0001 April 6, 1933 THE WFST VAN NEWS Monastery LAUNDRY Local and Personal Sal Evacuant iB ei l3 ,he ns. ns Hss arranged to give to West Vancouver patrons a regular and elflcient service beginning April 1st. Laundry collected and delivered the same week. PHONE FAIRMONT 883 p Charge call to Monastery Laundry, 662 West Fourteenth Ave. MRS. LESTOCK REID will sake over the entire managership of THE FORTUNE CUP INN TEA ROOMS on Wednesday, April 12th. Luncheons, Teas, Dinners, Parties, Meetings WEST VAN A. A. A. MILITARY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Ij Fr .IIld' N HALL L 13thv at 8 p.m. Sc GOOD bi VSIC IN LEGIO THURSDAY, APRI REFRESHMENTS 2 Ed. Black, West 68 Transfer, Builders'upplies Wakeley'SHop sianure J. LOUTFT WINS FIGHT TO REJECT OTTAIVA FLSHERY ORDER With party members ditfering in their views the Legislature on Wednesday, 30th ultimo, went on record as disapproving the recent Ottawa order-inwouncil requiring salmon fishermen to deliver salmon at a cannery within twenty-four hours after it was caught unless it has been gutted and iced. The regulation cannot go into eifect without the approval of the B.C. government and this is unlikely in view of the decision of the Legislature. The motion stood on the order papers in the name of J. Loutet, Conservative, North Vancouver. Mr. Loutet finally won his hard-fought figh and secured the House's condemnation of the federal government's new fish- ery regulations. He had fought them step by step against ter- rific odds since the beginning of the session, opposed from with- in and from without. In the end, after Mr. Pattullo had rallied vigorously to his support, his resolution of condemnation was passed without a recorded vote. No. one wanted to be recorded against it. A chimney fire which spread to the roof broke out on Tuesday. afternoon at the home of Dr. Vase at West Bay. The fire brigade made a quick run but their services were not required. Room & Board + MRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue West 458L TEAROE 8c SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies %Food, Coal Dump Truck Work I IL %. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 The OPEN FORUM SUNDAY, APRIL 9th, at S p.m. ci 1453 hiccinc Drive Address by bHSS SIILDRED OSTERHOVT on "hiy Visit io Russia." Qncsucns nnd Discussion. Collection Fcc expenses. Real Estate Finance and Insurance DR. F. S7'AINSB Y srnisouncrs the removal of hs's ogre from the cortier of I 4 th and Marinr Drier to t FJJ J Marine Drive (opp. thr Memorial Arch). CANADIAN LEGION WEST VANCOUVER 7th Military Whist Drive & Dance In the I,eglon Memorial Hall, SATURDAY, APRIL 8th, at 8 p.m. Refreshments Admission 25c. AMBLESIDE hlEAT MARKFT 14th and lliarine Drive J. MURCH. Proprietor Finest 42ualtty Fresh Ments, Smoked and Cooked llleats. PHONE WEST 303 Dr. F. Stainsby has moved his oifice from the corner of 14th and Marine Drive to 1944 Mar- ine Drive, opposite the Memori- al Arch. \ ~ The house of Mr. snd Mrs. Norman Rodgers at the corner of 24th snd Marine Drive, was totally destroyed by lire in the early hours of Tuesday. The fire brigade made a quick run, but the blaze hsd gathered too much headway for them to bc able to do anything. ~ v Mr, Collom of 20th Street, who has been a patient in Shsughnessy Military Hospital, has returned to his home here. ~ \ ~ A. M. Barif, who has been away for some months on Van- couver Island, has returned to his home at 2275 Gordon Ave. ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. Ken Robinson have moved from 2031 Esqui- malt Avenue, into a house at 1046 Keith Road. v ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. G. IIamilton have moved from 1747 Esqui- mali Avenue, into s house at 1296 Duchess Avenue. ~ c ~ Mrs. Ronksley snd family, who have been spending the winter at their home, 2111 Esquimalt Avenue, have return- ed to Chilliwack,c c ~ Mrs. F. Kettle of Caulfeild, is confined to her home through sickness. ~ v ~ Miss Casey, who has been spending the winter in Southern California, returned last week to her home at 21st and Esquimalt Avenue. She was staying with a sister near Long Beach at the time of the earthquake and had a terrifying experience, She stat- es that the chandelier in the hall of the house touched the ceiling at each end of the are through which it swung during the worst shock, which lasted fifty seconds. All the crockery was thrown on the floor, while the piano wss moved by the quake to the cen- tre of the room. c v All the migratory birds have come back from their winter in the south, which is a sure indi- cation that spring is here to stay. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baker, who have been spending the winter in the city, returned yesterday to their home at 2204 Bellevue Avenue. \ D. J. Armstrong has moved into a house at 1586 Marine Drive. v Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bell, who have been living in the city, have moved into s house on 1'lth Street for the summer. S. Bruce, Junior, has moved into a house at 1152 24th Street.\ v ~ A run of steelheads recently went up the Cspilano River, six- teen of them being caught by anglers on Sunday. J Kingsley has moved into a house at 1380 15th Street. ~ ~ ~ The dance arranged for by L.O.L. No. 2990 for 19th April, has been postponeil until 26th instant on account of the Wel- fare Association's dance to be given on Easter Monday. v ~ ~ The United Church Y.P.S are holding their annual concert and play in the United Chuixh hall on 24th April at 8 p.m. Seedh--Joy The wedding took place last Thursday in Seattle of Mr. Robert (Bobby) Seeds, 16th and Marine Drive, and lilies hi. Joy of North Vancouver. The happy couple have taken up residence st 17th and Duchess Avenue. The rainfall at Duchess Ave- nue, Hollyburn, for last month was 7.49 inches. There were two days on which over sn inch of rain fell, and thirteen rainless days. The total Cor March, 1932, wss 11.33 inches. There were Cour days on which over an inch of rain fell, and seven rainless days. c v Mrs. S. B. Willoughby of Ap- pleton Court, has moved into a house st 612 16th Street The semi-annual meeting of the local lawn bowling club hss been called for Saturday even- ing of this week. It will be held in the basement of the United Church at 7I30 p.m. Appoint- ment of a secretary to take the place of E. C. Bolin who has left for Vancouver Island, and mat- ters concerning the coming sea- son are on the agenda. All mem- bers are urged to attend. ~ ~ Nex--Planche The marriage took place on ivisrch 22nd at St. Paul'e Church, Bellingham, of Jean ANce, elder daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Planche of Vancouver, to Mr. Philip Richard Nex, nephew of Mr. Albert Daiien of Vancouver. The ceremony wss performed by Rev. E. Tanner. Mr. snd Mrs. Nex will take up residence in West Vancouver. Ssc. 60c. $ 1,20 Gemmill'I Drug Store The Sieve at Sccvacs Iso'I htnvinc Drive Wert yt Enscvzcncy Phoae Wccs lyi (Aries S p.m.) HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY April yus nnd SIU LEW AYRES "THE SPIRIT of NOTREDAME" clan Comedy, Casinos nng otherLEGION W. A. Novelties The W. A. to the Canadian Legion held their regular month- ly meeting on Monday, March"'"'" '"mrs W;.k;."',:t" STRATTON'S ance. Very excellent reports B+gER ( were submitted by all commit- tees, especially as regards the HOTsick visiting and benevolent work. There were three new members enrolled and much new business discussed. Under the auspices of the W. A. a bridge and whist tea and sale of home cooking will be held on Primrose Day, 19th gUNgdance on 29th April. BAD3IINTON Fresh Good Frida Having defeated Eidelweiss Pbcnc yonv order ncn sc last Monday the Sixth Field Badminton Club will meet the West Vancouver Teachers in the final for the North Shore champ- ionship. The game will be played next Monday in the Inglewood HOLLYBVRN gymnasium starting st 7:30 1 galvbeiv Shop The North Shore League com- prises six teams -- three from EXPERT SERVICE North Vancouver, snd three from 1Vest Vancouver, so that there is considerable interest in The next meeting of the P.-T. the final and a large number of A. will take place in Hollyburn enthusiasts from both districts School, not Pauline Johnson, at will be on hand. The winning 8 p.m. next Tuesday, when Mrs. team will be presented with the Stuart Jamieson will be the trophy at the end of the game. speaker. CAMERA SERVICE KODAK,I Because nl ous work n done inWest Vancouver, we can give FINISHING a Pcvsosml Sesvsom PLAN yo Lgavg YOUR FILMS vnTU US THIS SUMMDL C. J. BRODERICK, 1436 Marine Drive .*r r wrl.~ r~rrrr r 'v hrrack '.".,I ~hh ~ hhn hh r, h I i =,-':: hh* hhh -rh c.