0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June I, 1983. ~ rrrr *r v I AK V . IAtV ~'A A ~ -"I A'r PAV VVVcv 1 A A PAA' ' tt, t' ~ 'r ~ 't ttl P'\ V A ~V tt' tvl rrt rr;~rrr«v rrrrr rrrrv ~ r rrt" r'. vyrr tt rr r r~rrrrrr+.-'rrrrrrr ~ rrrvvvr rr v vrrr.. rr rrt vrrvvtrrrrr jrrr vvb r~r rrr r v Phone West 469 Phone West 46 Smith 's Grocery Prices g FRIDAY O'AT ood for ., June 2,Q 3 SHORTENING, Self('c Ccecceai I Rr catiea ...........,........ 9c Red R Wkke FLOUk-- 49 IIA sack 91.35l 24 Iia cack 71c Red R Wkke hlATCHBS 400C ...................... 2 boxes 29c 'CHEESE, Sccrac, yr lb. pks. 15c GRAPE.NUTS FLAKES, pku 1st , PASTRY FLOUR, Wks Race 7 Ik cack ........., .............. 27c BAKED HAM. Burns'itsDrccclas........ pet kr 40c REI.ISH SPREAD er MAYONNAISE, Bcci Fosse 16 ex. Iar 38c; 8 ex. Iac Rlc ROYAL CROWN SOAP 6 bac carton ........................... Rzc Save the Coupons for Uceful Gifts DOG BISCUITSA... 5 IK sack 49c CX LEMON SQUARE CAKE Each ................................. Rsc ,'Saakict Otaaxea, large idea. $5c , Saakici Orcazcc, mesiam....sex 25c'rape Fruit. large.......... 4 for lyc Demand a Soap Flake Made in B.C. I JIF SOAP FLAKES "Sade ia a Jkfy" Iarze packets............. 19c HUNTLEY R PALHER'S Brklak Ewyire Assorted mccakc, cea- ialalaz 13 Varieuec, ycr lb 66c CORNED BEEF, Best Qaakiy (Limn 2) ....„.......... each 9c blEAT BALLS, Heslaed'c large Cia ........... cack Rzc STRAWBERRY JAM, Nabob 32 oa lac ........... each Rsc APkICOT JAM, Nabob $2 ex. Icc ...-............... cack 25c I'EAS, Blas R Wkke Sieve 4 ................... 2 iiaa Rsc Rcd R 'Ivkke TOMATOES larze Cise ..................2 iiae 25c TOMATO hUICE, Royal City Large 16 oa ilaa.......R i(ac 15c SALMON, Ckelce Net(hera R C. Res Salwea, tall tins... each 15c PINEAPPLE Slices Na. 2 ila .............2 tiac 19c SALT. RegaL 2 Ik chaser... 1st Rcd R lwkke 71)MAlv) SOUP 3 tins 25c PICKLES, Hakyrale. Sweet Mired or Chow ........... $8 ca }ar 3$c kes R White JELLY POWDER AB flavors ............... packet 5c WINNERS IN iiiAY DAY SPORTS (Continued from Page 1) Novelty Events 15. Girls, 6 snd 7, Egg Spoon, 25 yards -- 1, Jacqueline Vance; 2, Glsdys Wilson. 16. Boys, 6 and 7, Egg Spoon, 25 yards -- 1, Hugh Msstermnn; 2, Peter Dawson. 17. Boys, over 8 and under 10, Three-Legged, 50 yards -- 1, Ron MacAulay, Mack Minions; 2, Ross Sangstor, Donald hioore. 18. Girls, over 8 and under 10, Skipping, 50 yards -- I, Carman Johnston; 2, Jean Gamsge. 19. Boys over 10 snd under 13, Three-Legged, 75 yards-- 1, George Radlett, Will Nichoi; 2, Desmond Elgar, Clifford Hill. 20. Girls, over 10 and under 13, Thread Ncodk, 75 yards-- 1, Beatrice Ward; 2, Audrey Burkhsrt. 21. Mother and Daughter, 75 yards each -- 1, hire. D. hfc- Tavish snd Jean; 2 Mrs. F. Armstrong snd hfsy. 22. Father snd Son, 100 yards osch -- 1, W. P. Fancc; 2, Fred Johnston. Parade Prize - Winners Best Decorated F)oat -- 1, R. Seeds, hardware. Best Decorated Private Car-- I, Bobby Seeds; 2, hire. L. Gar- thorn. Best Decorated Bicycle -- 1, Jacqueline Vance; 2, Ronald Grady. Best Decorated Scooter -- 1, June Garland; 2, John Donovnn. Best Decorated Wagon -- 1, Bud Garland; 2, C. Wallace. Best Decorated Tricycle -- 1, Mary Louise Rodgers; 2, Aud- rey Mitchell. Patriotic Couple -- 1st, Hazel Chisholm and Oliver Dowie; 2nd, George Aaison and Jacque- line Patterson. Humorous (Boy) -- 1, Lymsn Jones; 2, Roy Kncchtci. Humorous (Girl) -- 1, Ruth McLeod; 2, Will Nicol. Advertising -- 1, Frcds Chis- holm; 2, Ruth Hodgson. ihfoat Original Boy -- I, David Mcintosh; 2, Richard Moore. Most Original Girl -- 1, Edna Patterson; 2, Eienor Chisholm. Best Dressed Boy -- 1, J. Mc- Donsid; 2, D. Smith. What ls Their Health Worth to You? Save Their Eyesight OU doo'I want ibem io go through life nwvoucY~ad ummble, handicapped by poor eyesight, do youl Glaring, unshaded Iigbr cad damaging shadows will ucam havoc wirb Icmpcmmcnc cad cycci8br. h Sood of soft, digoccd light pmdaccd py cu«ou6caky designed 6xnucc ic rbe corrccc way io ligbi rhc home. Yoa owc ir ro your children asd ro yourcclf co have ~dcqawcly Iigbmd rooms. Tbe core is noi grcai cad wbea one 6gurcc oui a fcw medical cad optical bilk ir is eerily scen ~ woa8 sudsy foc properly dcrigocd 6xrurcr now ic a sound iovccimeac for cbe future. Efccfricify fs cheafr-- nse ff freely 'r c BRITISI4 COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LUMBER AISD SER VICE FOR QUAIJTY AND REASONABLB PRICES deal vkk Tkc Lacseei Exclaclre Retail Lawkec Ocsaaiaailea ia ILC. Saflcfacilaa Gaaraatecd Ix4 Specised Lcaziba....8 7.00 Rx8 te Rxls (raadem)... 8.00 lxs ia lxlo Sklplay.... 0.00 lx$ aad Ix4 V Joist .. 18.00 8-la, Fir Sidlaz, long KJ). 16.00 Ix$ A Ix4 Flooring, K.D. 16.00 W-In. V Joint, long K.D...,. 10.00 50 fu Clare Board Fence 4JN Nw I XXX Shingles... 2.25 Ne. 2 Shingles............ 1.60 Vaacearcr Prices ~ ~ ~ Ereryiklag in Bandms Maierlala AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store Rt Hollyburn, next Theatre gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER ('O. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. Phone West 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" isis ced Marlae Drive Weri Vancouver Phone West 199 A Branch cf Excelsior Lamber cad Shingle Ce Ltd CLASSIFIED ADS The rate fer Clacclses AdrecHceweeic ie 2 ceaie pet aors, wlalw 25 ceaia. Except ia ike casa of ikece karlaZ tezaler acceaaic, all cl Sesc are payable strictly la asraaca Remember ClawiSesc la ike Weal Vas Newt zei lwwc&lc(c recalta tBest Dressed Girl -- 1, PeggyBell; 2, L. Wallace. Beat Display of Flowers (Boy) -- 1, Marjorie McTavish. Best Display of Flowers (Giri) -- 1, Eileen Hodgson. SIX HUNDRED GUESTS ATTEND hIAY DAY BALL The ball which conciuded the most successful Msy Dsy held in West Vancouver waz attended by over six hundred guests, tax- ing to the utmost; the capacity of Hollyburn Pavilion, which was transformed into 8 fairy- land with wonderful flowers, evergreens, snd lighting effects. The arrival of Queen Joan snd her retinue heralded by two trumpeters wss a signal for the night's gaiety to commence. After the introduction of the Msy Queen and official opening by Reeve Lcylsnd, Mrs. Le) land presented s bouquet to Mrs. W. B. Small, convener of the Msy Day Committee. Queen Joan presented another bouquet to Mrs. Wicking, president of the Legion )V. Av under whose auspices the ball hsd been ar- ranged. The general convener of the evening was Mrs. W. H. Green, assisted by Mrs. Douglas Graham, Mrs. M. Psrtington, Mrs. W. Climie, Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. E. Howdie, Mrss. W. Fance, the M.C.'8 being Messrs. Jamie- son, Rankin, Childs snd Fance. RADIO REPAIRS (An waker) Auto and Boat Radios Tabes tested. New aad aced sets. North Shore Radio - Electric, 1439 Marine Phone West 61. WANTED--Aailqae Deck or Secret- ary, also Shelflaid Candelabra. Phoae Ker. 2684. FOR SALE Waierfreai Lai sear 22nd, cheap. Goad view. Phone West 1281 FOR CHI51NEY SWEEPING or Reefing Repairs, Tarred or Painted Phone North 1406L FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. The best for less. FOR RENT -- Waietfreai Cottage, 241k aas Bellevue. Phoae West 882L. WANTED -- By rempe(ca(, experl. cared, elderly woman, wort, any kind, 26 cents hoar aas car fare. Phoae West 622L SALT SPRING ISLAND--Fire room Cottage, wonderful view, fully far- aickwI, June tent 530.00. B. R. Har- riccs, West 404L. PIANO TUNING Repaira, Cleaaiaz adioctmeatc. Maurice Bruce, 1152 24th Street. WANTED -- Erpeticaccd Girl for general keacewcrk. Phone Wert 314. WEST VANCOUVER I'ROPERTIESFor Sale aad Wanted. C. J. Archer, 'lyl Daacmalr Si. Seymour 6954, Residence West 225. WANTED -- Light Heace-kceplaz room. Private home preferred. Mra. Bailey, 1684 (Vert loih Aver Vancouver. SPIRELLA CORSEITERE Paces West 487L.GLASS Broken windows replaced. J. Holt, 1472 Marine. West 141. GHP MY FREE ESTIMATES ca Painting, Papering aad Kalccmla- ing. C. IA Keaiazc, Rea. Phono Wert $94ILFOR SALE -- Mason & kiack Piano, and primer kindergarten equip menu Phone West 93L. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Daadarave. COLIN TURNER, Carpenter aad Builder. Akerailoac aad repairs. Phone West 6'79R. WEST VANCOUVER UNEhiPLOYhiENT ASSN. There was 8 good attendance at the last meeting of the As- sociation in the Socialist Hall last Thursday when reports were given by the chairman re- garding work on the hill snd further correspondence entered into with the Reeve snd Council. The next meeting of the As- sociation will be held on Thurs- day, June 8th, when all mem- bers and prospective members are asked to be present. A new registration of mem- bers is under wsy snd it is urged that sil unemployed in West Vancouver ~pcrntc in making the registration of names compkte. All unemploy- ed residents in the municipality for one year or longer are cleg- ible for full membership; while those of shorter residence sre welcome as associate members. The outside public are also wel- come to attend meetings as tax- payers. FOR BALB -- Choice hardy rackety laaic. C. Barrow, corner 24th aad eicos. Patronize those who advertise in tins issue. HEADQUARTERB fer Ak the Pap- ular CIRareiiea, Tobaccos, aad Fich- iag Gadgets for local waters. Amblecide Tea Rooms. SOFTBALL STANDING West Vsn. Lumber, played 3 games; won 8; total 1000%. Freemsn'8 Flashes, played 6 games; won 5; lost 1; .833%. Firemen, played 5 games; won 3; lost 2; .600%a. Murch'0, played 4 games; won 2; lost 2; .500%. Greenwood's, played 4 games; lost 4; .0%A. Red & White, played 4 games; lost 4; .0%. As at Msy 30 1933 FURNISHED AND UI'FURNISHF'M Hcacec tc Rent. Hearer, lots, agacrraze for sale. John Levee, I'1th aad klariae, Phone West 66. FOR PLUMBING kEPAlkn -- Ree- idcace Phone West $41R. LAWN MOWERS SHAIII'ENED- Exyerieeced with all maker. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vaacea- ver Ifackiae Sbep, 1449 Mariae. MARCELLE SHOP -- Marcell, 50 cents; reset, $6c; Anger wave, soe. Phone Mrc. King, West $04. Teacher: Aad wby did Noah take twe of each kiad ef animals into the ark 7 Bobby. Becaace ba didn't believe the story about the ctcrtr. GORDON HOBSON Barrlcler tn Sekcker WEST VANCOUVER- Oifice Ne. 1447, slariae Delve Phoae Wert 40$. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Leal Bails 31st 610 Hacilcxa SL W, Phone, Seymour 4199. Farmer: 'What became of that hired hand you got from the City he Second Farmer: "Oh, hc used to be s chauffeur, snd the idiot crawled under the mule to sco why hs wouldn't go" Farmer: ASee bere, ycaeg feller, what are yea dclag ap thai iree i" Bey: "One ef your apples fell down and I'm trying ie pat It back." Under ihe cuspiccr ei iae Local Girl Geldec'rceclcuee ILLUSTRATED LECTURE on II I'. GEO. HAY Jasper Park and Mount Rob8on BY MRS. DON MUNDAY la the Iaglertccd School Aadkertam FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd, Rf 8.15 P.m. Tickets: Adults 25c.; Children 10c. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND La(SURANCE 1405 Marlae Drive Phoae Weri Rl or Scyweat 1260 Erealesa Weri 204X c ( PHONE WEST 3 LU BER+' snd all Building Material of Best Quality at llaw Prices. BUILD NOW I