0001 THF. WEST VAN NEWS May 25, 193'3. CCCu r V c ~ ~ r u'( uu rr c ~ 1 4i'r i ! i r r ;irr ., c" r i u!.r * r!'u u,r 'u'rrrrrrrr rrrv !rr r rrr ~ 'V 1'r r Vrvrrr VVvrr rv «r Vrrrvvvvrvrr'rr rvv vrrr'vr r~ ~ r rvrvr Presbyterian bilssion Ofoago Hall bHU(oiorl Rov. Joo. Y. Cuddoford Phone North 1107 SERVICES: Sunday at 11:00 o.m. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIYICB zelk ood Soeuimun. Houybufo Tbi~ Sooieiy io o Broocb o( Tbo Nother Cbufub The I"iful Cbufub o( Ckriol, Seiuolioi, in Boston, Mooooobuuotlo Suadoy Sour(coo Ii!20 ~.m. ood 7:20 p.m. Sunday, May 28, 1933 Subject I Ancient snd Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism und Hypnotism Denounced. Sunday Scbool at 10100 a.m. Tool(mony b(doling Wodooodoy at 6:16 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH The Baptist IVomen'0 Mission- ary Society will celebrate their ninth anniversary in the Church on June 2nd at 8 0'clock. Mrs. Henry Knox of Vancouver, will be the guest speaker. A pro- gram of musical items and read- ings hss been arranged. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all persons interested. CHRlSTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "Ancient and Mod- ern Necromancy, alias Mesmer- ism and Hypnotism, Denounced." One of the Bible texts will be Mark 3: 11: uAnd unclean spir- its, when they saw Him, fell dovfn before Him, and cried, saying, Thou art, the Son of God.u The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 469 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- turesu by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mind is God. The extermin- ator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, snd that the supposititious op- posite of inunite Kind -- called devil or evil -- is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality." RIDGE REGULATIONS The council at their meeting on Monday night laid down the following regulations for the guidance of the inspector on the Ridge: 1. That the council cannot contribute timber to any club- house or public building being erected on private property. 2. No live trees must be taken down over one foot in di- ameter. 3. Full payment of lease charges must be made in ad- vance before permission is given for the construction of new cabins or for the completion of any at present in process of erection. 1(V PERtftA/VEJV TS Pufmaoost Wovoo ofo like poopio. They afo onbor beautiful oporknog oud lovely, or dek ond Iifoiooo. 6075 oi ibid depundo on the euoiity of ma(or(bio uud wofkimmobipl the otbof 60% dupoadu on the condition of your hair. A treatment before o Dofmusoal muy make oB the di(to!once. Call uod bovo a free consultation, Grueytdolyu Beauty Shoppe 1540 biol(so Drive Phoae West 117 Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall 11:00 s.m. -- hforning Worship. Preacher, Mr. Reynolds Esler. Be sure to hear this promis- ing young minister. Thought for the week: VGod is the arbiter of human destiny. The lavfs of nature are under His control. Men everywhere, directly and indirectly, serve His will. Life may sweep towards ruin like an erratic star, but there is always an arresting providence.u ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH liisy 28th 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 (k 11:15 a.m. -- Sunday School. 11:16 S.m.--Matins and ser- mon; Preacher, the Ven. F. C. C. Heathcote. 7:16 p.m. -- Evensong and sermon. 9(45 a.m.--Holy Communion, St. Francis in the Woods. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. -- Inter- cession service. The annual Scout and Cub and Guide and Brownie Empire Dsy service will be at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday. PRESCRIPTIONS We take pleasure ia SB(ug them is oooofdaooo with your Doe(or'4 roeuifomoo(fb AliIBLESIDK PIIARNACY W. L KER, Prop 1401 Mofiao Dfiuo Phone West $23 FREE DEI.(VERY Seven tenders for staining the fence around the new bowling green at 20th Street were re- ceived and opened at the council meeting on Monday evening, the contract being avfarded to C. L. Konings. The tenders were as follows: C. L. Konings ............ 327.00 F. T. Mallison ...... 27.50 A. J. Williamson ... 30.00 R. MacVean ....... 45.00 IV. Carley .......... 45.00 J. IVemyss ......... 48.00 V. Hernandez ........... 50.00 Archbishop de Pencier last Wednesday opened and conse- crated the new parish hall of St. Francis-in-the-Woods. The large number of parishioners who attended later enjoyed an excellent supper arranged by the Guild under the direction of RIrs. IVm. Clark, president, sfrs. Mary Chappel, secretary, and Mrs. Adair, convener, with a band of willing helpers. The Archbishop emphasized in his address the fact that not s cent; was owing on the church and parish hall, and the site had been donated by Francis Caul- feild. Suitable fittings and a piano had also been donated. A very pleasant afternoon was spent on May 19th in the prettily decorated parish hall, the occa- sion being the twentieth anni- versary of the formation of the St. Stephen's Branch of'the W. A. The visiting speakers were welcomed by Krs. Ford, the president. Mrs. de Pencier com- pared the WA. to a tree that was steadily growing: the branches hsd spread through the various provinces, the leaves being represented by. individual members. She also referred to the pioneer work of herself and the Archbishop in regard to IVest Vancouver. Mrs. Van Nostrand, formerly Diocesan Board organizer, expressed great pkasure at being present snd recalled the early work of the branch, mentioning by name the nine original members. Mrs. Haviland who was flrst secre- tary, and afterwards president, in the formation days, also spoke briefly. An artistic musical program was weII received snd group photos were taken by the Rector, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey. Tea was then served, Krs. Van Nostrand cutting the birthday cake. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae Woo( 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fifo. Auloioob(io, Burglary, Aud(dost osd Sicksoou, olc. 2567 King's Avo. Pboso W. 42Y2 Established on North Skoto 20 Years. ( Iufdr Audio(out ) HARROibI BROS. 3(,'VILL IASI SOiN 'funeral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street ~ Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 S.I'.C. AFFILIATED TO THE C.C.F. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Branch was held at the Socialist Hall, 1453 Marine, on Thursday, Msy 18th, at Sp.m. The meeting was the best yet, hall being filled to capacity. The speaker of the evening was E. H, Baker, who wss until recently rector of Abbotsford, his subject, "Up from Slavery." He outlined the various phas- es of the growth of human social organization from the primitive in which each msn was s lsw unto himself, to the present nationalist and capital- ist structure. Economic conditions, he said, governed each change, and eco- nomic conditions will dictate the changes that will take place in the future. Hsrley Anderson wss present and spoke briefly. He will be in West Vancouver again on Thursday, Msy 26th, when he will address a public meeting st the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. THB liest Van Nefjjjs Published Evofy Tkufodoy Kackea Police ub(ufy, were you entertaining a mon in the kkoboo lout oigbt(u "That's for birn to ooy, mum. I wuo doing my best wkb ibo materials I could Sod." Pobnobof F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone 'IVest 363 Booioruu oud Bdkoriui Ogifol 17(b ood Moo(so Dr(vs (N«z( to HOSybufs P.O.) Phone West 363 Moa Addroool P.O. Box SI, Honrbufs. B.C. North Vancouver O(fice: 123 Lonsdsle Ave. Smith looked indignant."I'e been swindled I" he growled. "I answered an adver- tisement which said 'Send two shulings for ingenious instru- ment which will halve all your household bills." His friend looked interested. "What did they send 7" he asked. "A beastly pair of scissors,u replied Smith. 6LSS o year by doff(ovl 52.00 o year by ealL In connection with J. L. Cripp's application, the council ordered paid a bill for 38 for refund of lumber for bridge over stream Ottawa Avenue between 24th and 25th Streets. HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess !SUNDAY EVENING blay 281k, at 7:30 Address by iblR. JOHN WALIcACE of VaDcou ver Subject: «('hrlst In ltevelatlon" Sunday School at 10 a.m. Hearty singing. No col- lection. UNITED CHURCH The minister will preach at both services. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Clas(L 10:30 s.m. -- Communicants'lass. 11:15 S.m.--Public Worship. 7:15 p.m.--Public Worship. Any wishing to join the Church will be welcome ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Father Ylanagali Residence: 1361 25th St. Sunday 8:46 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:16 p.m.--Devotions. IVeek Days 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:45 p.muFriday -- Devotions, Confessions of school children. 7:30 p.mu Saturday -- Confes- sions of adults. 7:45 p.mu Wednesday -- De- votions. Dr.hiarjory IklcCDbbla DENTIST Hoofs So ls leep SL Souifdliyu; 10 ~. Sl. Io I p. Ia. Evunlogu umi Saturday A(lut- aoooo by oppoislmoot only. Royal Book Bukdiog I'bouu (Youl 4ld kruldooro I'buuu wuul ssk DR G I) H Sh,rl Lk DENTIST Hoy Bioub, 14(b oad ldufioo Df. Olgoo Hours 0 lo 0 p.m. Evoaiogo by oppoiolmool. Phono Wool 72 C. 3. Overington PIONIEFR BARBER 14th and hiarlne Expert Work I'hone IVest 135 Ambleside Sheet Metal Works LAUR(E SPECK, Plop!(rim 1446 Marine Drive I'hone IVest 78 YURNACES and SHEET METAl, INSTALI.ED and REPAIRED JOBBING SPECIAL Fire Insurance Rates ," I 1 " b1 vl 11 COUNCIL NOTES In connection with s letter from the district engineer de- partment of public works re bridges on Marine Drive 67A, the cost of the work outlined in his letter and the municipal quota approved by the council. The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Blowey's application, Duf- ferin Aver Whytecliif. Received and filed. 2. Solid tires on trucks. Re- ceived and filed. 3. B. R. Harrison's et al appli- cation re footpath on 26th St. from Marine Drive to Haywood Avenue. Received and filed. 4. Sewell's application re clearing Blocks 29 snd 30, D.L. 430. Suggestion that the coun- cil provide the necessary lum- ber at a cost not to exceed 37(16 approved subject to same being installed to the satisfaction of the engineer. 5. J. B. Furniss'pplication re roads at Horseshoe Bsy. Left with the chairman of the board of works and the engineer with power to sct. 6. P.G.E. Railway'6 letter re- culverts. Draft letter to P.G.E. executive regarding Section 168 of Railway Act approved. Any Section of West Vancouver 310 per thous- and for 3 years. Only reliable Companies represented. IV. B. SHAKESPEARE, North 428 Seymour 5534 g WOMENI 8 ~ TIN 2 u Nm~ ~l b I an oid mmb(o ~. Uscoufdxkobn SOLD fur muuf Ulu. for balt ~ uuuiurf. uu duuouuuu diuuu, muilrd uu iuuuipl ofoil!!. ma KN(CKKRUOCKSS asmsDV CO.BB0 Sa Vlulurlu SL. Tuiouiu. Cuuudu ~ CHANGE OF 4 BUS SCHEDULE Eifective May 22 NORTH VANCOUVER ASIBLESIDE CAULFEILD HORSESHOE BAY Aib bur 4 b lui luiibur 4 mar PACIFIC STAGE LINCS The council ordered that a letter be forwarded to the de- partment of marine requesting that the twenty year lease of Lighthouse Park be substituted for one with a ninety-nine year term Monday Evening, May 29th, at 8.20 KENNETH ROSS Presents 13 Pion(off ln PIANOFORTE RECITAL OAK ROOM, HOTEL VANCOUVER Auuiouog AfUoio--Mufy Arnold, Soprano. Sidooy Adsmooo, Bofuoao CoBoolion fuf Noddy YomS(oo WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Announces that it is now issuing Requifilion Slips. aod that aFter (hid week no accounts for work done or goads supplied can be ac. knowledged by the Association unless on the 0(ficial Order.