0001 '..'.xe ]f -S'..')'ÃL.hI..hI: ]PS A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the District of West Vancouver-Arnblcsidc, Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundaravc $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfet7d, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstsnds. Vol. Vill HOLLYBURN P O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1933 No. 2 1912 - West Vancouver's 21st Anniversary and May Day Celebration - 1933 II)II, scca Ssac iPap Iyicg sara Iarara, Paiat Scars ISHZS tc,llsl ~ccas, iIs . -Zcc) "zqtt ra)ca)) cga n Fcaaz a)cga ID 'c MAY QUEEN CEREMONY The coronation of May Queen elect Joan Parker, st Ambleside Park on Victoria Day immedi- ately folkwing the parade will be the outstanding i'esture of the third annual May Day Festi- val. A detachment from the Seaforth Highlander Cadets will form a Guard of Honor for May Queen Jean who will be escorted to the Throne by Reeve J. B. Leyland and accompanied by Maids of Honor Bubbles Bernard and Jessie Ritz while Chancel- lors Norman Jackson and Reid Mitchell will bear the key of the Municipality and the Parchment RolL The Royal Suite will await the arrival of Queen elect Joan Parker and entourage announced by the blast of bugles. The Maids of Honor Iona Kerrison and Mary Thomson, Crown Bearer Isobel Russell, Flower Girls, Mary Beatty, Shirley Gil- bert, Constance Oswald and Doreen Garrard, and s Guard of Honor of six girls, Dak Erick- son, Robins Cuthbertson, Lila Rahy, Aileen Neuse, Margaret Bill and Doreen Irwin will ac- company the Queen elect to the Throne escorted by Trustee T. E. W. Russell. After a welcome extended by Mr. Russell, the re- tiring Queen wiB conclude her reign by a farewell address and returning the key of the hfuni- cipslity to Reeve J. B. Leylsnd, will place the fiorsl crown, emb- lematic of May Day Sovereignty on the head of Queen elect Joan, the National Anthem will be sung and s rocket sent into the sky as s salute to )Vest Vancou- ver's third May Queen. The May Queen's speech will follow with three cheers for the new Queen. Mr. Russefi will present the gift from the citizens of the Municipality and Reeve Leyland will present the Golden Key. Members of the Royal Suite will sign the Parchment RolL Prizes for the "Better Babies Contest" and major sport events will be presented by the May Queen fol- lowed by s display of Folk snd May-pole Dancing by the School children. Queen Joan wiB in- spect the Band and escorting units and will start the first race of the sport events. At 3:30 p.m. the Royal Party will pro- ceed to the Memorial Arch plac- ing a wreath and will then make a tour of her realm, going as firn as Whytecliif, afterwards visit- ing the North Vancouver ceno- taph and general hospital. A supper at 6:80 p.m. and the May Day Ball will conclude another May Day in West Vancouver Mrs. J. B. Leyland has ex- tended an invitation to tea to the Royal Party immediately following the tour of the 51uni- cipality. En route to the park May Queen Jean will plant a tree at Memorial Park. The cerer..ouy will be arranged by the Canadi- an Legion Boy Scouts. J. R. Mitchell will act as Master of Ceremonies. MAY DAY 1933 Oificial Program for May Day Celebration. 9 to 11:30 a.m.--Sports (See Sports Program) 12:00 a.m.--Parade Muster. 12:40 p.m.--Judging Parade. 1:00 p.m.--Parade from 20th St. to Ambleside Park. I:30 p.m.--Crowning May Queen, Maypole Dances, Folk Dances, Presentation of Cups (Relay Race), Presentation of Prizes (Baby Contest). 8 to 6:80 p.m.--Children's Sports. 6:30 p.m.--Soft Ball Game. 6:30 p.m.--Supper to May Queen and Suite, 9:.m. to I a.m.--Dance at Hofiyburn Pavilion. MAY DAY PARADE Those taking part in parade will assemble at 12:30 p.m. May 24th, as foilows: Decorated Bicycles--20th Street, North of Drive. Tricycles, Scooters, Wagons--20th Street, North of Drive. Patriotic Couples, Humorous Costumes, Advertising Cos- tumes, Original Costumes--20th Street, In Children' playground. Children with Floral Displays--On Esquimalt, west of 20th St. Boy Scouts and Cuba--Esquimalt, west of 20th Street. School Band--Esquimalt, east of 20th Street. Girl Guides--Behind School Band. May Queen snd Party--21st Street north of Drive. Reeve and Council--21st Street, north of Drive. Pire Truck and Plosts--21st Street, south of Drive. Canadian Legion--20th Street, south of Drive. Decorated Autos--20ti Street, south of Drive. MAY DAY PRIZE COMhHTTEE The following donations have been received by the May Day Prize Committee during the week ending 17th May. The committee wish to thank aB donors for their generous con- tributions. At the same time they befieve there are still s number who intend to subscribe, and the committee send a special appeal to them to send in their donations either to a member of the committee or to this paper, if possible, not later than Sat- urday. Any sum, however small, will be welcome. The liat is as follows: West Vancouver Council, $25; West Vancouver School Board, $ 16; Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., $10; Naomi Chapter, O.E.S., $5; Reeve Leyland, $5; Vancouver Daily Province, $6; T. E. W. Russell, $2.60; J. McC. Hill, $3; E. Granger, $2.60; Mrs. L. Ajefio, $2; L. Brookes, $2; Brownie Pack, $1; A. Harvey Smith, $1; Miss J. Castefi, $1; Mrs. W. Reid, $ 1; J. M. S., $1; E. M. A C. W., $1; J. M. Dent Jt Sons, 10 volumes; West Van. A, A. A., I cup; H. A. Roberts Ltd., silver iiower basket; W. R. Sut- ton, silver dish; Hofiyburn Mar- ket, 4 prizes; Mrs. Grigor, 2 prizes; G. Gemmlfi, 2 prizes; Messrs. Gisby and Fiddes, 2 prhes; Mrs. L. Garthorne, 1 prize; Joe Murch, I prize; Bill Grout, I prize; Ambleside Tea Rooms, I prize; Normand's Grocery, I prhe; Mr. Bossen- berry, I prize; Mrs. Dalglelsh, I prize; Hudson's Bay Co., I order; Mrs. Bulkley, I prize; A. Searle, 1 prize; Bobby Scads, I prize; Mrs. Marling, I prize, Mrs. Busst, I prize; Brooks Dry Goods, I prize, )Vest Van News Fund Captain C. J. Archer........ $? 00 DUNDARAVE LADIES'HOIR SOCIAI The Dundarave Ladies'hoir held their election of oificers followed by a social on Tuesday evening, May 9th, in the Legion Hall. The oificers for the 1933- 1934 season are: President, Mrs. Gordon Gray; Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. A. Hampson; Secre- tary, Miss Dorothy Gifiam; Treasurer, Mrs. H. B. Stevens; Librarian, Mrs. T. Turner; Con- ductor, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson; Acoompanist, Mrs. J. E. Durbin, Executive, Mrs. J. C. Young, Mrs. Blair Edwards, Mrs. Jim Holt, Miss Joan Durbin, Mrs. R. W. Froud, Mrs. Tom Gray. A musical program followed, those taking part being Mrs. F. X. Iiodgson (two solos), Mesdames )Vifioughby and Stevens (vocal duet from festival), Miss Joan Durbin (recitation). The even- ing closed with dancing, music being supplied by the Turner boys. PARADE Order of March Motor-Cycle Oificers. 1, Decorated Bicycles; 2, Chil- dren in Costume; 3, Tricycles, Scooters, )Vagons; 4, Children in Costume; 6, Children with Flor- al Displays; 6, Boy Scouts and Cuba; 7, School Band; 8, Girl Guides and Brownies; 9, May Queen and Party; 10, Reeve and Council; 11, I"ire Deptment and Floats; 12, Canadian Legion; 13, Decorated Autos. Parade hiarshal: L. Roy Lowes Oificial Recorder: Harold Walk- er'. Committee: J. Findlay, W. Sist- er, H, Foots, H. Stephenson NOTICE Owing to )Vednesday being 24th hlay, afi copy for nezt issue must be sent in by 12 noon Tuesday, instead of Wednesday noon. Hofiyburn Theatre wlB be open next Wednesday evening, the 24th May. It is to be hoped that as many children as possible will take in the parade, if not in costume, then with a Aoral display- preferably from their own garden. A prize is ofFered in this event to the boy and girl with the best display of Bowers. WELFARE NOTES ResBy nice things sometimes happen in connection with Wel- fare Work. It is true and be- coming increasingly apparent that with the prolonged struggle for mere existence some people are becoming somewhat harden- ed, and embittered and are grad- uaBy losing their morale, but in many cases it is developing s very tender thought for the other fellow. Only last week, someone not too well oif herself, sent her lad to chop wood for an elderly woman, and cn hear- ing that the wood was wet im- mediately phoned the Welfare Association to o(Fer some of her dry wood if the Association could get it delivered. Often people beg to be allowed to give service or exchange some thing for what has been done for them. They say it makes them feel better, snd it evident- ly does, for after aB the whole scheme of the local Welfare As- sociation is merely co-operation, to help one another through s bad spell which has mi~d no one entirely. The suit size 42 is not yet forthcoming, but the disiributor is still hopeful. The echo"I-girl also waits for shoes size 18. The grocery shelves of course need replenishing every week as aB good housekeepers know. The Committee is grateful for two lots of woad, soap powder, soap, butter and groceries re- ceived during kst week. BETFER BABY CONTEST Entries for the Better Baby Contest close at 11 a.m. next Saturday, 20th instant. and sfi farms are to be returned by 19th May to the store from which mothers obtained them. The competition itself starts at 10 a.m. Saturday, 20th hiay. in Inglewaod High School, snd there will be three competitions and s first and second prize in each. Particulars of the com- petitions are as faBowsi 1. Babies up to 6 months. 2. Babies up to I year. 3. Babies up to 2 years. LEGIOiV W.A. A special meeting of the )VM. to the Canadian Legion was held last Monday. There was a goad attendance and much business with regard to the hfay Day preparations was discussed. The Rev. F. A. Ramsey requested ss many as possible to attend the Empire Day service next Sun- day, the 21st instant, to Scs- semble outside St. Stephen's Church, at 11 o'lock. A telephone Military Whist Drive wss held by the groups last hIonday evening at the homes of hfrs. Phillips and ihirs. Sid Jamieson. There were ten tables, the prizes being won by Mrs. T. Smith, hfrs. T. Richard- son, hire. Hughes and Mrs. Glover. The regular monthly meeting will be held on the 29th at 2:15 in the Legion hiemorial Hall. AB members are requested to keep this date open. SCHOOL BOARD NOTES The efforts of the Board to place the fire protection of the schools on a more equitabk and eificient basis have come to a successful conclusion. Pire Insurance casts, which amounted to $2400 for a three year period, payable in unequal installments through independ- ent agents. have been reduced to $1.800. payable in equal year- ly amounts through the West Vancouver Agents Association. In addition to this annual sav- ing in premiums the Board this year has recovered premium re- bates totalling about $400.00. AB matters covering fire in- surance of our schools will be in the hands of the Insurance Iianager acting through the Agents Association Periodical surveys and inspections will be made to reduce fire hazards to a minimum, and to protect the Board's interests in the matter of future rates and possible ad- )ustments. The Board wishes to express its appreciation of the cc)c)pers- tion. of the Insurance Specialists of the local Association, who have supported the Board in resenting its case to the Fire nderwriters snd made the necessary arrangements for the proper servicing of our insur- ance in the futme. hlAY DAY BUTTOiVS hiembers of the United Church C.G.I.T. and St. Stephen's A.Y. P.A. will call at afi homes throughout the district selling buttons. Do not fail to buy one! They are the badge of goad citizenship on May Day. Price 10 cents up. NEW BUTCHER SHOP Jimmie Thompson, who has been in the business in Van- couver for the past 14 Fears, has opened s butcher shop in the Stratton Black at 1464 Marine Drive. Beef, lamb, pork, veal, fowl and tish always on hand. afi of the very beet quality. For speciale this week see the adver tisement in another part of this hsue. LEGION NOTES Members will faB in for the church parade at 10:45 a.m. at the Memorial HsB on Sunday. hiay 21st, for the Empire Day Service at St .Stephen's ChurcIL As many ss possible are request- ed to turn out. Various committees are busy with May Day preparations, and as this branch is being called upon to assist in the parade and general festivities, any member who can render any service along these lines is urged to get into touch with the executive. The drill team is out practising each evening at 7 p.m. Notice to AB Members The chairman of the enter- tainment committee, Colin Tur- ner, takes this opportunity of notifying aB the members and their wives that a Box Social is being held in the Legion Hall on Saturday night, the 20th inst., commencing at 8 p.m. There will be card games, snd some- thing novel in the way of enter- tainment for aB those who at- tend. The Committee have worked hard on the program and a real enjoyable evening is in store. The team of Roy Lowes and George Childs will provide the music for the dancing after- wardss. Please be on hand early and do not forget the boxes.