0001 I 8 ( June 8, 1988 THE WEST VAN NEWS 11 quarts for $ 1 For Pure Natural MILK Diroot from tho tow to your home. No shippinx, no vshondUng Phane NOrtlb 343 m,"n'"" RICHARD'S DAIRY ts.~;mmv'o'stv";ss&so't tmo IOS the tzo I tbtt ) vbs (0th nf. bs. hers tht tnl I Io n n. n s ~ xh dh jjn NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS Correspondents are reminded that in common with all other newspapers we only publish let- ters which bear the signatures and addresses of the senders. A nom de plume may be sent for purposes of publication, but the letter itself must bear the actu- al signature and address of the person sending same. KEW BEACH itis predicted that we sre to have n very hot, dry, summer. Make sttsogsmonts now for your Summer Cottage at Kew Beach iv(anne Dr. West Vancouver hilnoroi Spring an the property Ed. Black, West 68 55th snd Marine General Hauling, Transfer, Builders'upplies liood, Coal TEAROE 85 SON Phone 8JI West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies %Food, Coal Dump Truck Work LOCAI. FIRST AID TEAM WINNEILS IN COMPETITION At the recent competitions held under the auspices of the St. John's Ambulance Associa- tion, the West Vancouver Junior First Aid Team secnred second place in the Novice Trophy, and fourth place in the Vancouver Daily Province and Sun shields. It is i,he first time the local team has competed and they were highly commended by the Judge. The team personnel was as follows: Miss W. Dorchester (Captain), Miss Groom, Miss C. Page, Miss M. Atwood, Miss K. Seeds (Reserve). INTERESTING I.ECTURE BY MRS. DON MUNDAY The illustrated kcture given by Mrs. Don Munday last Friday evening in the Inglewood Audi- torium under the auspices of the Local Girl Guides'ssociation, was most interesting. Mrs. Munday gave a detailed account of a number of ascents made by her in company with other mem- bers of the Alpine Club of some of the highest peaks in Jasper Park. Her lecture was profuse- ly illustrated with a large num- ber of beautiful colored slides, which showed the magnificent scenery of that part of the prov- ince and also the diificulties and dangers of mountaineering. Many colored views were also thrown on the screen of the mountain flora and fauna. Mr. Mundsy was in charge of the lantern. Rev. Hillis Wright int- roduced the lecturer, and also proposed the hearty vote of thanks which was accorded Mrs. Munday at the conclusion of the evening. Miss Lauretta Bell, a popular June bride-to-be, was the guest of honor on biondsy evening, at a personal shower held in the home of Mrs. T. W. Cutler, Mar- ine Drive. The dainty and use- ful gifts were presented in a "Treasure Chest." Among those present were: Miss Lauretta Befl, Mrs. Geo. Bell, Mrs. R. Cripps, Mrs. J. Davis, Mrs. A. W. Ure, Mrs. L. Ajello, Mrs. S. Penny, Mrs. C. Wintle, Mrs. R. S. McCall, Miss M. Bell, Mise E. Millard and Miss C. Wilson. K.W. Savory 1443 biarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance A new motor has been in- stalled in No. 4 municipal bus. X tl y ~ Small Boy (In grocer's): "Please can you let me have an empty box 1" Hard-up Grocer (to assistant) "John, give him the cash box." MISS NORAH HARRAOINZ hss opened o btsnoh (Snmmov School) of HARRADINE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE at 24th and Palmerston Avenue STUDENTS NIAY XNBOL AT ANV TIME Terms rosoonsbio Hours: 0 to IZ. Inqoivios msy be msdo st Wost ZOS ov Wast 157LZ AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and biarlne Drive J. MURCH. Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh Ments, Smoked and Cooked Meats. P HONE WEST 303 ~ ) & g WEST VANCOUVER LIBERAL ASSN.ANNUAL GENERAL BIEETING Dundarave Hall, Thursday, June 15th, at 8.15 p.m. BUSINESS-"Repon of Committees Election of Oflicert folkwved by Addbess by A. E. MUNN, M.P. nnd Herben S. Wood, K.C., Csulfield President West Vancouver Liberal Assn. Miss Nina Gray, 26th and Mathers Avenue, is seriously ill in the North Vancouver General Hospital. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Hollowsy of Vancouver, has moved ln a house at 1963 Bellevue Avenue for the sum- mer. o ~ ~ M. E. Macrae has moved from Vancouver into a house at 2160 Mathers Avenue. ~ o o At a recent recital in the city given by the dance students of Betty Cavendish the Misses Katherine and Hilda Wilson gave an interpretation of "Trees," a tone poem, while "Dagger Dance," a dramatic epi- sode, wss portrayed by bliss Molly Edwards. \ o Three of our most beautiful song birds, the rose-breasted grosbeak, the black-headed gros- beak, and the western tanager, are here in greater numbers than is usually the case, al- though the reason for this is unknown. Normally only odd members of these specms of birds visit West Vancouver in the summer months, but this year a number of pairs of each kind have been seen in various parts of the municipality. Miss F. Parkyn of Vancouver, is spending the summer at her home, 1215 Clyde Avenue. ~ \ There will be a softball game at 8 p.m. Saturday 10th instant, between the West Vancouver All Star girls team and St. Phil- ip s. ~ \ o Jack Smith, who is said to hail from the prairies, appeared in the police court here last Monday on s charge of stealing clothing from a house in West Vancouver.. He was given six months in Oakalla. \ ~ Mr. and Mrs. P. R. biacLeod have moved from Vancouver to 2465 Bellevue Avenue for the summer. o W. S. McKelvie, Vancouver, has moved into a home at 2161 Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ A. (FNeill has returned from California and is residing st his home at 1165 14th Street. His son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hay, are living with him. A cat wearing the colors of Pauline Johnson School and the pet of Miss Betty Hobde, took the first prize last Saturday in the class of short-haired cats in the Pet Parade at Hastings Park ~ ~ Miss E. Hurren of Vancouver, is spending the summer months at 2246 Bellevue Avenue. o Miss G. R. Cowan of Vancou- ver, has moved into a house on Radcliife Avenue for the sum- mer. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kruger and family, 2161 Bellevue Ave- nue, have moved to Horseshoe Bay for the summer. ~ ~ ~ The rainfall for May at Duch- ess Avenue was 6.44 inches. There were nine rainless days and one day with over an inch of rain. The corresponding total for May, 1932, wss 1.53 inches, and there were twenty-five rain- kss days in the month. ~ ~ ~ Engagement Mr. and bfnb George Bell, 2397 Bellevue Avenue, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Annie Lsuretta, to Mr. George H. Potter of Hornby Is- land. The marriage will take place quietly about the middle of this month, and the happy couple expect to spend the sum- mer on Hornby Island. s ~ ~ Mrs. A. I. Petrie, who has been spending some months in the city, hss moved into a house at 1466 Argyle Avenue. ~ o o F. Merritt has moved from North Vancouver into a house at 2126 Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Dr. snd Mrs. F. Stainsby, 19th and Marine Drive, returned here on Sunday after spending 5 short holiday at Lummi Island. ~ ~ Rev. Father Flanagan of St. Anthony's Church, has moved from 1361 25th Street to the Clachan Hotel. o ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. N. Rodgers and son, 24th and Marine Drive. have left to spend the summer in the Interior. ~ o o Miss Lorna Thomson, 1150 Esquimalt Avenue, spent the week end at Harrison Hot Springs. ~ o Miss Mary Nesbitt and Miss Dorothy Keeling, both of Van- couver, spent the holidays at the Clachan. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bill who have lived at Sherman for the past ten years, have now moved to their new home on Marine Drive and Waterfront. ~ o o Mrs. A. L. Stevenson and daughter, who have been visit- ing Mrs. Stevenson's parents, Mr. Rnd Mrs. W. Mootve Jack- men, 22nd and Palmerston Ave- nue, have returned to Victoria. o o Don't forget the dance to be given by L.O.L. No. 2990 on Friday evening, 30th June, in the Orange Hall.\ Ml's. Walter Gray of Keith Road has just received word of the death of her father, Edward Wallington, at his home in Wsrrington, England. He was aged 81 years and is survived by three daughters and two sons at home, besides Mrs. Gray.\ Mr .and Mrs. H. B. Stevens and family, 2686 Mathers Ave- nue, have moved into their new home at 26th and Nelson Ave- nue. o \ The home of Mrs. J. Haydn Young, 24th and Heywood. was the scene of a delightfully ar- ranged miscellaneous shower on biay 80th in honor of Miss Laur- etta Bell, whose marriage takes place shortly. The rooms wein beautifully decorated with pink and white spring flowers and the gifts were presented by Miss )Venonah Young, biiss Helen Thompson and bIiss bfuriel Bell. A buffet supper was served in the dining room, Mrs. R. B. Cripps and Miss E. H. Crewson presiding at the urns. Other guests isere Mrs. Ajello, bgrL T. Cutler, Mrs. J. Davis, birs. 0'- Donnell, Miss M. O'Donnell, Mrx F. J. Patterson, Mrs. F. Stains- by, Mrs. IV. H. Thompson. Mrs. A. W. Ure, birs. R. P. IVood- ward, bfiss M. IVoodward and Mrs. George BelL The Rapid Tonic 50c snd SI.00 Sold ooiy at Cemmill's Drug Store Tho Stove of Ssvvke. Itey Msrhm Drive West 57 Esssvssnoy Phono West Sxl IAfiso 0 p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY snd SATUBDAY Jane 0th snd 10th SLIM BUIBMERVILLE ~nd LOUISE FAZENDA 'RACING YOUTH ' Comedy Drama pinm CaIl of notion. Tbo nssni short tomody, car- toon, ots. RIONDAY snd TUESDAY Jane 12th ond 15th "The Hound of the Baskervilles" STRATTON'S BAKERY Breads, Cakes, Pastries, Varieties ALL FRESH DAILY biade at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th Jt hlstino EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH. Ptoptistot. SOFTBALL SCORES Seniors May 31st -- Freeman's Flash- es. 8; West Van Lumber, 7. June 2nd -- Red jb IVhite, 28; Greenivood's, 10. June 6th--Firemen, 10; West Van. Lumber, 7. Junior Bo)w June 6th -- West Van. biotors 11; United, 10. HOLLYBURN DAIRY 84 CONFECTIONERY ~t 1505 Movies Drive (next B.C. Rbootris Stove) AHDsitypmdoomnnd Borland's Ice Cream Doiiostosoon footovinx rvvv Jvmvv n is Tvy Borland' Milk Slice. It'o Good MvGAVIN'S BREAD Open till 0 p.m. ond oB dsy Snndsyn CLIFF HOUSE, %VhytecliK Park ANCING SATURDAY, Jose 10thand every Saturday NISht Starts 0 p.m. Romeo Perrle nnd CHII House Six-piece Orchestra Host os over CKWX sty.15 0.m. Frusy. Jnno 0th. For information ond tosotvstions; Toiophono Long Distsnvo CBII Howe LOCal and PerSOnal N«tjpcpilal ~ow ~ m ~ « 'n 4' w hh Wh