West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jun 1933, p. 2

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0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS 1554 June 8, 1933. sw wavr «w"sr. rw rsra I a ~ '«s~' « a s ~ I s«e I s«r \ «- «V w«p « ~ s««« ~ r I I vsssr 's"I' !" 's I '«« s 'a's'r « mrr-.«r- '~ « ' s' - ~ '-'- rr «as's' 'rrwrr« w rs'r r«rrrrr.rrs«rv rrrrrr'rr. rvrv rr rr rr rr rs«« « Asssst h Mslv Cud Wavos noesa Waves naiad In 20 misutos Our «NATURELLE" WAVES ~va prsotiasi. They fall Iu iooso «avaa with ouriy suds without sugar «a«la luui vill von sl tha soak for wiutav sty)vs. Gf)oryyn'olyyJ BEafdly ShoPPr Presbyterian husaion Orange Hall His)start Rov. Jss. F. Csddoford Phono North 1107 SERVICES: Suudsy st I)too SJs. Presbyterian Mission Orange HSU Minister: Rev. Jas. F. Cuddeford Organist: Mrib A. Martyn Servlcgs: 11:00 a.m. -- Morning 1vorship. Preacher, Mr. Reynolds Esler. Sermon subject: 'The Finger- Post of Providence." A time- ly message. Be sure you hear this inter- esting speaker. )540 54sviso Dviva Pboso Wsat i)7 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH June 11th--Trinity Sunday..... 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 ik 11:15 a.m.--Sunday School 11 f15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd Ser- mon. Tuesday; 2:30 -- W. A. Closing meeting. 8:16 p.m. -- Church Commit- tee. The Annual Flower Service will be held on Sunday, June 18. Wo hsvo 4 good as)asti«I af httv«dvo BATHING CAPS from 25c Io 3).00 AMBLESIDE PIIARMACY W. L KERs Piap isei hfsvhm Drive Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY RECORD hIADE IN LYNNMOUR MARATHON The annual Lynnmour Wsu;- ing hfarathon from Lynnmour Post Office to West Vancouver hfunicipal Hall snd return took place last Saturday afternoon, the first home being David Bol- ton of Vancouver, in the record time of 2 hours, 12 minutes, 30 seconds, for the fifteen miles, he having been also the winner of the race last year. There were fiv c)asses, and all the contest- ants came from the city, except one girl entry from North Van- couver. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae West ~ FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Firo, Automobiio, Burglary, Aoaidost ssd Siahusme ata. f557 Kiug'4 Avs. Phone W. 42YS JOHN F. BOYD PASSES John Franklin Boyd, 2560 Bellevue Avenue, passed away last Friday at his home here. The deceased, who wss aged 72, is survived by his wife one son, T. Hifliard Boyd, one daughter, Mrs. Paul Acteson, both of Vancouver, also by four sisters and one brother. Funeral ser- vices were held at 2:30 p.m. Monday in St. Stephen's Church, Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, and interment wss nuuk in Cap- ilsno View Cemetery. Established ou North Shore 20 Ysaru (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral 9ireftnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 COWAN -- CAAIERONg On Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'lock at the church of St. Francis-in-the-Woods the wed- ding took place of Grace, voung- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron of Cpulfeild, to Mr. George Paxton Downie Cowsn, only son of Mr. George H. Cowsn,K.C« snd Mrs. Cowan of Osier Avenue, Vancouver. Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiated. The bride wss given sway by her father, her eldest sister, Mrs. Alee. Riddeu, acting ss matron of honor. Mr. Philip Rogers acted as groonbsman snd the ushers were Mr. Alan Robertson snd Mr. Ian Tait. On their return from a cruise in Mr. Duncan Beu-Irving's "Show-Boat,a snd a brief so- journ at Cowsn's Point, Mr. Cowan and his bride will occupy their cottage at Can)felid. West Van Nems Pubiisbsd Every Thursday PabSshav F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssisoos smi Editorial Ogbat ifth ssd Xoviuo Drips INoxt to HoByburs P.O.) Phone Wast 363 hfsS Addvossi P.O. Box si, HoSVbsrs, ILC. North Vancouver Offlcei 123 Lonsdale Ave. 51.00 s your by assr)art 52ne ~ year by wall ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: 1361 26th St. Sunday 8:45 a.m.--Holy Maes -- Ser- mon. 10:45 s.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 7 ISO s.m.--Holy hfsss. 7:46 p.moFriday -- Devotions, Confessions of school children. 7I30 pdn., Saturday -- Confes- sions of adults. 7 f45 p.m., Wednesday -- De- votions. UNITED CHURCH The minister wiU preach st both services. 10 adn.--Sunday School snd Bible CISSIL 11 I15 a.m.--Public Worship. 7:15 pJn.--Public Worship. huss Isabel Mcintosh of Tor- onto, Dominion Secretary of the Women's Missionary Society, will have charge of the evening service on Sunday, June 11th. The young people sre especiafly urged to attend this service. HOLLYBURN HALL Dr. Marjory MCCu bbin DENTIST Hours: 0 s. m. to 0 p. m. Sstupdoysi Io ~ IS, ta I p. Iu, Evosisgo sud Sstuvd47 Ansv sooss br appoistmost only. Royal Sant Ssndisg I'boss West 440 Raoidooso Phosa West Oa WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society 14th and Duchess SUNDAY EVENING June 11th, at 7:30 Address by hlR. JAMES G«IBSON Subject: "The Christian Race- The Start, the Course, The Winning I'ost." Sunday School at 10 a.m. Hearty Singing. No Collections CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Leeson- Sermon in au Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "GOD THE PRE- SERVER OF MAN." One of the Bible texts wiU be Psalms 121I I: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help." The Lesson - Sermon will also include the following passage from page 339 of "Science snd Health with Key to the Scrip- turesa by Mary Baker Eddy: 'The basis of aU health, sinkss- ness, snd immortality is the great fact that God is the only Mind; snd this Mind must be not merely believed, but it must be understood." CHURCH EDIFICB 20th ssd Boualman, Honybuvs This Society is ~ Brssah of Tho Hither Chuvah Tho First Church of Christ, Saiautist, Is Boston, Hsssachusotto Susdsy Sovviaas i)iso s.m. sud 7:50 P.m. Sunday, June 11, 1933, Subject: SGOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN.S Djf. G. D. H. SEALE DENTIST Hsy Slosh 14th sod elsriso Dv OR)vs Hears 0 to 0 p.m. Evosiugs by sppoistmout. Phouo Wat 72 Sunday School at io:00 ~ .m. Taatimosy Ifoatisg Wodsasdsy at SI)5 p.m. C. J. Overinjtton PIONEER BARBER 14th and Mariae Expert Work Phone Wssi 135 BAPTIST CHURCH Services: 10 s.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Bibk Class. 11 a.m.--Mr. Alan Harber. 7:80 p.m.--Mr. W. S. M. Bow- ley, B. Ih F. Bible Society. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday--Pray- er and praise. Speaker, Mr. J. B. Holdcroft. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir practice. Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks LAURIE SPECK. Propsktos 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED snd REPAIRED JOBBING MAY DAY CORONATION (Continued from Page 1) present the cups to the winners of the relay race which wss won by Pauline Johnson School. The May Queen then inspected the Cadets, the Band, Boy Scouts and Cube snd started the first race of the sports events. At four o'lock Msy Queen Joan placed flowers on the hiem- orisl Arch, visited the North Vancouver Hospital and Ceno- taph placing Bowers, after which a tour wss made of the realm, snd during the visit at Whyte- cliff the sun shone for the first time on this dsy of days. The members of the royal party were guests at tea at the home of Reeve and Mrs. Leyland. At 6:30 o'dock the ladies of St. Stephen'5 W. A. were host- esses at a delightful Msy Day supper at which some seventy guests were present. May Queen Joan at this time presented Msy Queen Doris with s gift as a memento of the occasion snd also decorated with fiowers loyal subjects in appreciation, these being Mrs. J. B, Leyland, Mrs. J. R. Mitcheu, Mrs. T. E. W. Russell, Mrs. E. A. Ford, Mrs. Alexander and Miss Betty Blair. At 9:15 p.m. May Queen Joan and her court led the Grand March at the Msy Dsy ball which wss officisfly opened by Reeve J. B. Leyland on behalf of her Majesty. A delightful throne room wss arranged in the pavil- ion snd the Msy Queen reigned in perfect grandeur. On this oc- casion Msy Queen Joan decorat- ed Mrs. J. Wicking with fiowers in appreciation. This event brought the day's activities to s close. A striking feature of the day was the appearance of the Ses- forth Highlander Cadets who acted as escort to the reigning hfsy Queen during the entire program. The cadets were Den- nis Coleman, John Harper, Al- bert McLeod, Garnet William- son, West Vancouver, and Rob- ert Mclntosh snd Vernon Ar- dsgh, Burnsby. A great measure of the suc- cess of the proceedings is due to the able manner in which J. R. Mitchell acted as Master of Ceremonies. En route to Ambleside Park, Msy Queen Jean planted a tree at Memorial Park, her final of- ficial act. This ceremony wss arranged by the Canadian Legi- on Boy Scouts. Twenty-five girls and boys participated in the Crowning ceremony of the Msy Dsy Festi- val snd the May Queen Commit- tee deem it s privilege to be ss. socisted with the chffdren In this feature and feel amply re- paid for their wacke of effort by the enjoyment displayed by All. H. J. JARMAN DIES AT OFFICE DESK H. J. Jsrman, 2203 Bellevue Avenue, president of the Coast fk hiountain Lumber Co., wss found dead at midnight last Friday, seated in a chair in his office in the Credit Foncier Building, 850 West Hastings. Charles Peck, janitor, saw him earlier in the night snd thought he was sleeping. He notified an- other janitor, who came on duty at midnight. He went to a- rouse Mr. Jsrmsn snd found him dead. Details of the funeral ar- rangements have not yet been announced. PARENT - TEACHERS ASSOCIATION The monthly meeting of the PrT. A. will be held next Tues- day at 8 p.m. in the Pauline Johnson School. The speaker for the evening will be Miss E. Efliott, the school nurse, who will speak upon "Health Work in the Schools," with special ref- erence to West Vancouver. Re. ports of the Parent - Teachers convention will be read by the delegates. Following this there will be a musical program, and refreshments. What She Wants "This csr has eight cylinders, four-wheel brakes, it is water- cooled--" 'That does not interest me. My wife wants s pearl-grey cer with s nice flower vase snd fitte with wireless." ~ WQMEIII I soLD fav ssww isI sw balf ~ ossa«Vs, as 4«sow«sass«Os, sussssiptof prus.emxni~ asblsov CO.MM aa Visaaia SL. 7«Vasss usa«as AN OPEN AIR GOSPEL MEETING RECITAL FRIDAY, JUNE 16th, 1933 ~ I 4.14 Ism. Assisuug Artist-- Idioo Dorothy Greenwood Psotasdi In sld oi West Vs«ouvas Walters Amaalstlos VICKSVS nda. CIISh nsuyb«a tw«"" WEDNESDAY, June 14thrize SWIN KYALL'8 ORCHESTRA D Jols um Fus. Everyone hss 4 ahssao ta wisance WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. CIIANCE OF OFFICE IIOURS Wednesdays---10 to IJ Saturdays---10 fo I Gihs of Cash, Clothing, snd Food stvvsys wukamc. Win bs held Iif the Lord wiii) on SUNDAY AFTERNOON at 5 o'a)oah on tha Beach st the foot of )7th Street. «Aud the SP)rit Sad the bride Say COIas; And Ist him that hsarath ssy Come; Asd lot bim that is athirst, Coma; ssd whosoever will, Iot him tahe of the Water of Life freely." -- Rov. 22I 17. Hearty Singing ssd Plain Gospsi Tostimouioa YOU are isa)md--CONE. ~ 'l ih Is ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ie