0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS March 80, 1988. Y t rh th I tr 'M rr hhh ihh~ Y trh t =A@ t'tmr Yrr'it tmtw.t tt t Yet r'c't r rtmr ztC'm'c h 't t t t't ~Yrt't * vier ' mt 1 'ttr": rr."- 'rrr Yrrrrr ~'t rrt reerrirrthr r hrttrr .t' ~rrrrrrrrth t wvYC irr'rt ht -rrr t.prrr prrr rrVrh thrr hr trerr« Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES DsntIargve,',„-'"„'„',„". Ambleside „' ™.„„." FREE PHOTOGRAPH By cpcciai arrangement vdtb Pbctocrctt Studio we are enabled to give with each 31.50 Cash Purchase, a cc*incate for a hioTION PIC- TURE PANEL PHOTOGRAPH, Worth 82.50. EXTRA SPECIALS both tcr 29c .. 15c 25c ..... Src For Wack-ead Speciale zec the "Sun" aad "Province" Thursday night Annual SATIN-GLO SALE WEEK Starts Friday, ivlarch 3 I zt. Satinrolo Paint, Varnish or Enamel. $ 1 off tlz gal. De Luge Kalsomine ....., .... regular 65c for 50c LEGION TROOP SCOUT NOTES A signalling competition wss held last Thursday for speed and accuracy, the P.L'8 receiving messages from the various mem- bers of their patrols. As shonqt by the last Scout and Guide census there are in the British Empire today over a million snd a half Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. REPAIRS EFFECTED Repairs to the Kitsilsno bridge being made by the British Col- umbia Electric Railway Comp- any at 8 cost of approximately 87,500 are expected to be com- pleted this week. Work on the piling and trestle was started 8- bout a month ago. RIDGE NOTES The Hollyburn Ski Club hss its club championships this week cnd. The Leyland Cup is held by the winner of this event. Keen rivalry is expected as the possession of this trophy is s highly prize8'ymbol of sports- manship with Canadian boys. The new log building at West Lake is nearing completion. It is very nice judging from the in- side, the outside being complete- ly buried in snow. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th dt Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. NEEDS CASH for Food, Boot Repairs and Garden Seeds You, too, can have a Velvety, Weedleu Lawn ...and so easily ,.: ~ztt.-'B SSO Yn P4 oa YSA23 SULPHATs oy hktzoNIA bcz bccn the zmndztd carf fcnilizcr zt golf courses in Czozdz. Here is what K P. MCRze, Supctintcodcnt of Shzugb- nczzy Golf Courzt.t hzz to zcy zbout it: "Szipbzic of Ammoaiz h the mott ztctzi tcttigzct wc bclfc (ccsmm Timlc wtt ~ ibzc wbctl wc tbollpbt tbcc wc ccctd aot we it ciczdky bci matt ztc otszmzz for ~ cbmSa nw mm wc kcmt of gtccat dwi bzvc btd acdxcg bzi Scipbac ci Ammoai~ toc otct tca years ~ad are ia good coaditioa. "Yoc'k Sad tbzt tbctc it aoibicg nfic Szipbcu c(Ammccic to tbidica zp ~ poor Lwcc you tza bticg c wtvwt icwz bcdi good zzd 0~tick iazuc of two moauw. A piccb ct Scipbcic of Aaxaozic oa ibc crown of wccdt will moa big tbwa." qbc coavcnicnt household size, 10.lb. package... enough to fcnilizc noo square feet of lawn, coztz only 60c ddivcrcd. If you have a larger lawn, you can zzvc money by ordering dm 100-lb. size. It cwm only 82.00. Phone Seymour &1)1, Coke Dcpcnmcnt. B. C. Electric SULPHATE of AMMONIA 1 ttx KADANA TEA with 6 POOD GLASS TUSIBLERS, both for 43c 1 Ib SWIFI"8 WIENERS with LARGE TIN NABOB KRAUT........ "SERVUS" CHEESK H lb. package NABOB JAMWttcwbccty and Apricot, 32 oz. jct ... "RED Jt WHITE" FLOOR WAX, 1 Rx tia.....................,..... LUMBER Ate D SERVICE FOR QUALITY AND REASONABI.E PRICES deal with The I.zcgcct Bxciucive Retail Lumber Otgcaizztica ia IL C. Sctiatcctica Guaranteed ix4 Speckled Lengths........S 7.00 SxS te Sx12 (randcm).. 6.00 1xs te 1xio Sbipiap........ 8.00 ix3 and 1x4 V Jciat.......... 18.00 8-ia. Fir Siding, long K.D. 15.00 IxS n 1x4 Flooring, K.D. 18.00 tb-In. V Joint, long K.D... 10.00 69 tt. Close Board Fence 4,50 Ntz 1 XXX Sbiagicc...... K26 Ne. 2 Sbiagicc.................. 1.60 Vaacoater I'ticcc ~ ~ ~ Everything ia Building itiatctiaic AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th zad Mctiac Drive West Vancouver Phone Wect 199 A Branch c! Excelsior Lumber aad Shingle Ce. Ltd. THE BURNING RUSH By Subsdnr I'e got 'cm again. In other words, another female of the species is out after mc snd sll twenty claws aching to scratch. Shc starts with that worst of all lies, a half truth. Wsr naturally helps the munitions combines and -- isn't it horrible -- the munitions worker, one of the working class, who also makes "big money," but at the same time it preserves our liberties, or did in the Great wsr. I am not to be lured into any debate on s subject upon which there is no sane argument, especially before a packed house of "Rcdskins," who would be the only persons interested. The modern "Red- skin" or "Rcd'„ though the old Rcd Indian wss a gentleman compared with him, is divided into two classes, the variety paid by hioscow, who is frankly 8 grafter and usually insincere, and his dupes, who don't know enough to know hetter. And isn't it shameful, girls, I'm going to the next wsr if I can wangle it, though too poor to hold shares in anything, snd I wss in the Great Wsr snd one previous to that, snd wear, when in uni- form, s decoration which so fsr has never been rationed. If the lady snd her precious progeny wont fight snd there are many like her when the Orientsls at- tack, I and fellows like me will go to Australia, where the men believe in freedom and 8 white Australis. In conclusion, I pre- fer my nom dc plume, but then I have never hid from bullets. If hfussohnt's appeal to hts people for 8 17,000,000 increase in the population during the next tcn years is taken serious- ly--and I don't think it would be safe for them to take it other- wise--there's going to be short- ly s regular plethora of marri- ages in Italy. One can only de- duce that batchelors in that country will have to take to the tall timbers pronto snd stay there if they wish to avoid get- ting their necks stretched. The whole country is backing the premier and the cities sre ofl'cr- ing all sorts of prizes. Cunco, for instance, promises $10 for each child after the sixth, snd sale tsx exemptions snd rent reductions, which would be most certainly needed if Mussolini knows 0 tenth as much about taxation as do Ottawa snd Vic- toria. Leghorn again will give 850 for each child after the ninth, which would in B.C. be all that would be needed to ensure the kids being strangled at birth. Taking it sll In sll, Italy must be the only country where we British Columbisns can live on what is kft after paying our several income arul other taxes. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Ilollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER and all Building Material of Iteat Quality at llaw I'rises. BUILD NOW I gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD I'hone West 115 Res. Phone West 368L 15th and hiarine Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE--2 large bcd», I zmcii; 1 bureau znd other articles, cheap. Apply 678 17th Street. GET hiY FREE ESTIMATFJI ca Painting, Papctiag and Kaiccmia-, izg. C, L. Kenizgc, Rcc. Phone t" Wcit 394K LOST-- Blue levebitd ia the vicinity ct 24th zad Jcitcrcca. Reward SL Phone Wczt 678K F5 visTitlcr ."II+ Notice iz hereby given that ak dq czcccccd taxes an land levied under'he"TAXATION ACT" aad ak Scbool Taxes levied under the "PUBLIC zi SCHOOLS ACP" become dze aad pay- IF) able on April 1st, 1924. An iced taxes aad ccbcoi taxes duc aad cciicctabie for the Vancouver Az- 'cccmcntDistrict are payzbie at my ft'iriccin tbc Court House, New West- minster, B. C. Tbiz aotiscztica ic equivalent to a personal demand by mc tot tbc pzy- + i t ment of ak taxes ac levied on the assessment rolls. No farther notice wki be given and taxpayers are re- '; quested to zce that their taxez are prcmptiv paid. Dated at New Westminster, B. C., Match 27th, 1933. JAMES A. YOUNG, Collector.- FURNISHED COTI'AGE -- Ak coa- vcaicaccc, 19th czd Waterfront. Rc-decorated. Phone West 68R. AUTO REPAIRS--Half Cash, balance trade. What have youi Phone tvcct 100. SALE -- Handy Aaa Sbcppc, Dza- datavc, April lzt and Srd: Paten'z Purple Heather Tiger Fingering, 11c cz.; "Special EVcci" ter Af- ghans, cuzbioaz, ctc. 9c ball. LADY DESIRES 1(OOM, patt board, Ambiccidc. Box 1, West Vcn News BABY'S WICKEk CAI(kiAGE- Ccadition as new, also Wiciiez Baz- ciaette. both for 516.00, Apply 2177 Bellevue Avenue. HEADQUAitTERS for Ail the Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tcbacccz, aad Ficb- ing Ccdgctc for local waters. Ambiczide Tcz Rooms. FOR 11ENT -- 5 Room Bzagaicz'artly turaizbcd, modern, garage West 255X. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE Take notice that WE, THE CORP-",:""'is ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF;, WEST VANCOUVER, whose address ',"„".:fi is HOLLYBURN, P. O., will apply I for a licence tc take and zze 600,000 gallons pcr day ot water out ot . CYPRESS CREEK which flows ', SOUTHERLY, and drains into ENG- 1: LISH BAY at about one bait mile Eeet of Caoitckd Post Oitice. Tbe Water will be diverted from ISIS the cttcam at about 100 feet ap ztrcam from the high falls ia Diztrict Lot 330, and will be used for Munici- pal Parpacec upon the lands described CF(g ac tbc whole Corporate Limits ~ of lti'est Vancouver. This Notice waz posted on tbe ground on 22nd dzy of March, 19SS. tz2 Tbc Petition for the appzcvzi et the undertaking will be heard in tbc Ot- A: Sce of the Beard zt ~ date to be Pi', flxcd, aad any iatcrectcd pcrzcn may " tke an objection thereto In the office ct the Comptroller or of the Water Rtcotdcr ct the Dictrict. (Signed) JAMES DUNCAN, Agent. P. t FOR SALE--Thoroughbred Aicctica mals pupa, 616.00, also registered Aizztian mcie 2 years. Phone Btookcz. West 74L3. FURNISHED AND UNFUkNISIIEV Houses to Rent. Hcuccz, lots, aad acreage for sale. John Lawcca, 17tb cnd Marine, Phone West 65. FOR PLUMBING REI'AIRS Rcc idczcc Phone West 241k. WEBB'8 SHOE kEI'AIRS WEAR BEST -- Duadatavc. FOR SALE--Fatal(are o( Svc-teemed house, stove cimozt new. Phone West 156X. Fok SAL~azp, Crcccicy Mzatcl Sct 548J also 1932 Ail-wave, 3127. Ak makes of radios repaired, tubes tested. North Shore Radio n Elec- tric, 1439 Marine Drive. Phone West 01. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with ak makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver hizcbiac Shop, 1449 Marine. K PALMER--Cbimaey Sweep, Rc- pairz. Phone North SDR2. MAkCELLE SHOP -- hiarcckc, 50 cents; react, Ssc; Sager wave, 60c. Pbcac Mrc. King, West 304. VERNON FEED STORE A. G SEARLE Phoae Wwt 0 FERTILIZERS of all kinds Wood, Coal, Builders'upplies Patronize those who advertise in this Issue. GEO. HAY NOTARY I'URLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1 105 Mctiac Drive I'boat Wwt 21 or Seymour 1250 Evtaiagc Wcct 204X GORDON ROILSON Bcrtittct B Sckcitcc 'iVEST VAN('OUVER- Oiticc Nc. 1447, Marine Driw Phone Wezt 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Sauc 818i 5IO Hcztiagz Bt. W. Phono, Seymour 4199. ~.t The rale tcr Cizcciscd Advcctizcmcatc ic 2 cents ptt word. mix)mam 25 ccatc. Except In the case ct tbwc bcviag tcgxict acccuata, ~8 clzwl~ Sid» ctc payable ctrictiy ia adtaaca Remember Ciacciscdz ia tbc Wcct Vaa News gct immediate results. t