0001 III ' ) Ci rculatifttr in $1.00 per year. Vol. VII A Weekly Newspaper the District of West Vancouver-Ambieside, Hollyburn, Wetton, Dundarave Cyprets Park, Caulfetld, Whytecliff, Etc. 6 p rmyat~astana HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1933 4@Qs No. 46 ',' F1 si. I -(5' oll sf«, h«V I,:: ItfO doo h:j; Illr . isr. I," J, iaF- OF FOIF „"." how i' of dial i,of ll@l f lit , Of. o ht sor "; Awol 'oI« ', fool., t- I.EGISI.ATURE ADOPT COUNCIL'8 RFAOI.UTIONS In accordance with two reso- lutions sponsored by the present West Vancouver Council at the recent U.B.C.M. convention the B.C. Legislature have reduced the tax penalty of 16 per cent to 10 per cent., also the period of redemption hss been extended one year. ilIAY DAY CODIMITTEE~ The May Day Committee held their first meeting last night in the council chamber, T. E. W. Russell in the chair. The finan- cial report showed a balance of 6178.38 carried over from last year. The election of officers and committees resulted as fol- lows: Chairman--T. E. W. Russell, Secretary--J. R. Mitchell, Treasurer--Mrs. W. B. Small, Fiinance--Councillor R. Fiddes May Queen--Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sports--West Van. A.AA. Parade--Canadian Legion Prizes--P.-T. A. May Day Ball--Legion W. A. Decorations -- Horticultural Society. Grounds--Councillor Elgar. Folk Dancing--Miss M. Wil- son. Refreshments--For local ten- der by groups or commercial firms, the highest or any not necessarily accepted. Program--Councillor Elgar. Buttons -- Reeve Leyland, Councillor Fiddes, L. Brooks. Publicity--Blair Clerk. The date of the next meeting was called for 8 p.m. Wednesday, 19th April, in the council cham- ber. OPEN FORUM J At the Open Forum held inthe SociaBst Eall, 1453 Marine Drive, at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 2nd, the speaker was A. M. Stephen and the subject, "The Basis for a New Social Order." The discourse was based very definitely upon the historic and economic teachings of Karl hiarx and the speaker deprecated sent- amentalism and utopianism in dealing with economics. The next Open Forum will be held at 1453 Marine Drive next Sunday, April 9th, at 3 p.mh when the speaker will be Miss Mildred Osterhout, and the sub- ject "hiy Visit to Russia." AIRS. LESTOCK REID TO TAKE OVER TEA ROOMS Mrs. Lestock Reid on Wednes- day, 12th instant, wifi take over the entire management of the Fortune Cup Tea Rooms. Lunch- es, tees, d!nncrs, - dances, and parties will be catered for snd the Tea Rooms will be available for meetings. Full particulars msy be obtained by- phoning Mrs. Reid. GIRLS'UNIOR CHOIR CONCERT I 2 8 6 6 7 8 9 10 "SEA FAIRIES" (A Cantata) (Dunhill) "To the Children," (Prelude) ............................Senior Girls The Sea Shore ..............................„.„...........,...............Choir The Sky in the Pool .................................................. Choir The Sea Garden (Duet) Betty Blair - Dorothy Greenwood The Star Fish ...................................„...............,.......Choir A Ses Lullaby ............................. „...,......,..„.„,. Choir Sea Horses .....................................................................Choir The Mermaid ................................................................Choir The Sun Ship (Solo) .................................Clifford Tearoe The Moon on the Water...............................................Choir God Save the King. Conductor.............,..........Mrs. Colin MacLean Accompanists..................Mrs. G. Alexander Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove The West Vancouver Girls'unior Choir under Mrs. Colin MacLean will give the cantata "Sea Fairies," and a variedprogram at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), in West Vancouver United Church. Proceeds for Welfare. Tickets: adults 25 cents,children 15 cents. The following is the program: 1. The Keeper (Warwickshire Folk Tune)....................Choir 2. SOLO--Lullaby ................................. Dorothy Greenwood 3. PIANO SOLOS-- (a) The Musical Box (Poldini) (b) On the Ice (Crawford) ......................Doreen Addy 4. Where the Pools Are Cool and Deep (Lloyd)............Choir 5. READING (Selected) .............................,........Stella Bruce 6. SOLO--Prelude (Westrup) ........................Stanley Green 7. VIOLIN SOLO--Moto Perpetuo (Bohm) .......Jessie Davis 8. I Have Twelve Oxen (Wood) ...........„,......................Choir 9. SOLO--May-Dew (Sterndale Bennet) ....Bonnibel Barbour WEST VAN. A.A.A. The regular Friday Military Whist and Dance for next week will be held instead on Thursday, the 18th instant, at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall. As usual a splen- did evening's entertainment with cards, refreshments, and dancing will be furnished for the moderate entrance of 26c. See adv. elsewhere in this is- sue. West Van. United F. C. West Vancouver United gave a good display of football last Saturday when they defeated Cedar Cottage by 6 goals to 2. They are working nicely togeth- er and hope to win the league trophy. For Saturday's game with Kerrisdale at Kerrisdale Park the team will be selected from Larney, McLean, F. Dow- nie, H. Downie, Fiddes, Timbrell, D'Easum, Grieve, Bell, Vaughan, Davie, Normand, Stratton. Team leaves on West Vancou- ver I:30 ferry, snd get No. 7 car in the city. Coame starts at 3 p.m. sharp. West Van. Rangers F. C. On Saturday next, the 8th in- stant, the Rangers play I.O.F. at Ambleside Park. Game starts at 3 p.m, Team will be selected from the following: Traiford, Johncox, Butt, Forrester, Mc- Millan, Barnott, G. Masterman, Wedley, Lennox, B. Cripps, A. Masterman, J. Cripps, Daven- port," Edwards,' erguszon, 'Tur- ner, McVean, Winchcombe. West Van. Rangers F. C. have challenged West Vancouver United F.C. to a game on Good Friday. The challenge has been enthusiastically accepted and there wi7) be a game that will be well worth watching. Kick- off at 3 p.m. at Ambleside Park. Soft Ball The following district repre- sentatives have been appointed to organize Soft Ball teams in the various grades, and it is re- quested that everyone wishing to play submit their names to them: Ambleside: W. Gentleman, West 213L; Hollyburn: W. P. Fance, West 361L. Dundarave: P. T. Masterman, West 95L2; West Bay: The Military Whist and Dance held last Friday, the 31st March, drew the usual good attend- ance. It would seem that these affairs have become a habit. Prizes for whist were won by Table No. 12, the team consist- ing of Mr. and Mrs. Fence, hfrs. Climie and G. Gray. The dance went off very well and the music furnished by the combination of Messrs Childs and West was much appreciated. HON. T. D. PATULLO TO ADDRESS IA)CAL LIBERALS Hon. T. D. Pattullo wiB give his first public address after the session at 8 p.m. next Wednes- day, 12th instant, in Dundarave Hall. A number of North Van- couver residents will be present, and there will probably be other speakers. Following the meet- ing a social will be held, for which no charge for admission will be made. All Liberals and friends welcome. GIRL GUIDES The Fn st West Vancouver Company of the Girl Guides are having an enrollment on Tues- day, 11th instant, which moth- ers and members of the local as- sociation are invited to attend. The company is almost full. but there is room for two or three more girls. Will all old members who have hats, ties, belts or uni- forms belonging to the company kindly return them. LEGION NOTES Anather military whist drive and dance is being held at 8 p.m. Saturday, the 8th instant, and the grand aggregate prize will be awarded Saturday, 22nd April All those in the running shouM attend both functions. Roy Loam and G. Childs whl provide the music and there will be refreshments. A very successful auction was held on )Vednesday, 29th ultimo, at the box social. "The West Vancouver Bing Boys," compos- ed of T. Smith, T. Richardson, T. Irwin snd S. Jamieson created roars of merriment. Mrs. Gleam gave a delightful vocal solo. hfrs. W. Green gave quite a profes- sional demonstration af the cake walk, and Miss I. Turner showed considerable skill in tap dancing. TELEPHONE CO. ISSUE WEST VAN. NUAIBER The February-hiarch issue of Telephone Talk, the organ of the B.C. Telephone Company, which has just been published, should be of peculiar interest to the residents of West Vancouver, for it is a West Vancouver num- ber. It contains a six-page lead- ing article on West Vancouver with quite a number of beauti- fully produced local views, etch as well as a special article, also illustrated with a full length photograph, of John Lawson, the telephone pioneer of West Vancouver. Any resident can obtain a copy free by asking for same at the local office of the B.C. Telephone Company at 17th Street. WELFARE ASSOCIATION The Gardens Committee will distribute seeds next Saturday between the hours of 10 and 4 pm. Those wishing for more ground shouM apply naw to H. E. Walker or Grant McNeil or any member of the executive. A dance is to be given Easter Monday in the Hollyburn Pavil- ion with Nick WiBiamson sup- plying the music. Thanks! To Mrs. F. A. Walker and Mrs. O'Donnell whose delightful Tea and hfusicale formed the nuc)eus of s fund for the purchase of seeds. To the doaors of food orders, cash for food, and food received this week. To those who so readily re- sponded to the call for money for garden seeds. To the ready response to the appeal for boots far a boy. Please Food is stdl a matter of grave concern to tbe distributors. The Jones'cale is now in effect, and and relief allowances are conse- quently regretfully cut, which anil not help the local futuattan. Money for garden seeds is still I'squired. Christmas Cheer Distribution Report: 1932 153 Hampers were sent out at Christmas snd 7 more at New Years. Several letters, in szkB- tion to numerous telephone calls, expressing appreciation of the hampers sent out. Officisl thanks were received from the hfuni- cipal Council and from the Ex- ecutive of the Unemployed As- sociation. Thanks are due to the follaa- ing who assisted me in various aspects of the work'r B Clerk and Scouts af both No. 1 (St. Stephen's) and No. 2 (Leg- ion) Scouts, for the securing of boxes for hampers; hire. Bolin, Mrs. McNair, hfrs. McLean and hh Ramsey; hnhhg boxes; Mm. Small, Mrs, Mchiillan, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Menzies, as- sisting in packing; Mr. Almas, hir. Littleford and Mr. Edwards; assistance in de- livery; hir Testee free use of truck in delivering a number of hamp- The Orange Hall committee, for use of the Hall for storage purposes; bliss Ivy hfiles, and assoc- iates. who furnished the Radio program over CJOR on Decem- ber 23rd. The entire cast of the hamp- ers; 6794.03, was spent amongst the melehants of West Vancou- ver distributed as equitably as possible, as per attached state- ment; the balance of 8821 re- mains in the Royal Bank of Canada Hol)yburn I would express my appreci- ation of the cooperation received from the merchants, the various commit tees and the general pub- lic that made the effort of 1932 SQ successfill F. A. RAAISEY. Chairman. Ioo Ni)HTH SHl)ull MOUNTAINS o oo h««o oooo("ia O h„ HOLLYBURV HALL John Reid, evangelist of hiotheraeil. Scotland, will give an address at 7:30 p.m. next Sunday, 9th April. in Hollyburn Hall. taking as his subject "The lyorld's Greatest Preblema" Mr. Raid is a speaker of experi- ence, and all are cordially invit- ed to hear ldm. There will be no collection. hh