0001 THF WEST VAN NEW9 March 16. 1933. r ~ Frr 'ortu so'h F' a~~ *r sF srou. 'rog -r'arr 'p ryioues*t o't'r:ruvd at sids~u .rstr'rrs Fr= 's" t 'I '\!i'r 1 ~«r 'rrr rrr-s,t't"~ t" ~ „' r ~'rrr ' r'ro rrrrt'r crrrr'rrrrr rrrrr r'rr'rrurrrFut ruu rr r'mith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dunda rave,","",'.,"'"„'.,",.'. Ambleside „„" ., March 17th & 18th FIG BARS. wade ef %hule Wkaat Fluur aad Fresh New Yiga I'er kh ............................... 15c CORN-- GOLDEN BANTAM. Red (k White Brand, per tia ...... 15c WHITE Blue 41 lyhite Bread per tia .......................... Ioe COFFFB, Freak ('ruuad. per lb zsc ihlARMAI-ADE- Nabeb Brand ........4 kh tlu Sse $2 ex. Ias zse 1'IIEESR, Barras Brand, VI kh 17e I'ASTRY FLOUR, an Shap(re pro. duct--Australian, 10 kh sack zlc 5 lb. sark lse PE.ACHES, Nakuth Sursid or Halves--large 2'Vj tia. 22e Red Sk White IVHOLE CI.AMS tall tia ...... 12e SHELLED IVALNUTS, ls kh 14c SOIl 4 BISCUITS, Oraieud'a Family aixe packet .............. 1st CAKE--IX Chocolate liayer Covered with lralauta, each 26e Suggestions-Fri. III Sat BUTTER. GOLDEN MEADOlr. 2 Ruh 57« hIAIDA VALE. 2 lbs. Ius Sze 8'lVIFI"6 CO1TAGE ROI.LS. Arerage 8 te 4 lbs... per lb. Ize BREAD. The BIG 24-ea leaf 2 for 15c ORANGES. large... per deeda 85e Slediuw per deaea SSe CARROTS er TUkNII'S 'I lhu. 10d ONIONS or BEEIS....S lbs. Ise CABBAGE, srm heads......lk. Se POTATOES- ASHCROFTS ...25 Iksh 27e HIGHLAND GK(IS. ZS lka. Szc GR.4PE FRUIT, large. ALL-BRAN, Yiekogg'e per packet ................ 17c SLICED PINE.4PPLK Ne 2 a(ac tla........ 8e CRLSHED PINEAI'PLE, for Caked, Salads aad Deaaerta Ne. 2 aide tia .................... Iee Electric andGa& WATER HEATERS given away and installed FREE! I R a limited time the B. C Electric makethis sensational offer. Gas or electric water h«stars, according to circumstances, given away without cost and fully instaiicd frsr! This ogcs is obmlnable from citbcr tbc B. C. Zlearic ot from vous local gax or eieasical appliance dealer. Briefly sbs difdy is us fdllmuss We will supply aud lns(all absolutely ls«e ofcharge; (a) au electsic wates nm!er (muk immessou type) os (b) ~ Sas water bcd(es (sauk type) These can also be obmiucd frsd through your local electrician or Hect(ical or Sxs appfiaucc dealer, rfs sbss, aidss dud ahak sd musd sbs usa sfgus dud Ilrrsru surrrus, the frw iussrdlusidu susll bs gdusrmd by vtsusu rardgusxtd tuba. Put(bar dsussls pull gladly bd sugalsrd by pws losel drrdsr ar by your urussss B. C. Pidssrss Sssrr. EG&uuc APPUANCE STOREI aBI:I I I 1-'1: Ro(o] R8 I v 1 H F %E 1 EoS 014[0m;L%JS~S West Vancouver Eggs "'w'"~""~ ~„","26„'ARDENS and GARDENING By AHNA G. HUTT, Lnndscape Architect madoat Ia Ludsoadaa U. I c Aau um xsl od FI I 4 a Arrl udtu ~ aad o dda. M I nrhud I ds a mr la. Fro those rose lovers who may The following recipes for wish to make up their own fer- liquid fertilizers may prove of tiiizer for roses we suggest the value. following formula: (1) One ga)fon of soot to Sulphato of Lime...."--- 4 parts eighteen gallons of water; Su)phate of Magnesia.... 1 part Sulphate of I n............ IA part (2) One gallon of horse man- jtrnto of Potash 0 parts ure to fifteen gallons of water Superphospate of Lime 6 parts (3) One gallon of cow manure Mix thoroughly and apply in o fiftocn gallons of water; February or March at the rate (4) One half ounce of nitrate of 8 quarter of a pound to the of soda to one gallon of water; square yard. A light dressing (5) One half ounce of sui- may also be given in May or phn& of ammonia to one gallon early June. Mix well into the of water; soil around the bushes. Keep the (6) One pound of sheep guano mixture in a dry place. to eighteen gallons of water. Chicken manure is excellent Any one of the above mixtur- for roses also but should be es may be applied in moderate used sparingly because of its amounts from the time the buds tendency to burn. We would appear until they start to open. . suggest that it be applied in An application once 0 week will liquid form. A bushel of the do no harm. manure placed in 0 sack and of water for several days. The Ia rhl sos a.The uussshuss should h dd wut I reSultant liquid Will be gOOd for,h, ~sot Is ~o os u,. Zduw. Th~ other garden plants as well as II ~ urso I stair Is ka Ir d ~ at asd. rosps. ~sit dd ss d o laos should h dwd. LUMBER AND SERVICE YOlt GUALITY AND kEASONABLE PRICES deal with The lotgast Exclaalre Retell Lumkw Orgaalxatlea ia B.C. Satlefactlea Guaranteed Ix4 Speclflod Lengths........8 7.00 zx8 tu zxlz (random)..... 8.00 lxs tu lxlo Shlplap.......... 6.00 Ixz aud lx4 V Joint.......... 18.00 9-iu. Fir Sidiag, long K.D. 16.00 lxs R lx4 Fleering, K.D. 18.00 KI-!e. V Joint, long K.D.. 10.00 SO ft. Close Board Fence 4.50 No. I XXX Skluglee........ 2.26 No. 2 Shingles................... 1.80 ~ ~ ~ Everything in Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th aad Slat(he Drive West Vancouver Phone West 19S A Branch of Excelsior Lumber aud Shingle Ce. Ltd, THE Bi(RNING RUSH By Subadar One hss got to doff one's hat to John Bull, for the old gentle- man, after weathering troubles that would have made any other msn just lie down and die, is up on top again and going strong. An honorable old fellow, so hon- orable that some of the world laugh at him, he hides 8 most alarming shrewdness under 8 guise of stupidity, &he same which has made the French re- fer to him in the past ss "per- fidious.u We read that the money centre has moved back to London. It really never left there, except that, as we see now, 'he old man purposely handed over the reins to less experienced drivers, knowing that those reine would come back into his hands the more surely to stay. It should be a lesson to us Canadians, who have difficulties insignificant compar- ed with those that faced him. We can do it the moment we de- cide to really clean our house, to cut out the dishonesty, the greed, and the graft which are so surely wrecking us. Veregin has been allowed temporarily to stay in Canada, and his first action is to threaten a march of thousands of his people arrayed in nothing at ail from the West to 1Vinnipeg, un- less an investigation is made of Doukabor problems. One won- ders why Winnipeg should be honored by 8 second such whole- sale expose of the human form divine, considering that ail our Canadian artists don't live there. There is really only one Douk- abor problem, and that is how to get ail of them out of Canada as quickly as possible. Vercgrin states he may start for Mexico shortly, and that the crowd may follow him later. One can only hope that iriexico will be «con- vonicntu in the Irishman's inter- pretation of the word. Canada might well subsidisc Mexico to take them off our hands, also send emissaries amongst them to explain how much more suited is the climate down south for their particular form of vanity than our land of ice and snow. If no other nation are fools enough to accept them, then the only thing left for us Canadians is to all go on "September morn" parades ourselves so forcing the Douks to read Peck's Bad Boy and there discover some more original ways of making them- selves 8 general nuisance. The electoral war drums are sounding in the land. Over the valleys and mountains of our fair province is heard the war cry "There is only one Duff, snd he ia the leader of the Liberal party. "One expected to hear and dmn't from the peaceful JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 CLASSIFIED ADS Tke rate for Claaaifled Adoartlas 25 saute. Except la tke case of tkeee Aeda are payable etrietly la adraucu Rewember ClaaaiSede la tke West FOR kENT -- 6 kuom Buagaleu, partly furnished, modern, garage. West 265X. weata le 2 seato per word, minimum haalag regular acaouenh ak aleeal- Vaa News get lwmadiate reeulta ENGLISH V.A.D. COOK R NUIT --Any work, auy time. Bex 8S, West Van News. AUTO REPAIRS--Half Cash, balance Trade. What have youl Phone West 100. LANDSCAPING -- Lawns, Tennis Courts, Reckeriee aud etao reason- able. Ak work guaranteed. M. Hallmark, IVeat SSSR. FOk SAL~lx-hole I'aveett Range Phone West 821. DRESSMAKING -- Coats, Dreeaea. Children's lvear. Prices reaaeuable. Mra. Device. Phone West 207Y. Saanich pastures 8 roar to the efFect that there was nothing left to eat except grass, but that there was, thanks be, plenty of that. Now another party has just sprung up, which is making ail the other politicians gasp and take 0 back somersault, ail, that is, except Maitland, who is re- ported to have sent for a gyro- scope with which to recover his equilibrium. Meanwhile the vot- er is thanking his gods on ail fours that at )east he will be spared the pains of Proportional Misrepresentation. COUNCH. NOTES In connection with 0 letter from C. J. Gilicspio re auto acci- dent at West Bay snd the reeve's reply thereto, the council direct- ed the clerk to send 8 copy of both letters to the Department of Public Works stating that some few years ago a fatal acci- dent occurred at this particular point. The council accepted the foi- lowing offers of bonds for pur- chase for the sinking fund: 61,500 District of West Vancou ver 5(y2%, due 1st June, 1943, at $87.29 snd accrued interest. Yield 7 25% 62,000 District of West Vancou- ver fits2%, due Junuary 1st, 1945, at $86.13 snd accrued interest. Yield 7.25%. $1,000 District of West Vancou- ver 5&@%, due 1st July, 1945, at 685.77 and accrued interest. Yield 7.25%. $ 1,000 District of West Vancou- ver 5(sk%i due 1st March, 1946, at 686.43 and accrued interest. Yield 7.26%a. 61,000 District of West Vancou- ver 5%, due August 1st, 1952, at 674.69 and accrued interest. I.OST--Large Caaaae Square. March 2nd. finder please phone West 174 R. WANTED--By reapoaaihle Ieaaat, to rent, furnished house, vraterfsou, garden, preferse(L Apply Bex 28, West Vau '(evra Y(ik SALE--Seep, Creealey Maatd Set 9484 also 1952 Ak-wave, 5127. Ak makes of radios repaired, tubes tested. North Shore Radio 6 Elec- tric, 1489 Marine Drive. Phone West 81. FOk I'LUSIBING REPAIRS -- Rea- ideace Pkeue lveat 241R. LAWN SIOWERS SHAkPENED- Experienced with ak makes. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Star(ac. K PALMER--Chimney Sweep lte pairs. Phone North 811R2. MARCELLE SHOP -- Maseeke, Ss cents; reset, 55c; Anger wave, 60e. Phone Mra. King, West 204. HEADQUAltTEltS for AB the Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, aud Fish- Iug Gadgets for local watere. Ambleasde Tea Rooms. GEP hlY FREE ESTIMATES ea Painting, Paperiag aud Kalaemia- iug. C, L Koaluga, Rea. Phone West 894R FURNISHED AND UNfURNISHED Houses te Rent. Houaee, lots, aud acreage for sale. John Laoraeui 17th aud Marine, Phone West lttuk WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIRS WAR BEST -- Duudarave. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBI.IC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Brea(age Weet 204K GORDON HOBSON Barrister St Soka((us WEST VANCOUVER-- Oflice Ne. 1447, Siarlue Drive Phoae West 402. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 81st 510 Had(luge St. W. Phone Seymour 4199 WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Tea and Musicale for Garden Seeds at home of i(ra. F. A. Walker, 2465 Kings Avenue WEDNESDAY, MARCII 22nd also HOSIE GAS ORCHESTRA at Hukybura Theatre SVNDAY, ilIARCII lqfh, at 0 p.m. SILVER COLLECTIONS LU SEE, and all Building Material of Beet Quality at I.ow I'riess. B U I I. D N 0 IV I gEST VANCOUVER /UMBER CO. LTD. I'hone West 115 Rcs. I'hone 1Vest 368L 15lh and ikfsrlne FRlght Service -- Right Grades" II )t ~ iI