0001 February 16, 1983. THE WEST VAN NEWS 4 )3 II ( II IR IR 01 'iii 61 i01 3I 61 e~ 55 II0 ,IR ,10 600 tll West Vancouver High School Students'ssociation Annual Basketball Friday, Feb. 17thTournament Four Games Admission: Adults 25c. Children IOc ORCH ESTRAL SOCIETY'8 CONCERT NEXT THURSDAY EVENING The West Vancouver Orchestral Society is giving a con- cert next Thursilay evenfng, 23rd February, in the Orange ~ Hall, starting at 8:16 p.m.Miss Eileen English, soprano, who will be the assisting artist, has recently returned from studying voice culture in Salzburg, Austria. The orchestra, which has been re-organized this season, has included a number of popular numbers on the program, and tickets at 35 cents may be obtained from any of the members. The following is the program: 0 CANADA OVERTURE... ....."Bohemian Giti"..................... Bolfo "Cotosooh"......................... Barrett I Aria. "0 Haste My Heart's Delight" SOPRANO SOLO (Figaro) .......... Mozart I "The Trout"......................... Schubert MISS EILEEN ENGLISH (loahol Caropboll at the Piano.) ............... "Othello".............................Coitidgo-Taylor "Funeral March" "Children's Iototmozxo" "Wslow Song" "Wottiot'o Dance" INTERVAL SYMPHONY IN B hiiNOR (Unfinished) First Movoiooot ...... Schubert STRING OCTET ......... "Heart Wounds" .............-...... Gtoig "The Last Spring" ... „„„„.... Gtoig "Ptolodoim" ...........,,„„,, .... Sootlotti "Love Went A.Riding "..............,....,......... Bridge SONGS ..... "Tho Doodouoo" ....................... Donhill MISS EILEEN ENGLISH TWO HUNGARIAN DANCES ...................... Brahms GOD SAVE THE KING NORTH VAN. UNEMPLOYED ABIE KNIGHT WINNER ASK MORE RELIEF ON HOI I.YBURNir To press for an increased un- Abie Knight won the class A employment relief allowance, )umping competition of the district unemployed conferred Hofiyburn Ridge, nosing out with Commissioner C. E. Tfs- "Irish" Beaumont by a few per- dail and Jack Loutet, M.L.A,, centage points. Close B was won Monday afternoon. by Jack Wilson, while Druse A meeting was held in Insti- Cook won first honors in the tute Hall, Lynn Valley, in the novice division. Fred Hayward morning. In the afternoon about led the juniors, although closely 160 unemployed marched to the p~essed by Jim Murray. City Hall to interview Commis- Snow conditions were fast, sioner Tisdall. Their represen- with a slight breeze in evidence. tatives were given a hearing but Harold Brown jr., Earl Young the commissioner stated that he and Cy Hanson of the Vancou- could not grant a greater allow- ver Ski Club gave exhibition ance than that provided for in )umps. O. Moan and C. Johnson the government's relief scale. acted as judges. The complete Upon leaving the City Hall, results follow: the men marched to the Esplan- Class A ade where they conferred with Points Mr. Loutet. In this instance 1. Abie Knight .......... 17.825 they not only requested an in- 2. Irish Beaumont ....,.. 17,385 crease in the relief allowance but Class B ited cases of dire need in the 1. Jack Wilson ..............., 17.425 istrict. 2. Eric Twist............. 16.975 Mr. Loutet intimated that the 3. Bill Hunter .......... 16.710 relief scale could not be altered Novice Class as the government has insufficl- 1. Dross Cook ................ 17.850 ent funds to increase the allow- 2. Clark Hoffman .......... 16.836 ance. He added, however, the 3 Bob Frizell ................ 16.375 government is willing to grant 4. Pat Douet ......,, 15,375 additional financial aid to take 5. George Bury ................ 15,300 care of urgent cases in districts 6. Jack Sexton ............... 14.335 where municipalities involved Juniors can not provide assistance. He 1. Fred Hayward .......... 16.885 asked for specific data relative 2. J'ames Murray ............ 16,400 to some of the district cases and 3. Jim Naughton ............ 16.175 will place the matter before the 4. Bud Ingles ................ 16.676 government. 6. Ehn Elger ................ 15.676 6. Alan Fraser ................ 14,700 "Wouu I have to apologize if 7. Dick Lungren .............. 14,300 I kissed you I" 0 "How do I know2 You'e Want Adsiver kissed me.o Wanted--hian for gardening, also to take charge of cow who "So you smoke the same can sing in the choir and play cigars as your boss Io the organ. "Yes, he smokes the first half It all depends if she is temper- of 'em and I smoke the last half.'ental. WEST VAN A. A. A. MILITARY WHIST DRIVE and DANCE io LEGION HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1933, at 8 p.m. GOOD MUSIC GOOD PRIZES -- GOOD EATS ADMISSION 25c. )VEST VANCOUVER UNEhil I.DYED ASSN. NOTFq The general meeting of the above organization wss held in the Legion Memorial Hall at 8 p.m. February 10th, 1933, before 0 good attendance. Mark Philips president, was in the chair. After the regular order of busi- ness was concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. to make way for the much talked of de- bate upon the relative merits of the proposed "Block & Neigh- borhood Councils" for this dis- trict. The debating teams compris- ed the following members, Mrs. M. Johnston and G. Ferric tak- ing the affirmative, and C. D. Edwards and Grant McNeil, the negative. F. J. Patterson, prin- cipal of Inglewood Hogh School, kindly consented to officiate as judge. The speakers were allowed a fifteen minute period each, in order to expOund their particu- lar points, and submit recom- mendations to the membership body, who listened attentively, and patiently throughout, to sixty-five minutes of excellent debating, the extra five minutes being allowed the affirmative for rebuttal. At the conclusion of the de- bate, the judge proceeded to give the audience and the speak ers, a few of his observations, in connection with same, before an- nouncing his decision. He re- marked in a humorous vein, that the affirmative team, though displaying fire, and clarity of speech, lost effectiveness through not being full of their subject (unlike the Scotchman speaking on "Prohibition," who was full of his), by the too frequent use of outside references and mater- ial. The lady adopted the old but successful attitude of appeal to the members of her sex, and at times was humorous, but over positive. In commenting upon the nega- tive team, he stressed the neces- sity of direct appeal, of speaking to the audience, and not at it. The personal appearance here was good, but inclined to dis- tract attention of the audience; being unduly hesitant, conse- quently the subject matter suf- fered neglect. He commended the last speaker for his master- ful handling of his subject, his clear agressive argument, and due respect for his opponents. His final opinion without bias, was that the negative team had won the debate, thereby proving that the present organization was fulfilling the requirements of the majority of its members, and its centralization of efi'ort was superior to the decentraliza- tion of effort, which the pro- posed change to the B. and iN. councils would ultimately incur, and consequently unsuitable in this district. A vote of thanks was given to hfr. Patterson for his generous advice and assistance as judge. He performed a delicate task and in the opinion of the major- ity of the members, rendered a fair decision. Each member of the respective teams were given a hearty round of applause and it was the feeling of the meet- ing that an interesting and edu- cative program had been provid- ed, for which as members of the organization and its constitution they had very good reason to be proud. The meeting closed at 10:30 p.m., with the singing of the national anthem. The next general meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m., business to be concluded by 8:16 p.m., Friday, February 24th, 1933, in order to make way for a Whist Drive and Dance immediately after. Suitable prizes and re- freshments will be off'ered as an- nounced in the advertisements of this paper. Donations of cakes, etc., by the ladies, will be greatly appreciated by the ent- ertainment committee, Messrs. Kew and Robertson. Members are requested to tell their friends and help make this 0 WEST BAY LIBRARY, Tho Gobioo --Sobocrivtton xow 60 cents Pot month. High dooo sction." HANi)Y ANN SHOPPE, Domlototo, --Monocot Woolo, Siivottwiot, Por- pio Heather, Elooco, Viyoiiko, Viy- ollo, oto. FOR SALE -- Chikro Foldiog Cot. kitchen table, Roxftow otolto. good condition. Rooxoeohlo. 22)2 Marino CASE of Linoiy Mottwt of Pearl iioxdiod Fish Koivoo osd Forks, inovot eood) cost $40.00; sell cheap or trade cot. West 277L FOR RENT--Gotogo at 1326 Duchess Avenue. Phone West 292IL F PAl.stER--Chimsoy Swtoe, Re- pairs. Phone North 911R2. HEADtIUARTERS for Ail the Pos- xlot Cigotottox, Tobootoo, oxd Fish- ing Gadgets fot local wototo. Amblooido Too Rooms. MARCELLE SHOP -- Mottono, 50 cents; reset, 26o; sogot wove, No. Phone hits. King, West 204. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED-- Experienced with xli mokox. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Motieo. FOR RENT -- Comfortable fotoiohod cottage, nice location, $ 10.00. Phono West 255K. SLIP COVERS, Chootot6eM ood Two Chairs, $ 16.00. N. IL Ellis, 1427 Marino. Phone Woof 194R. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Roo- idooco Phone Wast 241R. TENDERS Written tenders cash oed/ot in- stallments for potoboxo of new 0- room stocco bungalow, full basement. Corner of Ho~ood oxd 23rd Avoooo. Moy be viewed. Goo. Goetlay, Real Estate Agent, West Vostoxvot, Phone Woat 2. GEr biY FREE ESTIMATES oe Pointing, Papering ond Kotumts- ixg. C. L Koaiagx, Rom Phone West 204B. FURNISHED AND i)NFURNISHED Hosxox to Rest. Hooxot, lots, oad ~ttoxgo fot sale. John Lowam, 17th oxd Hot)so, Phoae Woot 65. WEBB'6 SHOR REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dosdotxvo. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1 tss Monxo Dnvo Phoae West zi or Soyaoet 1250 Etta)ego Woof 204K GORDON ROBSON Barrister it Soiidtot WEST VANCOUVEB- Ogxa No. 1447, Motiso Drive Phono West 41UL VANCOUVER OFFICE- Soito 91st 610 Hastings St. W. Phono Seymour 4199 TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Wood, Coal Dump Truck Work success by supporting the com- mittee who are working in your interest. Flash: hir. hfallison was elect- ed 0 member of the Ways and Means Committee, replacing Mr. G. Herrin whose resignation was accepted with regret. Jelly Meringue White of one egg t/k cup currant or other jefiy Put egg white and jelly to- gether into bowl and beat with egg beater or wtce whip untfi stifi'. Spread between layers or on top of cake. OT by stinting or rigid emnomyH chsc huns buc simply by using che tneec cxc for pour daily trips to cown. 'Ihe mtc of ~ single journey is then only 63/4 cents, which will enable you to save as much as 8150 in the course of a year over che expense of privace ctxnsponxrion. And you will find the scceec car is che most mnvcnienc method of novel in the city. Ic takes you thmugh tcaflic quickly and saf'ely, relieving you of driving cares xnd paclring tmublcs. This means ~ funhcr saving in mental and physical energy. AVIS'c s Qs STRE E$ CARI B. C. ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY 1 1 ~ ttt ttttttttttMIII Ill st) i t i i t tt tttt stilt CLASSIFIED ADS Tho toto for Cioooigod Adtotttumooto kt 2 toots yot word, aiaiaea 26 costa Excost Io ua casa of those botlog togotu otcoeato, oil dood- Sodo are payable ottktiy la odrooto. Roaaobot Cluo)Sodo ia um Woot Voa Novo got iaawiioto tooeaa SNAP -- 7 Tobe Pbiko Mootoi Sot. FOR RENT--Sotoii fondohnL butte $3L50; Console, $42.N; Short oed omto, olodricany oooipaod, central Long Wave Stewart Warner $ 127A0 Box 20, West Vos News. Trade ixo wanton Repairs to oil txdioo. Tabes tested. Niwth Shoto SAWS SHARP)LhiED, States Gtooixi Elottrio, 14i)9 Marine Drive. Phono N. R, Ellis, 1427 kfotiwo, Phouw~ si. Wast 194R. hh. wh\h rh nn 'hh h