West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Apr 1933, p. 3

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0001 April 27, 1933 THE WEST VAN NEWS 1$ ill sdo- for ~ u6 It% apph. 2 his op Io I as. Lots L 05 8th iII 4 1 : ~ (1 WEST VAN A. A. A. MILITARY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE IN LEGION HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 2,8ths at 8 p.m. REPRESHMENTS 254 GOOD MUSIC Hollyburn Pavilion - Monday, May 1st BLUE MONDAY JAMBOREE Special sngsgsmsst of Ole Glass ssd his Commodore Cabaret Orchestra Novelties, Ets. 0.00 p.m. Admisslos 60s. Special Bss from North Vsscssvst at 0 40, leaving West vancouver 12p m. Fats 204 rstors KEW BEACH itis predimed that we are Io have s very hat, dry, summer. blake smsagsmssts ssw for pour Sommst Cottage at Kew Beach fv(spine Df. West Vancouver Idinersi Spring an the property Ed. Black, West 68 26th ssd Marine General Hauling, Transfer, Builders'upplies %Pood, Coal Room & Board MRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue 1Vest 458L TEAROE & SON Phone 84 kvest Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies %Food, Coal Dump Truck Work ILW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone 1Vest 340 Fvenings, West 143 LEGION W. A. The W. A. to the Canadian Legion held their regular month- ly meeting last Monday. There was a good attendance and two new members were enrolled. The Bridge and Whist Drive held on Primrose Day was a great success socially and fin- ancially, especially the home cooking and fancy work stalls. The first bridge prize was won by Mrs. W. Fence, the consola- tion going to Mrs. Sid Jamieson. The first Whist prize went to Ml's. Childs and the consolation to hire. Edwards. Tea was pour- ed by hfrs. McClellan, secretary of the provincial command. Dur- ing tea Mrs. Gleam, Mrs. Green- way and Mrs. Froud rendered several vocal selections, which were much enjoyed. The District Council are meet- ing at South Burnaby on Fri- day, April 28th., at 2 o'lock, at 3342 Kingsway. Any mem- ber cordially invited. BACH AT TIVILIGHT RECITAL The 183rd Twilight Recital by Mr. Frederick Chubb, in Christ Church Cathedral, Georgia St., Vancouver, will take place on Saturday afternoon next at 4 p.m., the program being devoted to the works of Johann Sebasti- an Bach. An interesting feature will be s Concerto for three pianos and string orchestra. The pianists are: Mrs. Ira Verrall, Miss Bettie Cross and Miss Edna Rogers, the String Orchestra being the West Vancouver Or- chestra led by Miss Margaret McIntyre, with Mr. J. Haydn Young conductor. A. H. Ward has moved into a house at 1012 20th Street. H. B. Stevens wrote the coun- cil re 26th Street. Referred to the engineer for report. Real Estate Finance and Insurance FOR THAT PARTY Phone the Bungalow Store WEST 24 22th ssd hisriss Drive Ice Cream in Bricks or Bulk Delivered when yss want it. Also full line of Tobaccos, Groceries Fruit gf Vegetables At Rssssssbis Psitss. Free Delivery Legion W.A. Military Whist and Dance In ths Lsglos aismsrisi Hall SATURDAY, 20th inst., at 8.15 p.m. Lowss oa Childs'fsbsstrs ADMISSION 204, Squats Dances A1tlI)LI'.SIDE MEAT 1t1AIZKET 14th and Marine Drive J, MURCH. Proprietor Finest uuaaty Fresh Meats, Smoked and Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 Warm Weather is Here--Hotter Coming What about your P sdisiof snd Engine Cooling System I We hsw complete equipment Far REVERSE FLUSHING Thfo cooling system right on your csr-32.00 (money back guarantee) EST +AN MOTORS SHELL 1451 Marine we Spscisiiss in Pisssisg the Customer West 268 Local and Personal 4 MOUTH HYGIENE Effecbvely taken care of by LYPTOL L 0 L No 2990 will hold their regular meeting at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the Orange Hall, s s s Miss Montgomery of Vancou- ver, has rented the Page cottage at 2448 Bellevue Avenue. s s 1 Mrs. A. Worley of Vancouver, has moved into a cottage at Copper Cove. ~ \ s Mr. and birs. George, who have been occupying for the past few months a house at 24th and Marine Drive, have re- turned to Vancouver.\ ~ A bush fire was distinctly vis- ible last Thursday afternoon high up on Hollyburn Ridge and about in line with the top of 22nd Street. It lasted for some hours but was out by evening. ~ ~ A collision between two autos occurred last Saturday evening at the corner of 17th and Marine Drive,.resulting in both mach- ines being badly battered. For- tunately nobody was hurt. The fire brigade on Saturday afternoon put out a bush fire in the vicinity of the bus terminal at West Bay. No damage was done to the buildings in the vicinity. A. D. McKay of Vancouver, has moved into 0 house at Horse- shoe Bay. Alee. Matthews of Saskstoon, and Mrs. H. Hill of Regina, are visiting their parents, Mr. 2nd Mrs. biatthews, 1179 Keith Road ~ \ J. W. Pinkham of Vancouver, has moved to bis summer home at Gsrrow Bay for the season. s J. E. Condon asks all interest- ed in hard baseball to turn up at 6 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), at Ambleside Park.\ s ~ The council ordered a wire sent to Reeve Crouch, president of the U.B.C.M., endorsing the proposals the delegation are making to the Federal Govern- ment on behalf of the unemploy- ed. W. J. Clifford asked for per- mission from the council to cut green fir trees and three alders on Lot 10, Block 24, D.L. 558 Eif44. He was granted permis- sion to cut alder trees only pro- vided all brush was cleared. s s s The ferries had a busy time throughout last week, the num- ber of passengers being well a- bove the average for this time of the year. The fine weather attracted many hikers, and quite a number of inquiries were re- ceived from visitors as to com- mutation rates by the ferry of- ficials, showing that they were contemplating settling here either for the summer or perm- anently. s s ~ H. S. Wood has moved from the city to his home in Caulfeild. s s 1 The West Vancouver Schools Band will compete in the B. C. Musical Festival next Thursday, 4th May. ~ ~ s Miss K. Foley of Vancouver, is spending this week at the Clachan. ~ s ~ W. Thomson hss moved into a house at Ivest Bay. SCHOOL BOARD APPOINT MISS hIARGARET WILSON At a special meeting of the West Vancouver School Board last Saturday, Miss Margaret Wilson, music supervisor and special teacher, was transferred to Division 6, Hollyburn School, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Freda Her- rin on her marriage. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. Thieves broke into the Piggly Wiggly store bere during Thurs- day night, and stole a quantity of goads. Triple Strength Larger Bottles Smaller Prke 25c 50c 3 IAHI~ ~ ~ bir and Mrs W Mayhew 18th and Bellevue Avenue, left last Tuesday for Whitewood. Saskatchewan, where they will spend the spring and summer. s ~ ~ A bush fire took place at I p.m. Sunday on the railway track st 16th and Belkvue Avenue. the fire brigade putting it out before any damage was done to the houses in that vichdty. s ~ 1 Mrs Hawthorne and son of St. Raphael's School, Vancouver, spent last week at the Tea Cup, Dundarave Pier. s ~ Captain and Mrs. Clampitt and daughter of Vancouver, have taken a suite at the For- tune Cup Inn. Mrs. L. W. Crewson of Edwin, Manitoba, is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell, 2397 Jefferson Avenue ~ ~ ~ Miss B. A. Fry, the well known Canadian artist, who conducts a sketching class here, has s num- ber of exampks af her work in various linea on exhibition st the Vancouver Art Gallery, which have been very favorably com- mented on by the critic The exhibit includes water colors, tempers work, oils, pastels and lino-cuts, most of them being typical of this province. 1 birs. D. C. Ritchie of Galiano Island, is the guest of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Lane, 30th and Mar- ine Drive. She recently had the misfortune to break hcr arm. ~ s All ex~rvice men whose pen- sions have been cut are asked to take up the matter with ihe Pensions Committee of the Ivest Vancouver Branch of the Can- adian Legion or with Mr. hicKee at the Provincial Oifiee of the Canadian Legion in the city. ~ s ~ The Young People's Concert to augment their Tennis Court Fund attracted a large audience on Monday evening, and was easily the best they have oifer- ed. It wss obvious that the ent- ertainers were enjoying them- selves as much as the entertain- ed. The program with its vocal snd instrumental items and sketches was well balanced. The sketch, 'The Bachelor's Dream" was most artistic with its array of prettily costumed girls, whilst the play "Hunting the Slippers" sent the people home still laugh- ing. Musical varieties and min- strel selections were both very effective items, and Doodles and his friend. personified in Ralph and Douglas Archibald, a sub- stitute item for Topical bIatters, was another very cheery num- ber. Miss Teresa Kerrison play- ed incidental music and accom- paniments, and the scenery ~ which was correct in every de- tail was the work of hir. J. Dur- bin. After the concert supper wss served and Mr. Oscar Jones on behalf of the Young Peoples'ociety, presented Mrs. R. P. Allen, the untiring president, with a picture, "Highland Cat- tle." The Rev. Hillis Wright also spoke and Mrs. Allen suit- ably replied. Cemmill'I Drag Store The Stsrs of Ssssfse. 1402 Msriss Dross Wsst 21 Emstgsscp Phone West 221 IAftsr 0 p ss.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY ssd SATURDAY April 20th ssd 20th The Champ with WALLACE BEERY ssd JACKIE COOPER This piststs was voted the gsd best pistsrs made ia HoIiy- wsod is Issa MONDAY ssd TUESDAY Msy 1st ssd gsd JANET GAYNOR ssd CHARLES FARREL in THE FIRST YEAR STRATTON'S BAKERY BREAD - TEA BREADS BUTTER HORNS COFFEE ROLLS Large Sekction of Pastries Almond Variety Tea Short Bread Christsstsg, Birthday ssd Wsd- diag Cakes 0 specialty. ALL F Ray I l DAlLY Made at 1468 bfarine Drive Phone West 27 First Class Shoe Repairing at the l.erry Wharf 14th Assess THE BEST FOR LESS J. W. FOX Local New Laid EGGS FRESH DAILY The Bungalow Store Cot. 20th ssd Msthts Phone West 24 The allocation of the times for which Ambkside Park may be used for sports was referred by the council to Counciaors Elgar snd Fiddes with power to act. SALE OF HOME COOKING and APRONS and AFTERNOON TEA st the home sf oats. V. V. Vinson, 1426 Gstdsa Assess Thursday, May 4th, at 2.30 p.m. Naomi Chapter No. 26, Order of the Eastern Star ~ts glvisg s