0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS March 33, 1933 h xai ~ r*rc r .c*W rccyuxlrne ..ir&r rr'h e ~ irc' Vrvr c4 .'rrr1r'rrr err e' rrrr~ rrrrrrrrrf'r '%re'Jrrr Vrrr vrrrrrr prr.rrrrrrr rrrrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duudarave,", "';.,"'",„'.,"'Ambleside „""~ "".,';„." Suggestions-Fri. II Sat., March 24th &r, 25th CHEESE--We have just received a ahipmeat of New Canadian Cheese et Sae mild Saver. Special week-ead price........,... 1'ic per lb. Alee a few STILTONS, about 5 lbs. at............................. 95c each DRIED FRUrrS are (med aad mom icah EVAPORATED APRICOTS ..................... ..... 16c pec lb. EVAPORATED PEACHES 13c yer lb. BLACK I'IGS ............ sc yer lb. Saic Dates 2 lbs. for 1Sc hiAPLE SYRtiP--Right fceai Quebec .......,. 18 es. bottle 21c At this price one can agerd a treat. S)VIFT'S BACK BACON (by the piece) ...... pec lb. 16c BURNS'LICFD RAW HAM, th lb. pkga. ....... 2 for 194 DEVONSHIRE SAI'SAGE, 1 Itx pkg. for........,.....,,....,.....,...... 1Sc SEEDS--James Brothers'amous Canadian Seeds eew ia stock, Ask for Catalogue. C. I. I PLANT FOOD--Ideal for Lawns, Vegetables aad Flowers. Ia handy cartons with movable epee( ............................ 1 lb. 16c 6 lbs. 60c MANY ATI'EiND DEBATE PUT ON BY MEN'S CLUBS The Orange Hall was packed to the doors to hear an interest- ing debate on "Resolved that to Sur)dve, Capitalistic States must adopt government by Dic- tatorship," between the Home Oil Company, taking the a(firm- ative, and West Vanohttvcr De-. bating Teams. Frank Anders, captain, and his worthy assist- ants, hfessrs. Stone, Hammett, and Dcy, gave the IVcst Vancou- ver quartet, F. J. Patterson, cap- tain, and hiessrs. hIitchell, Clerk and Robertson a good run for the honors. Special mention should be made of the manner in which the West Vancouver team performed on such short notice; also the humorous style of Frank Andcrs in his rebuttal remarks, which were of 8 highly oratori- cal order. Chas. Courier,.magician, with his mystical card tricks and songs, gave the audience 8 real thrill. Frank Anders is not only a great speaker but 8 wonderful entertainer as well. The solos by Jack Ames were particularly well rendered and enjoyed by all present. Miss McEwen and Cal- vin 1Vinter accompanied I'r Messrs. Ames and Anders re- spectively. All these artists can be sure of a warm welcome in West Vancouver at any time. The Rev. F. A. Ramsey, offici- ated ss chairman and carried out the duties of this o(fice in 8 highly satisfactory manner. Rev. Hillis Wright spoke in 8 very optimistic way in connec- tion with the future, quoting re- marks of Sir George Paiah and pointing out a brighter day in regard to unemployment. The judges of the debate were Frank Barber, Vancouver; Rev. IV. Stott, North Vancouver, and Gordon Robson, West Vancou- ver; their decision being gener- ally popular with the large audi- ence present. The program and other ar- rangements were in the hands of the Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Messrs. A. L. Gear, Walter Hamilton, W. J. Turnbull and W. Blair. The.board of school trustees presented to the council detailed estimates for 1933. These were referred to the clerk. i IICLtmug Dh I «&re~«& t~~@ssi~ OU are ptobsbip watching the family budget very closely these days, real- izing what a great deal a wife can do in the matter of economy. Have pou ever thought shout saving money on nsns- portation bp using the street car for pout shopping trips or pleasure calls. Here is an easy, ptxcdcs( way of suddag a daily saving which at the eod of ~ year wiR amounc to a conddcmblc xum--aod with no discern(ort to yotuxdf, for you will find ihct freedom fmm driving sod par(ring troubles makes your journey to iowa ccaBy cojoyable. USC Tljr, (ITRE5r OIL B.C. ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY YIR=(4-t-t t-(7-r 9-- For Pull List ef Week-end Speciale. cee the "Province" aed "Sue" Thursday night LUMBER AND SERVICE FOR QUALITY AND REASONADLE PRICES deal vtth The Largest Exciacive Retau Lumber Ocgaaicatiea ia lk C. Satisfaction Gaaiaateed ilx4 Spec(Red Lengths...... $ 7.00 Sxs to Sx12 (randem)...... 8.00 1xs te Ix10 SbipiaP.... S.OO IxS aed Ix4 V Joint...-..... 18.00 8-la. Fir Siding, long K.D. 16.00 IxS 0 Ix4 Fleecing, K.D. 16.00 (4-tn. V Joint, long K.D..... 10.00 50 ft. Close Board Fence 4.50 Ne. I XXX Shingles...... 2.25 Ne. 2 Shingles................. 1.80 ~ ~ ~ Everything In Baudiag Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th aad Marine Drive West Vaaceacec Phase West 199 A Branch ef Excelsior Lumber and Shingle Ce. I.td. CORRESPONDENCE / Mr. Editor: I shall be obliged if you will print the following: I take great exception to "Subadar'8" statements in last week's News, deriding the Ox- ford students who were men enough to Sny they will not a- gain take up arms for "King and Country." Where did "Subadar" get the brilliant idea that any war is fought for "hi8 country's hon- or?" Ha is a keen enough stud- ent to know that wars are fought to make the world safe for prof- itecrs and shareholders in muni- tiona combines. Possibly "Subsdar" hss shar- 08 in some munitions firm and wants to sce the profits rolling in. And referring to the Oxford students being "concerned for the safety of their skins," I'l venture to say "Subadar" is an old enough msn that hc doesn' have to worry about the safety of his skin as 8 young soldier. Well, Mr. Editor, here is one young mother who will teach her young son what wars mean and the only war in which he will participate will be one for the emancipation of the working class. We women have been far too submissive to devoting our lives to bearing and raising can- non fodder. I once more challenge "Suba- dsr" to be man enopgh to tell us his name instead of hiding be- hind a nom de plume . I also challenge him to secure 8 debat- ing partner and debate this ques- tion with me snd 0 fellow work- er in sny hall in West Vancou- ver. Yours truly, MARY B. JOHNSTON. TENNIS CLUB HOLD AiNNUAL hIEETING The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Tennis Club took place on Wednesday even- ing, the 16th instant in St. S(ephcn's parish hall. The election of 0(ficcrs result- ed ss follows 1 President, Gordon Gray; vice- prcsldent, W. H. Turnbull; sec- retary, J. Griscdsle; treasurer, James Cornish; executive, Miss Dorothy Gillam, Miss Eleanor Brine, H. O. Eccleston, Cecil White. Anyone interested or who con- templates joining the club is asked to phone the secretary at West 434 "Our romance began in a most romantic wsy. My wife saved me from drowning. She's 8 mag- nificent swimmer, you know." "I notice you don't go out very fsr now." "No, I don't know if she would save me again." JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburhhy next Theatre HONE WEST 3 gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER ('O. LTD. Phone 1Vest 115 Res. Phone 1Vest 36SL 15th and hlsrine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Ciaecieed AdrerUcemeam ic 2 ceaie pec word, miaimam 25 cents. Except In the case e( these having rcsaiac acceeats, au ciacei. sade aie payabie strictly ia advaaca Remember Ciaeeiecde ie the West Vaa Neve get immediate reeaita FOI( RENT -- 5 Ream Beagalea partly fare(shed, modern, garage West 266X. WANTED TO itENT -- Waterfreat Cottage J(ttamoet or West, sum- mer months, twe or more bedceemc, large verandah, moderately furnish- ed, modern plumbing. Phoae Kec- ricdeie 3266. FOR SALE--Thoroughbred AisaUae male pape, $16.00, also registered A(cat(an male 2 years. Phone Bceekes. West 74LS. FOR SALE--Fera(tace ef Sve-ceemed house, stove almost new. Phone West 166K. WE REPAIR ANYTHING -- Pans, Bottles, Ironwork, Tools, Axes, Wedgec. Phone )Vest 100. FOUND--A Lady's Watch, viciaity of Duchess aed 14th Street. Phone West 230R, FOR SALE -- Broody Hee, Sacred Rock. Phone Bruce, West 1461 WANTED--Piano for Small Church heu. Good condition. Reasonable. Miss ChappeR, Caalfeiid. FOR SAI,E--Snap Creeeiey Mantel Set $430 also 1932 Ail-wave, $ 127. AR makes ef radios repaired, tubes tested. North Shore Radio A Elec- tric 1439 Marine Drive. Phoae West 01. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with ag makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. K PALMER--Chimney Sweep, Re yairs. Phone North 811R2. biARCELLE SHOP -- MacceRe, 50 cents; reset, Sbci eager wave, 60c. Phone Mcs. King, West 304. HEADQUARTERS for Ail the Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, aad Fish- mg Gadgets ter local waters. Ambieside Tea Rooms. Ne Ducks Wanted The editor of a poultry journal ce ceived a letter from a woman reader, It read: "Hew long should e hca re- main on the eggcl" The editor replied: "Three weeks for chickens aad four weeks tec decks." Three weeks passed aed the editor again received a letter from the read. er: "Thank yeu very much for year kind advice," it read. "The hea re- mained on the eggs for three weeks ead there were ao chickens hatched, aed as I did eet care for ducks, I took hec e(f the nest aad caid the eggs." GEr MY FREE ESTIMATES on Pe)sting, Pe ng aed Ke)semis iag. C. I eaiegc, Ree. Phon West 394R. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Hoaxes te Rent. Houses, late, sad acreage for sale. John Lances, 1'1th aad Marine, Phone West 66. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ree )dence Phoae West 241R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Daedarave. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE Take notice that WE, THE CORP- ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER, wbece address ic HOLLYBURN, P. O. wiii apply for a licence te take aeij ase 600000 gaSens per da ef water cut of CYPRESS CR EK which eeoc SOUTHERLY, aed drains into ENG- LISH BAY at about one hall mile East et Caaiteiid Poet Oifice The Water oui be diverted teem the stream at about 100 feet ap stream from the high Calls ia District Let 388, aad will be used for Maaici- pal Purposes upon the lands described as the whole Corporate Limits ef West Vaeceaver This Notice was yectcd on the ground on 22nd da of March, 1933. The Petition for t e approval of the undertaking will be heard ia the Of- Ace ef the Board at a date te be flxed, and any interested person may Sie an objection thereto in the OSHce of the Comptroller or of the Water Recorder ef the District. (Sigeed) JASIES DUNCAN, Agent. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1406 Mar(ac Drive Phase West 21 ec Seymeac 1280 Brea(age West 204X GORDON ROILNON Barrister S SeRcitec WEST VANCOUVER-- 4 0%ca Ne. 1447, bier(ac Drive Phone Wast 40K VANCOUVER Oy'FICE- Saite 818: 610 Haciiegs St. W. Phase, Seymear 4199. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. NEEDS GASH for Food, Boot Repairs and Garden Seeds LU BE R and all Building hlaterlal of Best Qusfity at Low Prices. B VII.D NOW I 4~