West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Apr 1933, p. 3

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0001 April 20, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS ls Is, io II L. 0. L. Z990 CONCF.RT and DANCE ORANGE HAI.L Wednesday, April 26th, 1933 Concert, S.so-ls In lower hall Dance le-l2, in upper hcn HARRis'-piece HAWA11AN ORCHESTRA Adults 35c. Students 25c Children 15c WFST VANCOUVER UNFMPLOYED ASSN. Whist Drive and Combined Popular and Old Fashioned Dance LEGION MEMORIAL HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 21st, at 8 30 p.m. Pchcc, Rcfccshmccts Ssc pcr couple Everybody Wclcomc Mr. Cornish has arrived from CORRESPOiNDENCE Winnipeg, snd is spending the holidays at his home, 1713 Gor- Mr. Editor:-- don Avenue. May I use your space to sug- gest to the public that they KEW BEACH fire calls here. When a flre is reported there li is predicted that we are io are three or four minutes'ork have a very hot, dry, summer. to be done at top speed and, if the public on hearing the fire Kew Beach tion for live minutes; after tilat, information will be cheerfully given and without hindrance to idiacrcl Spvick on the property the work. It is necessary this line be clear for that period of time. May I at this time acknow- Ed. Black, West 68 ledge the wonderful co-operation 25th ccd Marine of the local telephone operators General Hauling, Transfer, ip handling these calls at alltimes. In doing this the pubuc will Woods Coal earn the thanks of this member of your volunteer fire depart- ment. Room & Board G. M. GEMMILL. PrT. A. The April meeting of the P.-T. A. was held in Hollyburn School on Tuesday evening, when Mrs. Stuart Jamieson gave an inspir- ing address on 'The Problem of Youth." The speaker dealt main- ly with the economic aspects of the problem. Assisting in the entertain- ment program were: Miss Jean Sharman, Miss Betty Blair and hfiss Dorothy Sharman in piano- forte solos, Miss Rhode Hoifman in a recitation, "The Walrus and the Carpenter," and Miss Bonni- bel Barbour in a vocal solo, "Maydew," with Mrs, Alexander at the piano. All the artists were very much appreciated. Don't forget April 28th, when in one evening you will hear the Oratorical Contest and a most entertaining play, both the pro- duction of the High School students. iiIRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue West 458L TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck Work K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dowd, who have been staying at the Clac- hsn, left on Friday to return to their home in Calgary. Real Estate Finance and PUBI IC hlEETING IN ORANGE HALL Thursday, April 27, 8 p.m. Speaker: Harley Anderson, (Scciclict Cscdidctc for Prcvin«icl Parliament) Subject: Sane Government, Ccqcdlcn Federation Policy. Couccuca for Expenses Come cad csh questions Insurance Patronlxe those who advertise in this issue. CANADIAN LEGION WEST VANCOUVER Final Military Whist Drive & Dance In the I.egion Memorial Hall, SATURDAY, APRIL %and, at 8 p.m. Refreshmen is Admission 25c. AMBI.ESII)E MEAT MARKET 14th snd Marine Drive J. SIURCH. Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh Meats, Smoked and Cooked llleals. PHONE WEST 303 Local and Personal We Iiepeat-- Can West 37George Bernie has movedfrom 475 14th Street into a house at 2329 King's Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Miss Eileen Hibberd, 16th snd Marine Drive, is holidaying m Trail, B.C. ~ ~ Good Friday wss a busy day for the municipal ferries, the fine weather resulting in a total number of 3279 passengers be- ing carried. This is approxi- mately 300 more than for the same day last year. ~ c Miss May Trott of Dundarave, spent the Easter holidays at her home in Chilliwack, B.C. ~ c c Nrs. E. Sykes of North Van- couver has moved into a house at 2596 Lawson Avenue. c c ~ Mrs. Wickens moved last hion- day from Cypress Park to Van- couver. c ~ ~ Several swallows were seen last Tuesday afternoon in the vicinity of Weston, and, while one swallow does not make a summer, the return of several indicate that spring has really arrived. Mr. and Nrs. Sherwood of Vancouver, are moving into a house at 24th and Haywood Ave. ~ c Disposing of a net estate of 814,047, the will of hIiss Elean- or hiina Louise Walker of Caul- feild, who died on March 16, has been filed in Supreme Court for probate. She bequeathed 81000 to her executor, Gordon Wilbert Ramsay, 2207 )Vest Second, and the residue to her sister, Anna hiary Josephine Walker, 1243 Thurlow Street. Mrs. W. J. Forsythe of Arelee, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Alex. Harris and daughter Nola, of Saskatoon, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Currie of 24th and Heywood Avenue. ~ c The gross receipts from the recent concert of the West Van- couver Junior Girls'hoir were 844, of which after deductions for necessary expenses 833 was turned over for Welfare work. c Dorothy Greenwood came sec- ond with 163 marks in the class under 15,'ust one mark below winner, and Clifford Tearoe came third in boys solo class with 162. marks in the Welsh Festival Good Friday. Both are pupils of hire. Colin MacLean. Tenth Vancouver Ranger Company are spending the Eas- ter holidays at Kew Beach. They arel M. Campbell, (cap- tain), Doris Bridge, Audrey Norris, Gene Logan, Ruth Och- lerking, Chris Strang, Margaret E. Campbell, Margaret Giles, Beryl Turner, Doreen L. Wood- ford, Irene Pook, Kathleen Knight, Irene Sully, Noreen Scullard, Margaret Hodgson, all of Vancouver. ~ v Captain W. F. Watson has purchased the house of H. liiath- ers at 26th and Bellevue Avenue and has taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. Compton Brown and Miss Sutherland, all of Van- couver, were the guests of the Clachan over the week end. c Mr. Mackenzie of Vancouver, has moved into the Robson house at 2932 Marine Drive.\ Mrs. Harry Dickson of Yahk, B.C., hrhebcen )fere this week for the wedding of her sister, Miss Freda Herrin to Mr. Arthur A. Gilbert, which took place last Tuesday evening in the West Vancouver United Church. ~ c ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family have moved from Gleneagles into a house at 1329 hIarine Drive, ' v c Mrs. E. E. Hill, 2872 Jefi'erson Avenue, has left to spend the summer at Irvqne'5 Landing, B.C. A delightful linen shower was given last Saturday evening by the Misses Ola McLean and Kathleen Wenmoth at the home of Mrs. I. M. McLean, 2120 Belle- vue Avenue, in honor of Miss Freda Herrin, whose marriage took place this week, those in- vited being the school friends of the bride. The presents were presented in an Easter basket, and at the conclusion of the evening a dainty supper was served. The invited guests were: Miss Freda Herrin, Nrs. W .Her- rin, Mrs. Harry Dickson, the Misses Kathleen Wenmoth, Mary Wishart, Lorna Thomson, Joan Durbin, Madge Farmer, Helen Stevenson, Blanche Neville, Ed- die Archer, Jean MacLaren, Lilias Davie, Ola McLean, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. I. N. NcLean. ~ ~ Vancouver skiers captured the city championship from a large field of competitors in a North- west international tournament held on Grouse hiountain on good Friday. Tom Nobraaten of the Vancouver Ski Club won the class A jumping champion- ship with fine leaps of 123 and 125 feet. These were not the longest of the afternoon, but he gained a narrow margin of points for his faulueas style over John Elvrum of the Cascade Club of Portland. The class B jumping was won by W. Hansen of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club, c v ~ S. J, hiolntyre, 1613 Fulton Avenue, has moved into a house at 1365 Cly e Avenue. FOR Drug Service Gemmill'I Drug Store Thc Store cf Service. llirf Sixties Dvrvc West ST F~ccgcwcy Pimac West Ssl (After 5 p.m.l HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY cad SAT(HEYDAY April 21st cml 22cd RONALD COI.NAN HEI.EN HAYES in 'rrowsmith'iONDAY acd TUESDAY April 2flb cad 25rh. CONSTANCE BENNETr LOWELL SHERMAN What Price Hollywood Please Note -- In faiqvc this Thccivc will be be open Mcodays aad Tuesdays as well as Fridays aad Scc- unlays. STRATTON'S BAKERY BREAD - TEA BREADS BUTI'ER HORNS COFFEE ROLLS SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED The West Vancouver School Board require the services (temporary only) from Apro 24th to June 30th, of a teacher for Grade IV work. Applicants must be local residents and should be the holders of a first- class certificate. All applications accompanied by copies of references must be in the hands of the secretary of the board by 6 pdn. Saturday, 22nd instant. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. Large Sekmtion of Pastries Almond Variety Tea Short Bread Chvictccisg. Birthday ccd wed- ding Cakes ~ specialty. ALL FRESH DAlLY Made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone )Vest 27 HARLEY AiNDERSON TO SPEAK HERE HOLLYBURN Barber Shop Instead of the usual meeting at the Socialist Hall next Thurs- day, April 27th, at 8 p.m., a special public meeting will be held in the Orange Hall, when Harley Anderson, Socialist can- didate for the Provincial Parlia- ment, will speak on "Sane Gov- ernment," and outline the plat- form of the Canadian Common- wealth Federation. Questions and discussion will follow and all interested in sane govern- ment sre invited to attend. islh d Marine EXPERT SERVICE E hlARSH, Proprietor. Hoilyburn Garage rsog hlcncc Dnvc GFNERAI CAR REPAIRS speci i cise IU BRAKE TROUBLES PHONE WEST 1OO WEST VANCOUVER UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLES, SOCIETY CONCERT and PLAY IN THE CHURCH HALL MONDAY, April 24th, 1933, at 8.15 p.m. Admission---Adults 25c. Children 15c. WEST BAY LENDING LIBRARY AIRS. BOUCHER wishes to inform her patrons that she has moved into "The Store at the Gables,w and begs to remind customers that In addition to tbe Library, (50c per month), she hss a selection of Fancy Needlework, Notions, Knitting Wools and Novelties suitable for gifts; Framed Water Colors from 75c; Stationery, Plain and Fancy Chins, etc.