0001 * r Y rervv IA r 'AAV rrr er A * ~I V 'vvepi tde.e ~ .Ibe~'err ~'. . e /~e I c I e r *'e r' ~ . ~ 'r * - ~ ~ . I V e'de'e I r Yrr: r r'Ve' 'v r '~ Yvr'v V' 'rVVVVV vrVvrre r'veVVrv /Yr VVV'VV rvve vv Presbyterian blLcslon Orange Hall idtslsmt: Rst. Jss. F. Cbddofctd Pbcss Nctth 1101 SERVICES: Ssadsy at 11:00 s.m. Gf'tfr krr d Ptrstantgf H'dtfr Fer MOTHER' DAY Keep hst bssutifel by giving hst tbs beauty sho dmcttca This ctsoh wo oto spochtlixlsg ltt hlsttctlly Coigetos Ws guarantee nct to yellow ot ftlxs gtcy ct eehlto hstt, Ash fot o gtft sett(desto Gff)cyfn'olyu BCauty ShOPPC 1640 blotias Dries Phoae West 111 United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright Public worship ss usual in West Vancouver United Church in the morning at 11:16 snd in the evening at 7:15. Sunday School and Senior Bible Class meets at 10 a.m. every Sabbath day. The choir and minister are arranging to make the evening service a real popular service during the summer months with bright singing of well known okl- time gospel hymns. Prayer meeting on Wednes- day evening from 7 to 8 p.m. The topic for discussion next Wednesday is 'The Kingship of Jesus snd What It Implies." Sunday, May 14th, is Mothers'ay when a special service will be held. The Sunday School and congregation will unite in doing honor to the mothers every- where. The Women's Association will hold its postponed meeting in the Church Hall on Tuesday, bisy 9th, at 2.16 p.m. The Church Hall wss gaily decorated with spring flowers and lacy greenery, surrounding s maypole for the May Dsy Tes and Sale on Tuesday. The guests were welcomed by the president, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell. A delightful musical program arranged by Miss Frame wss en- joyed during the first part of the afternoon, the following art- ists taking part, Mrs. L. C. Reid, violin solos, Mrs. Barnden snd bfiss Mary O'Donnell, vocal solos, Mrs. H. Allen, readings, Mrs. Alexander snd bfiss Frame FILMS- Kodak and Agfa Developing SI Printing Ctystsl ptbish Service AtIBLESIDE PIIARNACY W. L KER, Ptop 1401 tdstiss Dries Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY LEGION IV. A. The WA. to the Canadian Legion held a very enjoyable whist drive and dance last Sat- urday evening in the Legion Memorial Hall. The prizes for the popular biilitsry Whist were won by bIrs. Sherman, Mrs. Rankin, bfrs. Graham and Mr. Davie. A very good time wss hsd ss several old snd square dances were enjoyed by all. HOLLYBUILN RAINFALL A total of 0.94 inches of rain fell at Duchess Avenue, Holly- burn, in April, there being 22 rainless days. The rainfall for ApriL 1932, was 6.23 inches; and it had only 16 rainless days. tes werebf~IIl8 Wright snd Mrs. W. Turnbull. FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae Wast 9 FERTILIZERS of all kinds PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL The Easter Term examina- tions were completed prior to the Easter vacation, snd the fol- lowing pupils are the leaders in their respective grades: Division 1 -- Grade 8A -- 1, Verschoyle Martin; 2, Ksthleen Jagger; 3, Jessie Ritz. Division 2 -- Grade SB -- 1, Brenda Wicking; 2, Sheila Ed- wards; 8, Dorothy Chsppell. Division 3 -- Grade 7A -- 1, Betty Hobds; 2, Jsul Jagger; 3, Doris Bernard. Grade 7B -- 1, Lorraine Hol- den; 2, Dale Eriksen; 3, Martha Von Zubelb Division 4 -- Grade 6A -- 1, Allan Forster; 2, Elsie Robbins; 3, Robert Kendrick. Division 5 -- Grade 6B -- 1, Marion MscNeil; 2, Delwyn Beattie; 3, Jack bfcDonsld. Grade 6A -- 1, Jim Anderson; 2, Bill Gracey; 3, Jessie Wris- berg A Charles Forster. Division 6 -- Grade 5A -- 1, Isabel Banks; 2, Olive Robbins; 3, Dorothy Purse. Grade SB -- 1, Psulene G~r; 2, Bill Rock; 3, George Allison. Division 7 -- Grade 4A -- 1, Eric Ajello; 2, Barbara Ed- wards; 3, I)oos)d Moore. Grade 4B -- 1, Billy Raid; a David Howden; 8, Gordon Lynn. Division 8 -- Grade 3A -- 1, Ruth Psrnum; 2, Garry bfiller; 3, Mary McLeod. Grade 3B--I, Richard Moore; 2, Nancy Grieve; 8, Marion Parker. Division 9 -- Grade 2A -- 1, David Wilson; 2, Raymond Bur- ton-Forster; 3, Robert Harper. Grade 2B -- 1, Norman Jack- son; 2, James MacDonald; 3, Gordon Shellard. Division 10 -- Grade 1A -- 1, Gerald Addy; 2, Gordon Fletch- er; 3, David Morton. Grade IB -- 1, Lorna Green- wsy; 2, Barbara Smallwood; 3, Dsphne Little. Wood, Coal, Buiklers'upplies Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Pire, AstomobSe, Bstghtty, Accident osd Sichbcsa ctc. $661 King's Ato. Phobe W. 4$Y$ Bslsblished cs North Shots $0 Yeses. (Lsdy Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON fuueral 9Irectnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors S5 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van NefjjJs Published Every Thstsdoy PsbSshet F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssiscse ssd Edltotlst OS@st 1Tth ssd Mstiso Dtiro (Next to Honybsta P.O.) Phone West 363 Msn Address t P.O. Bos 01. Hslltbsta, BC. North Vancouver Otf)eel 123 Lonsdale Ave. gi.OO ~ ycot by cstttat $$JM ~ year Patrenixe thOSe WhO adVertiae by malL in this issue. THE )VE9T VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 90th ssd Esesbsslt, Honybots This Society ls s Branch cf The Mcthct Chstcb The First rbctch cf Chtisb Sciestlst, in Bcstcs, hlsssschusetts Sunday Services 11:$0 o.m. Aad 1tzo pcs. Sunday, May 7, 1933. Subject: "ADAM AND FALLEN bIAN." Sunday Schccl at 10:00 ~.m. Tsstimcby Meeting Wednesdoy at st16 p.ca St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev, Father Flanagan Residence: 1361 26th St. Sunday 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon, 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 7 I30 s.m.--Holy bfsss. 7:46 p.m.,Friday -- Devotions, Confessions of school children. 7:30 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions of adults. Baptist Church Services: 10 s.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m.--IMr. H. G. Harris. 7:30 p.m.--Mr. H. G. Harris. 8:00 p.m., Monday--B.YJ'.U. 8:00 p.m., )Vednesdsy--Pray- er snd Praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir practice. 7:00 p.m., Friday--C.G.I.T. ~it(~IAN SC! ENCE . CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in sll Christian Science churches snd societies on Sun- day will be "ADAb'I AND FAI LEN MAN." One of the Bible texts will be Genesis 1: 31I "And God ssw every thing that He hsd made, and, behold, it wss very good." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 521 of "Science snd Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The harmony snd immortality of msn are intact. We should look away from the opposite sup- position that msn is created materially, snd turn our gaze to the spiritual record of creation, to that which should be engrav- ed on the understanding snd heart 'with the point of a dia- mond'nd the pen of an angel." BOWLING GREEN TO BE OPENED SATURDAY On Saturday afternoon at 2:80 p.m. the lawn bowling greens on 21st snd Marine Drive will be oificislly opened for the season, when Reeve J. B. Leyland, hon- orary president of the club, has promised to declare the greens open snd Mrs. Lay!and will roll the first bowl. A large number of new members, many of them new players, are in prospect for the season, and 0 special invita- tion is extended to them to be present. The beginning of s season is the best time for beginners to break into the game, for they then learn with other beginners and do not feel self~neo(sue. On Saturday the usual presi- dent versus vice president game will be played, the rinks being selected from all those present, whether they have bowled be. fore or not. The only require- ment for a new player is to have 0 pair of heelless or blunt heeled shoes. There is usually quite 0 number of spare bowls available. Tea will be served by the Ladies Club snd an enjoyable afternoon is anticipated. HOLLYBURN HALL 14th snd Duchess Bright Sunday Evening Service SUNDAY, May 7th at 7:30 Speaker: liIR. ROLAND SAVAGE, of Vsncouvel'. Subject: OA Young bien's Saviour" Sunday School every Sun- day morning at 10:00. A hearty invitation is ex- tended to sll children not attending other schools. No collection taken at any of these servlcea Presbyterian Mission Orange Bell Orange HalL Minister: Rev. Jas. F. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. A. Martyn 11:00 a.m. -- bforning Worship. Preacher Mr. Alee. Hunter of Vancouver, graduate of the Vancouver Bible School. All are invited to this service. Thought for the Week: "Do not try to live longer than a dsy at a time. If you can live one good dsy, it will be easier to live the next. A good life ls made up of a series of good days." Msy 4, 1933. DT.Marjory tbfcCubbln ) "' D ENTIST r Hosts I 0 ~ . m. Io 0 p. m. sststdoyst 10 s.m. Io I p.m. Etsblsgs ssd Sststdsy Aftet- sccss by sppoistmest only. Royal Bosh Bsudisg I'bess Weal 440 nest&esse I'hoss Wool $9$, t er --..B& ~ I DR. G. D. H. SEA LE DENTIST Hsy Slscb, 14th ssd Betise Dt. Oglcs Hours 9 tc 0 p.m. Evsslsgs by sppcistmsst. Phces West 1$ C. J. Overingtoa PIONEER BARBER 11th and Marine Expert Work I'hone West 135 ~ - ~ dI. Ambteetde IP t., ~ Sheet MetalWorks IAUSIZ SPECK. Ptoptletst 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET M ETA L INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING St. Stephen's Church SPECIAL Fire Insurance Ratgs bIay 7th--3rd Sunday after Easter. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 and 11:15 B.m.--Sunday School, 11:16 a.m.--Holy Communion snd Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd Ser- n 8:30 p.m., Thursday -- Inter- cession service. 3 p.m.--St. Francis, Caulfeild. 8:15 p.m.,Tuesday -- Church Committee meeting. 2:30 p.m., Tuesday -- W. A. meeting. Any Section of West Vancouver 810 per thous- and for 3 years. Only reliable Companies represented. W. IL SHAKESPEARE, North 428 Seymour 5534 II WOMEN I II j If tee bere tried ere~else eeet felled te ebtde tettet mb tees dee fer OIL r t SOLO fet meet fet betf e ernest, oe deeseeee dtma smihd ee Ieedst ef srbe.ton~ BBIOBDV co.~0 act Vbteete SL, Veteste, CesedeBoss (pcinticg tc cigarette stab on Sect). "Smith, ls this ycbtsTO Smith: eNct at sll, su ycu ssw lt stst.e Patronize those who advertise in this issue. I B.C. SCOTTISII COUNTRY DAiNCE SOCIETY DANCE At THE CLACHAN Wednesday, May 10th, 8 p.m. ReFreshments Admission 25c Tbs Pcblic are Cordially lbtited WEST VANCOUVER SIUNICII'AL FERRIES Temporary Change in Schedule FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 61h and 6th There wiB be no p.m. 20-minute service on Friday, May 5th. SATURDAY, MAY 6th, Half-Iiourly Service will be maintained from West Vancouver 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.; from Vancouver 6:80 a.m. to midnight. Usual Week-day 20-Minute Service s.m. Bnd p.m. wfll be resumed biondsy, May 8th. KODAK FINISHING l. We Specialize SERVICE t AII "I'm" ~ " " etl 3. We check-up your camera. L * C. J. BRODERICK, ~ - 1436 Marine Q ) ~ AfV