0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Ape) 6, SeSS. f ~la, rrrv r':rr 'r r'rrrr ve 'r:rrr 7rr rr r4errrv irrrrr-rrrrrr errrrrrrrr rrr rrvr'VvrrrrMr rr- 'e r COUNCII. NOTES A grant of 626 wss made by the council to the Salvation Army for social work. They also voiced their appreciation of the Army's work and hoped that their band would be permitted to pay West Vancouver a visit in the near future. The council accepted the oKer of G. Tickell to purchase Lot 7, Block 6, D.I 1069 NV2 SW)ya, the transaction being subject to the usual terms governing such sales. Dr, H. P. Swan offered the council West Vancouver bond 61,000 due August 1st, 1962, price S74 plus accrued interest. His offcr ws9 accepted and the bond ordered purchased for Sinking Fund Account. The coundl passed 8 resolu- tion that the Burrard Inlet Tun- nel and Bridge Co.'a shares now shown in the financial statement as of the value of 662,500 be set at the nominal value of 61.00 in future issues. The matter of the ditch op- posite 190 26th Street, concern- ing which Mrs. A. Archibaid wrote the council, was referred to the engineer for report. B. R. Harrison wrote the council re road Heywood Ave. to King's Avenue, also re water pressure. His request re road was referred to the chairman of the board of works and the eng- ineer for report, the matter of the water pressure being turned over to the water superintendent for attention. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. NEEDS CASH for Food, Boot Repairs and Garden Seeds DOE5 HOT WATER WAIT ON VOLI OR DO VOLI WAIT ON IT I Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dujjdsrave,",„-,'.,""„'.,'," Ambleside Ism ~ "ht.~'uggestions--Fri. I( Sat., April 7th & 8th LARD, Built'e Suvevleei Red n White JELLY POWDERS I nx eavtoa .................., Ise Aeeovted Savove .... 2 pkto. 14e TINY CHBDDAR CHFJ)SR, ee 20e Red n Wbne LOBSTER Rvd S White TEA. Orange Pekoe Small iia ............. 15v I evge Ila . „....... 27e Po PRUNkS, Santa Clara PICKLES, Fvaeev Vaney. Sueet hledium elec........2 lbe. 19e ov Soar ............n ox iav zpv Red 8 Whne RH'E, Red n Wbne COFFER, Faaey iablm '2 lb. cotton eevk 17c Vacuum peeked ... pev Rx $7e Rod n Whue BAKING POIVDER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, Red S White, raaey tla....., lhe RAI'ln OATS, Robin Hood Blue n White choice. Iia........ 1$4 Large package .................. 17e Red 8 'irhne PEAS Red 8 White PEANUT BUTTER Tender aad sweet . 2 tiuo 25e 15 ox, glace,................ 19e Red a Wmte TOMATOES. 2M ~ 2 lb. (la ..................... $0e Band peeked....... 2 tine 26e STONPD WHEAT THINS, pki 14e STRAWBERRY JAM, Nabob GINGER SNAI 8, Iveeh Ivem ihe Pure ............... 4 Ra uu 29e oven ............8 doves tse MARIIALADE, Nabob LICORPCE ALLSORTS $2 oa iav - --- ------ »-; 254 Old Country.......... pev nx 25e Red 8 Whue COCOA 14 lb tla Ipe BROOMS, Rose Brand Ring top CRUSHED PLNEAPPLBv Fill I A good buy et ....................... 49» Large 2M tia ...............-- Ise ~ SLICBD BACON, Sugi'e Premium I'EARS, Columbia, ze, per iia 1(v M lb. package ........................ 15c SATIN-GLO SALE---",,".,".„'.„";.'„-;;"';,"„,",„",'.,',".;,„„ LUMBER AI(D SERVICE FOR QUALITY AND REASONABLE PRICES deal «nh The Lavgeet Exeluelve Reieu Lumber Orgaalxaueu ia Ik C Sotleiaviioa Geeveaioed Ix4 Spec)sod Lengths.....$ 7.00 gxs to 2x12 (raudom).... 0.00 ix8 to lxlo Sbiplap.. 6.00 Ixs aud Ix4 V Joist....... 10.00 8-la. Fir Siding, long K.D. 16.00 lxs 8 1x4 Floorlug, K.D. 10.00 4-Iu. V Jolut, long K.D. 10.00 50 It. Cloee Board Fence 4.60 No. I XXX Shingles...... $A6 No. 2 Shingles................ 1.00 Vaaeouvev Prices o ~ ~ Evevythlug ia Building Materlele AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th ead Mar)ac Drive West Vancouver Phone West 199 A Branch o! Exeelolor Lumber eud Shingle Co. Ltd. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Vancouver has been profound- ly interested in the Oxford Group Movement, as evidenced by the thousands who attended the meetings. The outstanding characteristic of the members of the teams, as noted by myself and others who heard them, was their undoubted sincerity, snd sincerity in religion is the great- est essential to the sucooss of its appeal. It is too carly to guags the effects of the movement on the people of Vancouver. but from what one hears among those who attended the meet- ings, it has impressed the young to a certain extent, while failing largely to stir the middle-aged and elderly, many of whom strongly object to the mutual confessions of sins among its members, which with the daily half hour of meditation appear to be the only two new ideas it has to otTer to our nominally Christian civiiization. o Hon. Dr. Tolmie and Hon. Duff Pattullo stated in the Legis- lature last Friday--0 pity it was not All Fools'ay--just exactly what each thought of the other, which is not usually the way with politicians. At any rate, what, each said was 0 mouthful and well worth while hearing, as each member in the House is willing to testify. The language used wss strictly parliamentary, and as such ali the worse, polite invective being always fsr more effective than the parade variety which does not include that most destructive of ali, the wit of the riding master of a crack cavalry regiment at his best. The ses- sions of the new Legislature, however, should be quite inter- esting, if the worthy doctor plus Duff and Mr. Bowscr ali manage to be returned. o o ~ I have not seen oCavaicadc," the movie that hss been such 0 boon to the movie box offices, but according to the reviews it. shows the "crescendo of woes" of Old Countrymen during the Late Unmentionable on thc battieseld and in English public places and homes. This insist- ence on the undoubted horrors of war is giving many thinking men who were actively engaged in it a feeling of alarm. Our forefathers fought and died in battles lees terrible in some ways snd more terrible in others to obtain for us the lands in which we live. And they took it all as 8 matter of course. saying nothing. We talk today as if we were the only ones who ever suf- fered the horrors of war. It rather looks, and this is causing that feeling of alarm to which attention has been drawn, as if we ara ioslng our manhood. Which may explain the present attitude of Japan and Germany. EFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store Rt Ilollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER and all Building Material of Best (Iuallty at Low Prices. BUII.D NOW i WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone Wast 115 Res. Phone West SGSL 16th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" TENDERS from lovel groups ov com- mercial Srma for refreehmeut eou- ceovioue on the gvoumle oui be re- ceived up to Saturday, A rS 16th, by me on behalf of the ldey Day Committee. J. IL Mitchell, Secretary FOR SALE CHEAP--Large a(eel crib mahogany Su(eh, also mahogany high cha&r. Phone West $20R. LOST--On Saturday between 19th aud 26th, on Marine Drive, boy' brown gauntlet glove. Phone Weot 2051k HEADQUARTERS for AB tbe Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, aud Fish- ing Gadgets for local waters. Ambleeide Tea Roams. FOR RENT -- 5 Room Buagalou, partly furnished, modern, garage. West 256X. FOR SALE--Thoroughbred Aleeuaa male pupa, 516.00, eloo registered Alvatiau male 2 yeats. Phone Brookee. West 74L$ . FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses; lots, eud acreage for sale. John Lawoou, 17th aud Marine, Phone West 66. FOR PLUMBING REI'AIRS -- Roe- (deuce Phoae West 24)R. LAWN 51OWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with all makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vaaeou- vev hiechiue Shop, 1449 hlariue. K PALME15-Chimaey Sueep, Re pe)re. Phone North 811R2. hlARCELLE SHOP -- Mereelle, 50 cents; reset, $6ci fluger wave, 60o. Phone Mre. Klug, West $04. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae Wast 9 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies WANTED--A tou brood haec, Roche preferred. Phone West $95Y. GEI MY FREE ESTIMATES oa Faluting, Paperlug aud Keloomia- lug. C. I Kouiuge, Res Phooo West 694K WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duudarave. STRONG YOUNG hiAN dec)rex gav. dex norL Phone North 1190R$ eveuiuga SALE--Handy Aaa Shoppe, Duadev- ave, Saturday, April 8th -- Purple Heather, 11 cents ox; Peerleeo Wool 9 cents ox. WE REPAIR ANYTHING -- Pans, Kettles, Ironwork, Tools, Axee, Wedgeo Phone West 100 SNAPS IN GARDEN SHRUBS Cares(ious Yellow (uhue they last) 6 for 26 cents; Cottoueaoieva, 10 cents up, special 25 ceute; Leurele, 10 eeute up: Honeysuckle, long runners, 10 cents each; Blue Hydrangeas, early aud late, 10 cents io 60 eeute each; Spiraea aud many other plants. Phone Geo. Gourley, West 2. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE Take notice that WE, THE CORP- ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER, whose address io HOLLYBURN, P.O., will apply for a licence io toke aad uee 600,000 gallons per day of water out of CYPRESS CREEK which Soue SOUTHERLY, aud drains into ENG- LISH BAY at about one hall mlle East of Caulfeild Post Ogke. I The Water will be diverted from the stream at about 100 feet up stream from the high falls lu Dietriet Lot 9$0, aud will be used for Muuiel- pal Purpoeee upon iho lands decor(bed eo the whole Corporate Limiie of West Vancouver This Notice wae posted on tbe ground ou 22nd de of March, 10$$. The Petit(os for the approval of the undertaking will bo beard ie the Of- Sce of the Board at ~ data to be Sxed, aud an interested pereoa may iue eu object on thereto iu the Ogive of the Comptroller or of the Water Recorder ot the District. (Sigued) JAMES DUNCAN, Ageai. WEST VANCOUVER LIBERAL ASSN. HON. T. D. PATTULLO will address a meeting in Dundarave Hall on Wedaesday April 12th ~t 6 p.m. Social io follow--ao charge AU Llberale eod Ivieade welcome GEO. HAY NOTARY PUB[,IC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1406 Marlae Delve I'hose Weei 21 or Seymour 1250 Eveeiego Weoi 20(X GORDON ROILSON Barrie(or dt SoScnov WEST VANCOUVER- Oirlee No. 1447, Marlae Delve Phone West 40$. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Smie 818. 610 Hoolluge SL W Phoae, Seymour 4100. CLASSIFIED ADS O The rate fov Cleeeised Advevtlmmea(o le 2 eeete pev word, mlaimum 25 eeete. Except ie the csee oi those hevieg regular evvoea1~, eu vlaeel. leds are parable strictly la edvaaea Remember ClaeeiSode ia Ibo West Vaa Neve gei Immediate veeeha 0 H t e