0001 iorrr r ornere~ ar I. P rorke o 4(wro7or o ~" *g io oois ~ 'J o-ouo rwa oi"oa 'r".~ o't'o,o ro ~rr irro~o r roorrm ~ vpraw (rrow «rrrro ' ~ ~ rrrrr THE WFNT VAN NEWS LUMBER AND SER VICE Suggestions for FRIDAY O'ATos May 26 8'2,7 RKD PL(iM JAM, Nabob CORN--Gulden Baaaam ~ lb. Cia ........................ sde Blue a White .......... 2 tlae 254 LOGANBERRY JAM,,'labeb GRKKI( REANS-- 4 kx ala ..........................., 35c I 'll'bole Teadec Beaus..s tins 2dc SEKDLFqS RAISINS-- I Rod a %blas I'ILCHARDS Flaeea Australian... 2 lbs. 23c Tall Clu .................,........... sc SHELLED WALYUTS-- I Rxk blEAT--Finest quabay Nice wbiae pieces. 17 lb. 14c Large aia ............. 25c STONED WHEAT THINK TUNA I'IBH--I"ec Salads uc Yer Sackase.................... 14e I Sandwiches....... Iecxe tla 23c HONEY--Fine Os(aria, zyas, ~ PEANUTS--Fresh Roasted, eec ua ........................... 31c pec kx ................. Iso CAKIL Baaaececaaob Square ROMAN lalEAL COOKIES- Sueelal ......................... „, sse Dc. Jeckeea'e (reek a crisp, LARD, Swift'e Skcecleaf I laces .....,..........,... dexea Ise I Ib carious...............z fec 25c ~ COIIN STARCII-- I lb. cacaos 9e TEA--badass....... Ser Ra 27c SIVIYT'8 BACK BACON (la Re6 ib White COCOA as a drisk ~ the place).........Yec lb. 18c or fer cooking....... Ha lb. 19c, S4VIYT'8 LARD ...........2 lbs. 25e BROOMS--Fine quaniy.. each 43e 'INY CREDD*la CHEESE ea zsc CORN FLAK FK--Kekosx'e WEST VANCOUVER EGGS Large package .................. 7yac (cem Dao(ca' Merriman'e The Ideal Summer Cereal., Poultry Farms. COFFEB--Ka4aaa ,'PKCIALS--For the Garden- Vacaum paekef...... I Ra Cia 33c, SHOVELS, long-handle or D I'EAS--Tender, sieve 3 i Handle ........... each 75c Extra Special .....'2 Ciao 23c 'A1IBOO LAWN RAKES ea. Isc Red a %bile TOMATOES, iilKRCURY LAWN MOWER 2H else ............... 2 alas 25e 'eely 3 left) .................... $6.95 YOR qUALlTY AND RKASONABLB PRICKS deal wlab The LacSeea Exclusive Retail Lambec Ocsaalxaalea lu IL C. Satle(acllea Geacaaaeed Ix4 Speelded Leustba ..$ 7.00 sx8 te sx12 (randem). 8.00 lxs te Ix10 Sblplap.... 0.00 Ixs aud lx4 V Joint... IK00 6-la. 11r Sldlug, long K.D. 15.00 lxs 0 Ix4 Fleecing, K.D. 18.00 Va-Iaa V Joint, long K.D..... 10.00 50 tt. Close Board Fence 4.do Ne. I XXX Sbluslee .. 2.2d Ne. 2 Sbluslea..........„...., 1.60 Vancouver Palace ~ ~ ~ Everything la Buudias Maaeclale AMBLES1DE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16ab eas Marlae Drive West Vaaceuvec Phone West 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber aud Shingle Ce. Lub WEST VAiVCOUVER PARENT-TEACHER ASSihh Meeting in Pauline Johnson School on May 9th, the Parent- Teachcr Assqciation of West Vancouver, wns addressed by Dr. G. hf. Weir, head of the de- partment of the University of B.C., who took as his subject. "Educational Frills and Financ- es." Dr. Weir in very forcible and witty language pointed out the injustices that education is receiving at the present time, and the effect that the serious curtailment'f the system will have on the future generation. Only the rich, who can afford it, will be able to have 3 iiboral education, nor will conditions improve until we c)cct states- men instead of politicians to our government. He suggested that the education tsx should not be based on property, but rather on income, and that the higher incomes can stand 0 much heavi- er burden. The entertainment consisted of pianoforte so)os by Miss iMar- ;0». e f garet Dickinson, and hiiss Msisio Rny; selections on the xelophone by Russell Escott; nnd a vocal solo by Miss Betty Blair. The Association voted to contribute a cup for the Relay Race in the Mny Dsy Sports, snd 510 in ad- dition towards the prhe fund. A committee wss formed to in- vestigate measures to help local boys and girls unablo to procure work. The committee has held one meeting, and is considering whether it would be possible to organize practical classes in such subjects as the mechanism of an automobile. It has been decided to call the young people together with a view to finding out what they themselves feel that they need. SOFTBALI. SCHEDULE Games commence st 6:15 p.m. Girls (Open) Msy 26, Grangeret tea vs. Ambleside Tca Rooms, Irwin; May 31, Hollyburn Theatre vs. St. Stephan's, Ambleside; June 2, St. Stephen's vs. Grangercttes Irwin; June 7, Hollyburn Thea- tre vs. Ambloside Tes Rooms, Amblesido; June 9, Grsngoret- tos vs. Hollyburn Theatre, Ir- win; Juno 14, Amblesido Ten Rooms vs. St. Stephen's, Amble- side; June 16, St. Stephen's vs. Hollyburn Theatre, Irwin; June 21, Ambleside Tca Rooms vs. Grangercttes, Amblesido; June 23, Grangerettos vs. St. Steph- enis, Irwin; June 28, Ambloside Tea Rooms vs. Hoilyburn Thea- tre, Ambleside; June 30, St. Stephan'8 vs. Ambleside Toa Rooms, Irwin; July 5, Hollyburn Theatre vs. Grangerettcs, Amb- iesido. Junior Boys (under 17) Games commence at 6 p.m. May 26, St. Stephen's vs. United, Pauline Johnson; hisy 29, United vs. Band, Pauline Johnson; May 31, Ridge Imperi- a)a vs. St. Stephen's, Irwin; June 2, Band vs. Ridge Imperi- als, Hollyburn; June 5, West Van. Motors vs. United, Holly- burn; Juno 7, Ridge Imperials vs. United, Irwin; June 9, St. , Stephen's vs. West Vsn. Motors, Pauline Johnson; June 12, Unit- ed vs. West Vnn. hfotors, Paul- ine Johnson; June 16, Band vs. St. Stcphonls, Hollyburn; June 19, West Van. Motors vs. Ridge Imperials, Holiyburn; June 21, Ridge Imperials vs. Band, Irwin; June 23, St. Stephen's vs. Ridge Imperials, Pauline Johnson; June 26, United vs. St. Steph- en's, Pauline Johnson; June 30, Band vs. United, Houyburn; July 3, West Van. Motors vs. Band, Hoilyburn. The council ordered 8 wire sent to the president of the U. B.C.M., stating that in their opinion, if press reports were correct, in regard to 0 further curtailment to contributions to unemployment relief, 0 meeting of the entire Union should be called at once, preferably in Vancouver. )(h DOE5 HOT WATERWAITONVOu OR DO VOLI WAIT ON ITI HAT is more disappointing cbcu a boc waco( faucetWthat Iico( Thee runs cold wbea you wcuc boc waaec in a bony? Many miuucee acc loof waiting for cbe kiccbca bc(dc co heat oc cbc ficc co do come "Sess(acing." You cau have plcucy of boc water in your home... piping boc... day or uigbc... wbeuevec or wbeccvcc you warn ic. Aud sc cbe curn of cbc fauccc. Ic simply means iumskiag an clecuic or Bso waccc bcaccc. Joo pm r sosoec B. C. Bfoccoio ycooo oo local Cosloo jao cfs oplu Jso csiied co pour so(dc Or oJsoo is osr/iw oIorifpos siv oligadfo. fcMM APPL)ANCE STORES Vasoeiiooo - North aas Wooa Vaaoeeoeo - New Woouaiaoioo Abbe(a(aid Cbqswaok Kesdoopo Vioaoois a:I:II1l15E0(0)KSLoI:ireHRK+5:I[&:yllkrcl Va &l CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor, Dear Sir:--I regret to learn of the possible discontinuance of the column in your worthy news- paper, written by "Subsdnr." While not always in accord with his remarks, I would take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of his original views on many matters. He brings to bear upon his subjects a keen intellect snd 0 knowledge of affairs not common to many columnists snd invariably his column is well worth while read- ing. In the hope that you msy be able to arrange so that the "Subndar" column msy continue, I sign myself INTERESTED. Golfer (to friends ahead): "Pardon, would you mind if I played through. I'e just heard my wife is seriously ill,e i Phone West 46Phone West 459 Smith 's Grocery Government Inspected Only 1 Store «t HollyburIIy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BE R snd sll Building hlsterlal of i(eat Quality at I.ow Prices BUILD NOW! WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 115 Res. I'hone West 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" ED ADS meats le 2 cents Ser wee& mlalmam'-.-....---.. - I, I Vaa News xea lmmedleae reealaa. SALT SPRING IBLAND--Floe (oem CLASSIFI The caie (er Cleeolsed Advertise 25 ceuae. Except la the casa o( tbeee Sess are payable eac(cky la asraace Remember Claeslsede lu Cbe West YOR SALE -- Dresser aud Trask. Good condition, cheap, or trade for what base you( Phone West 472Y. Coaaexe, wonderful view, fully fur- s(abed, June rent $30.00. B. R. Her- (leon, West 404L. WEST VANCOUVER I'ROPERTIKS For Sale aad Wanted. C. J. Archer, 791 Duuemulc St. Seymour 8954, Roe(deuce West 225. SPIRE(.LA CURSE(1 PJIK -- Pbeae Weel 487L. FOR (CENT -- 6 Room buasalew, partly furnished, modern, sacase. Phone West 256X. FOR RENT -- Facalsbed Sake, qulea home, every convenience, lease 4 j«l Yeceb, facias cea. Phone West 941k NEARLY NKW--Full Elecacl«Reuse white enamel aud $cey finish, only $95.00; Used Electee Radios $25.00, $27.50, $36.00, $46.00. Battery Bete ." '9 $3.00 Ce $9.00. North Shore Electric West 81. ii;- . GEr MY FREE EBT(hlATKB ea Painting, Paperlux aud Kaleomla- lug. C. L. Keuiuxe, Ree. Phone West 294R. WANTED--Antique Desk or Secret acy, alee Sbe(tlelal Caudelabra Phone Kec. 2534. FOR SALE -- 'IVeaecfceua Lea near 22nd. cheap. Goad view. Phone West (23L 400 WHITE LEGHORN COCKERALB 4 weeks, 3 cents each. Phone West 462R. FOll SALE-Coal aad weed elx-bole range, $ 10. Phone West 233LL GOOD READER WANTED -- 15 cae. er hour. Apply by letter. Bex 7, eea Vau News. LOST -- Gold aad Crystal Brooch on or near Ambleslde Pack. Reward. Phone West 441R. WANTED TO RE"IT -- 5 or 6 Room house. Waaecfcoua preferred, re- kable tenant, lease it required. Phone Coleman, Seymour 4488. LOST -- Child's Navy Blaxec, Holly- burn Beach, foot of 17th Street. Sunday. Reward. Phone West 389R FOR CHIMNEY SWEEPING or Roofing Repairs, Tarred or Painted Phone North 1405L. FIRBT CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. The best toc less. ALL-RED TELEPHONE B.C. TO ENGLAND There is now an all-red tele- phone route from British Coi- umbia to England. Telephone conversations will in future go vis Montreal instead of New York. This is made possible by using 8 radio link of the Can- adian Marconi Company from Quebec to England. If you speak to 8 man in Eng- land by telephone, your words will rush across the continent on the heavy copper wires of the trans-Canada telephone line, and will be hurled into the sir from the Marconi beam wireless sta- tion at Drummondviile, Quebec. They will be picked up at Bal- dock, 20 miles north of London, and will go into London on wires. Words coming to British Columbia will go into the ether from 0 radio station at Rugby, 80 miles from London, snd be picked up near Three Rivers, Queboc. Formerly the telephone route to Europe wss by wsy of radio stations near New York. The new Canadian route will be used for sll calls to Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Her: "I think dancing makes s girl's feet too big, don t you 2" Him: "Yeah." (Pause) . Her; "I think swimming gives s girl awfully large shoulders, don't you 2" Him: "Yeah." (Pause). Him( "You must ride quits 0 iot, too." WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEA(t B EST -- Dundacave. COLIN TURNER, Carseaisr aad Builder. Alterations aud cepalce Phone West 879R. FOR BALE -- Cbelce hardy cookery plants. C. Barrow, cocuec 24th aud Nelson. Pstronlzo thous who advertise m this Issue. HEADQUARTERS (ec Ak Cbe Poy- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, aud Fish- ing Gadxeae for local waasce Ambleelde Tea Rooms. FURNISHED AND UNYUkNISHKD Houses ae Rent. Houses, lots, aud accoace for sale. John Iaweuua 17th aud blaciue, Phone West 65. YOIC PLUMBING ICEYAlkk -- kee- ldeuoe Pboue Weea 241R. LAWN 510WERS SHARPENED- Experleaced with all makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Ifacblue Shop, 1449 Ma(ban MARCELLE SHOP -- Marceke, ds cents; reset, 36e; (luSec wave, doc. Phone bloc. King, West 304. LORDON ROBSON Becclsleo a Sekclaer IVKST VANCOUVER- Oifice Ne. 1447, Marine Drive Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818( 510 Haeuuxe St, W. Pboae, Seymour 4199. GEO. HAY NOFARY PUBI IC REAL ESTATE AND Ir 'SURANCE 1405 Maolae Dolce I'beau Wosa 21 or Seymour 1250 Kreaiaxe Weel 204X ,'3 Msy 25, 1983. P~Q JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS