0001 May 26,19'HE WEST VAN NEWS For Pure Natural MILK Diooos from the caw to your homo. No shipping, no sohosdiihg Local and B. H. Bowles is having 6 new house built at 20th and Fulton Avenue. ~ o o The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan McIntyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue, who has been seriously ill for several weeks in the North Vancouver General Hospital, hss recovered sufficiently to be brought home last Monday. Mr. Norris, who is living at 20th and Argyle Avenue, is having s new house built, on the Waterfront at the foot of 20th Street. ~ ~ Mrs. J. M. Drummond, 2428 Heywood Avenue, is moving to Vancouver. o ~ o A new house is being con- structed at 26th and Marine Drive for Mr. Dandy, 25th and Marine Drive. Considerable improvements are being made to the 22nd Street trail to Hollyburn Ridge. That part of it above the liume is being widened and a ditch dug on either side of it by some of the Swedes living on the Ridge, while the municipality have had a lot of work done on the south end of it at the top of 22nd Street, this including 6 new cut through the woods. o On Wednesday afternoon, 17th instant, after this paper had gone to press, a flat car loaded with clay for the new tennis court at Inglewood School got away from the municipal em- ployees north of the second Cap- ilano suspension bridge, and, dashing down the grade of the Capilano Timber Company's line, crashed into a delivery truck which was being unloaded of flour at the Timber Company's warehouse on the Waterfront. Luckily, the driver unloading the truck was not injured, nor did the runaway car strike any vehicle en route, although it crossed both Keith Road and Marine Drive at a high rate of speed. o Mrs. Mary MacFarlane, moth- er of Mrs. J. D. Bell of Caulfeild, passed away last Thursday at her home in Vancouver. o ~ Mr. and Mrs. William Blair, 1527 Gordon Avenue, returned on Saturday evening after spending a few days last week on Vancouver Island. It is worthy of note that a little boy who lost a 26 cent piece during the sports at Ambleside Park, and whose loss was announced over the loud speaker, had his money returned to him by a Boy Scout two min- utes after the announcement. ~ ~ \ Miss Lindsay'6 house at Cypress Park was totally des- troyed by fire about noon on Tuesday due to the explosion of an oil lamp. The fire brigade turned out immediately, but was unable to do anything to save the building, o J. Knowles, 14th and Clyde Avenue, left last Saturday for up-coast, where he will spend the summer. Inspector Pollock was at Pauline Johnson School last week and Monday conducting his regular inspection. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. IVelr and family have left for Kelowna. 11 quarts for $ 1. Phone North 343 „";,"'-"'" RICHARD S DAIRY &i" oooso'a &oo o u NEW BUTCHER SHOP 61 1161 Mooiwe Drive JIMMY THOMPSON'6 QUALITY MEATS -- Jimmy sells Goad Neat xi Fair Prices, MEATS--Beef, Lsmh, Pork, Vosi. Powi snd Fiok I'huno ivosi 62 Fsxo Doiioory CallRADIO REPAIRS MAC'S RADIO SERVICE For &IAN m MILLAsn onoll o lmIoso oil los sooos nanoooon Agents -- WFJIT VANCOUVER EI.ECTRIC -- Phone West 196 I.YNNMOUR MARATHON WALK Entries are now being receiv- ed for the Lynnmour Marathon IValk to be staged 3rd June, starting at Lynnmour Post Of- lice at 2:30 p.m. The competi- tion will be in fiv classes, and full particulars and entry forms which must be in by 1st June, can be obtained from J. Abra- ham, Lynnmour P.O., or phone North 552L3. L.O.L. NOTES The next regular meeting of the lodge will be held at 8 p.m. ~ ~ p dbu 'uesday, 6th June, in the Orange 4'buall, when Vancouver County ~PL.O.L. No. I will pay an official - '„; visit On June 20th a social "«7s evening will be held for mem- ": bers and friends. The lodge will ";es also hold a dance in aid of the ,"";,"Loyal Protestant Home for ; Children in the Orange Hall on"30th June, the fifth FVIday in !u '& that month, when the B. C. ( d,.'., - Rangers'rchestra will supply the music. Tickets can be ob- 'ained from any of the members F ":vr 'f the lodge. WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCBOOL CLsss I~dere, Easter Examina- tions Grade XII-- 1. John Kendrick...... 84.2% 2. Waiter McLintock ... 74.6% 3. Harry Jones ........... 67.6% Grade XI-- 1. Dennis Coleman.... 73.3% 2. Tom Grieve ............ 72.6%o 3. Douglas McNair...... 71.9%o Grade X-- 1. David Brown ......,... 70.4% 2. John Beatty and 3. Betty Elliott ............ 68.6% Grade IX A-- 1. Wendell Hayes........ 94.6% 2. Ruth Williams.......... 82.8% 3. Eunice Turvey........ 82. % Grade IX B-- 1. John Bradley.......... 77. %o 2. Oliver Burbridge...... 76.5% 3. Eileen Smallwood.... 76.1% Commercial Course Grade XII-- 1. Lulu Ray ....... 62.9% Grade XI-- 1. Helen Ritz .............. 69.3% 2. Frances Grant ........ 65.8% 3. Lucy Smith ............ 63.3%%uo Grade X-- 1. Evelyn Meuse ........ 69.7% 2. Olive Childs ............ 67.2% 3. Margaret Bentley.... 62.5% Grade XI-- 1. Kathleen Love.......... 81. %o 2. Anne Sparrowe ........ 'I3.2%v 3. Robert McCartney.... 71. %o Special Students, Commercial-- 1. Jack Watt ................ 72.5% 2. William Atwood...... 67.7% 3. Vera Johncox......... 67.2% The following students of the Commercial Course have recent- ly accepted positions: Evelyn hieuse with a bakery company at Prince Rupert; Olive Childs in the Post Office service, North Vancouver; James Weir with a Vancouver firm; Jack Watt in his father's office, Hollyburn; and Wm. McMillsn In his fath- er'6 ofl'ice, Vancouver. KEW BEACH h is predicted that we are io have a very hoi, dry, summer. Make arrangements now for your Summer Cottage st Kew Beach Marine Dr. West Vancouver Mineral Spring an the property Ed. Black, West 68i t~:xs LE 26th sad Msriae General Hauling, Transfer Builders'upplies liood, Coal TEAROE & SON Phone 84, West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck Work '.W.Savory 1443 liiarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 I I Real Estate a ~~ Finance and Insurance Mr. and Mrs. R. Kinloch and family, 1146 King's Avenue, have moved to Vancouver. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 161k A Morine EXPERT SBRVICE E. MARSH, Pxopriotor II.I.USTRATED I.ECTURE BY 5IRS. DON MUNDAY An illustrated lecture on Jas- per Park and hfount Robson will be given by Mrs. Don Mundsy at 8;16 p.m. Friday, June 2nd. in the Inglewood School Audi- torium. The lecture will be under the auspices of the local Girl Guides'ssociation. Tic- kets, adults 26 cents: and child- ren 10 cents. AM1gLEL9[])E MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J, MURCII, Proprietor Finest IIuattty Fresh Ments, Smoked and Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 Personal Your FILMS Miss Garnett of Vancouver, is moving into a house at 2428 Haywood Avenue. o ~ ~ Mrs. Edgely, 14th snd Marine Drive, is ill and a patient in the North Vancouver General Hos- pitall. o o o The premises of the IVest Van. Cleaners, 16th and Marine Drive, were broken into some time Wednesday night, 17th in- stant, and a number of suits stolen. The thieves also appar- ently made sn attempt to set the building on fire, fortunately without success, although a large hole was burnt in the floor of the back room. ~ \ Mr. Dunn of Vancouver, is having 6 house built at 23rd and Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ ~ James McIntyre is having alt- erations and sn addition made io his home at 20th and Gordon Avenue. ~ ~ ~ The reeve, chairman of parks, and chairman of finance were appointed by tbe council as a committee to consider a general policy in regard to all matters pertaining to ski clubs. ~ ~ ~ The council authorized the engineer to arrange for the plac ing of the Dundarave Float in position. ~ ~ ~ A son was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Pitt Meadows at the North Vancou- ver General Hospital. Both are former residents of West Van- couver, Mrs. Reynolds being a daughter of Mr. and fiirs. H. V. Bell, 11th and Mathers Avenue. o o ~ Gordon Keith, who was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital as the result of an ac- cident, has sufficiently recover- ed to return to his home in the Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive. ~ o For radio repairs and service phone West 108. Official tech- nician to all large North Shore radio dealers. Finished Promptly City Prices Cemmill'I Drag Store The Sieoo of Sorvioe. 1162 hisxieo Dxioo Woss gf Smoogoaoy Phoae Wooi $21 iaftor 9 p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY sad SATURDAY Mxy 26th sad 27six THE BITTER TEA OF GEN. YEN with BARBARA STANWYCE ~ad NILS ASTHER MONDAY aad TUESDAY May 29th xnd Soih. Tho Psiltxos'rise Dfxsax "STREET SCENE" with SYLVIA SYDNEY xad IsTLLIAM COLLIER, Jr. STRATTON'S BAKERY BREAD - TEA BREADS BUTTER HORNS COFFEE ROLLS Large Selection of Pastries Almond Variety Tea Short Bread Chriotoaiag. Birthday sad Wod dmg Coka s ssoomny ALL FRESH DAILY Made at 1468 hiarine Drive Phone West 27 HOLLYBURN HALL The speaker at 7:30 p.m. next Sunday at Hollyburn Hall will be Mr. John Wallace, who will give an address on "Christ in Revelation." Sunday School at 10 a.m. Hearty singing. No collection. UNE5IPLOYhiENT ASSN. All members and prospective members are asked to take note that tonight's meeting (Thurs- day, May 25th), will be held at 7 p.m. In the Socialist Hall, 1453 Marine Dnve, mstead of at 8116 as formerly announced. As re-registration is to take place it is urged that all unem- ployed persons resident in West Vancouver will arrange to be present. YOUNG STUDENTS IN BENEFIT PROGRASI Junior Piano and Violin pupils of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge will be heard in recital at the Legion Hall on Saturday, June 10th, at 8 p.m., assisting artist, Mary Bradshaw, elocutionist. Admission 26 cents, children 16 cents, to be taken at the door. Net proceeds in aid of local charities. Program will be an- nounced in next issue. HOLLYBURN DAIRY & CONFECTIONERY xt 1666 hiaoine Drive (next Srt 22oosrio Stars) Frisco and Borland's Ice CreamDoiicstossoa featuring A little of ooorythiag for Family Hoods MoGAVIN'8 BREAD Open till 9 F.m. mod aii day Sundays. Corporntlon of the District of kvest Vancouver TRADE AND DOG LICENSES FINAL WARNING Persons liable for the above licenses wbo have not obtained same by Saturday. hfay 27th, 1933, will be prosecuted without further notice. CI I IEF CONSTABLE. Hoiiyiwm, B.C., May 17th, 1962 Avoo r V'~r rrr/rr o' ~ ww . or i w ~ wo wwmw ~ o .~,- ws