0001 March 9, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS ey ~ 6 be ib. ee, Ibe vey kM )rd iw KR xd Ild be file of bk Ot be lg be I I- TAILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS lbL lfbyILLIAMS 1568 bfsrine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phone Waat 20 Reo. Phone Weri 206t The SPECIALTY SHOP Local and Personal As your Physician to Phone your prescription to West 37 The West Vancouver Tennis Club are holding their annual general meeting at 8:15 p.m. next Wednesday in St. Stephen'0 Parish Hall. Any thinking of joining or intending to join will be heartily wekomed. v v Lolds Miller has returned to his home on Inglewood Avenue from Shaughnessy Hospital, where he has been a patient for some time. ~ v Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Duncan of Vancouver, have moved into a house st 1538 Argyle Avenue. v ~ ~ Mrs. P. C. Chapman and Mrs. Howard Leggatt were joint host- esses for Mrs. F. A. Fox at a bridge evening at the home of Mrs. Chapman on Tuesday even- ing, February 28th. Those pres- ent were Mr. and bfrs. Eric Fox and bhs. F. A. Fox, hir. snd Nrs. Howard Leggatt, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mr. and Nrs. O. M. Johnston, Mrs. T. Tanner, Miss Sybil Chapman, Messrs. Chas., Jim, and Met. Chapman, Miss Gwen Clay, Mrs. V. R. Ching, bfr. and Mrs. P. Chap- man. ~ ~ Albert Kendrick will give in- struction to beginners in piano- forte at his home, 190 21st St. Further information may be ob- tained by phoning him at this address. v H. hL Bruton has moved from 16th Street into 0 suite in the Orange Hall. v G. D. Irwin of Caulfeild is con- fined to his home through sick- ness. v v Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bindlay, 1734 Gordon Ave., are kaving here tomorrow for 0 trip to the Old Country, driving in their auto across the United States ss far as New York. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Groom have taken over the Clachan with their son ClifF Groom who is acting manager. For all in- formation re board, residence, dinners, private parties or bridge, phone West 604. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bell, who have been in Victoria for some time have returned to their home In Caulfeild. v v v The Pauline Johnson soccer team defeated the senior Holly- burn boys last Friday afternoon in Ambleside Park by 0 score of 2 to 0. ~ ~ ~ Next Saturday afternoon at 3:30 the pupils of Miss Margaret Mcintyre will give a students'ecitalat her home, 2047 Gordon Avenue, those taking part being Delwyn Beatty, Dale Eriksen, Patty Weeden, Doreen Addy, Brenda Wicking, Margaret Har- rison, Jessie Davies, Jean Ver- non, Ruth Williams, George Brealey, Gordon Vance, and Peggy Glen. Afternoon tea will be served at the conclusion of of the program. v ~ Charles E. Garrett has moved from Vancouver into 0 house at Sandy Cove. r D. hL Layton hss moved from 10th snd King's Avenue into 0 house at 1785 Gordon Avenue. v v ~ Miss McFadyen has returned to her duties on the teaching stafF of Hollyburn School follow- ing an absence of two weeks due to sickness. ~ v v J. Fraser has moved from 2360 Mathers Avenue, into a house at 2226 Ingkwood Avenue I v ~ On Thursday, March 2nd, Mrs. Eric Fox, 2584 Heywood Ave., entertained at bridge and tea in honor of Mrs. F. A. Fox, sr., of Hove, England, prior to her re- turn home, following 0 six months'isit with her son and daughter-in-law. There were three tables of bridge; prizes being won by hire. W. B. Small and Mrs. F. Stainsby. The tea table was very tastefully ar- ranged with Filel lace cover, daifodils in a lovely silver flower basket and candles in silver candelabra Mrs. J. B. Leylsnd presided over the tea table, while Mrs. Stevenson, aunt of Mrs. Eric Fox cut the ices. Among those present were Mrs. F. A. Fox, Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mrs. Howard Leggatt, Mrs. A, Lear, Miss Sybil Chapman, Mrs. F. Stainsby, Mrs. IV. B. Small, Mrs. Gordon Robson, Mrs. V. R. Ching, Mrs. ri. NcArthur, Nrs. G. J. Draper, Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Miss Josie Leyland, Mrs. A. K. Stevenson, Mrs. C. Testy, and Miss Jean Sutherland, Nrs. Silva White, Mrs. Colin MacLean. Cemmill'I Drug Store Tav Store ot Svvvlve. 1402 Morieo Drive Wvot 22 Eoovvgosvy Passe Wme 221 (Ativv 0 P.rm) CURRENTEVFNTSCLUB At the regular meeting of the West Vancouver Current Events Club last week, held at the home of Mrs. Small, Nrs. J. Stuart Jamieson lectured on "Denmark, Land of C~peration." About fifty years ago, said Mrs. Jamie- son, the peasants of Denmark were passing through much the same sort of economic crisis as the farmers of the world today. In Denmark the farmers decided to use their Government, demo- cratic in form, though not in spirit, as a means to better con- ditions for the mass of the people. They elected their own representatives; and when they had a large enough number, the first legislation they passed was for a State Bank. State rail- roads followed, and farmers be- gan to prosper. The c~peratlve movement was begun at this time also, by which the farmers eliminated the middleman, and secured a greater return for their pro- ducts. Thus Denmark has come to be an economic, as well as a political democracy, with 0 very equitable distribution of income. Mrs. Jamieson also described the system of adult education, which has raised the cultural life of the people to a high level. At the next meeting of the Club Mrs. Jamieson will discuss general Current Events. The meeting will be held on Wednes- day, March 15th, at 3:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Small, Fulton Avenue, I.ITERARY SOCIETY In connection with the address of Miss Fry on Friday evening, 10th instant, the title should have been "Some Famous Ren- aissance Paintings." HOLLYBURN THEATRE FRIDAY aad SATIIRDAY March 10th and 11th The engineer reported to the council in connection with D.L. 237, Block 23, that certain tile work was necessary in connec- tion with septic tank arrange- ments in this block, the cost of which would be approximately 312.00, The work was ordered done. JACK HULBERT, Eagiomi'9 mast popular comedies ia THE C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 GHOST TRAIN Bagnag Mystery, Brvoea-Tokiag TsrlBO aloe Comedy, Conorm osd Novoieioo BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 220 - zrd Si. E„phona N oner 620 STRATTON'S BAKERY TEAROE & SON Bread - Tea Breads Butter Horns Coffee Rolls Large ademption of Paonieo Almond variety Tea Shan Bread Chrioeeatag, Bivurdoy sad Wcd- dlsg Cokve 0 opovtoley. ALL FRESH DAILY bfade at 1468 Marine Drive Phone IVemt 27 Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies lIV'ood, Coal Dump Truck Work birs. Louis hiiller, 2242 Ingle- wood Avenue, recently enter- tained at 0 children's party in honor of the seventh birthday of her daughter Therese. The little guests enjoyed themselves thoroughly at music snd games. LEGION TROOP SCOUT NOTES IL W. Savory At the last meeting of thetroop 0 first-sid group was form- ed to give weekly demonstra- tions to the troop. On Thursday the troop was shown some methods of bandaging. Half an hour's drilling was conducted by S. M. Allen and T. L. Broderick. A color-party was also formed during that time. W. Grout has offered to take some of the boys in their engin- eer's badge. The boys wishing to pass this badge are going down to the West Van. Motors after the troop meeting tonight. A group of the boys, under the leadership of S. M. Allen went up to the Ski Camp on a hike during the week-end. Room & Board1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Beginners ia PIANOFORTE hiRS. BRLrqE1497 Bellevue Res. Phoae Avenue IVest 458LPhone West 340 Evenings, West 143 ALBERT KENDRICK 190 - 21st SL Phone W. OOO-R The council derided that the offer of D. Morgan made on be- half of E. A. and Harrie Wheeler to purchase Lots 3 and 4, Block 23, D. I 558, EQ, be accepted and that tioe be obtained on condition that 0 sum equal to the proportion of taxes which would be chargeable to these lots as from 1st April to 31st Dec- ember be paid. Ambleside Sheet Metalliiyorks LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING ~'eal Estate Finance and Insurance CANDIDATES PASS FIRST AID EXAMS At the examination for St. John Ambulance first sid certili- cate held in the Municipal Hall on March 2nd, eight candidates entered and eight passed, six of them reaching the honors class. The presiding examiner, Dr. hiartin, of North Vancouver, ex- pressed satisfaction with the eificiency of the pupils. The class afterwards assembl- ed st the home of Dr. Nash as 0 surprise party, at which a hand- some gift was presented to him in token of appreciation of the year's work. The following were the suc- cessful candidates: Mrs. Free- msntle, Miss Atwood, Miss Groom, Miss Page, Miss Dor- chester, hiiss Seeds, Mr. Eager and Mr. Milton. It is hoped to continue the same class in their second year. commencing in October and also to start a new First Year Class. Clasrz CANADIAN LEGION IVEST VANCOUVER 5th Military Whist Drive & Dance In the Legion hiemorisi Hall, SATURDAY, MARCH 11th, at S p~ Refreshments Admission 23c. WEST VANCOUVER UNITED CHURCH SPRING GARDEN TEA, Lecture and Musicale auspices of W. A. In CHURCH HALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 14th, at 2,.15 An invitation is extended to both men and women to attend. Admission 25 cents. WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIET Y Choral Concert IN THE HOLLYBURN THEATRE TUESDA Yv March 14rhe et 8.15 p.m. Admission 25c. AM11LESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH. Proprietor Finest fiuallty Fresh Meats, Smoked and Cooked liieats. PHONE WEST 303 will open ol I 540 Marine Drive on FRIDAY, MARCH IOeh Mrs. Fry'0 Original,lVork~ Home.made Pies, of Cakes, Cookies All Descriptions MRS M. L PRY, Propvielroov .r, 4&ois