West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Mar 1933, p. 1

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0001 I i A Weekly Newspaper Ct'reulatt'ng in thc District of West Vancouver-A ntbleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarytf)c 31.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecitff, Etc. 5 p copy at n sstand . c *c Miu ive i j Yvs Igi D-- I I Ic Zc. y» aiws. s: zssp ~T 9 HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9(}1. 1933 No. 42e'-- I,EGION TO GIVE WHIST AND DANCE Another one of the series of Military whist drives and dances will be held next Saturday night in the Legion Hall commencing sharp at 8 p.m. These a(fairs are proving very popular with the people of West Vancouver and another entertaining pro- gram is outlined by the commit tee for Saturday night. Music for the dance, after the card games, will be provided by Roy Lowes and George Childs . See the advertisement telling all a- bout this event in the columns of this newspaper. You are asked to keep in mind the big Masquerade Dance to be held in the Legion hall on Sat- urday the 18th March. Prizes will be awarded for the most original costumes, also for the most comic costumes. Watch for the notice and advertisement in next week's issue of this news- paper regarding the price of admission and outline of the program as laid out by Comrade Colin Turner and his committee. The next general meeting of the Canadian Legion Post 60 will take place at 8 p.m. Wednes- day, 15th instant, when it is re- quested that all members make a point of being present. WEST VANCOUVER COMES OF AGE WEST VAN. A.A.A. NOTES JUNIOR CHOIR CONCERT The date for the annual con- West Vancouver United F. C. cert of the West Vancouver play St. Phillips in a Junior Al- Junior Girls Choir has been set lienee game at Memorial Park for Friday, April 7th, when (West) on Saturday, March Dunhill's beautiful cantata "Sea 11th, at 2:45 p.m. The following Fairies" will be given. This players are asked to leave on work is delightfully suited to the I:30 p.m. ferry and get the young voices, and will be entire- Dunbar car in the city: ly diiferent to the average. The Larnie, F. Downie, Timbrell, choir has been working very Normand, Fiddes, Grieve, Bell, hard all winter on this work and Vaughan, D'Easum, Hamilton, as the returns are for Welfare Stratton, Kendrick, Grisedale, work a good attendance is hoped Neill. All those who can pos- for. sibly do so are asked to travel with the team and give the boys DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOIR real support. Entertainment The Dundarsve Ladies Choir A very successful IVhist Drive who will be beard in a number of and Dance was held last Friday excerpta from well known Jap- evening in the Legion Hall, when anese Comk Operas at the Ingle- the largest crowd of the season wood High School Auditorium turned out to play Military on Friday and Saturday, March Whist and enjoy the dancing 24th and 25th, are presenting after the card games. Music excerpts from "The Mikado" to was supplied by Roy Lowes snd the soldiers in Shaughnessy MIL George Childs and judging by itaryHospitalon Monday,March the encores their numbers were 20th. This presentation is under well received. The prizes st the the auspices of the Philharmonic Military IVhist were won by Mr. Society of Vancouver. and hire. Woodcock, J. Stratton, This choir's costume concert and W. Stratton, also a special for 19SS promises to be one of traveling prize was won by Mrs. the most successful of its kind T. Butt and Mrs. NcNillan. The as yet given. All the music is committee have decided to show bright, the Japanese costumes their appreciation to their gay, and the stage eifectively friends for responding so well to decorated with wisteria and Jap- these a(fairs by putting on a real anese lanterns will be a charm- entertainment on St. Patrick's ing setting for the pretty night. There wil! be no extra "Geisha" to cheer the most de- charge for this also there will be pressed heart in these strenuous novelties for all who attend, so times. watch the advertisement in next Don't forget to keep either week's issue of this newspaper March 24th or 25th free to hear telling you all about it. this concert, the proceeds of All girls and boys wishing to which will be donated to the Wei- play lacrosse, soft ball and base- fare Association of )Vest Van- ball and aB adults willing to take couver and the School Band. charge of the various teams, kindly submit their names as ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE soon as possible to the secretary A St. Patrick's Day dance is Sid Jamieson, 1219 Duchess. to be given tomorrow week (Fri- day) 17th instant, in the Orange THE SPECIALTY SHOP Hall under the auspices of LO.L TO OPEN No. 2990, when the music will Mrs. M.E.Fryisopening "the be supplied by Nick WBliam- Speci a 1 ty Shop" tomorrow (Fri- son's orchestra. Dancing will day) at 1640 kfarine Drive, take place from 9 to 12, and the where patrons may obtain her hall is to be specially decorated home-made pica, cakes and for the occasion. Novelties will cookies, which are well and fav- also be introduced during the orably known in the municipal- evening. Tickets can be obtain- ity. Associated with her will be ed from the Bungalow Store, Miss Irene McCrum and the 2893 Marine Drive, Carley's Misses Louise and EBeen Young, Store, 2162 Marine Drive, Fer- who will specialise in the latest guson's Motor Transfer, 19th styles of handmade knitteil and hiarine Drive, or from goods and novelties. M. Bruton at the Orange Hall CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT NEXT TUESDAY The West Vancouver Choral Society will give their final concert of the season next Tuesday, 14th instant, at 8)15 p.m. in Hollyburn Theatre. Admission has been put at 25 cents. The follow)ng is the program 0 Canada Part Song--"BORDER BALLAD" ....................Msuudev A(ale Choruses--(~) "BOUND FOR THE BIO GRANDE (b) "BILLY BOY" .................Sea Chas(les Solo--ME. AUBREY CLARKE Piano Solo-- (a) "MINSTRELS ..............................DeBussy (b) "THE HARIIONICA PLAYER" David Guise MRS. V. VAN SICKLE Ladies Chorus-"SPINNING CHORUS" ..........Wagner From "The Flying Dutchman," Part Song--"SONG OF THE GALE" .........,. ~os(ec Iatecval CANTATA "CjOLDEN LEGEND" By SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN 'Words by Loaglenow SOLOISTS--Soprano, "Elsie," Mrs. Howard Lcggattl Contralto. "Ursula." siva Fred Staiasby; Tenor, "Pvlace Henry," blc. Stanley Nigh; Bavlioae, "Lucifer, Mc. A. J. Addyi Rasa "Foviasiev." Mc. Aubiey Clariie. Accomoaaist--Miss hlacgavel Mela(yea Ai the Onrau--Mis. Res. Aatbeay Ceno Obilgati--Mv. Alas Mclaiyvo Coaducioi blv. J. Haydn Yoaag Ged Save the Klag. Next Wednesday, the 16th instant, West Vancouver will come of age, it being twenty-one years ago since we started out as a separate municipality. In order to celebrate the event a special radio program will be given on that day from 7:30 to 8:SO p.m., through the courtesy of CJOR; those taking part being the West Vancouver Choral Society and the Dun- darave Ladies Choir as well as a number of the leading West Vancouver artists. Men prominent in the civic and business life of Vancouver will also give short addresses. In addition to this, the next issue of "Telephone Talk," the magazine of the B. C. Telephone Co., will be wholly a West Vancouver number. A considerable amount of water has come down from Hollyburn Ridge since those early days in West Vancouver, when the council held their meetings in a tent snd the muni- cipality consisted of only a few dwellings set down here snd there in the woods. In place of the trails which then did duty as roads we have a first class primary highway from end to end of the municipality as well as many miles of surfaced roads, while an up-to-date ferry system supplies the water transportation to the city instead of the row boats used by our pioneer settlers. Progress was slow for some years, but in 1926 West Vancouver gathered itself together and bounded forward, and since then it has never looked back. At the present mement it is one of the few municipalities in the province which has been able to balance its budget, and with the development scheme of the British Pacific Properties Ltd. noir in nrogress on the slopes of Hollyburn Ridge and all that is bound to accrue to the district from it both directly and in- directly we have every reason to feel quite confident of the future of West Vancouver. All West Vancouver artists taking part in the program sre reouea(od io take the 6:40 p.m. ferry on Wednesday from Ambleside Dock. Thanks! For the warm vesta sent for the sick woman; to the don n of tcn pounds of tea; to the donor of a cheque for 66.00. - Please! School-girls'hoes; week-end groceries are not nearly as plentiful as they were and are just as much needed. WEI.FARE NOTES Welfare Handicrafts and Home Cooking Sale The second of three H-ndi- crafts und Home-cooking Sa!cs, to be held in the Clachan, will be on Friday, March 17, from 2 till 5 p.m. Tea will be served at a small cost of ten cents. There will also be several tables of Bridge. The committee wish it clearly understood that the money for all goods sold at these sales is forwarded direct to the person who sends the goods for sale, and all money taken for the afternoon tea is used for the purchase of wool to be given out for knitting socks. In spite of the bad weather last month, the convener, Mrs. B. Hayes, was able to purchase four pounds of wool from the tea money, which is already being knit into socks for those who need them, and she was also abk to pay out sev- eral dollars for work sold. Again it is necessary to stress the necessity of sending in use- 0 ful articles and home cooking atreasonable prices to ensure a ready sale. Those intending to offer goods for sale are asked to notify Mrs. B. Hayes, Mrs. E. C. Bolin or Mrs. Cromar Bruce, who will be glad to give any further particulars. Home Gardening In order to be able to get away to a good start in providing for next winter's needs in the way of garden produce, those having vacant lots which they are will- ing to lend to the IVelfare As- sociation and which are suitable for gardens, are asked to notify either Nr. H. A. Walker or Rev, F. A. Ramsey as soon as pos- sibl .Beautifully turned soil, and well nurtured and watered ground will not produce veget- ables without seeds, and people on relief or out of jobs altogeth- er have no money to spend on seeds in spite of their ultimate value to the family table, so the Welfare Association is appealing for money to buy seeds. Any donations for this special pur- pose should be earmarked "For Seeds." MISS 5IOI.I.Y EDWARDS FORMING DANCliVG AND GYM CLASSES Miss Molly Edwards is now forming dancing and gym class- es, which she will conduct either in Hollyburn Pavilion or in the N. S. McDonald School of P. C. at Pender and Howe Sttreets in the city. Instruction will be given in tap and acrobatic danc- ing, limbering exercises, etc. Further information may be ob- tained by reference to the ad- vertisement in this issue. Sl'RING GARDEN TEA AT UNITED CHURCH Mr. Nimmo of Vancouver, will be the guest speaker at the Spring Garden Tea to be held on Tuesday, March 14th, in the Church Hall under the auspices of the Women's Association. Mr. Nimmo who is an expert in del- phiniums; daffodils, and alpine plants, is also keenly interested in the home garden with its dual purpose of supplying the table and the flower vase, and will take as his subject on Tuesday, "How to make the most of a small garden." As the subjejct is of such wide spread interest at this time it is hoped that men as well as women will avail themselves of this opportunity to hear this speaker who knows his subject and also how to de- liver it in an interesting and enter(sining way. In addition to the Gardening Talk a delightful program of instrumental and vocal music is to be presented by Mrs. V. VanSickle, Mrs. Bert Stockdale (of Vancouver), and Messrs. V. VanSickle, B. Short and Bratt. S. P. C. NOTES A regular meeting was held at the West Vancouver Socialist Hall, 1453 Marine Drive, on March 2nd. Amongst other busi- ness discussed it was decided to hold propaganda meetings alter- nately with business meetings. The next meeting which will be a business meeting will be held on March 16th, and a propa- ganda meeting will be held on March 30th, when members will give papers on Socialism and Education and Socialism and Re ligion. The public is especially invited to attend. WEST VAN. BROIVNIES On Thursday of last week the 1st West Vancouver Brownie Pack held an especially happy meeting -- all brownies being present. Miss Device, Deputy Prov- incial Commissioner, made a visit to the pack. Quite a num- ber of mothers and friends were also there Miss Davies joined in with the children's fun and told them many interesting things. The Brownies, who for several weeks have been busily working on badges, thoroughly enjoyed the jollification and happy break in the routine. Another special meeting will be held this Thursday when eight Brownies will receive ser- vice stars and three new Brovvn- ies will be enrolled, making the pack full to overfiowing. W. L. KER OPENS AMBLESIDE PHARRIACY IV. L. Ker, who has had many years'xperience as a druggist, has taken over the Lesage Drug Store at 1401 Marine Drive, which will be known henceforth as Ambleside Pharmacy. Mr. Ker solicits a continuance of the patronage of West Vancouver residents. Alice R. Sewell wrote the council re creek through Lot 8, Sub. D of Block 5, E. 100 acres of D. L. 564. Referred to the engineer for his report. c u ' 4 H 'c J Zw «, kh %JHOW ex epbwbctth 6 e H e S iu 'cu h y'& el V ~A Ne w