0001 June I, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS II,;"- Ill uii 4 i. II LS (n8 ht BI. 11 quarts for $ 1. For Pure Natural MILK Direct from the cow tu your home Nu shipping, uu luhuudliug Phone North 343 „";,m'""" RICHARD'S DAIRY tuxpmtxiwir'uxtxx'&~xmx iiuw NEW BUTCHER SHOP ul 1461 h(uriue Drive (Nixl lu Struttuu'u Bake Shop) Jih(MY TIIOMPSON'x QUALITY MEATS -- Jimmy sells Good Meat at Fair Prttex. 'MEATS--Rtuf, Lamb, I'uik, Veal, Puwi uud Fish. Phuuu Weel 62 Fice Dui(very For RADIO REPAIRS MAC'S RADIO SERVICE KEW BEACH It is predsued that we are to have u very hot, dry, summer. Make arrangements uuw for your Summer Cottage at Kew Beach Marine Dr. West Vancouver Mineral Spriug on tbe property Ed. Black, West 68 26th uud iguriue General Hauling, TransFer, Builders'upplies %Vood, Coal TEAROE & SON Phone 84 bVest Sand, Gravel, Buildexs'upplies %Pood, Coal Dump Truck Work ILW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 && Real Estate Finance and Insurance "Did you xue the salty iuuk that glri gave mu(" "Oh, su that's where yuu gut it." Miss Helen Thompson, 2174 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver, entertained last Tuesday week at 6 charming shower in honor of Nrs. B. Traiford. Appropri- ate games and music were en- joyed by her guests, and later a delightful supper was served. The table was tastefully decor- ated in pink and blue, centered with a bouquet of pink rose buds and lily of the valley. Thoses present were Mrs. B. Trafford, Mrs. G. Lancaster, Mrs. R. Tid- erington, Miss Connie Thomas, Miss Margaret Johnston, Miss ib(uriel Bell, Miss Ivy Miles, Miss Winona Young, iM(ss Jean Wat- son, Miss Ruth Hill, Miss Ola NcLean, and Miss Madeleine Burkhart. ~ ~ A farewell surprise tea was given in honor of Miss Violet Martens who is leaving shortly for England by Miss Ernestine Weeden at the home of her par- ents on Radclilfe Avenue, Satur- day afternoon, when an enjoy- able time was spent by all. After tea had been served the honored guest was presented with s farewell gift. Those as- sisting were Geraldine Johnson, Evelyn Young, Patricia Weeden, Among those present were Jos- ephine Allan, Enid Clemente, Madeleine Cross, Jean Duncan, Madeleine Eccleston, Velo Elder, Betty Elliott, TVende(I Hayes, Marjory Hill, Geraldine John- son, Shiela Powell, Anne Spar- row, Edith White, Joyce Woods, Evelyn Young, Patricia Weeden and Ernestine Weeden. SOFTBALL SCORES Seniors May 26 -- Freeman's Flashes 17, Murch's V. May 29 -- Freeman's Flashes 18, Firemen 10. Nay 30 -- Firemen 27, Red a White 7. Junior Boys May 26 -- United 16, St. Stephen'6 6. blay 29 -- West Vsn. Motors 13, Ridge Imperials 11. Girls May 26 -- Grangerettes 14, Ambleside Tea Rooms 13. Nsy SO -- Grangerettes 21, Hollyburn Theatre 5. Miss Norah Harradine Will open s branch (Summer School) of HARRADINE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE at 24th and Palmerston Avenue on MONDAY, 5th JUNE Hours: 9:SO to 12. Terms reasonable Inquiries msy be made st West SOS or West 457LS, Ah!81.ESIDE 1I! EAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive iNURCH. Propr(etor Finest Gua(((y Fresh Meats, Smoked and Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 llAN m mlLLAN) (Nuclal tM Icl u to xu i x North mo ~ tuuu sexi ~ . Agents -- WBST VANCOUVER ELECIRIC -- I'houu West 106 An exhibition softball game was played May Day between two representative teams from the East and West End of the b(unicipslity at Ambleside Park which was easily won by the East End by s score of 17 to 6. Freeman's Flashes (formerly the Rangers), defeated Green- woods IV to 11 at Irwin Park, the prev(ous evening. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. Rhodes and daughter of Kelowna, B. C., ar- rived here on Tuesday snd are the guests of Miss Margaret Mc- Intyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue. ~ u ~ Mrs. Gerald Elgar and Mrs. A. D. Chisholm were the guests of honor st 6 tea recently given by Mrs. F. C. Rush at her home, 1217 Inglewood Avenue. After tea was served the two guests were each presented by their friends with 6 beautiful travel- ling rug for their trip to the Old Country. ~ ~ u A very delightful travelling shower wss given last week by Mrs. Duncan McMillan at her home, 772 20th Street, in honor of Mrs. Gerald Elgar, who is leaving on Sunday for 6 trip to the Old Country. The gifts were presented in a tastefully decorated ship with a verse or motto on each gift wishing this popular friend "bon voyager The color scheme of the tea table was in pink and white, the centrepiece being of pink tulips and lilies of the valley. The local rainfall for the 24 hours following 8 a.m. on bfay 24th was one-third of an inch. Fortunately, however, there was a cessation during the most crowded hours of the holiday. A combined home economics and manual training display will be given by the school classes on Friday, 23rd June, in the Inglewood Auditorium. Norman, the small son of Captain and Mrs. Ronnie Jack- son, who has been s patient in North Vancouver General Hos- pital, has sufficiently recovered to return to his home at 1243 20th Street. u Mrs, Gerald Elgar, 1566 Gor- don Avenue, and bIrs. A. D. Chisholm, 1597 Inglewood Ave- nue, are Ieav(ng together on Sunday for a trip to the Old Country. ~ ~ On account of the King' Birthday, 6 public holiday, fall- ing this year on Saturday, the authorities in Victoria have is- sued instructions that the schools in the province are to observe tomorrow as a holiday. ~ u u The annual meeting of the Y.W.C.T.U. was held recently at the home of Miss Helen Steven- son, Bellevue Avenue. Officers for the coming year will be: President, Mrs. H. Brown; Vice- President, Miss H. Stevenson; Recording Secretary, Miss B. Short; Corresponding Secretary, Miss II. Green; Treasurer, blrs. N. Hamilton; Devotional Supt.. Miss M. Smith. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Nrs. N. Hamilton, corner Duch- ess snd 13th Street, Tuesday, June 6th, at 8 p.m. Mrg. W. R. Scott, District Superintendent of the "Y" will be the speaker. Engagement Major and blrs. H. T. Curtis of West Bay, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter Joan Marion, to Mr. Evans Was son, only son of Mr. and blrs. W. E. Wasson of Nelson, B.C. Miss Curtis attended St. bfarg- aret's School in Victoria, and Mr. Wssson is a graduate of U.B.C. and a member of Phi Kappi PL The wedding will take place this month at the Church of St. Francis-(n-the-)Foods at Caulfelld. Cabin owners on Hollyburn Ridge are having an exciting time with the bears there. One animal is reported to have brok- en into thirty cabins, on one occasion smashing four large windows to e(fact an entry, after which he proceeded to clean up everything tinned and otherwise belonging to the owner. There is still snow to a depth of 8 feet st the ski camp. ~ u ~ A. I"inland of Vancouver, ls occupying s house at 1379 Clyde Avenue. ~ u l Miss Jean Wilson of Vancou- ver, is s guest at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ u u Mr. and Mrs. S. Currie have moved from 23rd and Inglewood Avenue, into a house at 2384 Heywood Avenue. L.O.I No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Orange HalLl u ~ Rev. R. MacFsrlane who has been the guest of his mother, Mrs. MacFarlane, ISth and Clyde Avenue, has returned to his home in Sacramento, Cali- fornia. ~ ~ Colonel Albert Whyte of Kerr(sdale, has moved into a house at Cypress Park for the summer. ~ ~ u The West Vancouver W.C.T.U. wiu hold their regular monthly meeting st the home of Nrs. Hibberd, 576 16th Street, on Thursday, June 8th, st 2 p.m. u ~ ~ The municipality started last Monday clearing a further area on Ambleside Beach. Mrs. Edgely has returned from North Vancouver General Hospital, having fully recovered from her recent indisposition. The North Shore Electric, 1439 biarine Drive, were re- sponsible for the loud speaker arrangements at Ambleside Park on May Day. ~ u ~ P. E. Bill is moving from Sherman into a house at Sandy Cove. K. C. McLeish of Vancouver, has moved into his summer home at 27th and Palmerston Avenue. Arnold Garthorne, 2203 li(ar- ine Drive, is confined to his home through sickness. u Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bate- man of Vancouver, have moved into a house at 2S42 Bellevue Avenue. \ ~ ~ The West Vancouver Baseball Club will play a hardball game tonight at 61SO o'lock against the B. C. Coal team at Amble- side Park. H. Smith of Vancouser, is oc- cupying his summer home at Caulfeild. The Mouth Anlilepoc. Trip(e ltrengdx Large boe(uu. Prices: 25c, 50c, SI.OO Cemmill's Drug Store The Stum uf Survke. ite2 Muxiuu Drive West $7 Eiuuiguuuy Phoae Wxut 221 (After 0 p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY uud SATURDAY Junc 2mi uud gid EDDIE CANTOR 'THE KID FROM SPAIN' Muxtxu( Comedy uml Eddie x buub Spucm( Mut(uue st 2 pxm Suturduy. MONDAY uud TUESDAY Jane 6th uud 0th "The Greeks Had a Word for Them" with MADGE EVA'(S uud JOAN BIJINDELL STRATTON'S BAKERY Breads, Cakes, I'astriesy Varieties ALL FRESH DAILY Made at 1468 bfarine Drive Phone West 27 HOLLYBLRN Barber Shop 16th A iuurmu EXPBRT SERVICE E. 1(ARSH, Pi»pl(uter. An old Alabama mummy who wux addicted tu tbu pipe wuu iuttulud uu the habit by ~ Suuduy Sehuui txuthur. "Du yuu expect tu gu tu Heaven mummy(" "I shore deux, busty." But the Bible says uuthmg uu- clean shall eater Heaven, uud your breath will be smelling dtuudfully of tobacco." "Nu, indeed, honey, I uxptutu tu leave ma breath behind when I dixa" HOLLYBURN DAIRY & CONFECTIONERY at 1606 Marine Drive (uuxt B.l'lectric Stole) AB,DA(o'~tmuud Borland's Ice CreafnDelicatessen featuring Pete Jiiuix lliil Try Bur(aud'u hiiik Slice. It' Gaud MeGA VIN'S BREAD Open till 0 p.m. uud uii duy Simduyu CLIFF HOUSE, WhytecHff Park DANCING sATURDAY I Stm'll 0 p.ux Romeo Perrle Rnd Cliff House Six-piece Orchestra Hear uu over CEV(X at 7. 16 p.m. Fimuy, June stub Fur information uud muutvuuutm; Tuiupbxuu Luug Dixtuscu Ct(g House Local and Personal LYPTAL