0001 Circulating in 31.00 per year. A Weekly Newspaper the Distrt'ct of West Vancouver-Antbleside, Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundaravc Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecisff, Etc. Sc per nqay at newsstands. Vol. VII HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 16th. 1933 ~ No. 43 D Stt Iaas Pa& psi. iaa a. cia. haas ,ezs ,aal 'Sl ia Iaa aa WELFARE NOTES I Xmas Cheer Report With afi matters in connection with the Xmas Cheer fund now closed the convener, Mrs. W. B. Small, was able to present her very satisfactory report to the Executive last week. It was a big work but quite worth while, as being handled locally aU the money was spent with local tradesmen, the amounts being divided as equally as possible, thus keeping the Cheer very truly within the municipality, collected here, snd spent here. Toy Shop Committee The'oys for the hampers were under a special committee and formed a very important part of the work, each individu- al child being studied in regard to age, sex, etc., and afi being in good condition and nicely pack- ed. This committee was compos- ed of the Girl Guide Committee of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., and the Local Girl Guide Committee, under the convenership of Miss Joan Dur- bin, the Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Brownies and Wolf Cuba, Mr. Condon snd his manual training class, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Holt, Mr. Baldwin and members of the Christmas Cheer Fund. Neces- sary funds for the work were specially raised through a Bridge convened by Mrs. P. C. Chapman, for which the hall was donated by bliss Stevenson, and the prizes by Mrs. A. E. Young. Raffles of goods donated were conducted by Mrs. Alan McIntyre. 265 children were re- membered by the work of this committee. Handicrafts and Home-Cooking The second of the series of sales of Handicrafts and Home- Cooking, with afternoon tea and bridge for those who enjoy it wiU be held tomorrow, Friday afternoon at the Clachan, when it is hoped there will be a plenti- ful supply of good useful articles on hand for sale at reasonable prices. Mrs. L. C. Reid will be in charge of the Bridge, Mrs. Bernard Hayes, the Tea, Mrs. E. C. Bolin, the Handicrafts, and Mrs. Cromar Bruce, Home-cook- ing. A general invitation is extend- ed to afi interested in providing a little ready cash for those who have so little, for the exact money taken for the goods is passed over to the maker, the money for afternoon tea and bridge, ten cents each, is used for the purchase of wool to be made up into goods. Home Gas Concert Sunday evening, March 19th, at 9 o'lock, the Home Gas will put on a program on the Holly- burn Theatre in aid of Welfare Funds, and It is hoped that in WEST VAN. A.A.A. West Van. United vs. Cofiing- wood at Ambleside Park, Satur- day, March 18, at 2:45 p.m., 3rd round of Provincial Cup game. Team will be selected from the following: Larnie, McLean, Tim- brefi, Normand, Fiddes, Grieve, Bell, Vaughan, D'Easum, Davis, Hamilton, Stratton. This is a special game--a Cup Tie match--and it is hop'ed that everyone will turn out and sup- port our team to the uttermost. West Van. Rangers versus Sugar Refinery at North Temp- leton Park, Saturday, March 18, at 2:45 p.m. Team: Trafford, Johncox, Forrester, Masterman, Brett, McMifian, Davenport, Cripps, Masterman, Cripps, Ed- wards, Barnott, Iwnnox. Above players please take the 1:30 p.m. ferry from West Vancouver and Hastings East car in city. Entertainment On Friday next, the 17th in- stant, St. Patrick's Day, there will be a very special Military Whist and Dance in the Legion HalL In addition to the usual features there will be added at- tractions in the shape of novel- ties, extra prizes and a special feature. First class music as usual by Messrs Lowes and Childs. A wonderful evening' entertainment, but no increase in the admission price of 25c. See adv. elsewhere in this issue. view of the excellence of the program and the purpose of the Fund, a full theatre will be the order of the day. Afternoon Tea for Seeds Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 King's Avenue, is having a tea and musicale on Wednesday aft- ernoon next, March 22nd, at 2:30, to raise money to buy seeds for the gardens of those who cannot buy for themselves. Mrs. A. M. O'Donnefi, vice-chair- man of the Welfare Association, will be co-hostess with Mrs. Walker, and a delightful after- noon is promised to those who attend. A silver collection will be taken for the Seed Fund. Some Vancouver artistes have promised to assist with the pro- gram in addition to Mrs. How- ard Leggatt and other local talent. Thank You Four nice parcels of groceries were sent in last week, and much appreciated. Sl was received ear-marked for seeds, that makes a good be- ginning, and will buy a good many. Picasso The difficulty of finding shoes for school girls still exists. Sizes I, and II@ are needed urg- ently at the moment, also a pair of 4i/z children's shoes. LEGION NOTES Entertamment Notwithstanding the fact that there was several other attrac- tions of a similar nateur going on in the community last Saturday evening, the 11th, there wss a good crowd on hand to take part in the Military Whist Drive and Dance held in the Legion hall. Everyone present had s very en- joyable evening and the winners of ihe whist drive were hir. and Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. A. Gleam, and hfrs. E. Hughes. Another one of those myster- ies hras solved by Mrs. E. Hugh- es and her "Seeing the hand- writing on the wall," in other words she had the marked card, thereby gaining the prize. The Committee feel very gratifie to know that they have the sup- port of so many loyal friends st these affairs and take this medi- um of thanking them for their support in the psst. The dance music provided by Roy Lowes and George Childs was up to their high standard of pep and rhythm. Watch for the notice of the next one of these aifairs. The branch is giving the an- nual masquerade dance in the Legion Hall next Saturday, 18th instant, from 9 to 12. There will be novelty prizes for cos- tumes, etc. Admission 35 cents. See advertisement in this issue. I. O. D. E. The annual general meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter took place on Monday, March 6th, at the home of Mrs. Ley- land. The fofiowing officers were elected for the year: Hon Regent Mrs A A Al- mas; regent, Mrs. H. Hayes; hon. 1st vice regent, birs. J. Lawson; 1st vice regent, Mrs. P. C. Chapman; hon 2nd vice reg- ent, Mrs. D. Morgan; 2nd vice regent, Mrs. H. L. McLean; sec- retary, Mrs. Gordon Gray; tress urer, Mrs. W. B. Small; educa- tional secretary, Mrs. R. Fiddes; Echoes, Mrs. F. N. Hirst; stand- ard bearer, Mrs. D. McTavish; councillors, Mrs. K. Forster, Mrs. J. McIntyre, Mrs. P. Masterman; hospital committee convener, 51rs. P. Mastermsn; child wel- fare, Mrs. J. F. Jackson; Girl Guides, birs. J. F. Jackson; im- migration, Mrs. W. Gourlsy; Navy League, hire. W. Blair; League of Nations, Mrs. W. Gourlay; press, Mrs. R. Fiddes. Some splendid reports were read, particularly that of tbe regent, Mrs. Hayes, and in spite of the general ecormnic depres- sion it has been a wonderful year for the Chapter. The Chapter has been very active along Educational lines during the yast year, two Bur- . aries and a prize being present- ed, as well as s Book Exchange nrganized. "Echoes," .the offici- al publication of the order show- ed a very satisfactory subscrip- tion list. Since the Welfare Bureau has been formed, Child Welfare has worked more in co-operation with it than as a separate unit of the Chapter. The Hospital committee has done splendid work, two plays, a concert, whist drive snd Christmas party being among the entertainments plan- ned for the soldiers at Shaugh- nesay. The Visiting committee have been very faithful in carrying out their duties. The treasurer's report showed that the amount of money raised during the year amounted to 31,267.09. The objective for the past year was the beautifying of the hiemorial Arch, and while a con- siderable amount of work hss already been done it is hoped that vre will be able to add to it each year that it may always be a source of pride to the Chapter and the Community. A letter wss read from the West Vancouver A.A.A. inviting a delegate from the Chapter to attend their Board meetings. Votes of thanks were passed to afi conveners of committees, retiring off'icers, West Van News and Mr. Chilton. LFGItPN W. A. The Bridge and Whist put on by the A and B Group of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion on February 23rd, wss very enjoy- able. The first bridge prize was won by Mrs. Tosroe, the consola- tion going to Mrs. Jamieson. Mrs. Carley won the first whist prize and Mrs. Wicking the con- solation. Mrs. Black read the tea cups which was very much appreciated The C Group put on a whist drive and dance last Wednesday, March 8th, when the popular military whist was played. The prizes were won by Mr, and Mrs. Fence, Mrs. King and hire. Climie. Dancing concluded the evening which was enjoyed by a good crowd. The Chapter is prepanng to take up a course of Empire study and a committee has been ap- pointed to take charge of the arrangements. It is hoped to have speakers over to give short lectures alternating hhdth papers prepared and read by the mem- bers. Mrs. Eatock, who is making a trip to England, was wished bon voyage by the members. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. 1V. B. Small on Monday, 3rd of April. FRANK C. ANDERS Popular announcer with the Home Gas Concert Orchestra. THE OPEN FORUM At the Open Forum meeting next Sunday. the 19th instant, at 3i15 p.m. in Hofiyburn Thea- tre addresses will be given on the Japanese point of view on the blanchunan question. T. Ysmago will speak on "The Founding of Manchukuo," and T. Yonemura on "Japanese Inter- vention in bIanchukuo." A period wdl foUow for questions and dm- cussion. Collection for expenses ST. PATRICK'S DAY DAsICw The St Patnckc Day dance under the auspices of LO.L No. 2990 will take place tomorrow night from 9 to 12 in the Orange Hall, which has been gady decor- ated for the occasion Real snappy music will be supplied by Nick IVifiiamson's Orchestra, and novelties will be introduced during the evening. A good time is promised to sU who attend. NEW GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY C. H. Griffiths, who has had many years'xperience in the business, has opened a grocery and confectionery store at the old stand of the Dundarave Cash Grocery st the corner of 25th and Bellevue Avenue, where he intends to sell the best quality goods at the lowest cash prices. He asks the public to watch his windows for speciale. LADIES'HOIR L4 J JAPANESE FANTASY The Dundarave Ladies'hoir wiU give "A Japanese Fantasy" in the Inglewood High School auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 24th and 25th bleach, when the proceeds will go to the West Vancouver Wd- fare Fund and the Schools Band. Admission 35 cents, children 15 cents. h +$~ h»',, f Home Gas Concert Orchestra will broadcast the regular Home Gas Hour of Music from the Hollyburn Theatre on Sunday, blarch ISI» from 9 « I«'c~»