0001 rw 'r rvt,« t vt, A clpr r rv v h rr»»-vr- ~~~ r rr L v» t »t-* vrrl »»tr vt4 »r'»»'»7vvu~v r r»' I» »t 'r'rt '»» rrrr«rr Fr r; .we» rrr Vrrr tr«rrr'rrrrvrr»vr rr rrvtrr r»'rvrr 'ttr Ir .»'trr~ r. vr~rrrrrrr r rvrtr vr rrr r THE WEST VAN NEWS An Esgtter Bounet IVishous»s I erutuueut lk~ime is lihs spring toishous tlotorrs Don't make the mistake of Crying on the new hats without having your huiv arranged iu u chic cuiifuiu hy Kiss Clay of theG'Fuend'olcott Bestnty Shoppe Iste bluviuu Drive Fuv Appuiutmvut Phoae Wmt 117 United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright SUNDAY SERVICES II:16 s.m. snd 7:15 p,m. Weekduy Atlivitlcsi hionday, 8 p.m.--S.Y.P.S, Tuesday, 7:30 p,m.--Tuxis and Trail Rangers. IVednesday, 3 p m. -- Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice Friday, 4 p.m.--Explorers. 7:SO p.m.--C.G.I.T. Monday, 27th March -- Y. P. S. to spend social evening tvith Y.P.S. of South Hill United Church, leaving by 7:10 p.m. ferry. IVEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDII"ICE 20th uud Sueuimuit, Hugybuvu This Society iu ~ Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Svieutivt, In Buutou, Muuuuvhuuuttu Sunday Services 11:20 u.m. uud 7:20 p.m. Sunday, March 26, 19SS, Subject: "REAI.ITY" Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall )IIinister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Services: 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. The guest preacher will be Rev. Robt. Birch, graduate of the Vancouver Bible College. A very promising preacher. The soloist will be hire. Lor- raine Birch. Sunday School at 10:00 u.m. Tuutimuuy Meeting Wednesday at 0»16 psu. ! Drugs Patent Medi»is»a Phoae West 222 AI)IBLESIDE PHARIIIACY W. L KER, Prop Il01 Marine Drive West Vancouver Phone IVest 323 St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. March 26th -- 4th Sunday in Lent. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 and 11:16 a.m, -- Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon. 7:16 p.m. -- Coniirmstion by His Grace the Archbishop. 9:45 a.m.--St. Francis in the Woods. Pvvuvviptiuuu I'bute Suppiieu Y. S. L A meeting will be called at the Socialist Headquarters, 1463 hiarine Drive at 8 p.m., Monday the 27th instant, to organize a branch of the Young Socialist League. Young people interested in studying the problems of to- day and adults interested in the formation of the group are in- vited to attend. Speakers from the Y.S.L. of Vancouver will be in attendance. WEST VAN. A.A.A. West Van. Uniled F. C. The Club Tie match played last Saturday against Colling- wood and which resulted in a S-3 draw, will be replayed next Saturday at Collingwood Park. The local team put on a strong showing against the visitors who are the leaders of Section A and have not lost a game this season. It is hoped that everyone who can will accompany the team to Co))ingwood and help them to victory. Team as follows: D'Easum, Larnie, F. Downie, McLean, Grieve, Timbre)1, Normand, Bell, Vaughan, Davie, Fiddes, Slrat- ton, Hamilton. h)ck-off st 2:45 p.m. Take I:30 p.m. ferry and No. 11 car. Get off'ne block from Carlton School and walk north to Collingwood Park. Weal Van. Rangers F. C. The Rangers had hard lines in their game with Sugar Re- finery which they lost 2-3. Dur- ing the first half they were handicapped by being two men short; but more than held their own in the second period. On Saturday next st Amble- side Park they play Hastings Athletic. Kick-off at 2:45 p.m. Team will be selected from the following: Trafiord, Johncox, Forrester, McM)))an, Brett, G. hiasterman, Barnott, Wedley, Lennox, B. Cripps, A. Master- msn, J. Cripps, Davenport, Ed- wards. There is plenty of room at the Park for all supporters, Come and back up the team. Saturday, March 26th -- The Annunciation; Holy Communion at 10:16 a.m. The men of the congregation are invited to the Social Evening on Tuesday in the Parish Hall, when F. G. Fowler of the Home Oil Distributors LM. will give an illustrated lecture on the "Pro- cessing of Oil Products." This is a very interesting and instruc- tive lecture and it is hoped there will be a large attendance. The following Tuesday Col. the Rev. G. A. Wells, C.M.G., will give an address on 'The Church in the present situation." Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. -- Study meeting of W. A. in thc hall. subject: "China, the buikiing of the Christiun Church." HOLLVBURN Barber Shop 16th & Marine EXPERT SERVICE F kIARSH, Pmpvietuv. St. Anthony's ChurchVERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae West 0 Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagart Residence: 1361 25th St. Sunday 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:16 p.m.--Devotions. Week Days 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:45 p.m., Wednesday -- Devo- tions. 7:46 p.m.,Friday -- Devotions, Confessions of school children. 7:30 p.m„Saturday -- Confes- sions of adults. Fertilizers, IVood, Coal Builders'upplies Estab(i»bud uu North Shore 20 Yeuvm (Lady Assistant) HARROiV BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Birertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 The St. Patrick s Day Mt)ttary Whist and Dance proved ex- tremely successful, especially so in view of the other counter-at- tractions of the evening. The attendance surpassed all expec- tations and everybody had 0 really good time. Prizes for Military Whist were won by Mrs. V. Dods, Mrs. Sid. Jamieson, hiiss M. Little, and C. Little; but competition was keen and they had to fight for their victory. After cards, refreshments were served and then s surprise feature was introduced in the form of 0 raifle for s ham kind- ly donated by Councillor J. El- gar, and which netted a substan- tial sum for the A.A.A. T. Crane was the holder of the lucky tic- ket. The Dance continutu) till the early hours of the morning, with everyone on the fioor, novelties being Introduced during the evening. Prizes were given for the spot-light dances, these be- ing won by hiiss Beamish snd hir. Woodcock. The music furnished by the old favorites, Messrs. Lowes and Chkds was up to its usual high standard and contributed in no small degree to the success of the evening. CURRENT EVENTS CLUB At thhe regular meeting of the West Vancouver Current Events Club last week, Mrs. J. Stuart Jamieson lectured on general current events, with emphasis on Europe. She point- ed out that for the past ten years in Europe there had been a growing demand for a revision of the Treaty of Versailles which had made scute problems such as the Polish corridor and the minorities. The League of Nations had failed to revise the Treaty, as France and her allies wished to keep the status quo, and with 0 Fascist party in pow- er in Germany there wss great danger that Fascist alliance, made up of Germany, Italy, Hungary and others might re- solve to revise the Treaty by force. The finsl meetin)f of the Club for this season will take place on Wednesday, March 29th, at the home of )Ifrs. Small, Fulton Avenue, st 8:45 p.m., when Mrs. Jamieson will lecture on "Ire- land, Psst and Present." THB West Van Nevus Pubiiuhed Every Thursday Pubiiuhcv F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buuiuuuu uud Editorial Ogicui 11th uud Huvisu Drive (Nvzt to HoSybuvu P.O.) I'hone Weal 383 Hail Add»us»i P.O. Boz SL Hunybum, ILC. North Vancouver Offices 123 Lonsdale Ave. 61.00 ~ year by curvier i 6200 ~ year Ivy malL An eminent scientist announc- es that the wor)d will last a tri)- lion years instead of fifteen bil- lion, as previously estimated. All of which proves that there' plenty of cheering news in the press, if you will only look for it. THE BI.'RNING BUSH By Subadar It ls stated that last year thirty-nino mill)one)res in the British Isles were put out of that class by taxation. No doubt there Is much howling In Ens- lish business circles over this among those who thought It quite proper that the large land- owners should be years sgo forced by taxation to get rid of their holdings for what they could get for them. Essentially there is no diiference between stock or business holdings and land holdings, and, consequent- )y, this tsation would appear to be all to the good. One wonders when similar measures will be taken in the case of our Canadi- an millionaires. ~ ~ ~ A little of Hitler's doctrine of "Germany for Germans" might well be adopted by us in Canada. Hsd we twenty years ago fram- ed 0 policy of Canada for Can- adians and Britishers, our land would have been spared much of the trouble that besets us. Even now much might be done if we laid this down as thc axiom of our immigration policy. Surely experience should teach us that many nations have racial char- acteristics which prevent them ever being properly assimilated into 0 British civilization, just as we would never become satis- factory citizens of theirs. 5Iost of our Communist trouble, for insbtnce, is caused by immi- grants of Russian origin, not to mention the Doukabor nuisance. Should Ottawa not be prepared to go quite so far as to limit our immigration to those from the Old Land, they could at least re- fuse entry to those with whom marriage to Canadians would be unthinkable. Such restrictions are not suggested as in any way derogatory to the races who would come under the ban. It is merely that their ideas and methods of living are so differ- ent to ours as to make it impos- sible for them to be ever proper- ly absorbed into our national life. ~ v» There was s real fight the other morning in the vicinity of East Fender Street, when im- migration ofFicials with the as- sistance )ster of the police ar- rested a Pole scheduled for de- portation. Household furniture, bottles and other impedimenta took part in the scrap, which lasted for more than an hour. During the altercation s pair of handcufFs were locked on the Pole, but he snapped them as if they had been made of thin string. I don't think the msn should be deported at all. Any- one who csn handle hsndcuifs like that has the makings of a world's wrestling champion, and his proper p)ace is the Arena. Just think what a sensation he would be there! He would be tearing somebody's nose off and that would give a real thrill to the fans. I hear several of the ring warriors there have tried to do this, but so fsr have not been able to bring it oif. v v "It's an ill wind that blows no- body good" and this wss never more truly exempli)led than in the case of a lady living in Southern California, who thought she was paralysed In the legs. When the recent earth- quake struck there, however, she found she could run with the best of them, and, further- more, she has been running ever since. It's astonishing the time even the old and fat ones csn make with a mad bull or sn earthquake behind them. Per- March 23, 19SS. III.Marjory McCubb)n DENTIST Hooru: 0 u. m. tu 0 p. m. Suturduyv: 10 u.m. tu I p. m. Evvuiugv uud Saturday After- uouuu by uppoiutmvut only. Royal Bank Buiidiug Pkuuu West (to R»uid»uru Pbvuv West zpa DR. G. D. H. SEA LE DENTIST Hay Stuck, 14th uud Muviue Dv. Ogivu House 0 to 0 p, m. Evvuiugu by uppoiutmeut. Phone West Iz C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work I'hone Wtmt 135 Ambiesigte Sheet Metal Works 1AURIE SPECK. Pvopvleior 1446 Marine Drive Phone Vtesl 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAI. INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING Clip the FREE PROGRAM from the Unemployed Association's write up in this issue uud come tu the POVERTY FROLIC in the Lvgiuu Hug FRIDAY, i)ARCH 24th, ut S»30 p.m. "Waar the vugg»deut clothes yuu can flud." Poor Paupvvu Puy Zsc pvr Couple Refreshments, Costume Prizes sonslly, when a schoolboy, I could never go over more than four feet in the high jump, but am quite sure that with the as- sistance of a real good temblor I could jump over the moon in spite of my age. BADMINTON In one of the best matches of the season in the North Shore Badminton League the West Vancouver Teachers defeated the Eidelweis Club 9 games to7, reversing the score of their pre- vious encounter. Each team hss now won eight games, lost one and drawn one and lead the league. The Sixth Field Club are close behind with one loss and two draws but have still two games to play, one with Eidelweis and one against the Teachers, and as both previous games against these teams re- sulted in an 8 all tie, sll three are in the running for first place. There will be 0 p)aywff between the first and second team for the league championship, and s trophy has been donated by George Sparllng of Vancouver, for the winner. Friend: "You look very seri- ous." Doctor: "I am worr)cd about one of my patients." "Is it a very serious case Fw The CHILDREN - The OLD FOLKS A Photograph """'"*'""'"Home Portraiture Suitiag ouv prices iu the times we oifes OWn HOme I 6 Photos for $5.00 Iu your uwu home C. J. BRODERICK i486 Mnr)oe Drive ~ . ~ ~ i