BON Aiui cake LYE, Royal Crees POL)SHING OIL, Lemon, 8 es. POLISHING 014 Cedar, 8 ex.'O.S. CLEANER fODIZED SALT, 2 lb. Carton STUFFED OLIVES, 5 ex, bottle I Al'1'tlCOTS, Nabob, 8 es. GRAI'E FRUIT, Nabob, 8 ox Your Choice---Any goods fo PUFFED WHEAT CRACKELS PEP CORN MEA4 22 ex POTATO FliOUR CORN STARCH, Beasea's 'n'HOLB CLASIB, tan Has SARDINES, Nabob HERRING la Tomato Ssece 0'1STERS. FAsteea 4 es. SAL41ON, ked -- RC. CORNRD BEEF, Bevril PORK 6 BEANS, SVi slee tia PEARS, cise 2 tia GiNGER, preserved -- 1 lb. PAROWAX, 1 tk cartes BAKING Sol)A, large package CRF 4H OF TARTAR, Vi s ited R White biOLASSES, 20 ss. LARD, Ssiift'a 1 ttx rsiiea SLICED HAM, Bares', Mt tts CHICKEN k Rli. B SOUP JUNKET TABLETS LUblP SUGAR, 1 Ih RAISINS, Seltaass, 1 lb. DOG FOOD, Pal, 1 lb. tia PEACHES. Nabob, 8 ea 1'EARS, Nabob, 8 es. STRAWBERRIES, Nabob, S ex LUMBER AND SER VICE 1'OR QUALtTY AND REASONABLB PklCBS deal with The Largest Exilesive RetsH Lamber Oigsaisatiea In R C. Sstisfsctiea Gssraateed PHONE OR WRITE FOR PRICES. Vancouver Prices ~ e Everythiag la Bendiag iiisterisls AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th sad blsrise Drive West Vancouver Phone West 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber sad Shingle Co. Lhk SCHOOL SPORTS (Continued from Page 1) ards, P.: Bobby Timbiw!I, P.; Ivilfrcd Lennox, P. 4-Man, 14 years and up- Ronald Platt, h.; Haroid John- son, H.; Victor Johnson, H.; Kenneth McNair, H. Relay Races -- Girls 5-Man Relay, Grades 1 - 6-- Grade 1, Marjorie McTavish, P.; Grade 2, Kathleen Nora Robson, P.; Grade 3, Rhoda Turvey, P.; Grado 4, Maisie hIcLennan, P.; Grade 5, Norma Fellows, P. 4-Man Relay, 12 snd 13 years --hIuriel Pick, H.; Eileen Lovitt, H.; Irene Turner, H.; Mary Thomson, H. 4-Man, 14 years and up- Janet Thomson, H.; Vers Plntt, H.; Dorothy Jackson, H.; Joey Thomson, H. Boys'abloid Events -- 10-hian Pauline Johnson, Seniors-- 1, Jim Turner, 2, John Wright, 8, Thor Rafncr, 4, Harry Parker, 5, Vincent Brscewell, 6, Charles Danscy, 7, Ernest Harrison, 8, Kenneth Douet, 9, Tommy Rob- son, 10, Tcd Elfstrom -- made 31 points. Pauline Johnson Juniors-- 1, Robert Glover, 2, Walter Par- ker, 3, Roy Binning, 4, Howard Griifiths, 5, Lloyd Wallace, 6, Verschoyle hIartin, 7, Isn Rich- ards, 8, Angus Young, 9, Bobby Timbrell, 10, Wilfred Lennox- made'2 points. Hollyburn Seniors -- 1, Ron- ald Platt, 2, Kenneth McNair, 3, Harold Johnson, 4, Victor John- son, 5, Frank Yatcs, 6, Victor Stevens, 7, Stewart Johnson, 8, Edward Tcsroe, 9, Tom Hicklen- ton, 10, Isn Wcmyss -- made 28 points. Hollyburn Juniors -- 1, Billy Dickinson, 2, Douglas Watt, 3, Judson Armstrong, 4, Meric Spanks, 5, Aiistair Grigor, 6, Donald Gillics, 7, Gerald Hook- ham, 8, Stanley Green, 9, Teddy Clegg, 10, Stanley James--made 31 points. Girkr Tabloid Events -- 10-hian Pauline Johnson Seniors-- I, Elsie Partridge, 2, Margaret Glover, 3, Bonnibel Barbour, 4, Lucille Currie, 6, Nora Young, 6, Margaret Curric, 7, Barbara Wyatt, 8, Roberts Dawson, 9, Mary Franklin, 10, Patricia Murray -- msdo 25 points. Pauiine Johnson Juniors-- I, Jean McTavish, 2, Psmols Little, 8, Peggy Anderson, 4, Joan Ecclcston, 6, Marion Currie 6. Patricia Albin, 7, Sheila Ed- wards. 8, Norms Hollldsy, 9, Patty Wecden, 10, Betty Gray-- made 36 points. Hoayburn Seniors -- 1, Averil Irwin, 2, Betty Hadwin, 3, Agnes Colpitts, 4, Iona Kerrison, 5, Jean Bilk 6, Lorraine Wheel- wright, 7, Dorothy Jackson, 8, Vers Platt, 9, Joey Thomson, 10, Janet Thomson--made 41 points. Hollyburn Juniors -- I, Royce Dawson, 2, Audrey Burkhart, 3, Audrey Richardson, 4, Charlotte McDougali, 5, Betty Jones, 6, Beatrice Spanks, 7, Rits Aldrod, 3, Mary Thomson, 9, Eileen Lovitt, 10, Muriei Pick -- made 41 points. Awards For school having greatest aggregate of points--School Cup --won by Hollyburn School. Girls'hampionship for great- est aggregate--Pennant -- won by Hollyburn Girls. Boys'hampionship for great- est aggregate -- Pennant--won by Pauline Johnson Boys. Individual Championship for girl of greatest aggregate--Cup --won by s Hollyburn girl, (not yet decided ) . Individual Championship for boy of gredttcst aggregate--Cup --won by Ian Richards of Paul- ine Johnson. Dick: "Jimson disiocatcd his jaw last night through yawn- ing." Jack: "Hsd you been talking to him iong?e WEST VANCOUVER HORTICUI.TURAI SOCIETY The Floral Festival scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 17th, hss been postponed for one week, owing to the very un- settled weather. The new dsto is Saturday, June 24th, and if the weather warms up snd sum- mer really does come, the gar- dens snd aowrs should be in their height of bloom. Catalogues sro ready for dis- tribution, and may be hsd at either Mr. Gemmill's drug store or the Dundarsvo Pharmacy. It is hoped that as many as possible will enter exhibits in the different classes. Richards: "That dog I bought of you howls ail night." Shopkeeper: "Have you tried sitting up snd playing with him, sir?" "Were you ever in s railway accident 7" "Yes. Once I was riding in a train going through s tunnel, snd I kissed the father instead of the daughter." ) LggHV ao Burglars and prowlers shun the light. 4 Porch lights back and front, lights upstairs and down, are your cheapest protection. Leave them burning at all times ... the cost i8 trifling. i ~ siss M:I li I I KS'. Ka{o] Rgfhii:I r 86 8 is6 8:I (et3 l'y '6 I Stt".I lt 4((efo)'I i, ~ "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The rate (er Clssslsed AdrseUsemeats 1 ~ 2 seats per word, mlalmam 25 casts. Exiepi is the case of these harlag regular sccessts. su etssst- ~ Seds are payable strictly la sdraace. Remember ClsssiSeds is the West Vsa Neve get immediate resalta FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. The best for lesa PIANO TUNING, Repairs, Cleaning, Adjustments, English expert. Maur- ice Bruce, 1152 24th Street. TO RENT -- Collage fer sessea at Selma Park. Phone West 08. HAVE UP TO $750 1:ssh for 8 ei 4 Ream House in West Vancouver. Give lecstiea aad price, Bex 11, West Vaa News. WEST BA Y LIBRARY -- Beeclsl Sale of Tennis Racqsets $2.70 te $7.00. Exceptional Value. Travel- ler's samples. Library 60c month. Fok SALE -- jileifst Electric Range and Savage Electric Washer, cheap. Phone West 221X. Foil SALE -- Child's Sulky, good condition, $ 1.60. Phone West 407L. TO GIVE AWA Y -- Pretty Female Kitten. Phone West 151X1. FOR RENT -- Hease on Waterfront, yearly lease. Phone West 5SR1. HOT POLNT ELECTRIC RANGE with oven control. only $80. North Shore Radio Electric, 1489 Marine Drive; West 01. FOR SALE--1928 Chrysler 52 Sedan goad condition, license, cash $ 100 balance arranged. West 81L. BASEBALL In the best game played this season in the North Shore Base- ball loop. West Vancouver shut out B. C. Coal 4 to 0, to move up to top position with 3 wins and 2 losses. Tommy Neill let the visitors down with only 2 hits, while his team-mates played er- rorless hall. They showed much improvement in hitting and fielding over the game played here last Thursday when the locsis went down 8 to 1 before the same team. Tonight the boys journey to Lynn Valley nnd next Thursday will be st home to the same team st Ambleside Park. GLASS Broken viadevs replaced. J. Holt, 1742 blsriae, West 141. TO ltENT -- 2 Bedrooms. comfort- ably fureishsd, with ase of sitting room; home privileges, reasonable. Adults. Phone West SS4R. WFBT VANCOUVElt PROPERTIES For Sale aad Wanted. C. J. Archer, 791 Daasmuir St. Seymour 6964, Residence West 225. PAINTING. Paper-hssgiag aad Ksl- semisieg. Lew Chargea Work guaranteed. Hellybura Decorators, West 220L fOR RENT -- Furnished Reams vtth board, close te ferry. Phone West 36Y. FOR SALE -- Waterfieat Let assi 22nd, cheap, 12,000 square feet; good view. Phone West 128L GET MY FREE ESTIMATES ea Painting, Papering aad Kalsemia- ieg. C. L. Keaiags, Res. Phoae West S94R. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dandarsve. COLIN TURNER, Carpenter aed Builder. Alteratlsas aad repairs. Phone West 079R FOR BALE -- Cbelce hardy rcckery lasts. C, Barrow, career 24th sad elsea. Patronize those who advertise ln this issue. HEADtIUARTEHS for AR the Pap- ular Cigarettes, Tebscces, sad Fish- ieg Gadgets for local waters. Ambleside Tea Rsema FUitNisiiED AND UNFURMSHRD Houses te Rent. Houses, lots, sad acreage for sale. Jobs Leases, 17th asd Marine, Phone West 66. ~ Foil 1'LUblBING kEPAIRS -- kes- ideaee Phase West 241R LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with aB mskea "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vsacea- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marina MAkCELLB BHOP -- MsrceSe, 50 cents; reset, Sbc; Anger wave, 60c. Phone Mrs. King, West 804. In the Same Vein "No," said the schoolboy, to his friend, "I certainly do not believe in brevity in letter-writ- ing. It once let me down very badly." "How was that?V asked his companion. "I wrote home to my father like this: 'No mon., no fun.-- Your son.' "Yes, and what did your father write back?" asked the other." 'How sad I Too bad. -- Your dad'." the schoolboy explained. Comfort First First Tramp: "Wot 'ud you do if you was to win the next Irish Sweep?" Second Tramp: "I'd pay for these blinking park seats to be upholstered." GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER- Oifice Na 1447, Msrlae Drive Phone West 4011 10 te 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501: 610 Hastiags Bt. W. Phone, Seymear 4199. 2 te 6. GEO. HAY NOTARY I'UBLIC IIEAL ESTATE AND 1NSURANCE 1405 Msriee Drive 1'heae West Sl or Seymear 1200 Rrestsgs West 204X JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER' nnd all Building hlalerlal of Beat (iualiiy st Low I'riess. BUILD NOW I WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368L 15ih and Marine