0001 R ~ ~ A Weekly Newspaper Circulati'ngin the District of Wgst Vancouver-Ambkside, Hollybtdrn, WcJton, Dundaravg 61.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy at newsstands. h Vol. VII HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1933 No. 44 i u I fwl ,lc cil, I cld lni, dci Iic. (LL m- bc. Pcp tccc icv COUNCIL NOTES D. McTavish appeared before the council to speak to his letter re use of council chamber by the directors of the West Van- couver Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society. The permission asked for was granted. School Trustees Russell and Batchelor as grounds'ommit- tee, came before the council to request that certain work be done on the high school grounds with a view to grading and seed- ing same. The request was referred by the council to a committee com- posed of the chairman of the board of works and the engineer with power to act in conjunction 0 'ith the school grounds'om-mittee. D. Kolthammer interviewed the council regarding ditch at the end of Block 18, D.L. 772. Referred to the chairman of the board of works and the eng- ineer for report at the next meeting. Ml's. Dundas came before the council re access to Lot 5, Block 23B, D.L. 558, El', her request being referred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer with power to act. H. Rehberger wrote the coun- cil regarding access to his gar- age. He wgs advised that the coun- cil could not see their way to open the lane and that, there- fore, his request had been re- ferred to the Town Planning Board of Appeal. L. D. Device wrote the coun- cil re repairs to road in front of 1160 Nathers Avenue. This request was ordered left to the at,tention of the chairman ot the board of works and the engineer with power to act. The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Alice R. Sewell application re creek through Lot 8, Subdi- ision "D", Block 6, E 100 acres D. L. 664. That applicant be informed it was not the responsibility of the municipality to divert creeks which ran through private prop- erty, and therefore, they were unable to take any action in the matter. 2. General road work. That the exceptional rain storm had caused considerable damage and a certain amount of work would be necessary to re- pair same. Left for the atten- tion of the engineer. 8. Additional water at Cyp- ress Intake. That the minimum quantity that the municipality can stake now would be 600,000 gallons per day and that the fees to cover same would be approxi- mately 6100.00. The engineer's action in obtaining this licence was approved. 4. 5th Street north of Mathers Avenue -- condition of the road. Referred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer for report at the next meeting. 6. Bathhouse at Dundarave Pier. The matter ot moving the bathhouse was lett with the chairman of the parks, the chair- man of the board of works, snd the engineer with power to sct, the chairman of the parks to present a report at the next meeting in regard to its future location. IVELFARE ASSOCIATION V An urgent appeal is made by the Welfare Association this week for money to purchase seeds for the home gardens of those on relief, and others who cannot this year put out the necessary capital to start their gardens and next winter's sup- ply of vegetables on their way. To those who have even a very much cut salary it might seem that the cost of a few seeds would be so trivial as to be with- in the possibility of even the poorest of our neighbors, and it would surprise them to know that there are many residents of this delightful community who have not handled a dollar bill for weeks, snd some not even for months, but such is the case. Donations however small will be gratefully received by the chairman, Rev. F. A. Ramsey, or the secretary, L. Wrisberg. For information in regard to the Gardening Scheme, please apply to Grant McNeill or H. A. Walker. The grocery orders are prac- tically used up now. The dis- tributors are finding it very dif- ficult to make the available food go round, and would appreciate gifts of food. Thanks! To the donor of shoes accomp- anied by a dollar bill for repairs. For the oil lamp, which found a home where the light had been cut oit, the same day. For the gift of several boxes of cereals. For the Grocery order. IVEST VANCOUVER CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments 1932 RECEIPTS Christmas Cheer Dance $211.66 Hard Times Whist dc Dance .......................... 27.75 Messiah ........................ V0.20 Donations ...................... 574.42 West Van News Subscriptions 6142.18 Sundry Dona- ations Hdqr. 482.29 Drawings ........................ 22.79 $906.82 PAYMENTS Deposited to Savings Ac. No. W246, Royal Bank of Canada .................... $794.78 Expenses: Christmas Cheer Dance .............. 664.84 Hard Times Whist &Dance 17.59 Messiah ............ V.VV Office Head- quarters ........ 14.88 104.68 899.86 Cash on hand as at 27th February, 1988,......... 7.46 6906.82 LEGION TROOP SCOUT NOTES Under the able instructorship ot Mr. Grout the boys trying for their engineer's badge, are com- ing along welk It is expected that the matter of the Scout International Jam- boree, to be held in Hungary, will be brought up shortly. First class scouts, 14 years or over, who have their camp-cook' badge and two year's service are eligible to go. Besides the Jam- boree the Canadian Pacific Steamships have arranged an in- clusive tour for the boys. WEST VA iCOUVER ARTLRTS ON THE AIR Last Wednesday evening in celebration of the municipality's coming of age West Vancouver artists went on the air over CJOR. Those taking part in the program were the West Vancou ver Choral Society, a mixed uartette from the Dundarave dies'hoir, Mrs. F. X. Hodg- son, IIrs. Howard Leggatt, hire. Willoughby, Mise hfcIntyre, Miss Dolores Romaine, Miss Hilda Wilson, and Aubrey Clarke. Mise McIntyre and Nrs. J. E. Durbin acted as accompanists. In the intervals short addresses of con- gratulation were made by Alder- man McRae representing Mayor Taylor, Commissioner Bennett of Burnaby, Commissioner Tis- dal of North Vancouver, and Reeve Leylsnd, who also read the following telegrams received by him: Have much pleasure in con- veying to you as Reeve of the hfunlmpahty of West Vancouver and to your Councillors my most cordial congratulations upon the attainment of the twenty-first birthday of the Municipality. To you, your Councillors and the citizens of the hfunicipality, I send my most sincere good wishes for the future; snd con- tinued success in the develop- ment of your municipality. J. W. FORDHAM JOHNSON, Lieutenant-Governer. Victoria, B.C„ On behalf of the Government. of British Columbia, I wish to congratulate West Vancouver most heartily on attaining its majority It has survived the difficult years and may now look forward to playing an important part in the splendid future pre- dicted for Greater Vancouver. S. F. TOLÃIE, Premier. Victoria, the Capital City of British Columbia, wishes to ex- tend its heartiest congratula- tions to the beautiful Municipal- ity of West Vancouver on attain- ing its majority today and trusts that it may grow and de- velop in the future along lines of beautification and culture to its manifest destiny as one of British Columbia's substantial and progressive Communities. D. LEENIiNG, hiayor. On behalf of the citizens of New Westminster, I wish to ex- tend congratulations to the beautiful Nunicipality of West Vancouver on their twenty-first Anniversary and trust they will enjoy a continued period of pro- gressive development. A. 1VELLS GRAY, Mayor. Congratulations from the Union of B. C. Municipalities to the Municipality of West Van- couver on attaining their 21st Anniversary. Municipalities are today passmg through a hard and difficult period and our sin- cere good wishes go out to you at this time with the hope that as the years pass, she may find herself developing and prosper- ing as she herself desires. W. CROUCH, Pfwsident. PART H. Excerpts from "THE MIKADO." Act l. MAI.E CHORUS............,..."If Ycu Want lc Xucw Whc We Avc" SONG & CHORUS (Ncukl-Pco)............"A WcudYiug hGuctccl I" SONG (Pleb Tush & Chccuc)................"Our Great Mikado" TRIO (Pcc-bch, Neck(-Pcc & Pleb Tush)... "Young Mcu, Despair" RECIT (Naukl-Pcc & Pcch-huh).,..........--.."Aud I Have Journey'd" CHORUS & SOLO (Ku.Kc)...."Behold the Lord High Ecccutioucr" LADIES CHORUS......................,...--.--:................ "Comes c Train" Duudcccvc Ladles Chair TRIO (Yum-Yum, Pccp-Bc & Pnl(-S(ug).. ' love Lnllc Maids" (Rc-cutcr Pcch-Bch cud Pick Tush) QUINTFT & CHORUS...................................."So Please Ycu Slv" QUINTET..................................."Tbc Threatened Cloud" ENTER XATISHA...."Your Rcvclc Ccccc," "0 Fool That Flcc-ccl" SOLO (Pitti Slug)............"Fcv Hc'c Going lc blcvcy Yum-Yum" FINALE--Act I .,..........,............"May All Gccd Fortune" Act S. SOLO (Phil-slug & Chorus)................-,.."Braid the Raven Hair" SONG (Yum-Yum) ......................--.............-"Thc Suu Whose Rcyc" TRIO (Yum.Yum, Ncukl Pcc cud Kc-Kc)...."Herc'c ~ Hcw-dc-dc" CHORUS.............................................................. "Ml-ya-ccmc" SONG di CHORUS- (Mlkadc cud Kcllchc)...."Bcw-bcw-lc hlc daughter-lu- lcw vlcc(" SONG & CJIORUS (hllkcdc)............."A Mare Humane Mikado" TRIO & CHORUS (Pntl-Slug. Kc-Kc)............"Thc Cclmlucl Cried" QUINTET..........„.............."The lucwccc that Bloom in lbc Spring" bfADRIGAL ............................................ "Bclghuy Dcwuc" SOLO (Kctlchc)....., ......,..,.......-....-,.."Alone cud Yct Anvc" SOLO (Kc-Kc) ...........,.........,...............................,. "Tlt-Willow" DUET (Kc-Xc cud Kciicha)..................."Thurs Is Beauty" FINALE ................."For He's Gcuc cud Mcmcd Ymu-Ymu" ln connection with the prepar- ation of Irwin Park, elc., the coundl appointed Councillor El- gar as a delegate from them to the West Vancouver A.A.A., the association's proposed const( tu- tion and by-laws to be handed over to him for perusal. COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY LEGION MILITARY TO GIVE DANCE WHIST gi DANCE The West Vancouver Branch The Canadian Legion, West of the B. C. Scottish Country Vancouver branch, will put on Dance Society will give a dance at 8 p.m. next Saturday, 25th the sixth of their popular MiTit- March, in the Clachan, to which ary Whist Drives and Dances on the public are cordially invited. Saturday evening, 25th instant, There will be refreshments and at 8 p.m. in the Legion HalL an enjoyable evening is promis- There will be refreshments and ed toall who attend. Admission Messrs. Childs and Lowes will 25 cents. provide the music. The usual admission, 25 cents. WEST VANCOUVER SCOTI'ISH SOCIETY WEST VANCOUVER Under the ausnices of the CHORAL SOCIETY West Vancouver Scottish Soci- ety a two hour program ot pic- tures of Scottish scenery is to All members of the Society be given by the Cunard Une at are exPected to be Present at the 8 p.m. Friday, 81st March, in Legion Hall on Monday, March the Ing)ewood Auditorium. This 27th, at 7:80 P.m. for the Annu- will be open to the public. Fur- al Meeting and Election of Of- ther particulars will be given in flcers for the ensuing season. our next issue A'fter the business meeting the remainder of the evening FOOTBALI. will take the form of a social. West Vancouver vs. Toc H Those in charge have promis- boys at Ambleside Park, 11 a.m. ed a most bttractive program Referee Mr. Finlay. comprising items that will sur- A. (k N. Bluebirds vs. Kings- pass any previous effort in this ley School at Nahon Park I:15 direction, and itris expected that p.m. Referee Mr. Attwell. Sat- there will be a full attendance urday, March 25th. of members on this occasion. DUNDARAVE I.ADIES'anged by Nrs. Knight-Hodge, CHOIR CONCERT with hire. J. E. Durbin the choir's able accompanist at the Don't forget the Dundarave piano. The stage production has Ladies'hoir Costume Concert been arranged under the direc- which is being presented at the tion of David Sharp, and the Inglewood High School Auditor- costumes superintended by Mrs. ium on Friday and Saturday, Gleam.-- March 24th and 25th. The proceeds are being devot- This concert is being given ed towardd helping the West under the direction of iMrs. F. X. Vancouver Welfare Association Hodgson, L.A.B. The orchestral and the School Band. accompaniments have been ar- The follow1ng is the program: PART L Exccrpic from "THE GEISHA"-Suu Voy uud Ciugo(cc OVERTURE--"Operatic Gems" ................SuR)vcu Orchestra OPENING CHORUS.................."Never a Cloud," "Tca-Tcc-Tca" Duudcvcvc Ladies Choir CHORUS.........................."Happy Japan," "Here They Come" Choir SOLO & CHORUS.............................................."Thc'cu'vc Seen" bfr. Pcwcll cud hfalc Chcvuc CHORUS................................................"If Ycu Will Come tc Tcc" Choir SOLO & CHORUS..................................."The Amorous Gcldbch" Mrc. Hailstone cud Choir SOLO & CHORUS.................................... "Chin-Chin-Chinaman" Mr. T. Turner cud Choir SOLO.................................,................................"A Geisha'c LHc" Miss Joan Durhlu SOLO & CHORUS............. --................."The Interfering Parrot" bfrc. Stevens aud Choir DUET ......................-................................--.....--....... "Chiugm-riug" bfrc. Pcwcn cud Mc. Turner FINALE..................-................----..........................--.. "The bfocu" Miss Edna Walker, Scm Turner cud Choir. Orchestra OVERATURE ............... "Tbc Ghclcc" aud "The Mikado" Orchestra h wh mc