0001 THF. WFST VAN NFWS April 20, 19SS r 5 Ptt V" A.ww «trt ~ twWt ~,5 55 P 5 p 4'r '5 wwrw-'tri tw a. ixwt 5 '5'w rr nc't't ~ . 5"5'rr -..i rip r'r '.'Pr 5 ' 5' -retw ~rr rr VPrrrrrrrwrrtw".Prr «r»5'P rrrrrrtwr~'rr fp r~PPrrprrrr rr mcus r rrrr. West Van. Rangers F.C. The home game against Bank of Montreal resulted in a victory for the Rangers, F) goals to none. The forwards played a much better game snd seemed to have acquired a real sense of direc- tion as far as the goal was con- cerned. The re-arrangement of the back division proved very successful, Forrester playing in his old time form with his new partner, Mssterman. On Saturday next the Rangers play Young Italians at Amble- side Park. Kick-oif at 8 p.m. Players will be selected from the following: Traiford, John- cox, Forrester, Butt, McMillsn, Barnott, G. Aiasterman, Wedley, Lennox, B. Cripps, Davenport, Edwards, Ferguson, Turner, hic- Vean, Wlnchcombe. It is hoped that there will bc a good turn out of spectators io help the boys to repeat their victory of last week. All players of the Rangers F. C. are reminded that there will be a practice on Thursday even- ing at Irwin Park, to be t'ollowed by a meeting afterwards. Doctor: 'Tm glad your hus- band has given up smoking. It takes 8 strong will to do that." Wife: "I have a strong will!" WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY The above society will hold their regular monthly meeting at the Clachan, Friday, April 21st, at 8:16 p.m. This will be the last meeting for the season and officers will be elected for the coming year. It is hoped that all members will be present. L. S. Jamieson and another )cere present at the council meet- ing to speak to a letter from the West Vancouver Amateur Ath- letic Association re use of coun- cil chamber for executive meet- ings of the Association. The council explained to the appli- cants that it would be very dif- ficult to comply with their re- quest on account of the numer- ous meetings already requiring the use of the hali, and as an alternative they were oIFered the use of a room in the ferry office, the matter of arrange- ment in regard thereto being left to the chairman of transporta- tion and the ferry manager. The use of Ambleside Park for sports was also discussed, the delegates agreeing to supply the chairman of transportation with 8 list of fixtures to enable him to allocate user in conjunction with other requests. --from your home ONE OWNERS who have inxrxllcd aa)rrraar 2 SxxH furnaces otter dread )bc coming of win)cr. Cold xpcfix make no digcrcncc to their lives. They have found c)cape from the casts of drc wimtr xcxxon, whil« remain- ing loyal io 9 British Columbia-made fud. (tin))cad they bxvc found even, contrast rcmpcrxurrcx, ~unxnxrirnIIy cernroficd by )kc )htrrnoxrxi on the wall; dean, ego)dc)4 heat io)randy obtained wirhoui ihc uxc of kindling, paper or marche). (tTbcy have lowed xir-mndidonieg, that mxnrdous ncw dcvdopmcor by which the xir ikey brcxrbc is fid of itb xooc xnd din, burnidificd to d)c xi gh) Ckgrcc aud forced crlurrliy Iruo tkc fxnb«44 corners of the house. Ithll )hi~ the owoc) of 4 gxx furnace bxx found, xod xt ~ mb) )brrx compxrex advantageously wlib char ofother fudb. La) )a )btw Jr)a frortJrra taa is- IISAT WITH rarllagar-an )trrrfr)raaiag)yrrns lla tlty tal)r )tnxr, bead for awr xt» hawk)54 "Hr5w IOO5554.puSL ro Htxr Yawr Homt wirk G55 54 No zrart Crwa." tr ~ ~: I '.I b I L I .'Refel R 8yal: I y % E E %08 8:4(4$ :y3 I Etrl-VKefe4 Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dnndarnve,',"-'~'".„'.,',„" Ambloside „'" '„"„',„." Big loc Sale lVhere every dime 1viii do its duty. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April 21 & 22 Stt "Th» Province" axd "Sua" 7)rurxrlay night Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 55%VeSt VanCOuVer" EggS From Datiat'nd Merriman'5 Poultry Fxrms James Bros'. SEEDS AS grown in B.C. New Stock of Tennis Shoes at Duadarxve Store SERVICE FOR QUALITY AND REASONABLE PRICKS deal wnk The Largest Kxeiuxhs RttsS lumber Orgawixxiita In K C. Sxiixfatiiow Guatxsttts Ixt Spec(Aad Lengths, 5 1.00 zxs to zxis (random). 8.00 Ixs to Ix)0 Shipiap,„.cr,. 6.00 Ixs and Ix4 V Joint....:..... 18.00 8-iw. Fit Siding, long KJ). 15.00 Ix8 a Ix4 Fioorixg, ICD. 10.00 -is. V Joint, long K.D. 10.00 50 ft. Close Board Faace 4.60 No. I XXX Shinglta..... 2.26 No '2 Shingles 160 1xweouttt Pritta 5 ~ ~ Etwtyihing In Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th xws Mtriwi Dr)re Acti Vancouver Phone Wexi 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber xnd Shingle Co. Lid. THE BURNING RUSH By Subadar and ail Building liiaterial of )3est Quality st l,ow irrice)L BUILD NOlV I EST VANCOUVER LUMBER ('O. LTD. Phone 1Vest 115 Res. I'hone 1Vest 38SL lfdh and hlarine "liight Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The rata for C15551644 Adtttdtarwtw)x ix 2 cents ptt word, rwlw)xrarw 25 ttwtx. Exttpt iw 1st ease oi ibtae kxtisg regular xttoxxia, xn tixxxi. 8545 are pxyxhie strictly ia xdrawta Rtrntwrhtt CixxtiStss iw the Wtti Vss News gti Irwwrtsixra tttxns. GEI'iY FREE FJ3TI))ATES os Painting, Px ing axs Kslxorsls- ing. C. L. Koningx, Rts. Phone Wtxt 894Rr'ANDYANN SHOP)'E, Dxwdxrxtw-Monarch )Vorrl, Tweed But)arsy,Andulux(an, Fairy, Dava, Down; Books, Need)ex. WANTED--Few cubic xrdx of Top Soil Phone 11txt 811YI General Baden-Powell, the little scout who in his early years out-scouted the experts in that line among the African tribes, hss written a new book entitled "The Varsity of Life." But nothing that he can put doum on paper, however great it may be, can equal his writings on the hearts of the boys of all the civ)Tized world, and conse- quently on the men who are to take over from the generation which is passing away. To be kindly and manful, to do at kast one good deed every day, to "play the game" as the English public schoolboy understands the phrase, these are srifne of the things which go to make up s good Scout, and which, if acted upon by us grown-ups, would solve the depression and the other ills from which Canada is sufFering much more efFectively and quickly than all the nos- trums of our economists and politicians. General Baden- Powell had 8 great milit- ary career, but his greatest work for the British Empire and for humanity at large came later. 1Vhen the time comes for him to pass over, he will have de- served Westminster Abbey 8 great deal more than many whose bones are now resting there. ~ 5 The House at Victoria is dis- solved, and so are all the political parties. It is the most thorough disintegration that has been seen for, years. No mem- ber who sat in Victoria this ses- sion knows where he is, and the voter much less so. For the members it looks like a ease of "everybody for himself and the devil take the hindmost," which in actual life means and has always meant that the devil will take the crowd. I believe he will this time, if he has never done so before. Unless some bright star in the political firmament appears between now and elec- tion dsy to lead the people of BC. out of the morass into which they have got themselves, the average voter is going to be remarkable for his absence from the polls, and, if he does go there, his ballot will be cast for the man and not the party. ~ ~ ~ If I lived in California, I should be feeling rather weak in the vicinity of the digestive or- gans at the announcement of the local expert that the biggest quake was still to come. He has stated that "this 'earthquake condition will continue until a great shock provides relief." I take It ss very unkind for the old earth to meditate obtaining relief in this manner from an Internal jain in Its lower regions. WEBB'S SHOR REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dxwdsrave. SPIRKLLA CORSEI'IKRE -- Phone West 4871FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Htuxex ta Rent. Houses, lots, xnd acreage for sale. John Lxwxox, 17th and Marine, Phone West 56. HANDY ANN SHOI'PE, Dwxdxratt- Purple Heather, 4 ply, 11e oxu Peer(exx Wool, 94 bxB; Saturday, April 22nd.FOR PLUhlBING REPAIRS -- Rta. (dence Phone West 241R. LA)VN blOWERS SHARPENED- Fxptrlewcwd with xn makes "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. MARCELLE SHOP -- MarttBe, 50 texts; reset, 865; Anger wave, 604. Phone Mrx. King, West 804. WANTED--Lrr(tagt )ixy ~rrs June must be low rent, Replies. 1418 Royal Bank Building, Vancouver, B. C. COI,IN TURNEIL Cxrptsiar xns Builder. Antrxtionx xnd repairs. Phone West 0791k FOR KALB -- Choice hardy tottery (ants. C. Barrow, corner 24th and 'elxon. VERNON FEED STORE HEADGUARTERS for AB the Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, and Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters. Amblexide Tea Rooms. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. A C SEARLE Phone Weti 9 FERTILIZERS Of all kindS TEACHER WANTED 1Vood, Coab Builders'upplies Applications for temporary s point- ment, (for Grade IV work) or the eriod April 21th to Jane 80th. will received by the xsderxlgnrrrL 'pplicants must be residents of West Vancouver and should hold Stat- eless teriiAcaie; copies of reftrencva should accompany application. AB applications io be ia by 8:00 p.m. Satrrrdxy, AptS 22nd, nrxrked AppScaiion on the envelope. H. B. GARLAND, Sat)tier y. Board af School Trustees 2261 Heywood Ave. Certain it is that those on top will require a great desi of re- lief, if there are any of them left. California has 8 delightful climate, but one must prefer our rain snd fog in B.C. to 8 delight- ful climate plus earthquakes, at: any rate until Henry Ford hss had another brain wave and stands ready to supply us with wings that will work at two-bits 8 pa)r. GEO. HAYEX-SERVICE MEN TODISCUSS PENSIONS A meeting of all Ex-Service men has been called for 8 p.m. next iliondsy in the Legion Hall to discuss the present pension trouble and matters appertain- ing thereto. It is hoped that every ex-service man in West Vancouver will attend in order that the above matters msy be thoroughly discussed. NOTARY I'UBI.IC REAI. ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Marine Drive I'koxt 1Vtti 21 or Sty)soar 1260 Ktewiwgx West 204X GORI)ON HOBSON Bxrrltttr gr SoScnor 11'EST VANCOUVER- Oifict Na 1447 bier(st Dt(te Phone West 408. VANCOUVER OFF( F Seiit 818: 510 Haxii gx St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. Sign on the road--Keep over to your own side, you might meet another road hog. A smooth road never lead to success snd 8 smooth sea never makes 8 skilful navogator. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. I AST OF SERIFS Handicrafts and Home-Cooking Sale ond Tea ~I The Ciackxn. FRIDAY, Aptn 21st., 2 it 5 p.rw. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at llollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER h bsf) thc