0001 THF. WFCIT VAN NEWS May 11, ISSS. r. r» VX! 5rerri r 'c 'io r x t r V v JJ'rr,v V rr~'VV' rrrr. c~'V 'rr Vfrrr . v ~'rr'. w r err rrv rrrvr4 w'n xr rrV w vvrrvr r .V»VVrvvr ~r.w VA Phone IVost 46 Smith 's Grocery Tea 8L Coffee Week - May 12-20 Phone IVest 469 I ib Red Jk IVhite Tea TEA POT and Tea Pot, both for gPEggAL ib R'da vhi coff 52thand Tea Pot, both for WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. NEEDS CASH, FOOD, CI.OTHIX(x Opea Tuesdays. 10 te 12. Saturdays 10 to 4. LORD WAI.SINGHABI l)IAKES VALUABI.E GIFT FOR OUR WAR MEMORLAL Lord Walsingham, who com- manded 8 brigade in the B.E.F. during the Great War, has just made 8 valuable and unique gift to IVcst Vancouver in the shape of some lily bulbs of the famous "Lilium Giganteum" on the ex- press condition that they be planted in the grounds of the War hlcmorial here. At his est- te of Morton Hall, Thetford, ngland, there is to be found one of the finest exhibits of lilies to be seen anywhere, and the choicest and rarest of them all is the collection of the "Lilium Gigantcum." These plants come from India, and were introduc- ed into England many years ago by Lord IValsingham'8 family, since when no bulbs have left the estate either by sale or gift. They frequently grow to a height of tcn feet and have large white blooms in beautiful proportion. Indirectly West Vancouver is indebted for this valuable gift to bfr. Blanchflower, a war vet- eran of Dundarave, who knows Lord Walsingham personally, and who was given the privilege of going over the famous gar- dens of Morton Hall. His host stated he would like to give him something to take back as a remembrance to British Col- umbia, and hc very kindly con- sented in spite of the previous inhibition to Mr. Blanchflower's request on being informed of the uso to which they would be placed. Reeve Loyland has acknow- ledged the gift and has handed them over for planting to the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., who have charge of the grounds of the War Memorial. When the lilies bloom they will be undoubtedly a Mecca for all the horticulturists in the prov- ince and to many others from other parts of Canada and the United States.. Here Today Here Tomorrow,Too WHEN ytm mckc x pulcbxm you d bkc to Eccltbxt the a)tide or service yoo have purchased will be xmistxaory in xll rcspcac; not for x fcw days or x few weeks, but for years m come. Tkocc pcoplc who purchase mfvlcc or nlcfchxsditc fram 4 B. C Bcaric nom xrc assured of this 'xdlcr. ambd«ncc! B. C Elcaric service xnd mcrchxndilc xrc beckal by kmg ?aux of dcpcndxbk butiocm dmimg in British Columbia. B. C Bearic stores xtc not "here today xcd gooc tomorrocr." 'Ihcy are ioumkd on Ixi)6 in tbc ditaia they terre xnd purchasers in these xtorm cxo be ectured of dm utmost m service cod auixtxctioo it is pccxibk m xchicve. Aay mcrcbxodite sold by tbe B. C Bcctric is epprovcd by cH tbc recognized clcaricxl cuihoritics; it is guar. eatccd by thc B. C Elcatic, xod you know ii xny edjoctmcm or advice ix occdcd along clcaricxi lcrvice lines tbm your B. C Elcaric crore will bc bac uxky xod bere tomorrocr, too. dQCEkcizic APPLIANCE STORES ~:I'.III"Kofo]KS?,.l:iL%HEKCSRI'I[eSIF 1lkllI'1X Or I lb Tea 34c. 31b for $ 1.00 I ib Coffee 3'Ic. 31h for $ 1.15 STRAWBEIIRY JAbi, Nabob i APRICOT JAM, Nabob 4 kx tia 484 'arge Rz.ox. Iac . ..., Rbc CkUSHKD PINEAPPLE I Rcd Jt White JELLY POWDFRS Large tia ................ Isc I Ail Savors PASTRY FLOCIL WIM Reve, MAR)IALADE, Nabob,82-ex. Iar ...................... 254 . I'ORK R BEANS, Crccm lb Black. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS wen'c large 16-cx. tia..z for Ibc Per kx ..--......-- -- ------«-- Rbc RCJ lb White TOMATOES. targe kos R White TOMATO SOUl'olid kxad-pecked, Na Rhl tix 8 tins 85« 8 ter 254 c BAKED HA)1 with Dressing PEAS, CeiembieBurns'............... pcr lb.40c Imrgc sweet tender pcec. tie Iec ENO'S FRUIT SALTS GRAPE NUTS, ~ dcngbttei Large cise .....-- ......,...... 78c 'ereal ...................... pkg. Ibc LUMBER AN C) SERVICE Fok QUAI.ITY AND REASONABLB PRICES deci with Tke Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Orgenixetiea Ie IL C. Satictcctiea Gecraatccd Ix4 Spccineri Lengths........5 7.00 Rx8 te Rxiz (rxedem).. 8.00 Ixs te Ix10 Skipiap..... „6.00 Ixs ens Ix4 V Joint...„...„18.00 8-In. Fir Sidicg, long K.D. 15.00 Ixs rk Ix4 Fleering, K.D. 18.00 r)b-Ia. V Joint, long K.D... 10.00 $0 tt. Close Board Fence 4.50 Nrx I XXX Skingiee.... 2.26 Nc. 2 Shingles.............. 1.60 Vancouver Prices ~ ~ c Everything In Building Materiate AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 18th ced hixrine Drive West Vxaceevcr Pbcee West 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber aed Shingle Ce. Luk THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar The whole idea at the back of Mr. Smith's letter is that Can- ada and the U.S. should become one economic, if not political unit. This idea of an isolated America originated with George 1Vnshington,a wise policy in his l,ime but utterly impossible in these days of steam and elec- tricity, etc.. as the U.S., now on the ragged edge of ruin from trying it out have discovered. The British Empire contrary to Mr. Smith's dictum otfers far bigger markets than the U.S. for Canada, even without taking into consideration the U.S. habit of slapping on tariifs overnight against us whenever Canadian trade begins to get a footing in her home market, and not men- tioning the war she has conduc- ted on her allies since 1918 in the way of foreign exchange. My correspondent will be aston- ished to learn that up to 1930 British capital to the tune of two and one half billion dollars has been invested in Canada as against the U.S. total of four billions, and it is only fair to add to the British total the free Naval protection given Canada for many years and to a large extent now. Turning to the political side, Canada will never under any circumstances become a part of the U.S. Should she decide to leave the Empire, which is extremely unlikely, she would become an independ- ent nation, and I know my Canada, as strange to say, I know my American, and hc is for the most part 8 very nice kindly fellow, any hatred of Britain hc may have arising from misconceptions or false propaganda conducted by his schools and yellow press. So far as believing in "Colonial subser- vience," I would, if I had my way, have all disputes and ques- tions arising between the U.S. nnd Britain and the Empire at large handled by the Canadian minister at Washington, who would understand the Americans as no British minister can hope to do. There is no question of antagonising the U.S. for the latter themselves have gone out of their way ever since 1918 to antagonise everybody, and now in their splendid state of isola- tion and consequent near-ruin, are running round trying to patch things up and gct back to the status quo. This job has fallen on Roosevelt, 8 man I greatly admire and probably their greatest president, and, if left alone by his people, he msy yct bring it oif. I wish him luck, but he has got 8 tough job, which wss the very thing I stat- ed in other words in my original article. Owing to the space necessary JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store It Hollyburny next Theatre'HONE WEST 3 WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 11$ RML I'hone West 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Cieerrlscu Asvertiecmcatc ic 2 cents per word, miaimem Q 25 cents. Rxccpt ic the ease et these kxvieg regular acceeetc, CR clecci- Scsc are psychic strictly ia esrcace. Remember CixceiSede ie tkc West Vca News gct immediate receita 2 DAY SALE-- Bandy Aae Skoppe, Dundcravc. bicy 16, 18, 17th Purple Heather cnd Tiger Finger- ing llc cx; Peerless Weel, 2 balls 15c. Other Wcci on Sale also. Fok RENT -- 5 Room buxgxlee, srtiy furnished, modern, garage. hone West 266X. LIST YOUR PROPERTY with Gce. Hxy for quick returns FANCY PIGEONS FOR SALE- Pkeae West 204X. Foit CHIMNEY SWEEPING or Rooting Repairs, Tarred or Painted Phone North 1405L WANTED -- kcw Boat. good condi- tion. Phone West 181R2, FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. The best for less. WANTED -- Boys Bicycle, good con- dition, cheap. West 860Y. WANTED -- Comfortable home for elderly mxx, pensioner. Phone West 94R. FOUND -- Ladies"Cree with money. Phone West 601. NAOSII CHAPTER O.ES. Visitors from practically all the Vancouver chapters and North Vancouver attended the afternoon tca and sale of aprons under auspices of Naomi Chap- ter iVo. 26. O.E.S., at the home of Mrs. V. V. Vinson last Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Thomas, the matron, assisted the hostess in receiving the guests and the sale was opened by Mrs. Savage of Ladner, grand conductrobs who was presented with 8 bouquet of flowers by hIre. Vin- son. The general convencrs were Mrs. H. L. Thompson and Mrs. C. Greenwood; home cooking, Mrs. Cripps; aprons, Mrs. Krug- er; refreshmonts, Mrs. Murch; nnd program, Mrs. Walter Gray. Pouring tca were Mrs. Savage, hfrs. Wilcox, Mrs. St. Clair, Mrs. Freeze, Miss F. McCleery, Mrs. Northey, Mrs. Mortimer, Mrs. Jesscn, Mrs. Clement, Mrs. Melvin, Mrs. Sangster, Mrs. Kingston and Mrs. Slight. As- sisting in the musical program were Miss bfary O'Donnell and Miss Gertrude Thompson, Miss Betty Blair and Miss Dorothy Greenwood, vocallsts, accomp- anied by Mrs. Alexander. Tap dancing, Miss Ruth McLeod and Miss Jacqueline Vance and Miss Carmen Johnson accompanied by Mrs. Greenwood. The rooms were tastefully arrayed with spring flowers and foliage. \VANTED -- Furnished Heave, ciexe tc terry, three bedrooms; for teer months. Trinity 1689. COI.EMAN GASOLINE HEATER, bicdti 6, almost new; economical, portable, 520. 1829 Marine Drive. LOST -- Girl's Glacxes In brows leather csee between 21st axd 28th on Drive. Phone West 410Y. I"GUN D--Bcctee Bull Terrier. Phone West 181. Gkr MY FREE FJITIMATES on Painting, Pcpericg end Keicemin- Icg. C. L, Kceiagc, Ree. Pbcee West 894R. lvknirS SHOE ItEPAIRS WEAk BEST --, Dundarcve. COLIN TURNER, Cxrpeater xes Bender. Alterations end repairs Phone West 879R. FOR SALE -- Choice hardy rcckcry planta. C. Barrow, corner 24th cus Neicee. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. HEADQUARTERS ter Ak tbe Pop- ular Cigarettes Tobaccos, aed Fish- ing Gadgets ter local waters, Amblcxidc Tee Rooms, HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dcescrevc, Weoie, Notions, Stationery, Paint, Turpeetiae, Oils, Hardware, Seeds, CtC, FUILNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses tc Rect. Houses, lots, ead acr cgc tor cele. John Lawcoc, 17th ecd Marine, Phone West 66. FOlt I'LUMBING REPAIRS -- Res-, idence Phone West 241R. LAWN MOWERS SHAkPENED -- I Experienced with ek makes "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 biarine. bIARCELLE SHOP -- Mcrceke. 50 cents; reset. 86c; Seger weve, 604. Phone Mra King, West 804. LANDSCAPING -- Levee, Tceeie Courts, Rcckeriex, etc. Reasonable. AR work gexraaterxk M. Hallmark, West 217R. CORDON HOH&OiV Barrister R Senciter IVEST VANCOUVER- Oltice No. 1447, Marine Drive I'bene West 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 918: 610 Hcxtlcgc SL W. Phone, Seymour 4199. Dick: "My uncle is like me- makes witty remarks half the time." Doris: "Sort of half-witted?" for publicity in connection with the bfay Day celebration, this column will be temporarily dis- continued. --EDITOR. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1488 bicriee Drive I'bene ipect 21 or Seymour 1280 Erceisgc Weel Zeiz LU BER" ~ I and all liuildlng Material of Best (Iuallty at Low Prices. BU I I,D NOlV r