0001 5 THE WEST VAN NFWS March 9, 193S. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES LUMBER AND SERVICE. JEFFERIES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 5rr5 5r PM V~55 I rwe r :etut. 'cre-' 5'5ee ~u e ee 5"- 5-'5r5 5"5 '. 5 .:rdhi 5 5'5 cr 5 \ re 5'e 5'5 5ce *'r ' v re,rr V rrr vct '5 r c~ rcr rre rr DIIIIdarave,", ""„'.,',.". Ambleside „'uggestions--Fri.I Sat., March 10th & 1 1th JAM, Nabob, Gtteagege or Reg Plum........klg 4 lb. Itue 25t SWIFT'9-- BACK BACON ......... per Ia 15c BOLOGNA RINGS... ecch 1st LIVER SAUSAGE RINGS cack ............................ Ise 4X RAISIN PIE Big 9 inch Pie.... 25e ORANGES, Medium, pet gexea 2$e CARROTS or TUILNIPS .......... 7 Ibx, 1st ONIONS or BEEI'S........5 lbs. 1st CABBAGE. Atm heads.. Rx 2c POTATOES-- heketuft ......... ' 25 Iba Sye Highland Gems...........25 Iba SSe GRAPB FRUIT, Large TEA- Re5I a Wkita pet lb............... S4e Kagaaa, family blend, per Itx 2$e LARD Fieteket'e Ne. I, pet Ik 8 Ije FINNAN HADDIE, Leggiee'aetetaCanadian--New, freak ekipmeat. pet lb.............. 14c SAI MON. K C. Reg Setkeye Flat tiaa ............. 1st TaB tiae.... 2Sc l ites R %kite PIIX:HARDS Large tiae ..................-....... SMtc SHRIMI'S. deiitieue for Salads or Ceektaae, %et or Dty pack .............. pet tia 1st Red It White TEA BISCUIT FLOUR, large packet ........ Szc CHRRSK Baby Cheddar, eaek zse Reg a %kite SOUP-- Tomato ................. 8 tins 2$e Vegetable, Asparagus, Celery, Ox Tail, ete. 2 tins 19e MELOGitAIN HEALTH MEAI pet packet ...........................,.„21c Ai'RICOTS, yecka4 ia KC pet tiu ................................ 15e ~ LOGANBERRIES.. pet tiu Ise 2 DOZ. CLOTHS PINS aug I PKT. RECKITI"S BLUE Ail for 15c Reg Ii Waits TOSI ATOES, IL C. Send Pack, large tins ...2 tins 25e Res n White BEANS--Cut Green, Ne strings......... pet tia 14e CHOCOI 4TE ECLAIRS, Finest Quality............yer lb. 2Se PEANUTS, the Big Jumbo Kind Fresh Roasted ............. 2 lbs. Isc UNEMPLOYED ASSN. OF WEST VANCOUVER The next regular meeting will be held at 8 p.m., Friday, March 10th, in the Legion Memorial Hall. Upon the completion of busi- ness Mr. R. Dayton of the W. U. L. will give an address on 'The Hunger March to Vancouver in April of a representative body of unemployed throughout the province." A cordial invitation is hereby extended, not only to unemploy- ed persons and friends, but to everyone interested in unsm- ploymcnt and other social eco- nomic problems of the day. Ail meetings are conducted along strictly constitutional lines with- out in arO5 wsy restricting any attondant from airing his views. but that at the present time it is not so backed. Although a Canadian dollar bill is a promise to pay, it is backed only by the goods and services of the people. Instead of money being now used only as a means of ex- change and s measure of value it is used as a commodity. Our banking system is founded on the uso of money as a commod- ity.. It is restricted in quantity so that profit may be assured. He attributed much of our our present troubles to this mis- use of money nnd advocated a national currency of depreciat- ing value. The next Open Forum will be held at the Hollyhurn Theatre on Sunday, March 19th, at 3118 p.m., when T. Ysmago of Port I FREE I N5 TAL lATION With sli GAS or ELECTRIC RANGES for a limited time make tbe bcuefits of cl«atic aud Sae cooluug available to everyone, tkc B. C. Elcatic Railway Compauy is, for a fimitcd time, making an uuptc- cedeutcti og«t to ia mttomcm in Vancouver, Viaotia, New Wesuniutter, North aud West Vancouver, aud tbe Frater Valley. Space docs aot ycrmit a complete detctiptiou of itis wonderful ogcr but, btiegy, it is as follows: 'uy electric et gae tease putctmssd wia be In- 'uned ftee of tbatge eu the first floor of your bema Tkie offer ie ataaame whether you put- cnaae your range fteut a B. C. Riecttic Score or fteut any electrician or gee appaeuce desist x yell with te swtteltixe, Iu tbe csee of Ses magee dus ogct only covers those dieaias shcady sctvcd by gat. Fettbtt tftttuft tf tbu usuuits5d tfftt mey bt tbuieuf fneu Jem st5ttwt S. C Efuuu Sa5ta I'OR QUALITY AND REASONABLE PRICES deal with The Latgeet Extiueite Retan Lumber Otgaaaatiea ia Ik C Setlefettiea Guaranteed Ix4 SpeeiAed Lengths..... 8 7.00 Sxg te zx12 (tandem)...... 8.00 Ix8 te Ixio Shipiep........ 6.00 Ixs aud Ix4 V Joist ...... 10.00 6-Ia. Fir Sidiug, long K.D. 16.00 Ixs h Ix4 Flooring, K.D. 10.M -Ia. V Joint, long K,D. 10.00 $0 ft. Close Board Fusee 4.50 Ne. I XXX Shingles........ R26 Ne. 2 Skiugiee........... 1.00 e e e Fvetythiug In Building 14etetieie AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th aad Marine Drive Weet Vancouver Pkeue West 199 A Branch of Exceleier Lumber aud Shingle Ce. Lt5L DEAN QUAINTON SPEAKS ON "OXFORD GROUPS" Speaking to s capacity audi- ence at the Orange Hall on the Oxford Group Movement, Tues- day, the Very Rev. Dean Quain- ton of Victoria, said that the world hsd been waiting for an- other renewal of spiritual life, which, all through history hsd come from time to time, and was overdue but wns coming now. It wss coming in a wsy which orth- odox people did not expect, The Dean said he did not know any form of renewal that could give such 6 blow to a man's pride as this one. It was a blow to Nati- onal snobbery, ecclesiastical, business, racial, military and all other forms of snobbery, for the instrument used in the renewal, Dr. Frank Buchmsn, was a Lutheran minister of German origin, born and bred in America Dean Quainton said the Group is not a new sect, but rather its members work in their individu- al spheres, vitalizing existing churches, finding greater happi- ness in religion. Speaking for himself, the Dean said, "Never hss Christ been made so real to me as through the Oxford Group movement." In order to realize to the full extent of the influ- ence on the individual life, the group believes that there must be complete surrender on the basis of four cardinal things, ab- solute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness and abso- lute love. The Group really made religi- on s very real and practical thing in 8 modern world.: The system of "sharing" which is one of the nccossities of its followers does not mean sharing everything with everybody at every time, but anything to anybody at any time when guided by God. Dean Quainton also laid particular stress on the silent hour or half hour in the morning, starting the day with God, asking His guidance and mentioning people and things by name to Him, making His a very real Presence and Guide. The movement the Dean said, breaks you down and lifts you up, gives you 0 deeper lasting peace of mind than you have ever known before. Ho begged his audience to be guarded in their judgments until the Group arrived in Vancouver snd to keep an open mind. At the conclusion of the ad- dress the Rev. F. A. Ramsey, who occupied the chair, asked for questions, and several were asked and readily and satisfac- torily answered. APPLIANCE STOREI ~:I Illl1 Rs(o)sgfel.iy'%1EKegl 4[45 g1lalt/1Rstok Bert (in alarm): "Look 'ore Liz, I'd better stop bringin'ou to the plcturcs If you 1st 'em up- set you like this." Liz (between sobs): "Do leave mu alone, Bert, and don't be 6 kill-j oy." OPEN FORUSI At the Open Forum held ai Hollyburn Theatre on Sunday hiarch 8th, Dr. Gordon Cum. ming spoke on 'What Is hioncy 7 t Ho pointed out that money i. supposed to be backed by some- thing of intrinsic value--go!d L She: "Well, what else can onewish for?" 1 Store at Hollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD Phone West 115 Res. Phone West 368L 16th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CLASSIFIED ADS Tbe tete for Claeei8ed Adtettieemeate ie 2 cents yet wettL miaimam 25 teste. Except in tke tees ef tkeee katiag regular ecceuate. aR elaed- Aege ate payable strictly ia a4teaea Remember Ciaeeigese iu the Weet Vaa News get Immediate teeaita. J WILL SELL Oit TRADE -- Jereey Giant aud Rhode Island reeetete for yuRete or ducks. Phone West 100. WE ItEPAIR ANYTHING -- Paua. Bottles, Ironwork, Teste, Axes, Wedgee. Phone West 100. 4 DAYS SALE--Handy Aaa Sheppe, Duudatave, March 1st te 4th, Pur- ple Heather 11e ex; Eiaacu, 4 baaa 60e. FOR RENT -- 5 Ream Bungalow, partly furnished, mederu, garage. West 266X. MRS. H. Lleyt of Sherman--Number of new pkeue West 24SRS. AUTO REPAIRS--Half Ceeh, balance Trade. What have youl Phone West 100. PIANO--Good tone, cost $460, sell 8160. Phone West 225. LANDSCAPING -- Lawns, Teauie Courts, Reekeries aud ete., reason- able. AR work guaranteed. M. Hallmark, West 686K CAPABLE GIRL would like Iet5 as mother's help, or will mind children afternoons or evenings. Phone West 220-L. TYPEWRITING SERVICE -- State- ments, fet5ue, programs, manu- teripta, etc., M. Sl ines, 14'10 Duchess Ave., Phone West 280R. PARENT-TEACHER ASSN. The next meeting of the P.-T. A. will take place in Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday ovc- ning, March 14th, at 8 o clock, when Dr. J. Roy Sandcrson, M.A., Ph.D., principal of King Edward High School, will give an address on "The Frills in Education." There will also bo 6 musical entertainment. Richards, Akroyd nnd Call Ltd., wrote the council regard- ing abolishing the name "Forest Lane," Caulfeild. The matter of a grant applied for by the Salvation Army was laid over for the estimates. FOR RENT -- A few houses, geog value, futuieheA or uufuruieked, piumbiug or without. Phone George Geuriey. West 2. FOR I'LUMBING REPAIitg -- Ree- kleuce Pkeae 'iyext 241R. LAVi'N MOWERS SHARPENED- ExpetieuceA with aR maltee. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vaucou- ver Sfechine Skep, 1449 Marina K PALMEIL-Chimuey Sweep, Re- pairs. Phone North 811R2. MARCELLE SHOP -- kiatteBe, 50 cents; reset, 86c; Auger weve, 50c. Phone Mre King West 804 HEADQUARTERS for AB the Pop- ular Cigarettes, Tobaccos, aud Fish- iug Gadgets for local waters. Ambleti5te Tea Reams. GEI'1Y FREE ESTIMATEB on Painting, Paperiug aud Kaieemiu- iug. C, L. Keaiuge, Bee. Pkeue West S94R. FURNISHED AND UNFUBNISHED Houses te Rent. Houses, lots, eug acreage for sale. Jehu Laweou, 17th eu51 Mariue, Phoae Weet 56. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duudatave. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Matiae Drive Phone West 21 or Seymear 1260 Stealage West 204X GORDON HOBSON Barrister R SeRtaer )VEST VANCOUVER- Oifice No. 1447, Matlue Drive Phone West 40S. VANcoUYER oFFIcE-- Suite 818: 610 Hastings St, W. Phoae. Seymour 4199. WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Sale of Home Cooking and Handicrafts at the Ciachan, FRIDAY, March 17th, 3-5 p.m. TEA ~ BRIDGE L. O. L. ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE IN THE ORANGE HAI L FRIDAY, March 1 7th,;"„"„8 NICK WILLIAMSON'S ORCHESTRA Admission 35c. NOVELTIES LUBER'nd all Building Material of Best Quality at Low Prices. BUI I.D No)V I