0001 s '..'.xe 9f =S'..'Ã!k.)I:.'tI: NS A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin fhg District of Wist Vaucouvcr--Amblcsidg, Hollyburyj, Wgstoyf, Dundaravc 81.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecli~ Etc. 5cp copyatnewsstendk. Vol. Vill HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1933 No. 3 oa or it 'hsLO Isoa fsr. lhr. Isrts, sort teoot 'OSSL ross torse S ss Pioso srtl$8 I POP t Proto rotors esse/ s, Ost ~wos t et. SD SL te w tes GREATEST MAY DAY IN WEST VANCOUVER'S HISTORY,"est Vancouver's May Day, with which was celebrated the 21st birthday of the municipality, wae undoubtedly the most successful in its history in spite of the fact that up to the last moment it loolted as if the outdoor ceremonies would have to be cancelled owing to the weather. However, the rain stopped at noon, after making it very unpleasant for the road races. The relay race, the great athletic event of the day, was won by the Pauline Johnson boys in 23 minutes, 47 seconds, with the high school second in 24 minutes, I second, and Hollyburn third 52 seconds afterwards. Fennings, the first runner for the high school, made s splendid effort by making up 24 seconds out of his team's 30 seconds handicap, but from then on until the last relays took over, the Pauline Johnson boys gained steadily. In this last section of the race, how- ever, MacAulay, running in fine form, gained 10 seconds, although this was not sufl'icient, as Elfstrom came in an easy winner for Pauline Johnson. The rest of the road races fol- lowed, full yarticulars of which together with the names of the relay teams and of the winners in the afternoon sports and the parade will be given in our next issue. The morning's rain interfered considerably with the par- ade, as quite a number who had intended to take part in it did not do so, but nevertheless it was a very pretty spectacle as the various sections, headed by a color party of Boy Scouts marched to Ambleside Park to the music of the West Van- couver Schools Band, the 1932 May Queen planting a tree at the Memorial Arch en route. A very large crowd awaited them in the park, where the May Queen ceremonies took place. There a flourish of trumpets announced the arrival of May Queen Joan, when she was escorted t'rom her beautifully dec- orated auto by Trustee Russell, preceded by former May Queen Jean, leaning on the arm of Reeve Leylsnd, to the platform, where the crowning ceremonies took place. May Queen Jean, after her retiring address, placed the crown on her successor, who was presented with a gift bracelet from the municipality and also with the golden key. She then assumed her throne surrounded by her entourage and made her address of welcome. Brief addresses were made by Reeve Leyland, Commis- sioner Tisdal, snd Aldermen W. W. Smith and Walter Dept- ford of Vancouver, the latter drawing a roar of cheering from the crowd when he said he would fight for the Second Nar- rowows and First Narrows Bridtjes. The May Queen presented prizes to the winners in the road races and the Baby Contes,t, witnessed a special drill by the Legion drill team and dancing by the school children, and then left for a tour of West and North Vancouver, placing a wreath on the Memorial Arch. The North Vancouver Queen and attendants were with her on the parade and on the platform. The remainder of the after- noon was given up to field sports. The oit'icial kiay Queen supper took place in St. Stephen's Hall, when a number of toasts were given and several ad- dresses made, also a number of presentations made. yd . Bett Blair gave a vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs. Alexander, and was presented with s bouquet. The ball in Hollyburn Pavilion, which was opened by May Queen Joan, was very largely attended, there being be- tween three and four hundred present including many from North Vancouver. WELFARE NOTES offerings relieved the harrassed 0 minds of several mothers over An important date to mark the week end. on the calendar at once, is Fri- The Association is also very day, June 9th, when there will grateful to Mrs. Bowman for be a Garden Frolic and Dance at 816.23, being the net proceeds the High School, for the Wel- of her play, "A Matrimonial fare Garden Fund. This. should Emergency," which was so much prove a particularly attractive enjoyed by those who were priv- night as the aifair is being eleged to see it. sponsored by three local organ- izations, the Legion, the Unem- ployed and the Welfare. This The Chairman makes a special is the right spiritand is another appeal for cash, snd would be evidence of the team work being grateful if the system of giving employed in this community to a stated amount monthly in make things as easy as possible vogue in the winter, could stil! for the other fellow during these be followed. In case the owner awkward days. More about the of an unwanted suit, size 42, has Frolic next week. missed the appeal, we again re- o ice mind the friends of the WelfareIt has been found desirable by that the man still waits for his the Executive to have requist- suit, and the school-girl for her tion forms for sll purchases "hoes, size 13. made by the Welfare Associa- tion, and these are now on hand. J. C. Dandy wrote the council Elsewhere in this paper sn ad- re access to D.L. 666-25-20. The vertisement appears relative to applicant was informed that it this matter, so that from now was contrary to the custom of on the Association csn only ac- the council to provide culverts, cept accounts for merchandise but that he might yut one in at or jobs ordered on the oificlal his own expense yrovided that form. it was installed in a manner est- Donatlons isfactory to the engineer. A dollar grocery order, and a 85.00 monthly order are grate- M. Habklrk, who wrote the fully acknowledged this week, 'ouncil re access to the N.E. cor- also a roast of meat, same but- ner of Lawson snd 26th Street, ter anil ten pounds of tea. These was sent a similar reply, KENNETH ROSS TO PRESENT TWELVE PIANISTS IN RFCITAL A very interesting event to the music-loving public will be the recital arranged by Kenneth Ross to take place at 8:20 p.m. next Monday, 29th May, in the Oak Room of the Hotel Vancou- ver, in which twelve piaaiste will take part. The names of these are: Keith Kimbell, Wil- loughy T. Mann (Vernon, B.C.), Erneet Greene, Marion Downes, James Hunter. Irene Haynes Martin, A.T.C.M„Helen J. M. Burton, A.T.C.M., Clifford Laid- ler, A.T.C.M., Beulah Schuldt, A.T.C.M., Gwen Rothwell, Bev- erley Morris, A.T.CM. (Special Diploma), and Audrey Cowde- roy, A.T.C.M. The assisting artists will be hfary Arnold and Sidney Adamsan. Collection for needy families. BETFER BABY CONTEST There were twenty-two entries for the annual Better Baby Con- test, which took place last Sat- urday morning in the Inglewood School, the contest being held in connection with the May Day Celebration. There were three classes, the prizewinnere being as follows: Class I, Babies up to 6 months I, Fred Rae. 2. William Foyle. Class 2, Babies up to I Year 1. Hazel Fletcher. 2. Maryjune Jordan. Class 3, Babies up to 2 Years 1. Elizabeth 1Vard. 2. John Fletcher. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ltIAY DAY PRIZE CO51MITTEE The following donations have been received by the May Day Prize Committee during the week ending 22nd instant. The committee take this opportun- ity of thanking all donors for their generous contributions. If any donation has remained un- acknowledged by mistake, it will be acknowledged immediately if the donor will communicate with any member of the committee. Particulars are as follows: Anonymous, 810.00; J. A. Gilchrist, $10.00; Sun Rays 66.00; K. A. Ray, 83.00; Friend, $2.00; A. E. Baker, 82.00; Major F. C. Rush, 82.00; Mc, 82.00; H., 82.00; J. 8 N., 82.00; W. Turnbull, 62.00; J. H. Fletch- er, 62; Mrs. A. J. Ajello, 82.00; B. G., 81.50; Friend, 81.00; Joseph Sheasgreen, 61.00; J. Normand, 81.00; J. Sinclair, 81.00; E. L. Elliott, 81.00; N. H. Blandford, 81.00; Mrs. King, 51.00; W., $1.00; H. Thorpe, 61.00; Well Wisher, 60 cents; G., 50 cents; B. C. Electric Rly. Co., orders; West Van. Imperial Garage, 1 prize; Hugh Brown, 1 pmze; V. V. Vmeon, 1 prize; Hollyburn Garage, 1 prize; Woodwards Ltd., I order; Piggly Wiggly, prizes; Mrs. Ross, 1 order; Seeds'ardware, 2 priz- es; Greenwood's Grocery, 1 order; Safeways Ltd., 1 order; Ambleside Pharmacy, 1 order; Hollyburn Library, 6 prize; Mrs. Alex. Smith, 2 prizes; Mc- Csrtney Grocery, I prize: C. J. Broderick, 1 prize; )Vest Van. Produce, 2 prizes; T. A. Spencer, 1 prize; Children's Friend, pris- es; Laurie Brown, 1 prize; Mr. Sager, toys; Lonsdale Theatre, 1 prize; Red Arrow Biscuit Co., candy; Thorpe's, soft drinks; Fry tk Co chocolate bars. As- sociated Dairies, milk, D. Willington ................ I prixe hfrs. T. A. Spencer, flowers for It(ay Queen; kirs. Colin MacLean flowers for retInue. IVest Van News Fund D. B................................... 85.00 Friend .......„..................1 prize BASEBALL By defeating Lynn Valley 10 ta 6 last Thursday the West Vancouver ball tossers moved into first position in the North Shore League. Bill Atwood, a left hander, was tried out in the box snd got by nicely, going the entire seven innings. Bill has a nice delivery but works a little fast. With a little practice he should make a goad pitcher. Tom Timbrell who was injured in the first game is still under the doctor's care and will be out of the game for some time yet. On Thursday (tonight) I.ynn Valley will meet West Vancou- ver at Ambleeide Park at 6:30 In a regular league game. Bob Fiddee will likely get the call for mound duty. The matter of the culvert at 25th Street, concerning which s letter was received from the PG E Railway wae referred by the coundl to the engineer for attention. J. D. A. Tripp and a number of other Caulfeild residents sent a petition to the coundi asking for certain improvements ta the Dale at Caulfeild. The matter was referred to the engineer with power to act. Congratulations to those ex- students who recently received degrees at the University of British Columbia: Thomas F. Hadwin, Teacher Training; Na- omi H. Cornish, M.A., Eleanor Brine, B.A. Also to those who were suc- cessful in examinations in their various years and courses: Mar- garet Reid, Allix Duncan, Geof- frey Cornish, Mary O'Donnell, Wingett Irish, Harry Davidson, Peter Caddy, James B. hicClel- land, Robert McClelland, and Clayton Stewart. The West Vancouver High School athletes put their school on the map st the Inter-High track meet held at Hastings Park on May 23rd with a total of twenty-three points. In the small schools relay for girls the West Vancouver team repeating its performance of last year, won and set up s new record of 66 2!5 sec. The team was Betty Vickery, Eifie Vick- ery, Mildred Lettner, Virginia Gamage, May Armstrong, Pearl Robertson, Patricia )Valises and Marjorie Paton The boys in a similar relay ran a keen race to take second place. The team was Dick Las- ter, Bernard D'Easum, Phillip Farmer, Alex. MacAulay, Fred Fennings, Eugene Lopatecki, Wilfred Thomson snd Charles Miles. In the 880 yards inter- mediate, MacAulay ran a strong race and after a close struggle for first won second place. Marjorie Paton, 6th in Senior Girls 50 yards, and 6th in Senior Girls 100 yards, and Betty Vick- ery, 2nd in Junior Girls'0 yds., 4th in Junior Girls, 76 yards, 3rd in Junior Girls, high jump, were the other point winners. To Mr. Sinclair, coach, the contestants and also those stud- ents who entered preliminary trials and training ie due the praise for the good showing made. COUNCIL NOTES kites M. Casey appeared be- fore the council regarding plumbing diificulty on D.L, 77(i, W. 100 - 7 - 12. She was in- formed that the ca@nil would obtain a written report from the inspector and look into the ques- tion. Mrs. C. Read of Whytedifl, 'amebefore the council asking that the brush along the lane at the back of Lots 1, 2 aad 8, Black 26, D.L. 480, be cleared. The council instructed the eng- ineer to look into conditions with a view to remedying same after which notices shouM be posted prohibiting dumping of refuse. With regard to the bowling green at 20th Street the council instructed the dark to communi- cate with the president of the West Vancouver Bowling Club with a view to arranging a meeting during the week ending 27th Msy in regard to bowling green matters generally. The West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legiou wrote the council in regard to the ap- pointment of a bowling green attendant. They were advised that no appointment would be made until the green is placed otficially under the auspices of the West Vancauver Bowling Club, at which time application should be made to their secre- tary. J. A. Vernon spalla to the engineer re sulxlivision of Lots 3 and 26, Block 14, D.I 564. The council advised him that the permission accorded him in 1930 had been rendered invalid through non-use, aad that, if he now wished to re-subdivide, his application must be renewed ia writing accompanied by a phon, as Zoning By-law No. 478 now required a minimum of 6000 square feet in each lot before a re-subdivision could be enter- tained. L. C. Raid wrote the council re Svrimming Club Regattas on 22nd July and 5th August and repairs to Dundarave Float. The matter wae referred to the eng- ineer for report as to probable cost of repairs to the float and to the reeve and chairman of parks in regard to the finaucial aspect. The matter of the tender of the North Western Dredging Co. re dredging at 14th Street wharf was left by the council for the attention of the ferry manager and the engineer with power to act. H. A. Roberts Ltd. wrote the council re Lots 13 and 14, Black 12, D.L. 558 Work (Portion south of P.G.E. Railway). The council referred the matter to the reeve and municipal solicitor for their attention. LEGION N 4 The regular moathb meeting of the W.A. to the Canadian Legion will be held on Monday, the 29th instant, in the Legion Memorial Hall at 2I15 pua. The drawing for the rug will take place and anyone holding stubs please turn them ia not later than Monday. The district council are meet- ing st the Memorial Hall, 82nd Aiwnue and Yew St., Kerrisdale. on Friday, the 26th instant. All members are cardially invited. A very enjoyable bridge drive was held last Wednesday at the home of Mre. T. Littleford, the winners being Mrs. Dr. Richard- son and J. L Rankin, the con- solation prizes going to Mra. J. L Rankin aad J. 1Vicking.