0001 1 A Weekly Newspaper Cf'rculatifftr itf the District of West Vattkouvkr-- Ambleft'Ck', Hollyburyt, Wgstotf, Dundaraec $ 1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, &k. 6c per copy at newsstand Vol. VI I I HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1933 No. I lie ae! inc eieee 1 lz Ilw. f ei ~sl lob, itish el gel. ileel gsl gest c,g iuet 1ee. zf Ieai geld. iflte 4 . se MAY DAY COMhilTTEE The May Day Committee met last night, when a number of re- ports were received and adopted, A start has been made on the prize fund canvass, and from now on an active calnpaign will be waged. The sports program has been adopted, and particu- lars of it will appear in our next issue, also the general program of events. The tenders for the public address equipment were referred to a committee con- sisting of Councillors Elgar, Councillor Fiddes, and L. Brook- es with power to act. There will be no children's party, but a soft ball game will be staged in its place. The Better Baby Contest will probably take place on the Sat- urday preceding May Day, and forms for same will be available at Gemmifl's Drug Store and at the Dundarave Pharmacy by next Saturday, the 13th instant, The next meeting of the May Day Committee will take place at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, the 17th instant, in the council chamber. BASEBAI.L The baseball season will open in West Vancouver tonight when the local nine will take on the B.C. Coal team, in their flrst league game. Mr. Condon is a- gain looking after the interests of the hard ball players and hopes a good crowd will be on hand to lend its support. NORTH SHORE UNITED VERSUS LOCAI TEAhiS An unusually interesting foot ball match to close the season has been arranged for next Sat- urday, the 13th, at Ambleside Park. North Shore United, final- ists in the Dominion Champion- ship, have been invited to play the local football teams. Owing to the high calibre of the North Shore United and the fact that they are at the head of a Senior Division with an unbeaten rec- ord, it has been arranged that the opposition will be furnished by the West Vancouver Rangers for the flrst half of the game, and by 1Vest Vancouver United for the second period. The North Shore United are eonfldent of their ability to take the local teams, and the latter are just as sure of being able to hold the visitors, and a little more. This should be a wonderful game and it is hoped that there will be a real turnout of support- ers. Come yourself, tell your friends to come, and don't leave your tongue behind. Kick-oif at 3 p.m. hIAY DAY IeltIZE I.IST WELFARE NOTES, Although week by week for many months now parcels of clothing have been received by the local IVelfare Association, until a few days sgo nothing of any value has been found left in the pockets. Last week how- ever, in a parcel left annony- mously, there was found a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles. If the owner will please phone Mrs. W. B. SmaU at West 668L they can be returned. The response to last week' request for parcels of food and groceries was very much better, and for which the Association returns its thanks. Two parcels of groceries, two parcels of meat and six quarts of milk were received. Food parcels are still urgently needed every week. The pair of shoes sized 4)I which we asked for have also been received. Many thanks. There is still a very needy case which a pair of shoes size 13 would solve. Can anyone help? Has it ever struck you as you have walked about the streets of the municipality that the color of the clothes drying on the clothes lines has gradually been growing grayer? It is vir- tuafly an impossibility for a mother to get her washing a good color without the sid of proper washing soaps. Now this is something that simply cannot be afforded out of the weekly allowance, and this week we make a special appeal for such soaps, washing powder and ammonia. Elsewhere in this issue will be found announcement of the dra- matic evening to be staged on behalf of the welfare funds by Nrs. Bowman and her party. The Association hopes it will be well supported as cash Is always needed equally as much as cloth- ing and goods. Soft BaU Schedule Games commence 6:16 p.m. Senior Boys (open) May 8, Murch's vs. Green- wood's, Ambleside; May 9, Red & White vs. Rangers, . Irwin; May 10, West Van. Lumber vs. Firemen, High School; May 12, Murch's vs Red & White, Amble- side; May 15, Greenwood's vs. West Van. Lumber, Amble- side; May 16, Rangers vs. Fire- men, Irwin; hiay 17, West Van. Lumber vs. Greenwood's, High School; May 18, Rangers vs. Red & White, Irwin; May 19, Murch's vs. Firemen, Ambleside; May 22, Firemen vs. Red & White, Ambleside; May 23, Rangers vs. Greenwood's, Irwin, May 25, Red & White vs. West Van. Lumber, Irwin; May 26, Murch's vs. Rangers, Ambleside; May 29, Firemen vs. Rangers, Ambleside; hiay 30, Red White vs. Firemen, Irwin; May 31, West Van. Lumber vs. Rangers, High School; June, 2, Greenwood's vs. Ited & White, The following donations have been received by the Msy Day Fund Committee during the week ending 9th May. The com- mittee are desirous that afl who are willing to assist them in any way should see that their con- tributions are in the hands of some member of the committee as soon as possible, as it is hoped to aflocate the prizes to the vari- . ous competitive events in a few days. Particulars are as follows: West Van. P.-T. A............. 510.00 Mrs. Freeman .................. 1.00 Taxpayer ...................... 1.00 Children's Friend .....;.......60 Members of Council......One Cup West Van. Ferry Staif....One Cup West Van. P.-T. A.........One Cup West Van. High School Staff ............................One Cup Hoflyburn School Stat?..One Cup Pauline Johnson School Staff ........,.................One Cup Mrs. W. H. Green...,........ I prize Mr. Finlayson ................ I prize Mr. Griffiths .................. I prize Mr. Harvey Smith......... I prize Mr. Lettner .................. I prize Mrs. H. Salter................ I prize Mrs. Aflison .................... I prize AIrs. Parnum .................... 1 prize Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe ..., ............................ I prize West Van News Fund Mrs. H. B. Garland............ $2.00 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- rmon in afl Christkn Science hurches and societies on Sun- ny will be "MORTALS AND MORTALS." One of the Bible texts will be ohn 14: I: "Let not your heart troubled: ye believe in God, lieve ako in hfe." The Lesson - Sermon will also 'nclude the following passage from page 495 of "Science and saith with Key to the Scrip- ures" by Nary Baker Eddy". 'When the illusion of sickness r sin tempts you, cling stead- astly to God and His idea. Al- low nothing but His likeness to abide in your thoughL" I.EGION WELFARE DANCE An enthusiastic attendance spent an enjoyable program held at the Legion Memorial Hall, Friday evening last, May 6th; under the management of Harold Walker, chairman of the food committee, of the local branch, whose efforts are being expend- ed in the worthy cause of the needy ex-service men. Continu- ous dancing from 9 to 12 p.m. to the strains of popular musie, was provided by the lively Geo. Childs' Roy Lowe's dance or- chestra. Tom Smith, M.C., kept the ball rolling merrily along, with his ready smik, and saw to it that none of the ladies present were neglected during any of the dancing numbers. Next Friday, May 12th, an- other of these entertainments will be held at the same rendez- vous with music by the above orchestra, commencing st 9 p.m. when amongst some of the num- bers wifl be featured, squares, circassian, waltzes, and novel- ties to meet the popular demand. Further details and advertise- ment will be found in the col- umns of this paper. Results of games played hiay 8and 9: Nurch's 11, Greenwoads 2: Rangers 12, Red & White 8. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. The second of the series of Parlor Shows will be hekI in Dundarave Hsfl on Thursday, 18th hiay, at 8 p.m. The ex- hibits for this show will be I vase hardy Border Flowers. Tuhps, 6 Darwm; 5 cottage; 5 Breeder; 6 any other variety; 12 sprays Lily of the Valky; 12 Pansies, 4 varieties; 12 Violas 4 varieties. Mr. A. Leach of Vancouver, will judge the exhibits and give a talk on the merits of the ex- hibits. Come and bring your friends. AU are cordial) wel- come to have a pleasant evening amongst beautiful flowers. HOI.LYBURN VERSATILE PLAYERS IN ORIGINAL PLAY The Hoflyburn Versatile Play- ers will make their flrst appear- ance at 8:15 p.m. tonight and tomorrow night at the Orange Hall in an original play in three acta entitkd "A Matri- monial Emergency." This will be preceded by a miscellaneous program of old time songs in original settings. Tickets are: adults, 26 cents; students, 20 cents, and children 16 cents. Proceeds will go to the IVest Vancouver Welfare Association. The foflowiag is the program: Miscellaneous -- Introductory remarks by Rev. F. A. Ramsey; Pianoforte Solo by Albert Ken- drick. Mid-Victorian Song Pictures- In which Mrs Barndon hire C Powefl, Mrs. W. R. Clark, hIiss Jessie Sweezey and hiiss Hattie Young will take part. Old hielodies in Southern Set- ting featuring Stan Lettner, hfrs, Turner, Mrs. Barndon, Mr. Fiddes and hfrs. Turner, Miss Ivy Miles and Mrs Young Scenes--Act I: Breakfast room in the Weston home. Time, 8130 a.m. Act II: Sitting room, same place. Act III: Same room, one week later. WEST VAN. SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANADA The usual fortnightly meeting was held at 1453 Marine Drive on May 4th. Amongst the busi- ness transacted was the election of Tom Russell, president, and Mark Phillips as vice president. It was also decided to hoM fut- ure meetings from next month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Nay 18th, when the speaker will be E. H. Baker, until recently an Anglican min- ister at Abbotsford. He recent- ly spoke in Vancouver at the Open Forum on "The Church Which Was and Is and Is to Come," and his address on the 18th at 8 p.m. will be on similar lines. AU interested in Church Socialism are invited to be pres- ent at 1453 Marine Drive on Thursday, May 18th. IiNEhIPLOYED ASSNL OF )VEST VANCOUVER The regular bi-weekly meet- ing was held in the Socialist HalL 1463 Marine Drive on Fri- day, when the election of offic- ers for the ensuing six months took place. Marie Phillips wss returned as President, hfr. Naflinson suc- ceeded hir. Pirie as Vice-Presi- dent, and Howanl Crane was re- turned as Secretary -- Treasurer. Of the three Executives elected, Nr. Robertson was returned and Messrs Love and Chapman suc- ceeded hfrs. Johnson and Mr. Bafl&uymer. hfessrs Phillips and hfaUinson were returned to the Ways and Means Committee and Mr. Robertsan wss returned as Publicity Agent. The report of the Ways and Means Commit- tee was adopted. A special dele- gation of flve was appointed to interview the Reeve and Council regarding employment condi- tions on the development pro. ject "up the hill." The next regular meeting insnued of next week,will be held at the same place tonight. Thursday, Nsy 11th, at 8115 pzn., and every secoad Thursday thereafter un- til further notice. NAY DAY DANCE COhINITTEE The May Day Dance Commit- tee (Canadian Legion WA.) under the convenership of Mrs. IV. H. Green, announce that ar- rangements are being made for the annual May Day ball to take place at Hoflyburn Pavilion. Dancing 9 p.m. to I a.m. and ex- ceflent music by the Paramount Orchestra. The committee hope with the co-operation of the public to make this May Day ball one to be remembered. The arrival of the hiay Queen party will be heralded at 9:16 p.m. by Buglers G. Williamson and Bob hicCartney for the of- licial opening and grand march. A good time is in store with G. Childs, Sid Jamieson and W. Fance acting as M.C.'s. Admis- sion 50 cents. Transportation has been arranged for North Vancouver and Vancouver pat- rons attending the ball. CAPILANO A. A. NOTES Thursday, May 18th, at 8:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall there will be something different in the form of three uTestflng bouts put on by the above As- sociation. Those participating in the wrestling will be Gordon Keith, (West Van.), versus hiaurice Duruesseau (Capilano), George Kay (North Van.), ver- sus Lloyd Watton (Capilano), Ernie Dyer (Capilano), versus Shorty Smith (Lynn Valley). As for the dance, the committee has arranged for the ever-popu- lar Roy Lowes and George Childs orchestra. Anyone wish- ing for a really good evening' entertainment for the smaU price of 26 cents should come to the Legion HaU next Thursday night. See the advertisement in this issue. CADET LVSPECTION The annual inspection of the )Vest Vancouver Cadet Corps took place on Tuesday on the Inglewoad School grounds, Under command of Lieutenants John Harper and Robert NcLeod the boys froen the three schools led by the )Vest Vancouver Schools Band passed in review before Captain NacBrayne. Foflowing the inspection of the cadets and band, demonstrations were given in First Aid, Signalling, Physic- al Training and Squad Drill while the band played several selections at the special request of the Inspecting Oificer. Capt. NacBrayne expressed himself as well pleased with the turnout and showing made by the CorpL GUIDE NOTES The regular monthly meeting of the local association girl guides was held at the home of hire. Jackson. Matters under discussion were 'The Baby Con- test" to be held May 20th. This is a baby contest and nat a clinic. It visa also derided to have Mrs. Munday give a lecture with il- lustrated slides on Jasper and Robson Parka on June 2nd. HOI.I.YBURN HALL Mr. H. D. Rao of Vancouver, will give a gospel address next Sunday, 14th Instant, at 7:$0 p.m. in Hoflyburn Hall. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a.m., to which afl children not attend- ing other schools are heartily invited. No collection is taken up at sny of these services. WEST VAN. A.A.A. The Soft BaU Committee have now completed their full sched- ules for aU three groups, and Se these are appended herewith. It c will be noted that the list of d iixtures for the Boys, Senior, IM published last week, has been altered owing to the inclusion of J another team. be In the games already played be a very high standard of play has been shown, and that, combined with the enthusiasm of both players and spectators, augurs H well for a most successful sea- t son. Results of (lames and stand- 6 ing of the vanous teams will be .f published.