West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Apr 1933, p. 4

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0001 THF. WFST VAN NEWS April 87, 1988. I e 4 J 'r Lr ~ iwrr Jrrrr.- ~u r e ri'r ~rua'r 'r%'~" rs r r ~'i"'Ifr rrr'r ~rr rr( .'rdrrur rm rrrr ur r ~rr rrrrrr rr.rr err rrw Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES LUMBER AND SERVICE Dtmdarave,', " ""„'.,',„", Ambleside „" Suggestions for Fri. and Sat., April 28 & 29 FOR QUALITY AND ltEASONABLE PRICES dual with The Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organ(sation In IL C. Satlefaetiell Guaranteed Sx4 Sseeified Lengths........S 7.00 Sx8 tu 2x)2 (randem)...... 8.00 lxs tu lxlo Sbinlap.......... 6.00 lx8 aud lx4 V Joint...-..... 18.00 8-la. Fir Sidiug, long K.D. 16.00 lxS 0 lx4 Fluoriug, K.D, 16.00 (4-Iu. V Juia4, long K.D... 10.00 50 ft. Close Board Fence 4.50 Nu. 1 XXX Shingles........ K25 Nu. 2 Shingles................... 1.80 Vancouver 1'riess ~ ~ ~ Everything In Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 18th aud illa)lee Drive West Vancouver Phoae West 199 A Breach uf Excelsior Lumber and Shingle Cu. Ltd, WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. NEEDS CASH, FOOD, CLOTHING Open Tuesdays, 10 tu 12. Saturdays 10 tu 4. THE BURNING BUSH By Subndar I sm deluged from the bucket of water thrown over mo by the cruel Mr. Mnkovski, though not '811 wet." But he lacks the years or knowledge to realize that, when a man has gone through 8 horrible experience snd it oft- er(vard8 continues to prey on his mind. he is partially or totally incapable of ever standing up again under the impact of n sim- ilar shock. The Great Wsr ha6 preyed on the minds of very many as proved by alj the howl- ing--"Csvnlcndo" seems to be an example--about its horrors ever since. "IT GOT OUR GOAT," as war did not our fore- fathers, for they kept silent a- bout it. If Mr. Mnkovski thinks that mostly cold steel, barbed arrows that hsd to be tom out, boiling oil, musket balls the size of shrapnel bullets. amputations with no anaesthctics and s rod- hot searing iron to complete the job, were not worse than nil the hell of modern warfare plus modern surgery and hospitals, he had better do s little reading about the old battles snd put his thinking cap on. No soldier with common sense ever goes to wsr with an over-expanded chest. He's got n tough duty on his hands, nnd he knows it. His loved ones "got cack" in the last war, snd they'l get more in the next, until every bombing nir- mnn caught is introduced to the rack. Possibly "Smouldering Rubbish" is a better name thun "The Burning Bush," since it would attract more attention to the column. But then I could make up several others so much better. What about uFlnmiug Rot," "Denatured Tripe," "Pif- fling Twaddle," "Insensate In- sanity," "The Mentsi Meander- ings of s hjsnisc,u "The Vapor- ings of the Vapid," etc.I In this connection I would recom- mend to my correspondent 8 estudy of the ejfectiveness of al- literation, always remembering, of course, that "s rose by any other name would smell as sweet," and so would 8 skunk cabbage, of which it is to be sincerely regretted Shakespeare had no knowledge. e It is noted that a safety of- flcer in Harrisburg, Ps., hss just delivered himself of the wise- crack that April showers bring forth "traffic ostriches," mean- ing pedestrians who bury their noses in their umbrellas snd cross roads regardless of motor traffic. I csn't defend this habit ss wise, for, while 8 pedestrian mny theoretically have the right of wsy, the motorist hss un- doubtedly the power to slay, and nobody wants an auto butting into him. Still, if the careless pedostrlnn is to be termed 0 IVe cannot compete with Europ- ean and other labor in the Brit- ish market; despite "preferenc- es" and propaganda. "Empire trade" always fails. Opposed to this situation is the natural eco- nomic unity of this continent. Canada requires Canadian thought devoted to Canadian interests, not Colonial subservi- ence, in the solution of hcr dif- flcuities. Antagonizing our neighbors will not help Canada. This type of criticism is 0 di8- tinct liability, especially when it is mitten in profound ignorance of Canadian nnd American af- fairs. Subsdsr, this is North Ameri- ca, not Europe. Yours very truly, ARTHUR J. SMITH. CORRESPONDENCE Editor, The West Van News. Dear Sir:--It woujd be unfor- tunate if the impression were created that the remarks of "Subsdsr" regarding American affairs are expressed by 8 Can- adian. Obviously they are either British or Colonial in origin. Any Canadian is aware of the fact that Canada owcs most of her development to United States capital and energy nnd that Canada'6 real interests are on this continent. (Vo know that Units(t qttn~ offers our greatest market; "Empire trade" plans, even if successful, could not hope to compensate Canada for the loss of U.S. business. Ail the Imperial propaganda, design- oed to divide this continent, can- not hide that fact. Co-operntion with the great- est market in the world, right at our door, offers more to Cnnndn than anything else in the world. J. B. Furniss wrote the coun- cil re condition of ronde st Horseshoe Bay. The council will make s personal inspection of these roads nt 0 date to be ar- ranged. SAVE eue jfdIT91 ELECTRIC OR IIA% COOKERY T HAS been definitely proved thatI modern cooking methods save dol- htrs in food and fuel bills avery month. Wby do without the economy, con- venience and cleanliness of an electric or gaa range? Nut aliis IUU ~ gas uf electric fsllge eave ruu houeekeepiug muser... it wiu trsuefuim your entire cuukiag uperauuuu Oven heat austral will insure uufsuiug success with aU your cooking. Iu place of ~ hut, grimy kitchen ruu will have a cool, e)eau uue... dollars that would have been speat oa decoration wul be seve8... curtsies will stay fresh aad «Ieaa much laager. These are jaet a few of the advantages of uuxhuu euuk(ug methofis... tbe aemal monthly eeet is iuw... rua'9 fimt it cheaper than either cus) or wood. Prices ~tut terms have sever been more favor- sble aas remember, there is uo charge lur jastauatiua! Gus and Electric Ranges Connected Free for a Short Time SCdku~ APPLIANCE jTOREI ~:I:I1 I L11Esfoj 861'.I: I y%1 8 geR I '.I IeE:1l I lr'IERofol BU1TER-- I APRICOTS- See advert)earnest in Thursday'u i ('hales ('aufuruia ......... Its 17e Sea aas Prariaee fur Sseelal CHOCOLATE, Frr's Cuukiag 1'riess. lb. sake .................. 22e SNAP ........... See tla 19e RA1S(N PlB. Special SAUSAGIL Barns'evonshire ' big S.inch Sie ......... 25« ser Ik .................... --.. --. )le I COOKIE9. real quaU(r BACK BACON, Swift's Asserted .... 2 duxeu 9e deux)sue ......... lb. 17e, blACAlt(R&NS, genuine Cueuauut Red A lvhiie T()hlATOES. siae S. 2 duxen 15c Solid pack ......................2 for lse 'ORN FLAKES. Quaker wlih PEAS, Nu. 5. Choice Vnamia D ...........2 packets 154 Large aud lender.............. 10e I JA.')1, Nabob Apricot CORN, GeM Bantam I I'ure Fruit ...... , 32 ux. Iar Sse Special Red A White qaaUtr 14e ASPARAGUS, large lender Sl'(NACH, Nabob, Sixe 2 green spears......,...,..ser tia 23e Fiaest quality ....,............... 15e BLOATElt PASTE, !Rurtuu'a PASTRY FI.OUR, Fiaeut qualitr lmportus .......... 2 tins 16e Australian .......... 5 Ux sack lse Red 4) White SALS(ON RED ARltOW SODAS Finest Seekers .. Sat tiu 18e Family sixe ..................... 17e CHICKEV HADDlE, Nabub PORK 41 BEANS, Crueae A Black- I Ser tiu ......................... 17c weU's. Save the Silver tukeas I PlNEAPI'LE, Crushed Large Uua...................... 15e ~ Deux(sue fruit, large SH) tin 13e PRUNES, Nabab, Santa Clara BREAD--That BIG 2(r)x 2 lbs. 19e 'oaf ....................... 2 fur 16e JEFFERIFS'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at IIollyburrfh next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone IVest 115 Res. I'hone West 3881 15th nnd hisrlne "Right Service -- Right Grndenu II CLASSIFIED ADS The rate (ur Claseified Adrertleemeute lu 2 coute ser wer)L minimum 25 caste. Exeest la tlw case of tbuue harlag regular aceuuais, au elaesl- fiess are payable strieUr is adeaaee. Remember Claus)Sess in the West Vaa News get immediate results. r FU((NISHED AND UNFURNlSHED GEf hlY PRES ESTIMATES ua Houses tu Rent. Houses, lots, aud Painting, Pssering aud Kalsumla- aereage fur sale. John Lawsun, lug. C. L Kuuluge, Res. Phone 17th snd Marine, Phone West 66. West 394R, FOR PLU'.)lnlNG REPAll(S -- Res- idence Phone West 241R. LAWN MO(VBRS SHARPENED-- Experienced with au makes. "'(VILL CUT LIKE NEW." )Vest Vancou- ver Machine Shop 1449 Marine WANTED -- Hoard aad Bourn near Waterfront. Bux 99, West Vau News blARCELLE SHOP -- MareeUe, 50 cents; reset, S6c; finger wave, 60e. Phone Mrs. Kmg, West 304. (VEST VANCOUVE(b-Close in. sell or rest. five sunny rooms, modern. Phone 1Veet 138R. FOR blOltNING SHOl'PEltS -- Drop down tu "The Tea Cup," Duudarave Pier, for coffee aud mocha cake, 10 cents. GARDE'.(ING. CARPENTRY aad udd jobs neatly done. 1093 Marine Drive or message tu West 303. FOR SALE--Treadle Drop-head Sew. ing Machine, 316.00. Walnut Table aud Mirror, 56.00. Phone West 637K. WES1'AY LIBRARY--Friday aud Saturday this week, Eiaeeu aud Purple Heaiher Wool, clearing at 11e per ounce. "traific ostrich," the careless motorist should be termed "s dinosaur," for he travels fast, tears men to pieces, and is cold- blooded. I hereby.so name him. u The newspaper reports of the hIscDonnld-Roosevelt conversa- tions have contained more than one warning against the public expecting too much from the parley. The reason for this is not fsr to seek, I.ooming like 8 black cloud at the back snd inextricably bound up with any real settlement of the internat- ional trade tangle is the matter of wsr rcpsrntions, snd Ger- many is taking no part in the conference at Washington. Hit- ler, who so far has done pretty well what hc Said hc would do if returned to power, hsd ns one mnin piunk of his platform s categorical refusal to psy sny more wsr reparations. It is more than likely that ho will keep his word, which under resent arrangements means the .S. hns received her last wnr debt payment. There has been an ominous silence out of Berlin these last few weeks. Pstronizo those who advertLro In this issue. HOLLY B U lt N Barber Shop 16th A Mar(us EXI ~ El(T SB((VICE E, MARSH, Proprietor. WEBB'6 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dundarave. Sl'IRELLA CORSETI ERE -- Phoae West 487L. COLIN TUitNER, Carpenter aud Builder. Alteratiuns aud repairs. Phone West 679R. FOR SALE -- Choice hardy ruekerr lasts. C. Barrow, corner 24th aud elean. Patronize those who sdvertiso in this issue. HEADQUARTERS for AU the Peo ular Cigarettes, Tubaeeus, and Fish- ing Gadgets fur least waters Ambleeide Tea Rooms. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Duadarave, )Vuola, Notions, Stationery, Paint, Turpentine, Oils, Hardware, Seeds, ete. TENDERS FOlt COAL SEALED Tenders addressed tu the undersigned aud endorsed "Tenders for Coal," w81 be received until 12 0'cleek auuu (dayUght saviag), Mea. day, blay 22, 1933, for the sunsly of coal for the Dominion BuUdinge and Experimeutal Farms aud Stations, throughout the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta aud British Columbia. Forms of tender with epeelfiestions aud conditions attached can be obtain- ed from H. F. Dawson, Acting Chief Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Oitswa; H. E. Mat- thews, District Rexideat Architect, Winnipeg, blanu G. J. Stepbeueun, District Res(dent Architect, Regbm, Sask.; Chas. SeUeus, District Res)deut Architect, Calgary, Alta.; sud C. F. Dawson, Distnet Resident Arch)tech Victoria, B. C. Tenders will nut be considered an- lese made ua the forms suppUed by tbe Departmeut and iu aeeunlauee with departmental speelfieatiuus and conditions. The right to demand from the suc- cessful tenderer ~ deposit, nut exceed- ing 10 per cent uf the amount uf the tender. tu secure the proper fulfitmeut uf the euuiraet, ls reserved. By euler. N. DESJARDINS, Secretary, i x Department of Publk Works, Ottawa, April 21, 1983. GEO. HAY NiOTARY I'UBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Marine Drive Phone Wmt 21 or Seymour 1280 Brea)age Weel 204X LU HER'w nnd nil Building hiuterlal of Best (juali(y at IA)w Prices. ~j. uf -'f'UILD NOW I