0001 THF. )VEST VAN NEWS April 20, 1938 rrr4rrtV.rrrtr A t ' a xdrt tt a'lt r t'%t trC -t"t r. '4 C t'ttt rf~'r ~ +t'tt ~"«rr ' rr'r rt trrrrrrrrtr'rrrrrrr rrrrr"r Mr rr 'rr rtr 'rr Arrr r rr~arr. rrrr«rr Unjtgd ChurCh wEBT vANGGUvERPERMANENT WAVES Christian Science Society CHURCH BD(P(CE 20th asd Htaaiman, Hanybata Thi~ Society ia a Brasab ar The Mother Chstth Tha 1"irtt Church af Christ, Saiantixtt ia Baatae, Hattachaaatta Sunday Batt)cat itlae am. asd 7:20 p.m. Sunday, April 23, 1933, Subject: "PROBATION AFTER DEATH" Sunday Schaai at isles a.m. Taxumaay Meeting Wadaaaday at Sl16 pxs. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. IL P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Aiinister, Rev. Hillis Wright Concert and Play by Y.P.S. An interesting and varied program has been arranged by the United Church Young People's Society for their con- cert on Monday. April 24th. The principal features are a sketch "The Bachelor's Dream," and a one-act comedy, "Hunting the Slippera" The program is as follows: 0 Canada! Pianoforte Duet--Miss V. Mc- Nair, Alias Teresa Kerrison. Vocal Solo--Mr. Rupert Harri- son. Violin Solo--Miss Jessie Sweezy Musical Varieties -- Miss Lucy AICDougal, Mr. Eerie Phillips, Air. Bert Bowman, Air. Oscar Jones. Sketch, "The Bachelor's Dream" --Society members. Recitation--Alias Teresa Kerri- son. Minstrel Selections -- Society members. Vocal Solo -- Miss Gertrude Thompson. Topical Matters -- Mr. Charlie Baldwin. Play, "Hunting the Slippers"-- One-act--AIiss AL Blair, Mr. R. Harrison, Mr. Alex. Grieve, Mr. R. Archibald, Mr. R. Kin- loch. Pianist--Miss Teresa Kerrison. God Save the King. $29$ g zammtr'4 nalatsl $$.00 oaa'4 0 ambit w lit valit salt GaVCPJnOiyyJ BCauty ShOPPC l640 statist Drive Phase West 117 FI.O1VER lb VEGETABLE SEEDS Rennie'0 and Siecle Briggs'e carry both AMBLESIDE PHARMACY W, L KER, Ptas )401 hist(at Drive Phone West $23 PRES DEL1VERY Services: 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 am..--Memorial Service for the late Rev. D. Long, conducted by Rev. A. W. Mayse. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. 7:46 p.m.--Monday--B.Y.P.U. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday--Pray- er and Praise. 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir practice. 7:00 p.m., Friday--C.G.I.T. West Van. United F. C. West Vancouver United gave a fine exhibition at Cedar Cot- tage Friday, winning by 7 goals to none. They also Shut out Kerrisdale last Saturday by 3 to none. On Saturday next they meet North Burnaby at Wilfing- don Park in another league game at 8 p.m. All players leave West Vancouver on the I:30 p.m. ferry and get No. 13 car to ter- rninus, then Hastings Extension to Willingdon Drive. Team will be chosen from the following: Larnie, F. Downie, McLean, H. Downie, Fiddes, Timbrell, D'- Easum, Bell, Davis, Hamilton, Stratton, Vaughan, Grieve, Nor- mand, Neill. The United Church W. A. is planning to hold a Aiay Day Tea in the Church Hall on Tuesday, May 2nd, under the convener- ship of Mrs. F. J. Patterson. Miss Frame ivill be in charge of the musical program, and decor- ations will 'be in the hands of AIrs. D. Dewar and Airs. Cromar Bruce. There will be some side stalls under the following con- venerships: Home-cooking, Afrs. D. Mcliiillan and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton; Aprons, Mrs. J. Davis; Fancy-work, Mrs. AV. Blair; Candy, AIrs. IV. D. Rush. The West Vancouver W.C.T.U. met Thursday, April 13th, in the Baptist Church, Mrs. Hib- berd, the president, in the chair. After a short business session Mrs. J. A. Gillespie, Provincial President, gave a splendid ad- dress. Refreshments were serv- ed and the birthday cake cut by Mrs. Gillespie and served by Mrs. Rush, first president. St. Anthony's arch Quite the Reverse They were discussing the new- est member of the debating so- ciety." How do you find his conver- sation 7" asked Briggs. Tagg grimaced. "Like the waves of the sea," he assured the other. "Ah," said Briggs, "you find it rolling, irresistible, vital--" "No, it makes me sick," ex plained Tagg. Pastor: Rev. Father Flsnagar Residence: 1361 26th St. Sunday 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass ~ Ser- mon. 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass Ser- mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:16 p.m.--Devotiona Week Days 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. ':45p.m.,Friday -- Devotions, Confessions of school children. 7:80 p.m., Saturday -- Confes- sions of adults. CORRESPONDENCE Editor West Vsn News, Dear Sir:--Not being as high- ly educated as I might be, the portent of Mr. Subadar's "Burn- ing Bush" escapes me, but I should like you to pour the fol- lowing bucket. of water on his last "flame" or shall I call it his recent "splutter." The intelligence displayed in his remarks about "Cavalcade" Philip C Chapman leads me to believe that it isjust as well he did not see it for General hxsurance Agent he would have entirely missed Pire, AalomabBa, Burglary, its full meaning. The fact that Am)stat asd Sittsaaa ala. any family was able to survive 2667 King's Ata..Phone w. 4272 the course of events that formed a drawn out cataclysm showed conclusively that we are not EaiabSxbtd as North Share . 1OSing Our manhOOd Or Our 20 Yaata womanhood either. (Lady Assistant) I gather from Mr. Subadar'0 HARRON BROS at remarks that he served higcountry in what he is pleased to WILLIAMSON ckII the "Late Unmentionable." All glory to him, but when hefuneral QIrertarS thinks we lack guts because we express grave fears of the next North Vancouver Parlors war he is taking through the 122 West Sixth Street back of his most excellent neck. Phone North 134 Were the next war to be waged Vancouver Parlors between respective armies only 55 Tenth Avenue East it would be bad enough, but it Phone Fair. 134 would not be so bad if we could still settk our disputes with THB muskets and broadswords in- stead of tanks, gas and otherWeSt Van NemS equipment which mean murder pabiiabad Bitty Thataday on the mass production basis. Personally I have a rooted ob- jection to being pleasantly gas- sed while standing docilely in a sea of mud. Mr. Subadar also forgets that the next war will not give the soldier who goes oif to the front with an over ex- panded chest the chance of nobly protecting his loved ones. His loved ones are now open to the most frightful barbarisms from the air, I would respectfully suggest that Mr. Subadar's column be renamed the "Smouldering Rub- bish" rather than its present title which st least suggests r something bright. H. E. F. MAKOVSKI. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Services: 9:46 a.m.--Sabbath School. 11:00 a.m.--Morning worship. Sermon by the minister. All are welcome to the ser- vices. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "PROBATION AFTER DEATH." One of the Bible texts will be Matthew 5: 8: "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.a The Lesson - Sermon will also include the following paysage from page 492 of aScfence and Health with Key to the Scrip- turesa by Mary Baker Eddy: "Being is holiness, harmony, immortality. It is already prov- ed that a knowledge of this, even in small degree, will uplift the physical and moral standard of mortals, will increase longev- ity, will purify and elevate char- acter.a Psbnahat F. F. LOVEGROVE Phoae West 363 Baaiaaai aad Editorial Ogiaal iyih asd Hat(at Dtita (Next io Houybata P.O.) Phone West 363 Mall Addtaaai P.O. Bax 01, Hanthats, ILC. North Vancouver Orlcei 123 Lonsdak Ave. 2).00 ~ ytat In tattler: 62.00 a yta by malL "Is it true, iAIiss Olden, that you are going to be married after Christmas?a "Well, no, it isn'. But I am very grateful for the rumor." Dr.Marjory AICCubhin DENTIST HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess Bright Sunday Evening Service SUNDAY, April 23 at 7:30 Speaker: Mr. James Gibson of Hardlsty, Alta Subject: "The Gospel of the Glory" Sunday School every Sun- day morning at 10:00. A hearty invitation is ex- tended to all children not attending other schools. No collection taken at any of these services. Neural 0 ~. m. (a 0 p. m. Saturdays: io ~ . m. to 1 p.m. Evasiagt aad Salatday A(ttt- saaaa by appaisimast asly. Royal Sant Banding 4'haaa Wttl 440 Ratldaaca i'baaa West ssa DR. G. PA H. SEA LE DENTIST Hay Siatt, i(lb asd i(arias Dr. Omca Hours 9 lo 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 C. J. Overinjtton PIOih(EER BARBI'.R St. Stephen's Church 14th and MarineExpert )York I'hone 1Vest 135Rector: Rev. F. A Itamsey, L.S.T. April 23rd--1st Sunday after Easter. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 and 11:15 a.m. -- Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Aiatins and Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. 9:40 a.m.--Caulfeild. Tuesday, April 25th, St. Afark's Day, 10:15 am. -- Holy Communion. Ambleside Sheet Metalworks LAUR)E SPECK, Piaptiaiar 1446 Marine Drive I'hone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET Al ETA L INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING All Lenten Oifertory Boxes Shou)d be returned on Sunday. There will be a special broad- cast over CJOR on Sunday even- ing commencing at 8 p.m. This will be the Mass Service in the Arena in connection with the Restoration work in the Prairie Dioceses. SPECIAL Fire insurance Rates Any Section of West Vancouver 810 pet thous- and for 8 years. Only reliable Companies represented. W. B. SHAKESPEARE, North 428 Seymour 6534 AIAY DAY COAIAIITTEE Mrs. J. R. Patterson and L. Brookes have been appointed by the 1Vest Vancouver P.-T. A. to take charge of the prize funds, which work was given over to the P.-T.A. by the AIay Dsy Committee. The St. Stephen's Branch of'he )V.A. arranged a successful supper on April 18th. The pro- gram that followed consisted principally of "Character Sketch- es from Dickens." There were excerpts from "Bleak House" and "Nicholas Nickleby," ably performed by the following caste: Mesdames Hardy, Bur- bridge, Clark, Wiltshire, Hamil- ton Smith, and Yates and Messrs. Price and Wiltshire. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. Corporation of the District of West Vancouver Trade Licenses All persons liable for above are notified to obtain same at once. Failure to comply will render lhote responsible liable to prosecution without further notice. WM. HEREIN, Co) lector. B.C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DAiNCE SOCIETY DANCE At TIIE CLACHAN SATURDAT, April 2,2nd, 8 p.m. Refreshments Admission 26c The Public are Catdiagy invited IS OPEN)NOAirs. H. Crrtnwill The Delicatessen Shop al l678 Marina Drive, (next lo Royal Bank) Cooked Meats, Salads, Meat Pies Confectionery, Dairy Products