0001 ~dh V hvs ohh dtVt~ t'c. .'~, t dtt~'frt%drw trsr\'~'rI"r s'rtv r'~.~'t ht'dit't. cr'-lrrc t ~'t.,' * 1 Frr 'r.htrrr vtYcrrrcscv.rd 'c~'r rr'hc ~rrtrc crr hcrrcrrrt THF. WEST VAN NEWS United Church bllnister, Rev. Hillis Wright SUNDAY SERVICES 11:16 s.m. and 7:15 p.m. Mondav, April 10th, 8 p.m.-- Y.P.S. meeting in Church Hall. birs. R. P. Allen will speak. The monthly meeting of the IVomen'0 Missionary Society will take the form of sn open meet- ing which will be held in the church on Wednesday evening, April 12, st 8 o'lock, Dr. S. S. Osterhout, who hss charge of Oriental Mission work in B. C. will be the speaker; and Mrs. Colin NscLesn has charge of the musical program. All members of the church and others inter- ested in this work are invited to attend. Envelopes will be dis- tributed at the Sunday service. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. April 9th, 1933 -- Palm Sun- day. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 and 11:15 azn. -- Sunday Schools. 11715 a.m.--Matins and ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Passiontide service Holy \Veek Services: Daily 7:30 p.m. devotions. Tuesday and Thursday, 10:16 a.m.--Holy Communion. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.--Business meeting of IV. A. Tuesday, 18th April, 6 p.m.-- W. A. Supper in the Parish Hall followed by program of vocal and instrumental music and by "Sketches from Dickens," re- peated by request. I. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting took place last Monday at the home of Mrs. Small, in the chair being the regent, Mrs. B. Hayes, w?so wss presented with a bou- quet snd a book in appreciation of her services in 1932. Mrs. A. dbI. Laster wss admitted to mem- bership. A committee with Mrs. P. C. Chapman as convener, was appointed to complete plans for the Orchestral Concert. The chapter is awarding 0 prize for vegetables in the junior section of the Horticultural Society'0 fall show, also one prize each in the junior matriculation snd High School entrance examins- tionsb bfrs. Stuart Jamieson gave a very interesting lecture on "The British Empire as it is today," which wss much enjoy- ed by all present WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE zslb ood Ross)icon, Hoilyboeo Tbic Sociely Is ~ Branch of The Molbet Church The I'ital Church of aselcb Scieclisl, in Bosloo, bioosocbmclls Sunday Services II:20 ~ .m. ood 7ise p.m. Sunday, April 9, 1938, Subject: "Are Sin, Diseuse, and Deaih Realf" Sunday School at 10:00 ~.io. Testimony Mecliog Wednesday I ~l 0:1$ p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Services: 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 s.m,--Rev. F. J. Stsde. 7:30 p.m.--Apex Class, First Baptist Church. 7:45 p,m., biondsy--B.Y.P.U. 8 p.mh Wednesday -- Prayer and Praise. 8 p.m., Thursday--Choir prac- tice. 7 p.mh Friday--C.G.I.T. The IVest Vancouver W.C.T.U. will meet on Thursday, April 13th, 2 p.mh at the Baptist Church, corner Duchess and 15th Street. This is the fifth an- niversary of our union and Mrs. J. A. Gillespie, Provincial Presi- dent, will be the speaker. Tea will be served at the close of the meeting. Easter Coiffures for Easter Hats That ic wbcl our salon is specializing at lbo moment. Lol Ils gico you c pctwdooiily pertoooenl wave osd dross your hair eoerecliy for yoot bol. Don't neglect the most im- potloal part of your auNt. GtUcyfdofyPJ Bcafdty Shoppc )640 Mceisc Drive For Appoiolmeol Kodak Films and Developing ANBI.ESIDK PIIARNACY W. I KER, Prop f401 Marine Drive Phone West 323 FREE DELIVERY ORCHESTRAL CONCERT The Vancouver Civic Orches- tra under the baton of Lieut. Cornfield, will give s concert in West Vancouver at a date and place to be announced later. This orchestra hss taken the cup at the B.C. Festival for three years. The concert will be under the auspices of the Duncan Lswson Chapter, I.O.D.E. bIASSED JUVEiNILE BANDS INd ENJOYABLE PROGRAbl Highly enjoyable was the con- cert given Friday night in Kit- silano High School auditorium before a large enthusiastic audi- ence by The Province Carriers, West Vancouver School and South Burnaby bands under the direction of A. 1V. Jordan. The program consisting of popular overtures, marches and waltzes, wss rendered by the massed young musicians, the various performances heing of a praiseworthy nature. Contribut- ing welcome variety were Stan- ley Wsrdroper, boy soprano; W. Coombs, cornet solo; Herb. Hor- ner, sccordeon solo; Bill Cater. baritone solo; C. Jordan, sousa- phone solo; Bob McCartney, cor- net solo; Ed. Gooch, cornet solo. Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accideol osd Sickness, elc. 2667 King's Asc. Phone W. 42Y2 St. Anthony's Church Pastors Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: 1361 25th St. Sunday 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10745 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:15 p.m.--Devotions. 1Veek Days 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:45 p.m., Wednesday -- Devo- tions. 7:45 p.m.,Friday -- Devotions, Confessions of school children. 7:30 p.mh Saturday -- Confes- s sit. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall biinister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Services: 9:45 a.m.--Sabbath School. 11 a.m.--Regular Church wor- ship. City minister as guest preacher. All are welcome to these ser- vices. CHRISTIAN SCIENCF. Church The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches snd societies on Sun- day will be "ARE SIN DIS- EASE, AND DEATH REAL'7" One of the Bible texts will be Deuteronomy 47 39: "Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 127 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by dVisry Baker Eddy: "Christian Science reveals God, not ss the author of sin, sick- ness, snd death, but as divine Principle, Supreme Being, Mind, exempt from all evil." Dick: "My uncle is like me- mskes witty remarks half the time." Doris: "Sort of hali'-witted fo Death of bfrs. H. Davey Funeral services were held last Friday at 2 p.m. st Harron Bros. and Williamson's parlors, North Vancouver, for Mrs. H. Dsvey of that city, who passed away on 28th ultimo. The de- ceased was the mother of S. L. Davey, 2758 Mathers Avenue, and besides him is survived by her husband, another son, J. W. Dsvey of the Philippine Islands, and 0 daughter, Mrs. A. J. Gard of Vancouver. Rev. E. bL Searl- es and Rev. J. W. Cuddeford conducted the services, snd in- terment was made in Capilsno View Cemetery. Read Smith's ad. for speciale. HOLLYBURN HALL Cor. 14th Js Duchess SUNDAY, April 9th at 7:30 p.m. An address by 61R. JOHN REID, Evangelist, of Motherwell, Scotland, Subject: "The World's Greatest Problem." You sre heartily Invited to hear Mr. Reid on this important subject. No collection taken. Established oo North Sbore 20 Yeota (Iady Ascislool) nARRON BROS. & WILLIAhISON gtnieral Qrrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems Pobiiebcd Story Thursday Pobliobet F. F. IA)VEGROVE Phone West 363 Boo)oooo ood Sdiloriol Ogicoi I7lb cod Motioo Dtiro (Nccl io Hoiiyboro P.O.) Phone West 363 Mon Address: P. 0, Bos SI. HoSybota, B.C. North Vancouver Oifice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $ 140 o year by cortices $2.00 o poor by iooB. Aprfi 6, i933, ! Dr.hisrjory hfccubbIII l DENTIST I:"i vP' Hoses: 0 ~. m, lo 0 p.m. Soluedoys: Is o.m. Io I p. so. HANSEN WINS LEYLAND CUP ill Hsnsen'0 triumph in the jumping and 0 second place in the cross-country grind won for him the lay)and trophy snd the combined chsmpionshi of the Hollyburn-Pscific Skl lub Sun- day. Hansen compiled 18.925 points as compared with 17.775 for Abie Knight in second place, 17.126 for "Irish" Beaumont ln third and 14.280 for Gus John- son, fourth. Johnson won the ten-mile crossa:ountry event in the fast time of 68 minutes 62 seconds. W. Hsnsen wss second in 59.10 and Able Knight third Combined honors in Class B went to Duke Knight with 12.365 as against 17.075 for Eric Twist snd 16.560 for Bill Blown. Pat Douet won the novice combined championship with C. Hoifman second, Bill Muir third, George Robinson fourth snd George Bury fifth. Daisy Bourdon defended her championship in the women' crosswountry event, Finishing in 17 minutes to beat Etta Cross and M. Gale by three minutes, The Class B race for women wss won by T Murby with E Murby second and O. Longmuir third. The time was 22 minutes 30 seconds for 2ldk miles. The men's Class B cross- country event was won by Bill Brown in 29 minutes 35 seconds for 5'/2 miles. Eric Twist was second in 31:33 and Duke Knight third in 28:42. The novice race was won by Pst Douet in 29 minutes 4 sec- onds, with George Bury secondl in 2!s:35 and Stewart bforriso. third in 30:42. Winners of tiie various events will represent iiie club in the Northwest international tourna- ment on Grouse Mountain Good Fii& sy. Nordsl i(sldshl, who is returning from the South this l ilk, also will be inclnded in the teem. Oificisls yesterday includ- ed O. Moen, H. Sotvehdt, Jim Pearcy and C. Johnson. Detailed results of the jumping follow: "A" Class 1. Bill Hansen ................ 17.950 2. Abie Knight .............. 16.175 3. Irish Beaumont .......... 16,625 "Bo Class 1. Duke Knight ............... 16.725 2. Eric Twist .................. 15.400 3. Bill Brown................... 13.475 Novice 1. C. Hoifmsn......... 16.850 2. Pat Douet .......... 16.776 3. Druce Cook .......,...... 16.250 4. Bill Muir ................... 15.375 Junior 1. Alan Fraser ................ 16.500 2, Kent McCullough ........ 15.275 3. Fred McIntosh ........... lb.000 4. Jack Kearns .............. 13.125 Etesiogs ood Sototdoy After aoo 4 by oppolalmool osiy, Royal Boob Boiidiog Pbooo Weel 440 Reoideoco I'boos Weel zpa f Jkt IJR. (e. IJ. H. SE44 LE DENTIST Hoy Block, 14ib ood 44ceiao Dt. Oigco Ifoueo 9 lo 0 P.m. Eeoc)ago by oppoiolmool. l Phone Wool 72 C. J. Overington PIOiNEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone bvest 135 Ambleside Slbeet Metal lVogkg lAURIE SPECK, Pdopdeioe 1446 biarine Drive Phone West 78 \ FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTAI.I.ED and REI'AIRED JOBBING ! SPECIAL Fire Insurance Rates Any Section of West Vancouver 810 per thous- and for 3 years. Only reliable Companies represented. \V. B. SHAKFSPEARE, North 428 Seymour 5534 WEST VANCOUVER SWIMMING CLUB The annual general meeting of the W V A S C will be held at 8 pm Friday April 21st in the Clachsn. All members sre re- quested to attend. The council endorsed the ac- tion of the reeve at 0 special meeting of the U.B.C.M. in Van- 'ouveron the 18th instant, in opposing the proposal to discon- tinue unemployment relief on s stated date. Patronize those who advertise in this issue. FJ No telephone ...so he was losing work. d d to: "A Meryin miner who Found hc wcs losing work because he could noi be reached by iclephone when needed hss hsd his ielephone re.insiallcd at his home" -News item in The Merrill Herald The msn with a telephone hce ihc best chance of gening s iob O. zt B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY